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我喜歡雜誌的副標:JEREMY RENNER is the perfect torchbearer for the Bourne franchise
Perfect Torchbearer。
Leaving a Legacy 留給世界一些什麼
by Courtney Hazlett
At 41, Jeremy Renner is finally hitting the big time as he takes over one of the most vaunted film franchises in history. So why is he already talking retirement?
41歲,終於,Jeremy Renner躍上大紅大紫的舞台,接下史上最受歡迎的系列電影之一,Bourne系列的主演棒。這是他的光榮時刻,而他竟然已經開始計畫退休了?
Jeremy Renner is running late, and it’s hard to fault him for it.
Jeremy Renner遲到了,不過很難歸咎於他,嚴格來說,也不能算是他的錯。
Just a few days before our afternoon meeting in New York City, Renner flew in from Manila, Philippines, surmounting a 12-hour time difference. Basically from the moment he hit terra firma, he has been shooting scenes for The Bourne Legacy (opening Aug. 10), working almost around the clock against a heavy curtain of jet lag. And then, amid managing fatigue, a grueling work schedule and pesky press interviews, his dog died. TMZ and other media outlets picked up on the story immediately.
我們的下午茶訪問,今天在紐約市進行;不過幾天前,他人還在菲律賓馬尼拉(Manila, Philippines),和紐約時差12個小時的地方。他的工作行程緊湊,基本上一下飛機,雙腳一踏上陸地,就投入《The Bourne Legacy》(今年8月10號上映)的拍攝工作中;一面和嚴重的時差奮戰,一面展開緊湊的拍攝行程,幾乎沒有休息時間。然後,在他將時間心力專注在對抗時差的疲勞、投入繁重的工作,以及應付煩人的媒體訪問時,他養的狗狗死了。TMZ和其他傳播媒體很快把這個消息寫入他們的報導裡。
So when he steps out of his hotel lobby some 30 minutes late, mumbling a “sorry about that” as he settles into a pub seat, it’s difficult to hold a grudge against the guy. It’s a lot to handle all at once.
“I don’t know how that happened,” Renner says of the TMZ leak, which disclosed that at the time of the dog’s death, he was in the care of Renner’s best friend, Kristoffer Winters. “I’m not a big fan of how all that gets out. I’m mourning the death of my dog and stuff blows up about my best friend, who I call my brother, and I feel bad for him because he’s got to deal with it. I told him it would blow over. Just don’t read it. It’s pretty simple.”
「我不確定事情怎麼發生的。」關於TMZ的報導,那篇在他的狗死亡時立即同步發佈消息的新聞,Renner這麼說,當時他把狗交給最好的朋友Kristoffer Winters看顧。「我並不特別想追根究底。我為我的狗的死亡哀傷,而媒體追著我最好的朋友不放,這個人我視他為兄弟,我為他必需要面對這些感到難過。我告訴他這些都會過去的,不要看那些報導就好了,事情其實很簡單。」
The truth is, Jeremy Renner maintains that attitude across everything he does. He’s a pretty simple guy, or at least he — and the weighty pack of press clippings his publicist sent over ahead of our interview — gives off that impression. All the stories written about him follow a similar arc: Renner grew up in Modesto, Calif., the son of divorced parents but nonetheless happy, with nary a dream of making it in Hollywood. He’s always been incredibly close with his mother, Valerie, even accompanying her to Lamaze classes when he was a teen. (Renner later used those skills to guide one of his sisters through her pregnancy, and he is now the godfather of her child.)
事實上,Jeremy Renner對任何事情都維持這種「簡單就好」的態度。他是個很簡單直接的人,或者說,至少他給我們--以及在我們之前訪問他的各大媒體--的印象是簡單直接。所有他的相關報導遵循著這樣的故事線:加州Modesto小鎮長大,雙親離異,但還是過得很快樂,擁有遠大的好萊塢夢想。和母親Valerie的感情好到不可思議的地步:在他還是青少年的時候,他陪母親一起去上拉梅茲(Lamaze)課程。(之後他把課堂上學到的技能用來幫助懷孕的妹妹,在她懷孕期間指導她放鬆的方法,而現在他是她孩子的教父。)
At the encouraging of his father, a college administrator, he forwent the four-year university track and instead went to a community college in town, where after taking courses in criminology and computer science, he stumbled upon an acting class that got him hooked. Long before fame struck, which didn’t happen until he was nearly 40 years old, Renner was renovating houses with Winters, something he still does in his downtime.
All of that consistency leads one to believe that Renner is either incredibly private and on message or that the art of interviewing has become a little unimaginative. As it turns out, it’s the former: Renner is skilled at appearing to reveal a lot while protecting his private life.
That’s not to say, however, that Renner’s personal life is totally off-limits, even if the glimpses behind the curtain haven’t always been his choice. He’s had dalliances with celebrity tabloidism — TMZ was on top of the death of his dog for a reason, after all. There have been reports of romances with starlets, including Jessica Simpson and his Avengers co-star Scarlett Johansson (all of which he’s denied). And there were the stories about his raucous, star-studded 40th-birthday party last year. But even in the midst of it all, Renner has stayed decidedly out of any real gossip maelstrom. He lets it all pass by while still maintaining a mysterious edge. And there’s something about him that makes you feel like he’s constantly weighing the import of what he’s about to reveal.
這並不代表Renner的私人生活就完全是不可碰觸的禁忌,雖然他從來不希望把自己的私人生活曝光出去。八卦小報從他這裡幾乎挖不出消息,他以一種調戲的態度面對他們--TMZ為什麼大書特書他的狗的死亡,是有原因的。報導說他和幾個名氣不那麼高的女明星傳過緋聞,包括Jessica Simpson和與他共同合作Avengers的Scarlett Johnasson(而他全部否認了。)他去年的40歲生日派對邀請了眾多明星賓客,也傳出了不少故事。但就算這些相關的說法滿天飛,Renner依舊維持他一貫的態度,退開是非圈子,退得遠遠的,讓大家的關注隨著時間消退,而他的隱私依舊是祕密。而他在訪問中的談吐態度會讓你覺得,他在話說出口之前,其實常常在思考他說出這句話會造成什麼樣的效果。
*我不覺得Renner是公關生物,他只是個很有原則的人。XD 加上一個很難訪問的人。(欸)
我覺得每個名人的課題都是怎麼去抓媒體、公眾和自己之間的平衡點,目前讓我覺得最強大的人是Misha Collins;而Renner是……直接到讓你覺得,哇喔。
“I’m pretty candid about what people want to talk about, but if I find things to be too personal, I don’t talk about it,” he says.
What he will talk about is his family. Despite his closeness with his parents and four younger siblings, he admits that their relationship became strained after he’d decided to try acting but was struggling to break through. His family, who all still live in Modesto, 300 miles and a world away from Los Angeles, didn’t understand the journey he was on.
“The blinders of a small town — there’s safety in that,” he says. “They were in the safe zone in the Central Valley, going to 9-to-5 jobs. They didn’t know the artist’s plight, and I didn’t know how to explain it to them.”
「小鎮的視野侷限--他們認為那樣的生活比較安全,比較有保障。」他說:「他們待在中央谷地(Central Valley)的安全區裡,工作,過著朝九晚五的生活。他們無法理解走演員這條路會遇上什麼樣的困境,而我也不知道要怎麼對他們解釋。」
He didn’t know how to explain to them that he was, for a time, so broke that he couldn’t afford to pay his electricity bills and was living by candlelight. (And he certainly didn’t know how to explain it to women: “You try to put a positive spin on it, like, ‘Hey, this is so sexy — look at all these candles!’ ” he recently joked to Details.)
In 1998, his father went to the set of Renner’s first pilot to watch him shoot. It was day three of filming, and Renner had been training extensively to play an Olympic gymnast. But before he could film his pivotal scene, producers decided he looked too young for the part, and his role was recast. He was once again out of work.
Rather than force the wedge even further between them, however, Renner says that was a turning point in their relationship.
“I remember being there and my dad not being quite sure of what was happening, but for him to be a part of that process and be around for that event was really kind of monumental,” he says. “I was being fired for something where I didn’t do anything wrong. That was sort of the big change where they started to understand how strange the business was and learned as I was learning. And then it became a lot easier to talk about what I do.”
Eventually, he began to find work, but that breakout role eluded him until 2002, when he landed the lead role in Dahmer, a biopic about serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. It didn’t make him a marquee name, but he certainly made fans within the business with his gritty portrayal. “It was a tiny little movie, but it got me recognized within the industry,” he says. “No one really saw it, but it garnered some awards and nominations. That was the biggest springboard for me to date because it propelled me to a bunch of different movies.”
最後他又回到四處尋找工作的狀態,但一直到2002年才有所突破,他在連環殺手的記錄片《Dahmer》中擔任主演Jeffrey Dahmer。這部作品並沒有讓他一夕成名,但他展現出的演技實力讓圈內開始注意他。「那是部製作成本很少的小電影,不過它讓圈內的人知道我的存在。」他說:「沒有人真的看過它,不過它獲得了幾個獎項,幾個提名。它是我職業生涯裡最大的跳板,它為我帶來更多更不一樣的工作機會。」
Indeed, the aughts were a prolific time for Renner. The 2003 action flick S.W.A.T., co-starring Colin Farrell and LL Cool J, was a box-office boon. North Country, which starred Renner as Charlize Theron’s harassing co-worker, garnered Academy Award nominations for Theron and Frances McDormand. The zombie hit 28 Weeks Later was one of the most talked-about films of 2007. The cumulative effect was enough to get him recognized but not enough to make him known.
事實上,之後Renner的行程就開始忙碌了。2003年,他參演動作鉅片《S.W.A.T》,和Colin Farrell和LL Cool J共同演出,票房成績亮眼;以及《North Country》,他在裡頭飾演騷擾女主角Charlize Theron的同事,本片的演員Theron和Frances McDormand獲奧斯卡提名。2007年,他參演的殭屍末日作品《28 Weeks Later》是當時最具話題性的影片之一。這一連串的銀幕工作,讓觀眾「記得他的表現」,但還不到「認識他」的程度。
“They don’t know your name, but they know you’re ‘that guy,’ ” he says. Then came 2008 and The Hurt Locker, the war picture that earned nine Oscar nominations (including a Best Actor nod for Renner) and won six, including Best Picture, beating stiff competition from films like James Cameron’s Avatar. Since then, Renner admits, people don’t just recognize his face. “They know I’m Jeremy Renner,” he says.
「他們不知道你叫什麼名字,但他們知道你就是『那部片中的那個人』,」他說。再來的作品,就是2008年的《The Hurt Locker》,囊括九項奧斯卡提名(包括Renner的最佳男主角演員提名),贏得六項奧斯卡獎項的影片,也是當年殺出重圍,擊敗電影大作如James Cameron的《Avatar》(阿凡達),獲得最佳奧斯卡影片的作品。那之後,人們開始記得他的名字了,不光只是認得他的臉,「他們知道我是Jeremy Renner。」他說。
While it took him 39 years to get his first Oscar nomination, it only took him one more to earn a second, for 2010’s The Town, a Boston crime thriller directed by Ben Affleck. If any of his peers was unsure of his talent up until that point, all doubt was certainly removed afterward. Film critic Ben Mankiewicz remembers being wowed by the introduction Renner received at a Directors Guild screening of the movie.
他花了39年的努力,才得到第一個奧斯卡提名,而他的第二個奧斯卡提名只多花他了一年,2010年的作品《The Town》,由Ben Affleck執導,故事是以波士頓為背景的罪犯驚悚片。這之後,不管之前有什麼樣的評論說法,再沒有人懷疑他的演技實力。影片評論家Ben Mankiewicz還記得片中Renner的演技有多讓他驚豔,他在該片的導演介紹版本(Director Guild)中第一次見到Renner的螢幕表現。
“Ben Affleck was there, and he invited some of the producers and actors on the stage,” he recalls. “Chris Cooper is in the movie; Titus Welliver, the ‘Man in Black’ from Lost is also there, and Affleck says, ‘I now want to introduce the star of the movie, the person who everybody in this town will tell you is the best actor they’ve worked with.’ I’m thinking it’s going to be one of those guys, or Pete Postlethwaite. And he goes, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, Jeremy Renner.’ ” It wasn’t mere flattery or a commendation to be taken lightly, according to Mankiewicz. “Listen, Affleck’s not saying that unless other actors are talking that way too.”
「Ben Affleck也在現場,他邀請了幾位製作人,和幾位也參演了影片的演員。」他回憶:「參演的像是Chris Cooper;另外有Titus Welliver,《Lost》裡頭的那個"黑衣男子(Man in Black)",然後Affleck對大家說:『現在我想對大家介紹我們這部影片裡的明星,一個全好萊塢都會告訴你,他是他們合作過最好的,表現最出色的演員。』當時我想他要介紹的人是在場的某個演員,或許是Pete Postlethwaite。而他說:『各位先生女士,Jeremy Renner。』」這樣的高評價並不是一般程度的讚美,也不是單純的客套,Mankiewicz強調:「聽著,除非其他演員的確給予那麼高的評價,不然Affleck不會那樣說的。」
When Affleck cast Renner in The Town, he told GQ that Renner was “somebody who audiences aren’t so familiar with that they bring a set of expectations. He’s still really enigmatic and mysterious.” Despite his success of late, a good portion of that mystery remains, thanks to Renner’s chameleonlike ability on-screen and his sense of reservation off it — qualities that make him well suited to take over the Bourne film franchise previously helmed by Matt Damon.
Affleck在接受GQ雜誌訪問時,他表示當他將Renner選入《The Town》戲組時,覺得他是「觀眾不怎麼熟悉的對象,於是他會帶來觀眾的期待。當時他對觀眾依舊是充滿神祕的謎。」
現在,在他終於登上成功舞台的閃耀時刻,這份神祕感依舊維持著;Renner以演什麼像什麼,變色龍一般的銀幕演技,和他堅持到底的毅力,獲得Bourne系列電影的主演棒,他的堅強實力讓他成為不二人選,繼Matt Damon之後挑起主演的擔子。
But lest it seem like the indie darling is selling out by entering the franchise fray, film critics give the Bourne series, based on the beloved novels by Robert Ludlum, resounding high marks. Besides, Mankiewicz adds: Renner is the rare actor who can have the best of both worlds.
為了不讓事情看起來像是這名在獨立製片界大受歡迎的演員轉向商業片走向後,就再也不回歸了,影片評論者們給了《Bourne》系列,這部以Robert Ludlum的暢銷小說為改編基調的作品,非常高的好評。另外,Mankiewicz特別強調:Renner是少數能夠在兩邊的世界都能做出最高水準演出的演員。
“He probably has the look and the skill set, and seemingly the temperament and outlook, to go and make four really successful Bourne movies and then go make a film like Winter’s Bone,” Mankiewicz says. “He can do it because of the respect he has of other actors.”
「他或許看起來符合條件,他擁有的技能也符合條件,也擁有相同調性的氣質和談吐,他能夠拍出非常成功的Bourne第四部續集,也能再接著拍一部像《Winter's Bone》那樣的作品。」Mankiewicz說:「是他的話就可以做得到,因為他一直都維持對其他演員的尊重。」
*Winter's Bone:IMDB ,得了四個奧斯卡提名。
For his part, Renner downplays the idea that the future of the franchise rests on his shoulders; he knows he hasn’t fully been given the keys to the car just yet.
“Is that [thought] there? Sure,” he says. “But it also has to do well. Everyone at Universal, the writers, everyone wants it to do well. I want it to do well. But if it doesn’t do well, there’s no baton to be passed.”
Fortunately for Renner, the response in anticipation of the film’s release has been overwhelmingly positive, with critics and film buffs hailing it as one of the most anticipated movies of 2012. “The filmmakers have pulled a neat swerve and replaced Damon with one of the most exciting American actors around,” said The Observer’s Tom Lamont of Renner, with CinemaBlend.com’s David Wharton adding, “Jason Bourne’s legacy looks to be in good hands.”
Renner擁有幸運的結果,影片目前得到廣大的正面迴響,各方都非常期待,評論家和影迷們將它列為2012年最受期待的電影之一,熱烈歡迎它的上映。「影片製作人們很聰明的避開了置換Damon的議題,並且換上了一個全美國最令人期待的主演演員。」《The Observer》的Tom Lamont這麼說,而CinemaBlend.com的David Wharton則表示:「Jason Bourne的遺產看起來交託給了非常正確的人選。」
Renner shrugs off the praise. “We’ll see,” he says. “Moviemaking’s tough. I think people will be really happy with it. But yeah, baton, nah.”
But should it be a commercial success, would he do more? “I am happy to do another one, let’s put it that way,” he admits. And considering that Renner isn’t taking over Damon’s Jason Bourne role but is playing another agent, Aaron Cross, he and director Tony Gilroy have purposely left the possibility open for Damon’s return. “I told Matt I would love for us both to do the next one together,” Renner told Entertainment Weekly.
那麼如果票房大賣,他會願意再拍續集嗎?「這樣說吧:我很樂意再拍續集。」他承認。而因為他的加入並不是取代Damon演出Jason Bourne,而是飾演新角色,另一名特工Aaron Cross,導演Tony Gilroy和他都為Damon的回歸保留了很大的空間。Renner在《Entertainment Weekly》的訪問中說:「我告訴Matt我很樂意和他在下一部作品中合作。」
*我想看Entertainment Weekly啊啊啊!!!那個封面!!
But if Damon wants a collaboration to happen, he’d better hurry. Renner, 41, makes no bones about the fact that he doesn’t plan on continuing at this rapid clip much longer. He hopes to retire, he says, at 45. As in, in four years.
*makes no bones about:link
“I think it’s something that I’ll always do, don’t get me wrong,” he says. “My definition of retirement is doing what you want to do when you want to do it and for no other reason. I’ll always be acting, whether it’s community theater, Broadway, an independent film or a big franchise. I’ll always be doing it — but because I want to do it.”
The hard line in the sand — and you truly believe it when it comes from Renner’s mouth — is that he’ll never stick around this (potentially) lucrative business for the money. It’s just not his style. Instead, he intends to leave a mark that goes beyond The Bourne Legacy, beyond acting, beyond fame. His lasting contributions, he insists, are what he’s accomplished outside of Hollywood.
這個說法相當於一句鏗鏘有力的聲明--而當說的人是Renner的時候,你會確確實實相信他是真心這麼打算的--他永遠不會為了錢,為了可能獲得的名利,而待在這個圈子裡。那不是他的風格。他打算帶給這個圈子的是其他層次的東西:某個標誌,某個象徵,超越跟前這部即將上映的強片《The Bourne Legacy》的,超越演戲這件事,也超越環繞他的名聲光環的。一直以來他努力做出的貢獻,並且也還會再堅持繼續下去的成就,是他在好萊塢光圈外所完成的那些東西。
*draw the line in the sand:link
“If there’s a legacy that you can leave in life, it’s what you do,” he says. “That’s what I love about building houses. Those structures and those trees that I’ve planted will live long after I’m gone. And I feel good about those things and what they mean — to the planet and to the people that inhabit it.”
Like most things with Renner, it’s pretty simple.
帥氣,and Sexy。
So that's Renner's power.
我新學到的字是:Wowed →這樣也可以是一個字XDDDD
Somebody makes you wowed.
延伸:American Airway美國航空和The Bourne Legacy合作,拍攝的後製片段。
四月的封面故事:The Hollywood Reporter,Culture
還會化妝@@ 是像女生化妝的那種嗎?(相對於戲劇效果的造型化妝)