2011年的訪談。譯這篇因為看不到Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy殘念。
記者是 Emma John,THE OBSERVER
Benedict Cumberbatch interview: On the couch with Mr Cumberbatch
Benedict Cumberbatch 訪談:與Mr. Cumberbatch的沙發對談
As the Sherlock star prepares to play a dapper 70s spook in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, Benedict Cumberbatch tells Emma John about the joys of kitesurfing, being single and punching Tom Hardy – while presenting the sharpest looks from the coming season
Sherlock明星Benedict Cumberbatch即將在Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy裡飾演70年代精明能幹的間碟,他和記者Emma John分享,在為下一季Sherlock準備最佳演出狀態期間,他經歷的人生樂趣:風箏衝浪,恢復單身,揍Tom Hardy幾拳。
*打Tom Hardy幹麻?……Tom Hardy是有在Inception裡頭演出的一位演員。
* Kitesurfing直譯風箏衝浪,維基;台灣還有個官網
Benedict Cumberbatch is talking Edwardian manners, the brutishness of croquet and a million other things that segue rapidly into each other while my brain struggles feebly to keep up. He is making me a cup of Earl Grey, and a single question – shall we share a teabag? – has triggered this rush of inspiration, from tea ceremonies to post-colonial theory. It's fair to say that Cumberbatch is both a thinker and a talker.
Benedict Cumberbatch正在談論愛德華七世年代的禮儀,槌球裡的英式風格,和其他林林種種接二連三,幾乎把我弄昏頭的英式傳統。這題目開始於他為我泡Earl Grey茶,一個簡單的問句:我們應該要用同一個茶包嗎?然後就從喝茶儀式開始一路延伸到後殖民主義理論。我想,可以這麼說:Cumberbatch是個思考家也同時是個演說家。
His features – the huge almond eyes, the sweeping Cupid's bow, the acute tapering from cheekbones to chin – can, in repose, hint at something extra-terrestrial; lit with animation, however, they're charmingly boyish. He's soon to begin shooting a TV adaptation of Ford Madox Ford's First World War novel Parade's End, hence the current obsession with Edwardian England – Cumberbatch prepares meticulously for each new role with a welter of study and likes to immerse himself in the relevant historical and cultural detail. So what, I wonder, did he do for his part in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, his latest film? Learn Russian? Write ciphers?
他的特徵--大而圓的杏眼,精準由頰骨刷到下巴的尖銳線條──感覺都不像這世界的人。但被他充沛的活力點亮的臉龐,完美的上唇線條,依舊展現出男孩的純真魅力。他正準備開拍電視劇,Parade’s End(天堂盡頭?),改編自Ford Madax Ford的第一次世界大戰小說。也是引發他對愛德華七世時代的迷戀的開端──Cumberbatch對每個角色都做大量的功課,巨細靡遺的準備每一個細節,他會將自己浸淫於相關的歷史、文化背景裡。於是我好奇,最近上映的這部Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy作品,他做了什麼樣的準備功課?學俄文?學寫暗號?
*Sweeping Cupid’s bow,據說是上唇線。感謝R聖提供考據XD
*terrestrial:of or living on land, of the planet Earth→超出地球表面的長相嗎(靠)
He says he did go on a secret solo mission – to kite surf in Morocco. "It was the first time I'd gone on holiday on my own," he says, looking, as he says it, much younger than his 35 years. "I was in Essaouira and because my character was a spy originally stationed in North Africa, I walked the streets alone at night imagining what it was like for him – the oppressive doorways, the dark alleys."
Cumberbatch has recently had his pick of roles: starring alongside Jonny Lee Miller in Danny Boyle's sold-out Frankenstein, directed by Steven Spielberg in War Horse and cast by Peter Jackson in The Hobbit. But he has, he admits, always wanted to play a spy – "any actor worth their salt would jump at the chance", he says, "because it's all about mask shifting". His opportunity finally came thanks to Tomas Alfredson, the Swedish director of Let The Right One In, who cast him in his adaptation of John Le Carré's celebrated MI6 thriller – a film that is already being talked about in the industry in hushed, Oscar-worthy tones.
Cumberbatch最近的選角,和Jonny Lee Miller在Danny Boyle大賣座的舞台劇Frankenstein中合作,在戰馬(War Horse)中和Steven Spielberg(史蒂芬史匹柏)合作,在The Hobbit中和Peter Jackson合作。但他承認,他一直都想演個間碟。「任何一個有本事的演員都會抓住這個機會。」他說:「因為它是更完全的角色扮演,在面具和面具間切換。(mask shift)」感謝Let the Right in的瑞士籍導演Tomas Alferdson給他這個機會,相中他在John Le Carré'集合名流演員拍攝,以軍情六處為題材的驚悚片(celebrated MI6 thriller)裡的表現。這部作品已獲得很高的奧斯卡呼聲。
The iconic Cold War spymaster George Smiley is played by Gary Oldman – trading in his usual fire-eating performance for a cloak of impassivity – and Cumberbatch is Peter Guillam, his sidekick in all but name, who puts his own integrity on the line to help him uncover a Russian mole at the heart of the secret service. As eyecatching as the film's 70s aesthetic – gunmetal London skies, stolen documents in buff folders – are the names populating MI6's HQ: Colin Firth, Toby Jones, Mark Strong, Ciaran Hinds, John Hurt and Tom Hardy. "That's a call sheet I'm going to frame and keep for ever," says Cumberbatch.
冷戰間諜大師代表George Smileley由Gory Oldman飾演。豎領披風,面無表情的冷淡外表下是泰山崩於前不改色的氣度。Cumberbatch飾演大師助手Peter Guilla,將自己一切都賭上協助完成任務:糾出秘密情報局核心的叛賊。本片焦點除了70年代風格的藝術感──碟影重重的鐵幕倫敦天空、黃色公文封裡的失竊機密文件──還有由高人氣優質演員組成的MI6:Colin Firth, Toby Jones, Mark Strong, Ciaran Hinds, John Hurt and Tom Hardy.「這是我會拿去裱框,做為一生紀念的合作名單。」Cumberbatch說。
You imagine this gentlemanly cabal of British actors convening in their trailers at night to share a bottle of malt and smoke Havanas, and while the reality wasn't quite as glamorous, Cumberbatch is visibly thrilled by the memories – reliving them with pitch-perfect impressions of his co-stars. First there's the terrifyingly laconic Oldman – at their first meeting a nervous Cumberbatch chattered uncontrollably, while the older actor silently scanned him through his sunglasses – next, it's his mate Tom Hardy, who Cumberbatch got to punch, for real, halfway through the film. "'No, no, blow harder, blow harder, it's cool, I can take it!'" rattles Cumberbatch, in Hardy's geezer tones. "I said, 'Tom, mate, it's not cos I don't want to hurt you, I just don't want to break a sweat…'"
看著這樣的高級名單,你想像出來的大概會是這樣的劇組:一群英國紳士,晚上在拖車裡,喝點小酒,抽Havanas的高級私人聚會。不過事實可沒那麼夢幻,Cumberbatch回憶──看上去依舊因此吃驚──他的合作演員們帶給他震驚度猶如迎頭痛擊。首先是沉默寡言,冷漠令人害怕的Oldman,他們第一次交談的時候,Cumberbatch緊張到講話語無倫次,而這位年長的演員只是沉默,冷冷透過他的太陽眼鏡審視他。接下來,他的伙伴Tom Hardy,在影片中Cumberbatch有個需要動真格,狠狠揍他一拳的橋段。不斷要求他:「不對,不對,再狠一點!再用力一點!沒關係,我受得住的!」Cumberbatch笑笑聳肩,模仿Tom Hardy的語調:「我跟他說:Tom,伙伴,並不是我怕會弄痛你,我只是不想把自己搞得滿身大汗……。」
You suspect he also didn't want to wreck his suit: while Hardy gets to swagger around in a sheepskin jacket, Cumberbatch is buttoned into sharp three-pieces. "Tom did Starsky and Hutch via The Sweeney and I got the suits," he grins. "Fuck me, those suits…" If there's plenty of competition for the best acting performance in Tinker, Tailor, Cumberbatch wins most-dapper-dressed with ease: one dark grey number with powder-blue tie and matching kerchief practically demands its own agent. "I'm hoping maybe the film's going to bring that kind of 70s suit back, you know?" he says, putting on an exaggeratedly hopeful face. "Like Keira was supposed to do for one-piece swimwear in Atonement…"
他看來也不想毀掉他的西裝。當Hardy可以態若自然的穿羊皮夾克晃來晃去,Cumberbatch卻得被緊緊綁在三件式西裝裡。「Tom有Starsky,Hutch有The Sweeney,我拿到的卻是西裝。」他苦笑:「那些他媽的西裝,搞死我了。(Fuck me,those suits.)」如果給這部電影辦個競賽,Cumberbatch應該能輕而易舉贏得「最整齊服裝獎」:整體深灰色配上搶眼的藍色領帶,加上和特工身份相襯的領巾。「我希望它能成為流行,帶回70年代的流行風潮。」他說,做出一個誇張的期待表情:「就像Keira無心插柳帶起的單件式泳衣(one-piece swimwear)風潮……」
*被Fuck me 嚇了一跳,我以為他不會說Fuck me。
*starsky和the Sweeny好像是品牌?一樣,留著無法查orz
*Keira和one-piece swimwear也…留著。
His off-screen persona hasn't always been so stylish: "I've been quite a late developer on the clothes front, but I've suddenly realised it is one of life's joys." Martin Freeman, his Sherlock co-star, can take some of the credit. "There's a man who knows his threads," nods Cumberbatch, admiringly. "He's a very natty dresser. He gets stuff made and is always coming in with new pairs of shoes so I've been watching his clobber…" So much so that his credit card was recently declined after a birthday spree at Selfridges. "That's when I realised that I'm changing my habits!"
不過他私底下的服裝搭配一直隨興,最近才開始往「風格品味」發展。「我在衣服搭配上滿遲鈍的,很慢才發展穿衣風格這一塊。不過最近我發現,搭配衣服也是生活樂趣之一。」這多多少少得歸功於他的Sherlock合作演員Martin Freeman,「那是個真正懂得怎麼穿衣服的男人。」Cumberbatch讚賞的點頭:「非常有品味的服裝搭配。他知道怎麼塑造品味,每次看到他,他都會有新行頭。我曾經研究過他的穿著打扮,想以他為師……。」做了很多功課的結果就是,在生日的休息期間他去了Selfridges,然後調高了他的信用卡額度。「然後我發現我的興趣變了!」
He looks down at the outfit he's wearing and ticks off recent purchases – the trousers ("I'm not sure the turn-ups work with these Jack Purcells," he frets), the Reiss sports jacket. "In the riots I would probably have stuck out like a dandy sore thumb and been beaten to shit."
他打量自己的穿著,一項一項對我介紹他的新行頭:長褲,(「我不確定這些反折設計和Jack Purcells搭不搭,」他一撇嘴,有點緊張),Reiss運動夾克。「在那群行家眼裡,我準被批評得體無完膚,就像那種小心翼翼張羅穿著,但一眼看去就拙到不能再拙的老土。」
Sherlock was shooting night scenes in north London during the August riots. Fortunately for Cumberbatch, his scenes had already wrapped, but Mark Gatiss and Martin Freeman were among those evacuated from the location shoot when gangs bore down on the set, stealing scaffold poles and smashing trucks. Cumberbatch admits, with humour and considerable passion, that the riots were a nasty challenge to his natural liberal principles. "I'm a Prince of Wales Trust ambassador, so I'm all about giving youth an education, a voice and a chance to not take the wrong road," he says. "But those eejits saying they're doing it for socio-political reasons? Fuck off, no you're not, you're on a jolly and you're getting away with it. It makes me want to belt them, make them lame for a bit so they're dependent on other people's mercy…
八月份,Sherlock劇組在北倫敦,計畫拍攝九個場景,碰上了暴動事件。Cumberbatch當時已經完成拍攝,幸運的逃過一劫。幫派分子毀壞片場 ,偷走升降梯支架,砸掉拖車,Mark Gatiss和Martin Freeman得暫停拍攝去避難。Cumberbatch承認,克制激動,用幽默的口吻描述,這樣的暴動行為是對他天生正義感的挑戰。
「我是WalesTrust(Wales信託?)大使中的王子,所以我覺得我有必要來個機會教育,對年輕一代說些什麼,提供一個迷途知返的機會。」他說:「那些白痴(eejit)們聲稱他們這麼做是為了社會禮儀?去你媽的(Fuck off),根本不是。你只是為了一己私欲,個人歡樂,而且拿這當逃避的藉口。這讓我想把他們綁起來,奪去他們行動能力一段時間,讓他們知道需要請求他人原諒是什麼滋味……」
*eejit:a scot and irish word for Idiot…
*原文罵得還滿精彩的,belt them, make them lame for a bit so they’re dependent on other people’s mercy…
"It's very hard for me to talk about it," he continues, "because I came from an incredibly privileged bubble so the minute I open my mouth I can sense the comeback of, 'What the fuck do you know?' And that's fair. But my sympathy is with the people who do know what they're talking about, who have been brought up on estates and live morally decent, contributing lives and who have seen opportunists destroying all their work."
Perhaps the subject is close to his heart because he has always loved kids and young people. He's been broody "for ever" – a few years ago he said that he'd like to be a dad by his mid-30s. "Yeah, I'm a bit behind on that," he says ruefully. "Maybe it's because I was an only child, but I've always wanted kids. I've realised now that the reality of children is you have to be in the right place with the right person."
* Ruefully : to regret sth because is has bad results
Last year he broke up with his partner of 12 years, actor Olivia Poulet; he hadn't been single since he was at university. "When I was last single I wasn't the same person, I was desperately backwards in coming forwards. But now I quite enjoy it. Naturally, I miss the proximity of a partnership with someone I know and love – and I still love Olivia to bits – but being single's fun."
去年他結束和演員Olivia Poulet長達12年的伴侶關係;從大學開始這段戀情後,他很久沒體會過單身的心情。「剛恢復單身的時候我幾乎不像自己,我被困在絕望的過去中不想前進。但現在我滿享受它的。當然我還是想念有人在身邊的親密感,和心愛的人在一起──我依舊深愛Olivia,但單身生活也滿有意思的。」
It's not the only respect in which his life has recently changed considerably. A few months ago, he was offered the opportunity to star on Broadway, reprising his much-acclaimed role in Thea Sharrock's production of After The Dance – and he turned it down. "I've never really made a head-over-heart decision like that before," he says, "but there's a bit of momentum and I'd like to keep myself available for films. Because I would like to sit at the big table. I've been watching James [McAvoy] and Michael Fassbender and Ben Whishaw and I want a little taste of that…"
他的生活中改變的並不只這點。幾個月以前,他收到百老匯演出的邀請,在Thea Sharrock的作品After The Dance裡演出他的高人氣角色,但他拒絕了。「我從來沒有這麼認真做出這樣,理智戰勝情感(head over heart)的決定。」他說:「但我漸漸傾向拍電影,也希望能把時間留給電影。我想加入那個大圈子。我看到James(McAvoy)、Michael Fassbender和Ben Whishaw的表現,我也希望站到他們的位置看看……」
*head over heart,猜的。
*why James McAvoy和Michael Fassbender(看到這兩個人的名字就,唉呀。XD)
Having Spielberg and Jackson already on his CV shouldn't hurt his chances. Cumberbatch is keen to diversify and prove that he can do far more on screen than the rent-a-toff roles his aristocratic bearing and Harrow-educated vowels might suggest. And, as his kite-surfing holiday hints at, he's not afraid of physical adventure. "I'd love to transform my body into some ridiculous war machine," he says, with a twinkle. Don't bet against this cerebral character actor reinventing himself as an action hero, given half the chance. "I want to have my Daniel Craig moment!" he laughs. "I want to run round a desert shooting guns at aliens and looking like I barely have to take a breath. I'd love to do all that shit!"
有Spielberg和Jackson這樣的陣容支持他,想必他會有好的發展。Cumberbatch極力想証明他能做得更多,更多樣化發展,不被侷限在單一形象裡──之前優雅的談吐和天生的貴族氣質為他帶來的那些上流階級的斯文角色。由他的風箏衝浪挑戰可以推斷,他也不害怕往動作冒險的方向發展。「我很樂意把我的身體訓練成某種愚蠢的戰鬥機器。」他說,眨眨眼。別不相信這個斯斯文文的演員會有一天把自己打造成動作英雄。這可有一半的可能。「我想要屬於我的Dainel Criag時刻!」他大笑:「我想要跑入沙漠拿槍追殺外星,並且從從容容完成那些戰鬥,大氣也不喘一下。我很願意拍攝那些見鬼的玩意!(I did love to do all that shit!)」
*rent-a-toff , toff: a person who wears elegant clothes and appears to be rich or a high social class
* Harrow-educated vowel ;形容詞好煩我都哭了
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy is out on 16 September
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy會在9/16上映。
*這篇的文字好優雅。 優雅的意思,就是,相對難譯。英國人煩煩的……想呈現原文的優雅感覺大概沒有及格……
*回家期間斷網所以沒辦法去考究相關的細節,影片,地點等等之類的,我有的就是英英字典一本OXFORD ADVANCED LEARNER’S DICTIONARY。可能會補也可能懶得補(喂)
*我沒有特別去追Benedit Cumberbatch這位演員,就只是,想練習一下。
"starring alongside Jonny Lee Miller in Danny Boyle's sold-out Frankenstein"
回覆刪除指他跟Jonny Lee Miller一起在Danny Boyle執導的熱門舞台劇Frankenstein(科學怪人)擔綱演出。
"John Le Carré's celebrated MI6 thriller"
指'Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy'台譯《諜影行動》