
翻譯練習:Jeremy Renner // Sharp Magazine 201209






然後那個粗體白字的40……哪裡像pushing 40啦~XDDD

Late Boomer

大器晚成 // 精煉的成熟

*前頭算是標準翻譯,後頭是我個人私心;不過我一直想到「晚上綻開的花朵」(靠杯) 這翻譯完全是接錯神經的妄想請完全的,完整的忽視我。關於這個詞的詞源等等請見:這裡的中英解說 ,或是更詳盡的維基

How Jeremy Renner went from flipping houses to owning the box office -- all while pushing 40.
By Sharp Staff

從老屋翻修裝潢到強檔票房主演:Jeremy Renner如何以將近40歲的年紀獲得這一切

記者 Sharp Staff

*有種副標也不好抓精確譯詞的感覺,依舊私心,請看原文 XD


There is something about Jeremy Renner that distinguishes him from Hollywood’s other leading men. And it’s not just the construction company he still runs on the side.

Despite his newfound stardom, there remains an everyman quality about him. He’s helped drive three of the biggest franchises in recent movie memory–The Avengers, The Bourne Legacy and Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol –but Renner admits that he stumbled upon fame too late for it to have affected him much. And it shows. In fact, Renner was almost 40 when he landed his breakout role as a bomb disposal expert in Kathryn Bigelow’s The Hurt Locker in 2009. The part earned him his first Oscar nod. It was followed in 2010 by Ben Affleck’s The Town, and a second Oscar nomination in as many years. After that came the three mega-franchises that have cemented his star to the firmament. It certainly didn’t look as though it was all going to end like this. Perhaps Renner’s biggest role to date has been starring in his own rags to riches story. He began in Hollywood as a starving actor, waiter and make-up artist who couldn’t afford to keep the electricity running on his $5 a week budget. It got so bad that Renner started a construction company with a friend in 2000, partially for the money and partially to keep a roof over his head.

在眾多好萊塢強檔影星中,Jeremy Renner是特別的,他有股特殊的氣質讓他帶給你的感覺與眾不同;這並不單只是因為他在演員之外,還經營另一個領域的老屋翻修裝潢事業而已,還有其他別的東西。

雖然最近聲名大漲,事業迅速走紅,在他身上仍舊能看到平易近人的親和。你能在近期的三部強檔電影裡看到他的名字:《The Avengers》、《The Bourne Legacy》和《Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol》,但Renner自己也坦承這些名聲地位找上他找得太晚,連帶也沒什麼影響他的機會。Kathryn Bigelow執導的《The Hurt Locker》在2009年把他拉上成名舞台,他飾演的拆彈專家為他贏得第一次奧斯卡提名,次年,2010的奧斯卡,Ben Affleck執導的《The Town》再為他帶來第二次奧斯卡提名;而在這之前他已經在好萊塢打滾了好幾年。奧斯卡之後,連接三部商業系列大片讓他一舉竄紅,聲勢如日中天,前景看好,看上去還會有相當不錯的發展。


Now he has his own Avengers action figure.

Little wonder the actor admits to living his live “ten minutes at a time.” With a trajectory like the one he’s already experienced, who knows what might come next. Then again, maybe short-term thinking has just become a necessary survival mechanism. Renner already has a slew of projects on his plate, including a Steve McQueen biopic, a creative re-imagining of Hansel and Gretel that sees him partnered with Gemma Arterton to play a vengeful witch hunter, and a historical drama opposite Marion Cotillard and Joaquin Phoenix. Then there are all the speculated follow-ups to the aforementioned blockbusters.


就像展現現實版的奇蹟一樣的人生,這名演員告訴我們他現在以「每十分鐘為單位」在過生活;而回顧他的經歷,的確,誰知道下一刻會發生什麼事?不過話說回來,思考當下還是必要的生存法則。Renner的行程已經塞滿片約,包括Steve McQueen的傳記電影;翻拍改編童話故事,明年會上映的《Hansel and Gretel》,這部作品裡他和Gemma Arterton合作,飾演對女巫復仇的賞金獵人兄妹;另外他也即將和Marion Cotillard、Joaquin Phoenix共同演出以早期美國為背景的歷史戲劇。這些敲定的大片以外,謠傳他會參與的電影還有很多很多…

*真的很多,謠傳他會參與的電影。我都懶得理了XDD(喂) 因為總是很快說他會演很快又說他不演orz

A guy would have to be some kind of superhero to fit all that in.


他不用變裝,不用give them everything,不用過雙重生活,但他的確是英雄。


來吧,看看我們的英雄。XD  以下訪談開始。



Many of the characters that have made you so famous have been obviously flawed–from Jeffrey Dahmer to William James in The Hurt Locker. What is it about these people that attracts you?

你的成名角色,從Jeffrey Dahmer到《The Hurt Locker》的William James,都是能明顯看出擁有某方面人格缺陷的角色。這樣的角色為什麼會吸引你想去詮釋?

Being human doesn’t mean being flawless. I’m very comfortable with that idea. I like the reluctant heroes. I love characters who have weaknesses. Those are the things that make us human.

Humanity is something we can all connect to. Especially in stories like The Bourne Legacy where the audience expects authenticity. It’s easy to connect to the humanity of a character like Aaron Cross. It’s more difficult with The Avengers because it’s fantasy. It’s difficult to connect to superheroes because you don’t have references.

It was also challenging to play Jeffrey Dahmer, a guy who killed 17 young boys. It’s challenging to find the humanity in killers.


呈現出人性的一面的時候,我們都很容易找到共鳴點。特別是像《The Bourne Legacy》這樣會讓觀眾期待真實感的作品;像主角Aaron Cross那樣的角色呈現出的人性很貼近人心,很容易引起共鳴。在《The Avengers》裡的角色就稍微困難一點了,它畢竟是二次元的改編作品,是個幻想。你很難在現實中找到參照對象,所以要從超級英雄角色裡找到共鳴點是有難度的。

詮釋出Jeffery Dahmer也是個挑戰,這是個殺了17名年輕男孩的連環殺手。找出一個殺手角色當中的人性共鳴點,是個很大的挑戰。

  這麼說來Aaron Cross的確想要的東西還滿普通的:一個歸屬。誰不想要一個歸屬?

What is your approach when it comes to taking on the roles of some of these ambiguous or complex characters?


You can’t really play ambiguity as an actor. You must just play a human being, with all our contradictions and surprises.

I think that every one of us has the potential to become a killer if he’s put against a wall and he has to protect the people he loves. It doesn’t matter if you are a wonderful person or not. In some circumstances you might be forced to change.

The ultimate good guy is flawed. No one wants to see a good guy who does good things. It’s boring. It’s not human. The same with the villain. Nobody goes around twisting their mustache, saying ‘Let’s hurt somebody today!’ There’s usually a reason, even if they are not right.

I like villains with empathy and good guys with flaws. Those are characters I would play everyday.





*擁有種種好人特質的壞人←→擁有種種壞人特質的好人 ;大概像這種感覺。

You’ve experienced huge success fairly late in your career. How has life changed now that you’ve become a lead?


I had success too late in my career for it to mess with my head. There was a stage in my life when I was forced to get by on just 20 dollars a month. Knowing I can do that gives me strength because I know I’ll never be forced to accept work just for money.

Obviously it was not easy early on, but I felt I had complete control over what was happening to me. Now that everything has changed, I still keep my feet on the ground.





I’ve lived in Los Angeles for 20 years, surrounded by people whom I respect and share a similar vision of life with. It’s a wonderful moment for me—and it is unusual that, at my age, something like this could happen.

In the end, it’s better to have all these things when you know how to enjoy them and not at 25 years old when there’s a bigger risk of burning through it all. I believe that everything that has happened in my life has prepared me for what I’m living today.



Where in LA is home?


In Hollywood: a house that was once owned by Preston Sturgess, a director whom I have always loved.

好萊塢,曾經屬於Preston Sturgess的一棟房子。Sturgess是我一直都很喜愛的導演。

Looking back over your career, what do you think has been the most important and decisive step? What’s got you here?


There are many: Dahmer, and the film by Kathryn [Bigelow, director of The Hurt Locker]. Roles like those don’t usually go to actors like me. They’re usually offered to famous and fantastic performers like Russell Crowe and others.

I was very lucky because Kathryn didn’t want familiar faces. If you’re famous in Hollywood, you rarely die in a film. Having three relatively unknown actors meant you could keep the audience on their toes and make them think that at any moment each of them might come to a bad end.

Personally, I like dying on the screen. The last time I died in a movie was a couple of years ago in The Town. I’m so far from being an immortal. I’m not Thor.

很多重要的角色:《Dahmer》的演出,Kathryn的作品[Kathryn Bigelow,《The Hurt Locker》導演],那樣的角色通常不會給我這樣的演員,通常會給有名氣的才華演員,像Ruseel Crowe那樣的演員。


就我個人來說,我滿喜歡在螢幕上死去的。上次我在電影裡死去是幾年前參演《The Town》的時候。我不是永生不死的神,差得遠了,我又不是Thor。

*最近我才在湯上看到有人轉Chris Hemsworth的AVG訪談,他講述:偷我槌子去玩的那傢伙就是Renner,他把槌子舉過頭這樣晃啊晃,我把槌子搶回來,把他的弓塞給他:乖乖當你的羅賓漢!湯掛掉離開地球去維修之後……我就找不到這組圖了=  =+。

Speaking of whom… This year has been incredible for you, bringing with it both The Avengers and The Bourne Legacy. What was it like taking over the Bourne franchise?

說到這個……今年可是你在銀幕上大展身手的一年,參演了《The Avengers》和《The Bourne Legayc》,接下Bourne系列的主演棒的感覺?

I was excited and honored to be part of it. I worked really hard on my stunts and I really enjoyed working with such great actors and director Tony Gilroy, who also did tremendous writing. It was very cool.

非常興奮也非常榮幸能夠參與這一系列。我在特技演出上下了很多工夫,和導演Tony Gilroy以及非常棒的演員們合作也是非常愉快的經驗,Tony Gilroy也寫出了很棒的劇本。很酷的工作。

And you really had some great screen chemistry with Rachel Weisz.

喔,你跟Rahcel Weisz的對手戲氛圍實在太棒了!

We’ve tried to work together on many films but this is the first time it actually happened. She’s a great actress who’s perfect to play a strong female character in such a masculine series of movies. She made my work very easy. She has a very alluring vulnerability.

Our chemistry was easy because we’ve known each other for so long and we respect each other greatly. Working with her is a joy.



What was it like starring as a comic icon in The Avengers?

在《The Avengers》裡飾演漫畫中的英雄偶像是什麼感覺?

It was a crazy experience. When we were announced at Comic Con in San Diego it was incredible. For the first time in my life I think I understood how Bono must feel every time he is on stage.

很瘋狂的體驗。尤其當在San Diego的Comic Con宣佈角色演員時,更是前所未有的不可思議體驗。活到現在,我第一次明白搖滾巨星Bono每次站到舞台前時是什麼樣的心情。


Were you surprised by the phenomenal success of the movie?


I think we all were. It’s been incredible. I always figured that it would do very well, but I don’t think anybody imagined it could do so well across the world.

I think it was so successful because it had a crossover audience. My parents loved it. My niece loved it, too. Even if you weren’t a fan of the comic book you would have been struck by the attention to detail and the work on the characters. I think that’s the basis of moviemaking: You want to follow a character on his journey, even if they have a hammer and they fly. It doesn’t matter.




Think Hawkeye might ever get his own spin-off?


Is it possible? Sure. Is it going to happen? I don’t know. The audience probably has an appetite for the character, but I’m not aware of any talk about it right now.


With the cast and multi-picture lead-up, it was probably a given that The Avengers would do well. But why do you think it exploded like it did? Does it have anything to do with the times we’re in? Are we desperate for heroes?

擁有強大的卡司,前頭也以很多部作品先做舖墊,或許是這些安排造成《The Avengers》的成功。不過你覺得是什麼讓它如此轟動?會和我們所處的這個時代有關係嗎?或許我們其實都渴望英雄的出現?

Well, that’s been true of storytelling for thousands of years. Everyone wants to be inspired and look for something bigger than themselves. Life is hard, and it can be depressing, and cinema can be a form of fantasy and escapism. The beauty of going to the movies is that it’s a fun ride in the shoes of somebody who’s living something very different from what our daily experience is.



Which leads us nicely to your next project: Up next you’ve got Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, from director Tommy Wirkola and co-starring Gemma Arterton. How did you end up doing a modern adaptation of a fairy tale?

說到截然不同的體驗,談談你的下一部作品《Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters》吧?由Tommy Wirkola執導,你和Gemma Arterton共同主演。把童話故事重新改編為現代版本,你怎麼會想接演這部作品?

I was captured by the idea behind the film: Hansel and Gretel, 15 years or so after they lived with the witch. She was so evil that they decided to become witch hunters. It’s a great concept that immediately sold me on this role.



What’s your favorite fairy tale?


No doubt: Red Riding Hood.


*Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy XDDDD?

Think with all your recent success you’ll have to stop starring in indie films?


I’m only interested in the content. That’s what matters. I’m interested in a movie regardless of its size or the role that is offered to me, if there’s enough for me to do. My personal challenge everyday is to grow as an actor.


Is that the reason you started your own production company–to make sure those roles were being created?


Studios bet on things that are obvious and movies that make money: superheroes, spies, aliens… From time to time, they end up producing a movie like The Town, but they don’t bank on those.

I want to produce independent movies that people see. We should take more risks in cinemas, like they did in the ’70s. As Greek mythology and William Shakespeare have already demonstrated, you can tell stories all over again. What you need is a point of view. So, with my company I want to produce movies I’d like to see—films that are interesting to people, thanks to talented directors and actors.

製片公司會把籌碼放在能明顯看到收益的項目上,和確定能夠賺錢的電影上:超級英雄電影、間碟特工電影、外星人電影……隨著時間過去,最後他們會拍出像《The Town》那樣的作品,但他們不會投資那一類的作品。



As an actor, what is it that you hope to achieve?


It’s a question I often ask myself. Do I really want to be known as a star of action movies? I’m more interested in being an actor who has starred in several action movies without precluding other possibilities.

I am a perfectionist. For me, acting is character study. It’s absorbing everything there is to know and eventually discovering the truth of the role and the story.



Are there any actors you consider role models?


Sean Penn, because he is a performer of immense talent who’s always been able to take on great roles in movies that today, unfortunately, are no longer made in Hollywood.

I like actors like him who are fearless because, as a performer, you must have no fear. I studied psychology in college in order to get rid of all my fears. I like people who can speak volumes without uttering a single word. If you can do that, you have reached the pinnacle of what an actor can become.

Sean Penn,他是個非常厲害的演員,才華洋溢,一直都為大家帶來非常出色的電影角色。但很可惜像那樣的電影,現在在好萊塢已經看不到了。


*我沒記錯的話,那個大家傳得很開的激動gif就是他「演」見到偶像Sean Penn的心情XD

We’ve heard that you’re planning to actually take on the role of another iconic actor—Steve McQueen.

聽說你準備飾演另一位著名的傳奇演員--Steve McQuenn。

Eventually. It will take some time. The screenplay is being written by James Gray, the director of Two Lovers. It’s very beautiful, but he’s working on another set of revisions. A biopic is always difficult, but a film based on the life of an actor who is as universally known as Steve McQueen requires even more care because it forces you to reflect on what you really want to say about him.

I’m less interested in recreating the famous scenes from the films that we all love. I want to have a more intimate approach to his roles and his personal history, because it’s always the personality strengths and weaknesses that make things really attractive.

我想那最後會成真的。它還需要一段準備時間。James Gray,《Two Lovers》的導演,會負責螢幕腳本。非常棒的人選,不過他正著手進行另一階段的修訂。傳記電影一直都是難度很高的挑戰,特別像Steve McQuenn這樣世界知名的演員,處理以他的生命歷程為主題的電影需要特別小心,他的名氣會讓你慎重思考你究竟想呈現出什麼樣的形象。



Were you a fan of McQueen?


I think he’s a compelling individual. I’d like to explore his life as human being, because nobody knew him as a person. We love him as an iconic character but we’d like to explore what life was like in his shoes. He was a walking paradox, a dichotomy: the most masculine and powerful man you could probably meet and, at the same time, very insecure. I want to dive into who he was.


In the meantime you’ve taken on another movie directed by James Gray, co-starring Marion Cotillard and Joaquin Phoenix? Still no name for that one.

你同時也參與了另一部Jame Gray執導的作品,和Marion Cotillard、Joaquin Phoenix共同主演。目前片名還沒正式公布?

The terribly short version of the plot is: ‘A magician, a pimp and a prostitute face terrible circumstances when they arrive on Ellis Island, and they change.’

But there’s more to it. It’s the story of people who change when their lives are shaken by events. James is very good in writing characters that you and the audience want to follow in their journeys.

做個很粗糙的劇情簡介就是:「一名魔術師、一名皮條客和一名妓女來到 Ellis Island(埃斯利島),面臨糟糕惡劣的生存環境,被環境改變。」


*現在好像有名字了,從《Low Life》改成《Nightingale》
  他在裡頭是魔術師。ww  這部資料很少,很少,也就劇照那幾張這樣。(默)

Did you ever have second thoughts–think that maybe you would never get here, that this would never be your career?


I never had any doubts that this would be my life. Even in difficult times, renovating houses with my brother or waiting tables, I never had any doubt that this would be my fate.

In difficult times I discovered how much force just the idea of being an actor would give me. I had some hardships, but I was happy and conscious of the fact that I was never desperate. Today, now that going to work is like taking a vacation where you travel the world and you enjoy telling stories, I can say I was right to stick with it.



What’s the most important lesson you learned along the way?


Don’t sell out. And never give the impression that you might, because, if you do, you’re finished.


*這答案很神奇。Don't sell out.
*不過這個回答同時強大的要命,但是超、難、譯。try my best here.

Sell Out對應:出賣,她說:「總覺得要走演藝這條路似乎總不免聽說要出賣自己, 也許是身體, 精神,或原則....要堅持真的很困難...所以也就有那麼多沉淪的例子出現」


沒有我本來那麼文雅XDDD 比較貼切。w



如果真的很喜歡那段話覺得講得很有意思,強烈建議參照原文 wwwww

這句話中肯到爆炸XDDD   以奇妙的方式深入人心哪…



《The Hurt Locker》,奧斯卡
《The Town》,奧斯卡
《The Avengers》,大概是台灣大紅開始。
《The Bourne Legacy》

《Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunter》,確定明年一月中上映。
《Nightingale》;James Gray
《Steven McQueen》;嘛也是James Gray






6 則留言:

  1. 咦咦我是第一個嗎?頭香!!!!!(灑花



    Thank you!!:)

    1. XDDD 這個詞第一次在我家出現,覺得很神奇XD


  2. 我知道莎翁的作品他最喜歡的是羅密歐與茱麗葉
    請問有沒有獎品 :p

    1. 咦這麼一說好像在哪裡曾經看過(呆) 謝謝你的分享www
      我是真的很久沒有譯東西了嗎XDD||||||| 對不起我是個隨性人(抓頭)

  3. Don't sell out.

    1. 我總覺得他的字句恩,給人的感覺就是很直接了當,但是執著了就是堅持到底。
      Renner本身就是一種Style ,對我而言已經是這樣了:)
