
翻譯練習:Jeremy Renner // LA Times訪談

啊哈哈哈How Hard Can he get……?下標題的人你在想什麼啊!(翻桌)



‘Bourne Legacy’ star Jeremy Renner on ‘Avengers’ action and more

Aug. 06, 2012 | 4:32 p.m.  Noelene Clark 報導

標題這樣看很神奇,《Bourne Legacy》的主演明星,談到他在《AVG》的動作演出及其他
不過他也有談到一點《Witch Hunter》所以都可以看啦w(什麼)

With “The Bourne Legacy” hitting theaters this week and “The Avengers” and “Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol” under his belt, Jeremy Renner has officially made the leap to Hollywood action star. The 41-year-old Modesto native also plays a bounty hunter version of the classic fairy-tale character in “Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters,” due out in January. Hero Complex caught up with Renner earlier this summer to talk about ”Bourne,” which opens in theaters Friday, as well as his role in “Avengers,” which comes out on DVD and Blu-ray next month.

最新作品《The Bourne Legacy》於本週上映,再加上之前參演商業大片《The Avengers》、《Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol》的亮眼經歷,Jeremy Renner顯然已正式躍入好萊塢動作明星的行列。這名演員今年41歲,來自加州Modesto小鎮,明年一月會上映他的下一部參演作品,經典童話改編電影《Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters》,他飾演獵殺女巫的賞金獵人。我們(Hero Complex)在今年夏初訪問了Renner,談到他的週五上映的新作《Bourne》,以及他在《Avengers》裡扮演的角色Hawkeye,AVG的DVD和藍光版本下個月釋出。

*under one's belt→皮帶之下就是被吃到肚子裡去。(喂);link

HC: Before the last few years, you did a lot of indie films. Did you ever fancy you’d be an action hero?


JR: Not by any stretch of the imagination. It just sort of became opportunities that I don’t think anybody really would want to turn away. As long as it was in the realm of what I feel like I could bring something three-dimensional and truthful and honest, these are worldwide movies, which I thought was a great opportunity to be a part of cinema that people see. That’s interesting to me. Like “The Hurt Locker,” we didn’t know what the heck that was gonna be. And “The Town,” we had an idea, but who knows. You just never know. But these big movies like “The Avengers,” I couldn’t say no to, really, so I thought I’d explore that. It kind of just fell my direction, and I’ve been blessed with the opportunities to learn something new.

想都沒想過,一點相關的聯想也沒有。現在的情況其實只是剛好碰上了我不想錯過的機會,我想任何人都不想放過這樣的機會的。只要這個角色歸屬於「讓我覺得我能夠詮釋出立體、真實並且真誠的形象」的範嶹,我就有興趣;而這些電影都是會在全世界上映的大片,參演會在全世界的觀眾跟前放映的作品,對我而言是個很棒的機會。我覺得這很有意思:參演《The Hurt Locker》的時候,我們對於能拍出什麼樣的成品其實他媽的半點沒頭緒;參演《The Town》的時候,我們有個想法,但誰知道最後會變成什麼樣子呢?你永遠也沒辦法預料到的。但像《The Avengers》這樣的商業大片給我參演機會,我沒辦法拒絕的,真的,所以我想,那就參加看看它是什麼樣子吧。可以說是剛好讓我碰上了這個機會,而我覺得自己非常幸運能碰上它,它給了我學習新事物的機會。

*這種:哇,這麼好的機會放過太可惜了XD.... 然後又,碰上了那就當探險去試試看吧;原文explore應該沒有這麼重的意思,但想成探險就很合他XDD 有什麼新的就想去看看,學到新的東西就很開心。……好奇寶寶?

HC: Which of these films did you most enjoy making?


JR: They’re all different movies and exciting in different ways. Like “Hansel and Gretel,” I thought was really original content, a really original look and spin on that fairy tale. I’ve seen that one, and it is a lot of fun. It’s like “The Avengers” in a way. It’s the type of cinema where you go in, and you just get entertained, and you come out open-smiling and thinking, “That was a really great experience.” I’m not used to doing that kind of cinema. Usually it’s a little bit more emotional or psychological or something, so I try not to have too much expectation out of that. It’s OK to just go be entertained. That’s what I’m learning, because I haven’t really been a part of that for the last 25 years of my career. … “Hansel and Gretel” I think is also one of those things. It’s a bit darker, and it’s R-rated, and it’s not quite as light as “The Avengers,” and then “Bourne” had that blend.

這些都是不同類型的電影,各有不同的刺激好玩的地方。像《Hansel and Gretel》,我覺得它是一部原創性很高的作品,不論內容、造型、畫面和對童話的衍伸改編都很有創意。我看了它的成品,非常有趣。它有點類似《The Avengers》,那種你走進電影院,讓它取悅你,走出電影院之後笑著回憶:「哇喔好棒好滿足!」的娛樂片。我其實不大習慣參演這類型的影片,通常我參演的作品會有比較強烈的情緒表現、牽扯到比較多心理層次,塞了比較多元素進去,所以我也試著不要放太多期待在裡頭。單純讓它取悅你,只得到娛樂,其實沒什麼關係的,這是我在學習適應的東西,畢竟過去25年來我都沒有真的參與這個領域的拍攝工作……我覺得《Hansel and Gretel》也屬於娛樂走向的作品。它稍微黑暗了一點、它的血腥程度到R級,它不像《The Avengers》那麼光明歡樂;而《Bourne》的走向則是兩方綜合。


For me, for personal reasons, it was exciting as an actor, as an artist, because it’s very smart, and it’s emotional. It has this fast pace to it, of course, and it’s great action, but it feels like a small little movie. It’s a very intimate movie in a lot of ways, versus the spectacle of these. Like say “Mission Impossible,” that’s a big, big massive spectacle, as is “Avengers.” And “Hansel and Gretel” not quite so much, but it’s a fantasy. But “Bourne,” to me, resonates because it’s a little bit more for an actor to kind of cling on to because there’s no fantasy in it. It’s all based in reality. Even the stunts are all real. There’s no green screen in that. It’s visceral. It’s authentic, and to me, that’s kind of where my heart and spirit as an artist reside, or at least where I think it does, so it’s a really great match. I feel like I used my brain and my heart, and it was really, really one of the most fun shoots I got to work on. And I worked with Rachel Weisz, one of my favorite actresses.

對我而言,從我自己的私人角度來看,對一個演員,對一個表演藝術家,它都是非常刺激有趣的工作,因為它有很聰明的劇本安排,也有很棒的情緒表現。當然,它維持快節奏的故事步調,也有很精彩的動作場景,不過它給人的感覺還是接近小型的獨立電影。在很多方面它都是部很貼近觀眾的作品,你可以從它的場景架構感覺出來。像《Mission Impossible》,它的場景架構就是非常龐大的,《Avengers》也是場面浩大的作品;《Hansel and Gretel》,算不上非龐大,不過它是部幻想童話。但《Bourne》,對我而言我能在當中找到共鳴,因為它沒有放入幻想元素,所以從演員的角度比較容易能進入狀況。它的故事以現實為基礎,非常實際。就連特技場景也是實景拍攝的,沒有用上綠屏特效,它表現出豐富的內涵,表現出真實感;對我而言,就是這點能展現出表演藝術家的靈魂和精髓,至少我是這麼想的,我認為它做了很棒的組合,我能全心投入其中演出,也是我體會過非常、非常好玩的拍攝經驗,非常有意思的工作。並且也給了我機會和Rachel Weisz合作,她是我最喜愛的女演員之一。

*that’s kind of where my heart and spirit as an artist reside;那是一種說法,還是Renner的詩意XD(什麼) 我譯的時候轉掉了,請看原文。

HC: They’re very physical roles. Was training a challenge?


JR: I love the idea of going to work and having to fight and learn a new skill set, whether it’s muay Thai or Kali or Filipino stick fighting. To me, it’s like college for life. You learn things from the experts of the world, and maybe you continue it, maybe you hate it, but I looked at it as a great opportunity to kind of explore things I would never explore.

去工作,上格鬥訓練課,然後學到新的東西,我喜歡這樣的安排。不管學的是泰拳(muay Thai)、Kali還是菲律賓棍棒搏擊,我覺得這就像人生給你的大學課程,世界各地的專業教練把知識教給你,如果你喜歡它,你可能繼續學下去,或是你可能討厭它;不過我把它當做一個接觸新知的大好機會,去探索那些我從來不會去接觸的事物。

*College for life. 我喜歡這個看法ww

HC: Are there things you learned on “Mission Impossible” that you were able to bring with you to “Avengers” and “Bourne”?

你在參演《Mission Impossible》時學到的格鬥技巧,有也能運用在《Avegners》和《Bourne》裡的嗎?

JR: Absolutely. I got to work with all the same guys for all the movies — 87Eleven stunt team fight coordinators. Robert Alonzo was my guy on “Mission.” I got to have pretty much all the same guys through all four of those action movies, from “Mission” to “Hansel and Gretel” to “Avengers” and then to “Bourne.”  It ended up being almost two years of training with these guys. I just thought, “Wow, this is so great, and I just kept rolling into it. And then starting off doing the big action movie with Tom Cruise — he was such an amazing mentor to me, and just so supportive and being so excited that I was doing some of these things. He gave me some really great advice about how to treat your body, essentially, how to take care of yourself.  I’d always been an athlete and physical, but he turned it into a whole ‘nother thing about how seriously important it is that you don’t want to get injured. So he got me really headstrong about taking care of my body.

當然有。拍攝這些影片時,我都是和同一組特技團隊合作的--87Eleven特技團隊的格鬥指導教練。拍攝《Mission》時我的指導教練是Robert Alonzo,這四部作品中和我合作的指導團隊差不多都是一樣的面孔,從《Mission》到《Hansel and Gretel》到《Avengers》再到《Bourne》,最後算起來我們一共合作了近兩年。我很單純想著:哇喔,好棒!然後快樂的繼續投入訓練和工作。最開始是和Tom Cruise合作他的熱門動作大片,Tom是個非常棒的精神導師,給了我很大的支持,也很期待我的表現。他給了我一些相當實用的建議,像是怎麼保養你的身體,基本上就是怎麼照顧好自己。我一直都喜歡運動,擅長運動也維持不錯的體能,不過他完全從另一個角度看待這件事,認為「不要讓自己受傷」是個重要的課題,應該認真看待。他很堅定的灌輸我要好好照顧自己的身體這個觀念。


HC: Will we see you in a Hawkeye movie?


JR: I don’t know. I think there’s always possibilities of anything in the Marvel universe. There’s gotta be a want from people to see something like that. I don’t know if there is. Maybe there is maybe there isn’t. But who knows? We’ll see.


*他真的每次都會用很好玩的方式回答一模一樣的問題 XD 如果都是念稿也很無聊吧(默)

HC: In “Avengers,” you sort of get to play both sides. What was that like?


JR: At the end of the day, 90% of the movie, I’m not the character I signed on to play. I’m literally in there for two minutes, and then all of a sudden… All I could really work on was the physical part of it all, because that didn’t change. That was just the biggest challenge to overcome in playing the guy. Also, we’re pretty much introducing a new superhero character to everyone in a movie where there’s a thousand superheroes. So there’s not a lot of back story or understanding we can really tell about who Clint Barton is, or Hawkeye, and is he working for SHIELD or not. There’s a lot of unanswered questions, even for me. And I was OK with that. At least I was still in the movie. And I was glad for that. The closest thing I could really link to was Scarlett [Johansson's] character, Black Widow, because they have a history. And that definitely plays in the movie, I think. And obviously, you can’t go into too much just because there’s so much story to tell, but you definitely get a sense that they’re connected, and that there’s something really, really important that ties them together. And I could try to summarize it, but it can go a lot of places. That excites me, though, that there’s room for other things.

九成我參演的電影工作,當一天的拍攝結束後,我就不再是那個我簽約飾演的角色了。我實際演出的部分可能只有兩分鐘,然後「咻」就……我唯一可以認真投入做功課的部分就是動作場景,因為它不會有更動的可能。動作部分也是飾演這個角色最大的挑戰。我們同時也是在一部已經塞滿超級英雄的電影裡,再對觀眾介紹一名新的超級英雄出場;所以也沒什麼空間留給Clint Barton,或說Hawkeye的背景故事,包括了解他是什麼樣的人,甚至他是不是在為神盾局(SHIELD)工作,都不清楚。就算對我這個飾演他的人而言,這個角色中也有很多他們沒有交代的部分。不過我覺得這沒什麼關係,至少我還是參演了這部電影,我很高興我能參與其中。我最能連接的角色是Scarlett[Johansson]演的Black Widow,因為這兩個角色間有一段過去。我想這個梗絕對會被用在電影裡的,不過,當然,你也沒辦法做太深入的探討,因為這部電影裡要說的故事太多了,不過你一定能感受到這兩個角色之間的連結,他們之間存在一些什麼非常重要的羈絆。我可以試著用一兩句話把它表達出來,不過它可以從各種方向做延伸,從各種方向解讀。這讓我非常期待它的成果,雖然不只這些,他們之間還存在其他的東西。

*哈哈哈哈哈我看到第一句就笑出來,Never stop surprising me, Mr. Renner
*你超中肯的害我都想哭了XDDD 有誰要告訴我Hawkeye怎麼寫啊~~~~~
*他本人對12分44秒這件事豁達得……好豁達(失卻形容詞):I was OK with that.
*其實有對戲比較多的也只有Black Widow吧?

HC: It seems like Hawkeye is sort of on his own team.


JR: Yeah, just by his nature as a sniper if you will, as a guy who hangs out in rooftops, in trees, and takes out his targets from a distance. Joss and I kind of talked about that. About how he’s a loner and a lone-wolf kind of character anyway, and a rebel. I don’t know if he’s really such a team player. He kind of does his own thing… but still with goodwill and intent. So yeah, as part of this big team, I don’t know how he fits in, but he’s really interesting because of that.


HC: Did you prefer playing evil Hawkeye or good Hawkeye?


JR: I prefer the good, because if we go to the evil part, or hypnotized or whatever the heck you want to call it, it’s kind of a vacancy. Not even a bad guy, because there’s not really a consciousness to him. The interesting part was being guilty about the bad things I did do when I was hypnotized. I think he’s already an interesting enough character. To really kind of take away who that character is and just have him be this sort of robot, essentially, and have him be this minion for evil that Loki uses. Again, I could just focus on the task. I was limited, you know what I mean? I was a terminator in a way. So yeah, fun stunts. But is there any sort of emotional content or thought process? No. That doesn’t exist in that time [that he's hypnotized]. It happens to be for most of the movie.


*我突然懂了為什麼我覺得這個角色很空了!(恍然大悟) 因為真正的他去了Loki心裡啊(喂)

HC: Are you disappointed?


JR: You know, there are a lot of people in that movie. And a lot of important characters. And my character, I felt like if I can help serve story, then I did my job.


*這段超帥氣的,超,帥,氣wwwwwww Serve Story,這個詞好棒www(但想了半天譯不好)

HC: At least you had the coolest weapon.


JR: It’s a pretty cool weapon, yeah. I mean, cinematically, it’s really interesting looking, and then the stunt guys all came up with this idea for close-quarter battles, using it as a staff and a weapon, and then all the arrow tips that they kind of got into — I thought that was really cool. So it’s like OK, he’s actually formidable. He’s got a little arsenal.


*Renner你這語氣為何我覺得很像小孩妥協吃這種口味的糖XDDD 肯定我錯覺orz

HC: And it’s all him.


JR: Yeah, exactly. It’s something plausible. He’s a human being. He’s not a superhero with superpowers, he’s just a guy with a high skill set. So I thought that was kind of interesting. And that’s why I was really kind of like, “OK, I think I could see myself doing that role.”


HC: What do you have coming up?


JR: I just did a movie with James Gray directing, and Marion Cotillard, who is one of my favorite actresses (again, some of my favorite actresses. Marion Cotillard and Rachel Weisz. I got to work with both of them right in a row, and that was a real treat for me). And Joaquin Phoenix, who is one of the best actors out there, in my mind. And I got to play a magician. It was great. It’s a beautiful story about the early 1900s in America when all the immigrants were coming through Ellis Island. Marion plays the immigrant, and she sort of gets sold out or pimped out by Joaquin’s character. It’s a terrible way to describe it, but in the simplest way, it’s about a pimp, a whore and a magician. But it’s a little bit more complex than that.

我參演James Gray執導的作品,和Marion Cotillard合作演出,她也是我最喜愛的女演員之一,(我又提到我最喜愛的女演員們了,其中Marion Cotillard和Rachel Weisz,我非常高興有機會能先後和她們合作,這就像是工作上的豪華饗宴。) 我也和Joaquin Phoenix合作,我心目中圈內最厲害的演員之一。 我的角色是個魔術師。很棒的工作經驗。一個美麗的故事,發生在1900年代早期的美國,從Ellis島移民來新的居民。Marion的角色是移民之一,她的角色被Joaquin的角色欺騙出賣肉體,或說被他強迫賣淫。這樣說其實是很糟糕的描述,不過要最簡單的說法就是這樣,這個故事圍繞著一名皮條客,一名妓女,和一名魔術師。不過這三人發生的事情又比這還要再複雜一些。

*其實那個時候就拍了耶XDDD 不知道拍完了沒。這是一部資訊很少的影片。不過我一直都滿喜歡他的魔術師造型的。


不過聽他說這角色沒靈魂他演起來覺得自己被終結掉(喂) 突然覺得這角度感覺還滿虐XD


2 則留言:

  1. 12m44s就夠我每次看都笑到發傻...

    1. 對啊我也覺得好可惜,就是他真的可以再有多一點出場的XD
