Avengers 劇組訪談,by http://collider.com
Tom Hiddleston THE AVENGERS Set Visit Interview
by Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub Posted:April 2nd, 2012 at 8:56 am
A movie is only as good as its villain, which explains how so many grand ideas turn into terrible motion pictures. It also explains why Thor is such a great film. While Chris Hemsworth was a perfect Thor, I’d argue that Tom Hiddleston was even better as Loki. I think Hiddleston steals Kenneth Branagh‘s movie, and he’s one of the best onscreen villains we’ve seen in a long time. So when I first heard that Loki was the main villain in Joss Whedon‘s The Avengers, I was very confident the film was headed in the right direction.
一部電影的成功取決於他的反派有多成功;這說明了為什麼那麼多偉大的點子最後變成失敗的作品,同時也說明了為什麼Thor能引起如此盛大的迴響。是的,Chris Hemsworth演出了完美的Thor,而我認為Tom Hiddleston的詮釋更加出色,他演出了更棒的Loki。我認為在Kenneth Brangh這部作品中,最引人注目的焦點就是Hiddleston,他的演出能名列大銀幕最佳反派形象之一,很久沒看到這麼棒的演出了。所以當我聽到Loki會是Joss Whedon的The Avengers的主要反派時,我相信這部片做了一個非常正確的決定。
When I got to visit the set of The Avengers last year with a few other reporters, Hiddleston talked to us about collaborating with Whedon, how Loki differs in this film compared to Thor, what the character’s goals are, if we’ll see more of his powers, and so much more.
As usual, I’m offering two ways to get the interview: you can either click here for the audio or the full transcript is below. The Avengers opens May 4.
去年,我有幸和幾位記者一起拜訪The Avengers的拍攝片場,Hiddleston接受我們的訪問,他告訴我們他怎麼和Whedon合作,這部影片如何展現出Thor和Loki的差異,這些角色的目的又是什麼,我們會不會看到他的角色展現更多的力量,等等很多東西。你可以點擊連結聽錄音訪問,或看以下的訪談記錄。
Question: When you were on the set of Thor you already knew that you were going to be a part of this movie. How does it feel like to finally be on the set of The Avengers?
TOM HIDDLESTON: It’s pretty spectacular. It’s a funny one because I really am a piece of a huge jigsaw puzzle that Kevin Feige is in charge of. I suspected that I might be in The Avengers, but I didn’t know in what way, in what capacity, to what extent, or how big my role was going to be really until I read a draft that Joss Whedon had written, printed, and sent out in February or March of this year. But it feels great, honestly. It is so exciting. It is so rare as an actor to be allowed the chance to revisit a role and to go back to a character that you already built, and lived inside, and understood. To take it further to another stage is a huge privilege.
Tom Hiddleston:非常壯觀。感覺很有趣,因為我之前不過就只參與了Kevin Feige負責的故事拼圖中的一小部分。我猜過我可能會在The Avengers裡頭再出場,但我不知道怎麼樣出場,有什麼樣的能力,到什麼樣的程度,我的角色的戲份會佔多重,直到今年二月還是三月,我讀了Joss Whedon寄出的初版劇本之後。老實說,劇本給我的感覺非常好。非常刺激。一個演員很少能有這樣的機會再重新詮釋自己演過的角色,演活了的,投注靈魂下去經營的角色。而能進一步把這個角色延伸到另一個舞台上,就像給了我很大的特權一樣。
When Joss talked to you about coming back what was his explanation to you for why Loki would be the perfect villain for this movie? Did he talk to you about why he chose Loki?
HIDDLESTON: Well, I think Joss loves Loki because he loves complexity and the great thing about Loki is that there is almost no ceiling to his complexity as a character. He is a shape shifter, he’s intelligent, and he has strategic gifts but he also has reservoirs of pain. I think when you’ve got so much color and heroism in a film like The Avengers it needs to be balanced by a degree of pain, I think. Joss and I sat down for a long time at the end of Thor and he said, “Tell me everything about living inside of this man for 6 months. Tell me what makes him tick, what keeps him up at night. What are the nightmares of his soul?” We just shared all of our ideas from Norse mythology, the comics, and things that I developed with Kenneth Branagh. He loved it and he loved all of those ideas. He loved all of Loki’s damage and that somewhere at the bottom of Loki’s credentials as a bad guy he is a searching spirit. He is a damaged soul searching for the answers to something. Why he exists, what is his role in this universe, that he isn’t just somebody who is evil for the sake of being evil. He has complicated reasons for that.
Hiddleston:恩,我想Joss很喜歡Loki,是因為他很喜歡複雜的角色,而Loki迷人的點正是這個角色的複雜性是沒有上限的。他對不同的人展露不同的面貌,見什麼人說什麼話,他聰明,天生擅長謀略,但也深陷於痛苦之中。我認為像The Avengers這樣的電影,你會看到很多不同的色彩,很多不同形式的英雄,而你必需取得一個平衡點,加入某種程度的痛苦來平衡它,我是這麼想的。拍完Thor後,我和Joss談了很久,最後他說:「告訴我這六個月以來你把自己代入這個角色的經歷,任何一切事情,告訴我是什麼讓這個角色具有深度,又是什麼讓這個角色在夜裡輾轉難眠。他最深刻的惡夢是什麼?」我們從北歐神話、漫畫、一路談到我和Kenneth Branagh一起在電影中呈現的形象,分享所有的想法。他非常感興趣,他喜歡所有我提出的意見。他喜歡所有Loki造成的破壞,而Loki這些到處破壞的行為背後,其實有著追根究底的探索精神。他是個受傷了的靈魂,而不斷的四處尋求解答。為什麼他要存在,他在這個世界中扮演什麼樣的角色,他並不只是個單純為了當壞人而出現的壞人。他背後是有很複雜的原因的。
So I think in terms of how The Avengers come together…when you are making a film, there are so many superhero films, and there are so many films about the end of the world, and you have to think, “How can we make this distinctive and unique?” I think what Joss has done so brilliantly is that he has made it about the healing power of being part of a team. So each of The Avengers: Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, The Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Nick Fury, have their own individual pain. Loki, too, has his own pain and somehow by bringing them together their pain is eased by being part of a team, which I think is a unique selling point for this particular film.
所以我想,談到復仇者們怎麼集結起來這個話題……當你打算拍一部這樣的電影,你已經看到很多很多超級英雄的電影了,也看到很多很多關於世界末日的電影,所以你會想:「我們要怎麼讓這部電影獨一無二?」我認為Joss的處理手法非常高明,他把焦點放在當小隊集結在一起時,所帶來的治癒力量。The Avengers隊上的每個成員:鋼鐵人、Thor、美國隊長、浩克、鷹眼、黑寡婦、Nick Fury,每個人都有自己的傷痛。Loki亦然,他也有自己的傷痛。而將大家集合在一起,透過成為隊上的一員,能夠多多少少減輕他們的痛苦。我想這就是這部電影想傳達的獨特視角。
Until the end of Thor we didn’t really see Loki on Earth at all.
HIDDLESTON: Well, we saw him on Earth when he comes to visit his brother and tells him to come home.
Oh, right. That was only briefly, though. I’m curious if Loki walks around in kind of garish outfits when he comes to Earth or does he have a kind of more human outfit that he wears to get around?
HIDDLESTON: I think that Loki doesn’t particularly care what the humans think of his dress sense. [Laughs] Let’s remember that he is a god or at least an advanced being visiting these deeply inferior beings called humans. I think that like in a way when Thor first comes to Earth, Loki also shares an arrogance about being superior to them. The journey of Thor and for that character is to learn humility. So by the end of Thor, Thor, as played brilliantly by Chris Hemsworth, has respect, and affection, and love for the human race. I’m not sure that Loki has developed that yet. [Laughs]
Hiddleston:我想Loki其實並不在乎人們怎麼看他的服裝品味。(笑) 提醒你他可是個神,或說,至少是比地球上這群低下的,名為"人類"的存在高了非常多級的外星訪客。我認為當Thor第一次來到地球,和地球人接觸的時候,Loki同時也建立起「我處於他們之上」的高傲。Thor的地球之旅,是為了讓他體認到人性的美好。所以在Thor的結尾,由Chirs Hemsworth很完美的詮釋出來的Thor,學會了尊重人類,對人類擁有感情,學會去愛人類。而這點,我不確定Loki目前學會了沒有。(笑)
How different is Loki in this film when compared to how he is in Thor? I think that he comes into his own power at the end of Thor. Is he just very angry and bitter in this film?
HIDDLESTON: Well, what can I say here? I swear to you that in that building over there, there are sniper rifles. [laughs] I think that what was interesting about the journey of Loki in Thor is that he went from second string and damaged prints to being the God of mischief and God of evil. I think somewhere between the end of Thor and the beginning of The Avengers, Loki has been to the Marvel equivalent of the 7th circle of hell. At the end of Thor you see him let go. He lets go of the spear, he lets go of Asgard, and he lets go of the need of his brother and father’s affection and approval. He has bigger plans now.
Hiddleston:恩,我可以透露什麼呢?我可以對你發誓,那邊那棟大樓上絕對有好幾支狙擊槍對準我,就等著開槍。(笑) 我想在Thor當中展現的Loki,有趣的是他和地球人的交集中,他是個以破壞手段篡位的統治者,他是惡作劇之神,是邪惡之神。我想在Thor到The Avengers中間這段時間,Loki去了Marvel世界的第七層地獄(Marvel equivalent of the 7th circle of hell)。你可以看到他在Thor的結尾放手了,讓自己掉進去。他放棄了武器,放棄Asgard,放棄對父親和哥哥的情感,以及希冀在他們身上得到的認同。他現在有了更大的計畫。
*(Marvel equivalent of the 7th circle of hell) →我不確定怎麼說,對不起囧
I think there is a degree of self-possession in Loki in The Avengers, which was missing in Thor. As in, the Loki of Thor is a confused and damaged prince and the Loki of The Avengers is somebody who understands his own power. He understands his own anger and is able to probably, I would say, suppress it. So you see that in a way he is more mischievous. Loki is the God of mischief and I think that the way Joss has written Loki in The Avengers is that he is a mischief. He is someone whose actions are very, very difficult for the seven of eight Avengers to pin down.
我想在The Avengers裡頭,Loki能做到某種程度的自我掌控,這點在Thor裡沒有表現出來。Thor中Loki是個困惑的、受了傷的王子,而在The Avengers中的Loki,是一個了解自己擁有什麼樣力量的人。他了解他的憤怒,而且也大概有能力,我會這麼說,壓制這份憤怒。所以你會看到他比較調皮搗蛋的一面。Loki是惡作劇之神,而我想在The Avengers裡Joss為他塑造的形象就是個搗蛋鬼。他是個一舉一動都讓其他七位(八位當中的七位)復仇者非常頭痛的角色。
You mentioned different goals for Loki. Without getting into specifics, what do you think are those goals and what do you think is his end goal? What is he getting out of this?
HIDDLESTON: I don’t want to say that it is disconnected from the Loki of Thor. So I think that in thought Loki has a deep need for approval and status. As in, Loki learning that he was Laufey’s bastard son, Loki learning that he had no place in Asgard. He felt unloved, abandoned, and alone. He was abandoned by Odin and that whole family. I think that is still connected to his motivations in The Avengers. I think like any completely delusional fascist in the course of human history, it comes from the lack of self-esteem. So he is just going about in the wrong ways of giving himself power. I mean, that is what all of the villains throughout the history of human race have ever really wanted – to accumulate power. So somehow in the delusion that power will give them self-respect, which it won’t, but Loki thinks that having power will earn him approval and self-respect, I think.
Hiddleston:我並不認為它和Thor的Loki沒有關聯。所以我認為在Loki內心深處,他依舊渴求認同,渴求名正言順的身份。他在Thor中知道自己是Laufey的私生子,知道自己在Asgard得不到正當的地位。他覺得自己得不到愛、被遺棄了,並且孤單。他被Odin和所有的家庭成員拋棄了。我認為這延續到The Avengers中,影響他的行動。我想就像歷史上那些痴心妄想的法西斯主義者一樣,他們的問題都在於找不到自我的定位。所以他用了錯誤的方式去尋求力量。我的意思是,歷史上所有的反派們追尋的都是同樣一件事:壯大自己的力量。而在他們的妄想世界中,他們追尋到的力量能夠給他們缺乏的自尊,當然事實並不是如此,不過Loki也認為取得力量可以給他身份認同和自尊。我是這麼想的。
Will he be redeemed?
HIDDLESTON: I think so. Yeah. I mean, the thing about Loki is that he is still…I am trying to not spill into some sort of cackling, two-dimensional villain. I am trying to retain all of the complexity that I worked so hard on the first film. It would be such a shame to just play someone who is just all evil. So I think there is obviously at the bottom of him still redemption possible. I just think that it is better hidden. He is a lot harder spiritually and he is less vulnerable. He is more powerful and he is infinitely more dangerous and more self-possessed. He is a tough nut to crack.
Does Loki in The Avengers possibly bite off more than he can chew, causing too many problems? Is it possible that it comes to the point where he might merge or work with The Avengers to stop his own devious plan because it’s so evil?
Loki在The Avengers裡會因為不自量力,而造成無法收拾的麻煩嗎?如果事情失去掌控,他有沒有可能反過來和復仇者小隊合作,一起阻止他自己的邪惡計畫?
HIDDLESTON: Well….no. [laughs] I think he is so smart that he has thought of everything. I’ve referred to him before as a kind of chess master. I think that he is 10 steps ahead in the game. He plays everyone so beautifully. He plays them better than they know, I think. But there is a flaw at the bottom of him, which is that he’s motivated entirely out of selfishness and a need for approval. I think that is ultimately his flaw.
Hiddleston:恩……不可能。(笑) 我認為他很聰明,而且什麼都考慮進去了。我會把他看成一個西洋棋大師。在這場棋局裡,他已經先想好下十步要怎麼走了。他會以非常高明的手段玩弄所有人。在他們自己都沒意識到的情況下,他就已經漂亮的惡整了他們,我想。不過他內心深處有個弱點,那就是他的一切行動都是為了展現自己有多強大,並且需要認同。我想這最後會成為他的弱點。
Who has been the most fun to work with?
HIDDLESTON: I find it all to be really great. What Joss has given me is a gift. It’s a bunch of two handers with everyone. So I have big scenes with Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr., Sam Jackson, Chris Evans, and Mark Ruffalo. So, without giving too much away, there is a wonderful…it’s like Loki is pitted individually against the different skills and superpowers of all of these characters. So, you know, my scene with Chris is a continuation of all of that. It’s brotherly complication. I loved playing my scene with Scarlett, which we have already shot, because Black Widow is sneaky, underhand, and she lurks in the shadows. She is smart, clever, and duplicitous and she’s hard to trust. All of those adjectives could also be used to describe Loki. So the scene between Loki and Black Widow is one where they recognize each other. So I loved doing that and Scarlett was…we played a good round on that one. Sam, too, is fantastic.
Hiddleston:和每個人工作都很棒。這劇組是Joss給我的禮物。每個人都像是十項全能。我和Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr., Sam Jackson, Chris Evans,以及Mark Ruffalo都有很多對手戲。所以,在不劇透太多的前提下,有個很不錯的……就像Loki各別跟每個角色、每個不同的力量周旋,試圖擊破他們。所以,你知道的,我和Chris的對手戲就是之前那些的延續。那些複雜的兄弟情結。我很喜歡和Scarlett的對手戲,我們才剛拍完不久,因為黑寡婦是個心機狡猾的對手,並且總是潛伏在黑暗中。她很聰明、機智,詭計多端,不能輕易相信她。而這些形容詞同樣也可以拿來用在Loki身上,所以Loki和黑寡婦的對手戲,就是他們相互認清對方有多少本事,探對方的底的過程。我很喜歡這樣的場景,而Scarlett……我們合作的效果非常好。Sam也是,和他合作棒透了。
Everybody is great and the chemistry is different with everyone. That is the joy of acting – you really don’t know how it is going to go until you turn up. It’s like playing tennis, you can’t plan for the match you are going to play until you are actually up against your opponent and what happens, happens. That is the joy of being on set.
How does the Cosmic Cube play into The Avengers? There were hints of the Infinity Gauntlet too. How do they play into the film? I think that Loki doesn’t need them since he is a god. Also, do you get very physical in the film?
Cosmic Cube在The Avengers裡佔的地位是?之前也提到了 Infinity Gauntlet。這些元素會怎麼被呈現出來?我猜Loki既然是個神,就不需要這些了?另外,你在這部影片中會有很多肢體衝突的打鬥嗎?
HIDDLESTON: Yeah. It’s a big action film and I am playing the villain and there needs to be fights.
But you are Loki. You can create things and do things.
HIDDLESTON: I can, but at the same time…I loved doing all of the fight stuff. I think what was so thrilling about the fights that we have already shot and choreographed is that R.A. Rondell, who is the stunt coordinator on the film, has really embraced the different physicality and superpowers of every character. So, obviously, Chris Hemsworth has his hammer and the size of his arms. [laughs] Chris Evans has his shield and Scarlett as Black Widow has been doing a lot of wuxia stuff. Robert has his suit and Loki has his intelligence and his ability to disappear and reappear and his staff. So I think the fights will be really thrilling to watch.
Hiddleston:是的,不過同時……我也很喜歡所有的打鬥場面。我們的特技指導,R.A.,Rondell,為每個角色設計了全新層面的超能力和技能,在我們已經完成拍攝的幾幕裡,他的安排看起來非常吸引人。比如,最明顯的,Chris Hemsworth有像他的手臂那麼大的槌子。(笑) Chris Evans有他的盾,而Scarlett扮演的黑寡婦則展現很多的拳腳功夫。Rober有他的鋼鐵裝,Loki有他的聰明機智,瞬移的能力等等。我想戰鬥場面是很值得期待的。
*wuxia stuff→他用這個字耶?武俠?XDDDD (好想幫他正名為「武功」…(喂
He is unpredictable. Thor is more predictable as a fighter, but that doesn’t mean he is any less spectacular. As far as the Cosmic Cube is concerned…there is certainly a continuity I think, which is being taken from the tag scene at the end of Thor. Anyone who will see Captain America…and then it is taken a bit further in this film, but I don’t want to spoil it for anyone.
Loki是無法預測的。Thor,你比較能猜到他會怎麼戰鬥,不過那並不代表他的戰鬥畫面就不精彩。而當Cosmic Cube這個元素加入時……我想一定有對前作的延續,延續Thor的結局提到的畫面;以及如果有人會去看Captain America的話……它裡頭會提到更多,不過我不想在這裡劇透。
We were talking earlier with Joss about the mythology of the characters, specifically Norse mythology. How much of Loki’s mythology is the actual mythology? How much is he a part of what you are doing now?
HIDDLESTON: It’s difficult because Marvel have this Titanic task on their hands of blending the different elements of their own universes together. So whatever we built on Thor is really what we are running with on this one. It’s not like we are suddenly going back to golden apples, Loki turning into a horse, and other characters from the Norse mythology pantheon. There are still no signs of Bor and Baldur and all of these other Norse characters. It’s enough to have 7 or 8 principal characters in The Avengers, which is going to be a two hour picture. So I think if we ever expand deeper into the Norse myths it would have to come later in any Thor sequels, which I genuinely know absolutely nothing about.
Hiddleston:這滿困難的,因為Marvel得負責這個像鐵達尼號一樣龐大的任務,把不同的元素從他們的獨立宇宙中集合起來,再重新組織排列。我們在這部作品裡建立的,和我們在Thor中建立的是相同的東西。並不是突然就把那些神話搬回來:金蘋果、Loki變成一隻馬、還有那些來自北歐神話的眾神。目前還沒看到像Bor或是Baldur或其他北歐神話角色參與的跡象。在The Avengers裡有了七個或八個主要角色,已經夠了,它只是部二小時的電影。我想如果要進一步往北歐神話這方面發展,可能會放到Thor續集裡,當然,這些作品會怎麼拍攝,我真心什麼都不知道。
Do you think you will be in the Thor sequel?
HIDDLESTON: I honestly don’t know. I know I’ve been a little bit back about coming forward before, but I truly don’t know. I don’t know if Chris is doing one and I honestly don’t know.
Does The Avengers set up more Avengers movies? Does it have that feeling at the end of the film?
The Avengers會有續集嗎?它的結尾會給人可以再拍續集的感覺嗎?
HIDDLESTON: You hope so. I mean, it is so exciting. The first time I read the script I was…it’s a rare thing when you can read a script in one sitting and you haven’t looked at the watch or you’ve gone to make a cup of tea. I got to the last page and I thought to myself, “That is amazing.” Somehow Joss had managed to reintroduce characters that we all love, make them seem fresh, seem new, and then having them all together without weighting any particular character more than the other. It was really…as just a feat of writing I was so impressed. If they keep Joss on board for another one…I think, yeah, let’s hope there are more.
What can we expect in terms of powers from Loki when compared to what we saw in Thor? Are we going to see shapeshifting?
HIDDLESTON: I think he takes what he has learned from Thor a bit further, you know? There is a degree of disappearing and reappearing, there’s a degree of mind control, and there is a degree of self-duplication, which throws a spanner in the works for people who think that he is more predictable than that.
Can you talk about the team aspect? Does Loki have something like that? Does he need something like that, that heals him?
HIDDLESTON: He probably does, but if he was healed or healable he would be part of the team. So I think he is on the limb and on his own. The other thing is, and I love that Joss hasn’t in any way diluted this fact or watered it down, is that Thor and Loki are gods on Earth. No matter how powerful the super soldiers or the scientists of The Avengers team are, they are dealing with immortals. So Loki’s power is really something to contend with. What I loved about what Marvel decided to do with Thor is that they could have sent Loki to Earth instead of The Destroyer. It could have been Loki versus Thor down there, but they actually saved it in a way for The Avengers. You actually see how powerful Loki can be when he gets down among the humans.
Hiddleston:他可能會有,不過如果他被治癒了,或說他有被治癒的可能的話,他就會是小隊的一員了。所以我認為他會獨自行動,只有他一個人。另外一點,我滿喜歡的一點,就是Joss依舊強調Thor和Loki對地球而言,是「神」這樣的存在,他沒有淡化忽視這個事實。不管那些超級士兵們、科學家們、The Avengers小隊有多麼強大,他們面對的敵人是「神」。所以Loki一人的力量也就足夠他們花心思抗衡了。我欣賞Marvel處理Thor的方式:他們其實可以讓Loki代替毀滅者(The Destroyer)來到地球上,在那個時候就讓Loki和Thor對戰,但他們把這樣的場面保留起來,留到現在這部作品當中。當Loki親自出現在人類跟前時,你可以確實體會到他可以有多強大。
*i am going to get those bunches of bitches kneel.
So we see Thor versus Loki in The Avengers?
所以我們會在The Avengers裡看到Thor對上Loki?
HIDDLESTON: [pauses] Yes, you do.
Hiddleston:(停頓) 是的,你會看到。
Are you able to find humor in Loki?
HIDDLESTON: Absolutely! I think that is definitely something that has been taken on by Joss too. I think the discovery of the humor and what happens when an Asgardian walks among mortals with Chris is something that he has expanded to Loki too. Also, Loki is enjoying himself a lot more in this one. Like he has really…I don’t know. He is just having a really good time. [Laughs] Joss and I talked a lot about James Mason. We talked about how James Mason always seemed to be having a really good time even when he was playing the bad guy.
Hiddleston:絕對可以!我想Joss也絕對會展現出這一點。我想展現幽默的部分在於,當阿斯卡星人來到地球時,他們和地球人的文化衝擊,在Chris和地球人的互動上展現幽默,而他也延伸到Loki這個角色上。這部作品中,Loki也更加自得其樂。就像他真的有……我不知道。他就單純是玩的非常開心。(笑) 我和Joss很常談到James Mason。我們談到他怎麼看起來總是玩得很開心的樣子,就算他飾演的是反派角色。
In Thor, Loki was fighting people who even though they were against him still very much cared for him. But in The Avengers, that really isn’t the case. Is that more challenging for him since these characters don’t understand him and are more centered on just stopping him, destroying him?
在Thor中,Loki對抗的是雖然和他敵對,但還是非常關心他的人。但在The Avengers裡,情況完全不同。對他來說,面對這些並不了解他,而更專注於打倒他、阻止他這件事上的敵人,會不會是更大的挑戰?
HIDDLESTON: Well, it’s a bit more complicated because Thor is also part of that team. So sometimes you find Thor trying to convince The Avengers that Loki isn’t as bad as they all think he is. Thor, I think, believes that Loki is still redeemable. Do The Avengers pose more of a challenge for Loki? Probably, but then Loki poses more of a challenge to The Avengers too. For example, Loki is a more complex, more dangerous villain than say either villains played by Jeff Bridges and Mickey Rourke in the Iron Man films or Tim Roth in The Incredible Hulk. I think the fact that he is an Asgardian makes him more dangerous.
Hiddleston:恩,這有點複雜,因為Thor也在復仇者小隊上。所以有的時候你會看到Thor試圖說服其他小隊成員Loki其實沒那麼壞。Thor,我想,他一直都相信還有機會可以挽回Loki。對上The Avengers小隊會是更大的挑戰嗎?或許,不過Loki同樣也是他們更大的挑戰。舉例來說,Loki比在鋼鐵人裡Jeff Bridges和Mickey Rourke飾演的反派,或The Incredible Hulk(無敵浩克?片名我忘記…)裡Tim Roth飾演的反派更加複雜,也更危險。我想他是個阿斯卡星人這件事,讓他帶來更大的威脅。
What has Joss been like to work with when compared to Kenneth Branagh given their different backgrounds?
我們知道這兩位導演有著不同的背景,而和前一位導演Kenneth Branagh相比,與Joss的合作經驗如何?
HIDDLESTON: What is interesting about Joss is his appreciation for British theater culture and for the training of British actors. I say this because that is the angle that I take. It’s huge. Often when the camera team is changing a lens or in the middle of a relight, Joss and I will be talking about Sir Ian McKellen’s fantastic performance in An Enemy of the People in the National Theater in 1997. He works with British actors all of the time in all of his TV shows. In fact, he has talked about the choice that he had to make in college between theater or film and he almost became a theater director. I suppose that Joss’ work seems that he has catered to a particular thing, but actually as a fan of the art of acting and the art of filmmaking, and theater, and storytelling – his tastes are hugely broad.
Hiddleston:Joss讓我覺得有趣的是,他對英國戲劇文化,和該文化對英國演員的訓練都抱持感激。我這樣說,因為這是我看到的角度。這是非常大的不同。常常在攝影小組換鏡頭的時候,或是在燈光組調整燈光的空檔,我和Joss會聊起Sir Ian Mackellen 1997年在國家劇院演出An Enemy of the People的絕佳表現。他在拍攝電視劇的時候,就常和英國演員合作。事實上,他也提過他在大學的時候面臨要往電影還是戲場方面發展的選擇,而他差一點點就成為一個舞台劇導演。我想做了選擇之後,他就往特定的專業領域發展了,但實際上他還是深深著迷於劇場藝術、電影藝術、戲劇、以及敘述故事--他的興趣非常廣泛。
It’s really interesting actually. On the Thor junket everyone was like, “Wow. Kenneth Branagh directing a superhero movie?” In my experience, Ken loves superhero movies. [Laughs] Don’t be fooled by the Shakespeare stuff. Conversely, Joss is a huge fan of Shakespeare. He is a brilliant writer and a brilliant storyteller. Of course, they are different in their methods. They are different people. I like that, though. I’m having a really good time working with him. He is so fun and I love his references. Whenever he comes back from watching the monitor with a big grin on his face…he is a worker and he likes honing things.
這其實非常有趣。在拍Thor的時大家的反應是:「哇喔,Kenneth Branagh要拍超級英雄電影?」而就我的了解,其實Ken深愛超級英雄電影。(笑) 不要被那些莎士比亞的東西騙了。而Joss正好相反,他是莎士比亞的死忠書迷。他是非常厲害的劇作家,非常厲害的說故事者。當然他們採用不同的呈現手法。他們是不一樣的人。雖然有所差距,但我們的合作很愉快,我很喜歡和他一起工作。他非常有趣,而我喜歡他引用的那些話。不管什麼時候,只要他在看完螢幕上的成果了,帶著大大的微笑回到片場……他是個努力工作的人,並且很注重細節。
Many people thought that your performance in Thor was excellent. I think most of us would agree. It’s very rare to get a great villain. I’m sure you read some reviews or heard some positive things. I’m curious if you feel any added pressure now for this film since you have to exceed expectations or do just a great a job on this one.
HIDDLESTON: That is a good question. I honestly try to not think about it in a way. I think that you really can’t think about the end result, creatively, I think, in any art form. I think if you are a composer and you think, “I have to sit down and write a better song than the last one.” or if you are an artist or a painter and you think, “My painting has to be better than the last one.” I guess that is what they call “the difficult second hour”, but I don’t feel it to be honest. I think it is because I am just thinking of the character, the story, and trying to do the best that I can.
Even outside of Marvel, whenever I am working on a film, I try to not think about what people will think about it once it’s made. It will make you self-conscious and self-aware. You just have to be thinking, “Who is this guy? What does he want? It’s my responsibility to play this guy and his version of the truth is my responsibility. What other people see in that representation is up to them.” I didn’t know that people were going to like what I did in Thor as Loki. It’s nice that they liked it I guess. [laughs] But it is that thing of “to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.”
就算在Marvel的世界之外,我的其他影片工作,我也試著不要去想人們怎麼看我之前的演出。它會讓你意識到你自己,你本人。但所有你需要考慮的其實只是「這個角色是誰?他想要什麼?我的責任就是演出這個角色,呈現這個角色眼中的真實是我的義務。其他人怎麼看我的演出,是他們的事情。」我演出Thor裡的Loki時,並不知道人們會不會喜歡這樣的他。而我想知道他們喜歡他,這感覺非常好。(笑) 這就像那句話說的:「to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.」(最重要的是對自己的真實,將這點時時刻刻謹記在心,於是你也不會以虛偽的一面示人)
Tom, it’s the elephant in the room – what do you do when you get your hands on the Cosmic Cube?
Tom,這是個大家都知道,但大家都不願提起它的問題--你拿到Cosmic Cube之後打算做什麼?
HIDDLESTON: [laughs] Well….I will quote Sam Jackson at the end of Thor. Stellan Skarsgard’s Erik Selvig says to Sam Jackson’s Nick Fury “What is it?” and Nick Fury replies “Power, doctor. If we can figure out how to tap it, maybe unlimited power.” So I think that is what attracts Loki to the cube.
Hiddleston:(笑) 恩……讓我引用Sam Jackson在Thor結尾的話。 Stellan Skarsgard詮釋的Erik Selvig對Sam Jackson詮釋的Nick Fury說「這是什麼?」,Nick Fury回答:「這是力量,博士。如果我們能找出打開它的方法,或許我們就能擁有無盡的能源。」我想這是Cube之所以吸引Loki的原因。
Hypothetically speaking, what have you borrowed from the Thor set or from this set that you want to borrow?
HIDDLESTON: I haven’t borrowed anything. I think if I started to borrow stuff and adverted commerce, for which I think the word in English is “steal” [laughs], I would probably lose my job. But Marvel have been sweet to me. They have given me action figures. Oh! For my birthday they sent me the scarf that Loki wears in the trailer scene in Thor. Remember when he turns up in a nice suit and overcoat? He is a wearing scarf and so now I am in possession of my Loki scarf.
Hiddleston:我還沒借走任何東西過。我想如果我拿走了什麼而沒有付錢,我會把這個行為描述為:「偷東西」。(笑) 然後我可能就會丟了工作。 不過Marvel對我很體貼。他們給了我模型公仔。喔!在我生日的時候,他們送給我Loki在Thor預告片中戴的那條圍巾。記得他穿著那件好看的西裝外加長大衣的樣子嗎?就是那時候戴的圍巾,而現在我是這條Loki圍巾的主人啦。
Do you have the helmet?
HIDDLESTON: I don’t. I think I broke all of my helmets actually. But I couldn’t have done that since there was one at Comic Con. They were…in that final battle scene, which was one of the last things we shot when we were doing Thor, every time I landed on the Rainbow Bridge I kept smashing the horns against the bridge and the bridge always won basically.
Hiddleston:不會。事實上,我想我把我所有的頭盔都弄壞了。我想不是全部啦,因為在Comic Con上還可以看到一個完好的。事情發生在……拍攝影片中最後一場戰鬥的時候,也是拍Thor時最後一個拍攝的場景,而我每倒在彩虹橋上一次,我頭盔上的角就狠狠撞一次彩虹橋,而基本上……彩虹橋總是贏家。
*這段好可愛XDDDDDD 彩虹橋總是贏家XDDD
Thor這個片名取得有點煩,我很懶得幫它加書名號(為何),但是每次看到Loki in Thor的時候都會想歪(喂)
差別在哪裡?XDD 莎士比亞傳統嗎?(喂)
A movie is only as good as its villain, which explains how so many grand ideas turn into terrible motion pictures. It also explains why Thor is such a great film. While Chris Hemsworth was a perfect Thor, I’d argue that Tom Hiddleston was even better as Loki. I think Hiddleston steals Kenneth Branagh‘s movie, and he’s one of the best onscreen villains we’ve seen in a long time. So when I first heard that Loki was the main villain in Joss Whedon‘s The Avengers, I was very confident the film was headed in the right direction.
一部電影的成功取決於他的反派有多成功;這說明了為什麼那麼多偉大的點子最後變成失敗的作品,同時也說明了為什麼Thor能引起如此盛大的迴響。是的,Chris Hemsworth演出了完美的Thor,而我認為Tom Hiddleston的詮釋更加出色,他演出了更棒的Loki。我認為在Kenneth Brangh這部作品中,最引人注目的焦點就是Hiddleston,他的演出能名列大銀幕最佳反派形象之一,很久沒看到這麼棒的演出了。所以當我聽到Loki會是Joss Whedon的The Avengers的主要反派時,我相信這部片做了一個非常正確的決定。
When I got to visit the set of The Avengers last year with a few other reporters, Hiddleston talked to us about collaborating with Whedon, how Loki differs in this film compared to Thor, what the character’s goals are, if we’ll see more of his powers, and so much more.
As usual, I’m offering two ways to get the interview: you can either click here for the audio or the full transcript is below. The Avengers opens May 4.
去年,我有幸和幾位記者一起拜訪The Avengers的拍攝片場,Hiddleston接受我們的訪問,他告訴我們他怎麼和Whedon合作,這部影片如何展現出Thor和Loki的差異,這些角色的目的又是什麼,我們會不會看到他的角色展現更多的力量,等等很多東西。你可以點擊連結聽錄音訪問,或看以下的訪談記錄。
Question: When you were on the set of Thor you already knew that you were going to be a part of this movie. How does it feel like to finally be on the set of The Avengers?
TOM HIDDLESTON: It’s pretty spectacular. It’s a funny one because I really am a piece of a huge jigsaw puzzle that Kevin Feige is in charge of. I suspected that I might be in The Avengers, but I didn’t know in what way, in what capacity, to what extent, or how big my role was going to be really until I read a draft that Joss Whedon had written, printed, and sent out in February or March of this year. But it feels great, honestly. It is so exciting. It is so rare as an actor to be allowed the chance to revisit a role and to go back to a character that you already built, and lived inside, and understood. To take it further to another stage is a huge privilege.
Tom Hiddleston:非常壯觀。感覺很有趣,因為我之前不過就只參與了Kevin Feige負責的故事拼圖中的一小部分。我猜過我可能會在The Avengers裡頭再出場,但我不知道怎麼樣出場,有什麼樣的能力,到什麼樣的程度,我的角色的戲份會佔多重,直到今年二月還是三月,我讀了Joss Whedon寄出的初版劇本之後。老實說,劇本給我的感覺非常好。非常刺激。一個演員很少能有這樣的機會再重新詮釋自己演過的角色,演活了的,投注靈魂下去經營的角色。而能進一步把這個角色延伸到另一個舞台上,就像給了我很大的特權一樣。
When Joss talked to you about coming back what was his explanation to you for why Loki would be the perfect villain for this movie? Did he talk to you about why he chose Loki?
HIDDLESTON: Well, I think Joss loves Loki because he loves complexity and the great thing about Loki is that there is almost no ceiling to his complexity as a character. He is a shape shifter, he’s intelligent, and he has strategic gifts but he also has reservoirs of pain. I think when you’ve got so much color and heroism in a film like The Avengers it needs to be balanced by a degree of pain, I think. Joss and I sat down for a long time at the end of Thor and he said, “Tell me everything about living inside of this man for 6 months. Tell me what makes him tick, what keeps him up at night. What are the nightmares of his soul?” We just shared all of our ideas from Norse mythology, the comics, and things that I developed with Kenneth Branagh. He loved it and he loved all of those ideas. He loved all of Loki’s damage and that somewhere at the bottom of Loki’s credentials as a bad guy he is a searching spirit. He is a damaged soul searching for the answers to something. Why he exists, what is his role in this universe, that he isn’t just somebody who is evil for the sake of being evil. He has complicated reasons for that.
Hiddleston:恩,我想Joss很喜歡Loki,是因為他很喜歡複雜的角色,而Loki迷人的點正是這個角色的複雜性是沒有上限的。他對不同的人展露不同的面貌,見什麼人說什麼話,他聰明,天生擅長謀略,但也深陷於痛苦之中。我認為像The Avengers這樣的電影,你會看到很多不同的色彩,很多不同形式的英雄,而你必需取得一個平衡點,加入某種程度的痛苦來平衡它,我是這麼想的。拍完Thor後,我和Joss談了很久,最後他說:「告訴我這六個月以來你把自己代入這個角色的經歷,任何一切事情,告訴我是什麼讓這個角色具有深度,又是什麼讓這個角色在夜裡輾轉難眠。他最深刻的惡夢是什麼?」我們從北歐神話、漫畫、一路談到我和Kenneth Branagh一起在電影中呈現的形象,分享所有的想法。他非常感興趣,他喜歡所有我提出的意見。他喜歡所有Loki造成的破壞,而Loki這些到處破壞的行為背後,其實有著追根究底的探索精神。他是個受傷了的靈魂,而不斷的四處尋求解答。為什麼他要存在,他在這個世界中扮演什麼樣的角色,他並不只是個單純為了當壞人而出現的壞人。他背後是有很複雜的原因的。
So I think in terms of how The Avengers come together…when you are making a film, there are so many superhero films, and there are so many films about the end of the world, and you have to think, “How can we make this distinctive and unique?” I think what Joss has done so brilliantly is that he has made it about the healing power of being part of a team. So each of The Avengers: Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, The Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Nick Fury, have their own individual pain. Loki, too, has his own pain and somehow by bringing them together their pain is eased by being part of a team, which I think is a unique selling point for this particular film.
所以我想,談到復仇者們怎麼集結起來這個話題……當你打算拍一部這樣的電影,你已經看到很多很多超級英雄的電影了,也看到很多很多關於世界末日的電影,所以你會想:「我們要怎麼讓這部電影獨一無二?」我認為Joss的處理手法非常高明,他把焦點放在當小隊集結在一起時,所帶來的治癒力量。The Avengers隊上的每個成員:鋼鐵人、Thor、美國隊長、浩克、鷹眼、黑寡婦、Nick Fury,每個人都有自己的傷痛。Loki亦然,他也有自己的傷痛。而將大家集合在一起,透過成為隊上的一員,能夠多多少少減輕他們的痛苦。我想這就是這部電影想傳達的獨特視角。
Until the end of Thor we didn’t really see Loki on Earth at all.
HIDDLESTON: Well, we saw him on Earth when he comes to visit his brother and tells him to come home.
Oh, right. That was only briefly, though. I’m curious if Loki walks around in kind of garish outfits when he comes to Earth or does he have a kind of more human outfit that he wears to get around?
HIDDLESTON: I think that Loki doesn’t particularly care what the humans think of his dress sense. [Laughs] Let’s remember that he is a god or at least an advanced being visiting these deeply inferior beings called humans. I think that like in a way when Thor first comes to Earth, Loki also shares an arrogance about being superior to them. The journey of Thor and for that character is to learn humility. So by the end of Thor, Thor, as played brilliantly by Chris Hemsworth, has respect, and affection, and love for the human race. I’m not sure that Loki has developed that yet. [Laughs]
Hiddleston:我想Loki其實並不在乎人們怎麼看他的服裝品味。(笑) 提醒你他可是個神,或說,至少是比地球上這群低下的,名為"人類"的存在高了非常多級的外星訪客。我認為當Thor第一次來到地球,和地球人接觸的時候,Loki同時也建立起「我處於他們之上」的高傲。Thor的地球之旅,是為了讓他體認到人性的美好。所以在Thor的結尾,由Chirs Hemsworth很完美的詮釋出來的Thor,學會了尊重人類,對人類擁有感情,學會去愛人類。而這點,我不確定Loki目前學會了沒有。(笑)
How different is Loki in this film when compared to how he is in Thor? I think that he comes into his own power at the end of Thor. Is he just very angry and bitter in this film?
HIDDLESTON: Well, what can I say here? I swear to you that in that building over there, there are sniper rifles. [laughs] I think that what was interesting about the journey of Loki in Thor is that he went from second string and damaged prints to being the God of mischief and God of evil. I think somewhere between the end of Thor and the beginning of The Avengers, Loki has been to the Marvel equivalent of the 7th circle of hell. At the end of Thor you see him let go. He lets go of the spear, he lets go of Asgard, and he lets go of the need of his brother and father’s affection and approval. He has bigger plans now.
Hiddleston:恩,我可以透露什麼呢?我可以對你發誓,那邊那棟大樓上絕對有好幾支狙擊槍對準我,就等著開槍。(笑) 我想在Thor當中展現的Loki,有趣的是他和地球人的交集中,他是個以破壞手段篡位的統治者,他是惡作劇之神,是邪惡之神。我想在Thor到The Avengers中間這段時間,Loki去了Marvel世界的第七層地獄(Marvel equivalent of the 7th circle of hell)。你可以看到他在Thor的結尾放手了,讓自己掉進去。他放棄了武器,放棄Asgard,放棄對父親和哥哥的情感,以及希冀在他們身上得到的認同。他現在有了更大的計畫。
*(Marvel equivalent of the 7th circle of hell) →我不確定怎麼說,對不起囧
I think there is a degree of self-possession in Loki in The Avengers, which was missing in Thor. As in, the Loki of Thor is a confused and damaged prince and the Loki of The Avengers is somebody who understands his own power. He understands his own anger and is able to probably, I would say, suppress it. So you see that in a way he is more mischievous. Loki is the God of mischief and I think that the way Joss has written Loki in The Avengers is that he is a mischief. He is someone whose actions are very, very difficult for the seven of eight Avengers to pin down.
我想在The Avengers裡頭,Loki能做到某種程度的自我掌控,這點在Thor裡沒有表現出來。Thor中Loki是個困惑的、受了傷的王子,而在The Avengers中的Loki,是一個了解自己擁有什麼樣力量的人。他了解他的憤怒,而且也大概有能力,我會這麼說,壓制這份憤怒。所以你會看到他比較調皮搗蛋的一面。Loki是惡作劇之神,而我想在The Avengers裡Joss為他塑造的形象就是個搗蛋鬼。他是個一舉一動都讓其他七位(八位當中的七位)復仇者非常頭痛的角色。
You mentioned different goals for Loki. Without getting into specifics, what do you think are those goals and what do you think is his end goal? What is he getting out of this?
HIDDLESTON: I don’t want to say that it is disconnected from the Loki of Thor. So I think that in thought Loki has a deep need for approval and status. As in, Loki learning that he was Laufey’s bastard son, Loki learning that he had no place in Asgard. He felt unloved, abandoned, and alone. He was abandoned by Odin and that whole family. I think that is still connected to his motivations in The Avengers. I think like any completely delusional fascist in the course of human history, it comes from the lack of self-esteem. So he is just going about in the wrong ways of giving himself power. I mean, that is what all of the villains throughout the history of human race have ever really wanted – to accumulate power. So somehow in the delusion that power will give them self-respect, which it won’t, but Loki thinks that having power will earn him approval and self-respect, I think.
Hiddleston:我並不認為它和Thor的Loki沒有關聯。所以我認為在Loki內心深處,他依舊渴求認同,渴求名正言順的身份。他在Thor中知道自己是Laufey的私生子,知道自己在Asgard得不到正當的地位。他覺得自己得不到愛、被遺棄了,並且孤單。他被Odin和所有的家庭成員拋棄了。我認為這延續到The Avengers中,影響他的行動。我想就像歷史上那些痴心妄想的法西斯主義者一樣,他們的問題都在於找不到自我的定位。所以他用了錯誤的方式去尋求力量。我的意思是,歷史上所有的反派們追尋的都是同樣一件事:壯大自己的力量。而在他們的妄想世界中,他們追尋到的力量能夠給他們缺乏的自尊,當然事實並不是如此,不過Loki也認為取得力量可以給他身份認同和自尊。我是這麼想的。
Will he be redeemed?
HIDDLESTON: I think so. Yeah. I mean, the thing about Loki is that he is still…I am trying to not spill into some sort of cackling, two-dimensional villain. I am trying to retain all of the complexity that I worked so hard on the first film. It would be such a shame to just play someone who is just all evil. So I think there is obviously at the bottom of him still redemption possible. I just think that it is better hidden. He is a lot harder spiritually and he is less vulnerable. He is more powerful and he is infinitely more dangerous and more self-possessed. He is a tough nut to crack.
Does Loki in The Avengers possibly bite off more than he can chew, causing too many problems? Is it possible that it comes to the point where he might merge or work with The Avengers to stop his own devious plan because it’s so evil?
Loki在The Avengers裡會因為不自量力,而造成無法收拾的麻煩嗎?如果事情失去掌控,他有沒有可能反過來和復仇者小隊合作,一起阻止他自己的邪惡計畫?
HIDDLESTON: Well….no. [laughs] I think he is so smart that he has thought of everything. I’ve referred to him before as a kind of chess master. I think that he is 10 steps ahead in the game. He plays everyone so beautifully. He plays them better than they know, I think. But there is a flaw at the bottom of him, which is that he’s motivated entirely out of selfishness and a need for approval. I think that is ultimately his flaw.
Hiddleston:恩……不可能。(笑) 我認為他很聰明,而且什麼都考慮進去了。我會把他看成一個西洋棋大師。在這場棋局裡,他已經先想好下十步要怎麼走了。他會以非常高明的手段玩弄所有人。在他們自己都沒意識到的情況下,他就已經漂亮的惡整了他們,我想。不過他內心深處有個弱點,那就是他的一切行動都是為了展現自己有多強大,並且需要認同。我想這最後會成為他的弱點。
Who has been the most fun to work with?
HIDDLESTON: I find it all to be really great. What Joss has given me is a gift. It’s a bunch of two handers with everyone. So I have big scenes with Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr., Sam Jackson, Chris Evans, and Mark Ruffalo. So, without giving too much away, there is a wonderful…it’s like Loki is pitted individually against the different skills and superpowers of all of these characters. So, you know, my scene with Chris is a continuation of all of that. It’s brotherly complication. I loved playing my scene with Scarlett, which we have already shot, because Black Widow is sneaky, underhand, and she lurks in the shadows. She is smart, clever, and duplicitous and she’s hard to trust. All of those adjectives could also be used to describe Loki. So the scene between Loki and Black Widow is one where they recognize each other. So I loved doing that and Scarlett was…we played a good round on that one. Sam, too, is fantastic.
Hiddleston:和每個人工作都很棒。這劇組是Joss給我的禮物。每個人都像是十項全能。我和Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr., Sam Jackson, Chris Evans,以及Mark Ruffalo都有很多對手戲。所以,在不劇透太多的前提下,有個很不錯的……就像Loki各別跟每個角色、每個不同的力量周旋,試圖擊破他們。所以,你知道的,我和Chris的對手戲就是之前那些的延續。那些複雜的兄弟情結。我很喜歡和Scarlett的對手戲,我們才剛拍完不久,因為黑寡婦是個心機狡猾的對手,並且總是潛伏在黑暗中。她很聰明、機智,詭計多端,不能輕易相信她。而這些形容詞同樣也可以拿來用在Loki身上,所以Loki和黑寡婦的對手戲,就是他們相互認清對方有多少本事,探對方的底的過程。我很喜歡這樣的場景,而Scarlett……我們合作的效果非常好。Sam也是,和他合作棒透了。
Everybody is great and the chemistry is different with everyone. That is the joy of acting – you really don’t know how it is going to go until you turn up. It’s like playing tennis, you can’t plan for the match you are going to play until you are actually up against your opponent and what happens, happens. That is the joy of being on set.
How does the Cosmic Cube play into The Avengers? There were hints of the Infinity Gauntlet too. How do they play into the film? I think that Loki doesn’t need them since he is a god. Also, do you get very physical in the film?
Cosmic Cube在The Avengers裡佔的地位是?之前也提到了 Infinity Gauntlet。這些元素會怎麼被呈現出來?我猜Loki既然是個神,就不需要這些了?另外,你在這部影片中會有很多肢體衝突的打鬥嗎?
HIDDLESTON: Yeah. It’s a big action film and I am playing the villain and there needs to be fights.
But you are Loki. You can create things and do things.
HIDDLESTON: I can, but at the same time…I loved doing all of the fight stuff. I think what was so thrilling about the fights that we have already shot and choreographed is that R.A. Rondell, who is the stunt coordinator on the film, has really embraced the different physicality and superpowers of every character. So, obviously, Chris Hemsworth has his hammer and the size of his arms. [laughs] Chris Evans has his shield and Scarlett as Black Widow has been doing a lot of wuxia stuff. Robert has his suit and Loki has his intelligence and his ability to disappear and reappear and his staff. So I think the fights will be really thrilling to watch.
Hiddleston:是的,不過同時……我也很喜歡所有的打鬥場面。我們的特技指導,R.A.,Rondell,為每個角色設計了全新層面的超能力和技能,在我們已經完成拍攝的幾幕裡,他的安排看起來非常吸引人。比如,最明顯的,Chris Hemsworth有像他的手臂那麼大的槌子。(笑) Chris Evans有他的盾,而Scarlett扮演的黑寡婦則展現很多的拳腳功夫。Rober有他的鋼鐵裝,Loki有他的聰明機智,瞬移的能力等等。我想戰鬥場面是很值得期待的。
*wuxia stuff→他用這個字耶?武俠?XDDDD (好想幫他正名為「武功」…(喂
He is unpredictable. Thor is more predictable as a fighter, but that doesn’t mean he is any less spectacular. As far as the Cosmic Cube is concerned…there is certainly a continuity I think, which is being taken from the tag scene at the end of Thor. Anyone who will see Captain America…and then it is taken a bit further in this film, but I don’t want to spoil it for anyone.
Loki是無法預測的。Thor,你比較能猜到他會怎麼戰鬥,不過那並不代表他的戰鬥畫面就不精彩。而當Cosmic Cube這個元素加入時……我想一定有對前作的延續,延續Thor的結局提到的畫面;以及如果有人會去看Captain America的話……它裡頭會提到更多,不過我不想在這裡劇透。
We were talking earlier with Joss about the mythology of the characters, specifically Norse mythology. How much of Loki’s mythology is the actual mythology? How much is he a part of what you are doing now?
HIDDLESTON: It’s difficult because Marvel have this Titanic task on their hands of blending the different elements of their own universes together. So whatever we built on Thor is really what we are running with on this one. It’s not like we are suddenly going back to golden apples, Loki turning into a horse, and other characters from the Norse mythology pantheon. There are still no signs of Bor and Baldur and all of these other Norse characters. It’s enough to have 7 or 8 principal characters in The Avengers, which is going to be a two hour picture. So I think if we ever expand deeper into the Norse myths it would have to come later in any Thor sequels, which I genuinely know absolutely nothing about.
Hiddleston:這滿困難的,因為Marvel得負責這個像鐵達尼號一樣龐大的任務,把不同的元素從他們的獨立宇宙中集合起來,再重新組織排列。我們在這部作品裡建立的,和我們在Thor中建立的是相同的東西。並不是突然就把那些神話搬回來:金蘋果、Loki變成一隻馬、還有那些來自北歐神話的眾神。目前還沒看到像Bor或是Baldur或其他北歐神話角色參與的跡象。在The Avengers裡有了七個或八個主要角色,已經夠了,它只是部二小時的電影。我想如果要進一步往北歐神話這方面發展,可能會放到Thor續集裡,當然,這些作品會怎麼拍攝,我真心什麼都不知道。
Do you think you will be in the Thor sequel?
HIDDLESTON: I honestly don’t know. I know I’ve been a little bit back about coming forward before, but I truly don’t know. I don’t know if Chris is doing one and I honestly don’t know.
Does The Avengers set up more Avengers movies? Does it have that feeling at the end of the film?
The Avengers會有續集嗎?它的結尾會給人可以再拍續集的感覺嗎?
HIDDLESTON: You hope so. I mean, it is so exciting. The first time I read the script I was…it’s a rare thing when you can read a script in one sitting and you haven’t looked at the watch or you’ve gone to make a cup of tea. I got to the last page and I thought to myself, “That is amazing.” Somehow Joss had managed to reintroduce characters that we all love, make them seem fresh, seem new, and then having them all together without weighting any particular character more than the other. It was really…as just a feat of writing I was so impressed. If they keep Joss on board for another one…I think, yeah, let’s hope there are more.
What can we expect in terms of powers from Loki when compared to what we saw in Thor? Are we going to see shapeshifting?
HIDDLESTON: I think he takes what he has learned from Thor a bit further, you know? There is a degree of disappearing and reappearing, there’s a degree of mind control, and there is a degree of self-duplication, which throws a spanner in the works for people who think that he is more predictable than that.
Can you talk about the team aspect? Does Loki have something like that? Does he need something like that, that heals him?
HIDDLESTON: He probably does, but if he was healed or healable he would be part of the team. So I think he is on the limb and on his own. The other thing is, and I love that Joss hasn’t in any way diluted this fact or watered it down, is that Thor and Loki are gods on Earth. No matter how powerful the super soldiers or the scientists of The Avengers team are, they are dealing with immortals. So Loki’s power is really something to contend with. What I loved about what Marvel decided to do with Thor is that they could have sent Loki to Earth instead of The Destroyer. It could have been Loki versus Thor down there, but they actually saved it in a way for The Avengers. You actually see how powerful Loki can be when he gets down among the humans.
Hiddleston:他可能會有,不過如果他被治癒了,或說他有被治癒的可能的話,他就會是小隊的一員了。所以我認為他會獨自行動,只有他一個人。另外一點,我滿喜歡的一點,就是Joss依舊強調Thor和Loki對地球而言,是「神」這樣的存在,他沒有淡化忽視這個事實。不管那些超級士兵們、科學家們、The Avengers小隊有多麼強大,他們面對的敵人是「神」。所以Loki一人的力量也就足夠他們花心思抗衡了。我欣賞Marvel處理Thor的方式:他們其實可以讓Loki代替毀滅者(The Destroyer)來到地球上,在那個時候就讓Loki和Thor對戰,但他們把這樣的場面保留起來,留到現在這部作品當中。當Loki親自出現在人類跟前時,你可以確實體會到他可以有多強大。
*i am going to get those bunches of bitches kneel.
So we see Thor versus Loki in The Avengers?
所以我們會在The Avengers裡看到Thor對上Loki?
HIDDLESTON: [pauses] Yes, you do.
Hiddleston:(停頓) 是的,你會看到。
Are you able to find humor in Loki?
HIDDLESTON: Absolutely! I think that is definitely something that has been taken on by Joss too. I think the discovery of the humor and what happens when an Asgardian walks among mortals with Chris is something that he has expanded to Loki too. Also, Loki is enjoying himself a lot more in this one. Like he has really…I don’t know. He is just having a really good time. [Laughs] Joss and I talked a lot about James Mason. We talked about how James Mason always seemed to be having a really good time even when he was playing the bad guy.
Hiddleston:絕對可以!我想Joss也絕對會展現出這一點。我想展現幽默的部分在於,當阿斯卡星人來到地球時,他們和地球人的文化衝擊,在Chris和地球人的互動上展現幽默,而他也延伸到Loki這個角色上。這部作品中,Loki也更加自得其樂。就像他真的有……我不知道。他就單純是玩的非常開心。(笑) 我和Joss很常談到James Mason。我們談到他怎麼看起來總是玩得很開心的樣子,就算他飾演的是反派角色。
In Thor, Loki was fighting people who even though they were against him still very much cared for him. But in The Avengers, that really isn’t the case. Is that more challenging for him since these characters don’t understand him and are more centered on just stopping him, destroying him?
在Thor中,Loki對抗的是雖然和他敵對,但還是非常關心他的人。但在The Avengers裡,情況完全不同。對他來說,面對這些並不了解他,而更專注於打倒他、阻止他這件事上的敵人,會不會是更大的挑戰?
HIDDLESTON: Well, it’s a bit more complicated because Thor is also part of that team. So sometimes you find Thor trying to convince The Avengers that Loki isn’t as bad as they all think he is. Thor, I think, believes that Loki is still redeemable. Do The Avengers pose more of a challenge for Loki? Probably, but then Loki poses more of a challenge to The Avengers too. For example, Loki is a more complex, more dangerous villain than say either villains played by Jeff Bridges and Mickey Rourke in the Iron Man films or Tim Roth in The Incredible Hulk. I think the fact that he is an Asgardian makes him more dangerous.
Hiddleston:恩,這有點複雜,因為Thor也在復仇者小隊上。所以有的時候你會看到Thor試圖說服其他小隊成員Loki其實沒那麼壞。Thor,我想,他一直都相信還有機會可以挽回Loki。對上The Avengers小隊會是更大的挑戰嗎?或許,不過Loki同樣也是他們更大的挑戰。舉例來說,Loki比在鋼鐵人裡Jeff Bridges和Mickey Rourke飾演的反派,或The Incredible Hulk(無敵浩克?片名我忘記…)裡Tim Roth飾演的反派更加複雜,也更危險。我想他是個阿斯卡星人這件事,讓他帶來更大的威脅。
What has Joss been like to work with when compared to Kenneth Branagh given their different backgrounds?
我們知道這兩位導演有著不同的背景,而和前一位導演Kenneth Branagh相比,與Joss的合作經驗如何?
HIDDLESTON: What is interesting about Joss is his appreciation for British theater culture and for the training of British actors. I say this because that is the angle that I take. It’s huge. Often when the camera team is changing a lens or in the middle of a relight, Joss and I will be talking about Sir Ian McKellen’s fantastic performance in An Enemy of the People in the National Theater in 1997. He works with British actors all of the time in all of his TV shows. In fact, he has talked about the choice that he had to make in college between theater or film and he almost became a theater director. I suppose that Joss’ work seems that he has catered to a particular thing, but actually as a fan of the art of acting and the art of filmmaking, and theater, and storytelling – his tastes are hugely broad.
Hiddleston:Joss讓我覺得有趣的是,他對英國戲劇文化,和該文化對英國演員的訓練都抱持感激。我這樣說,因為這是我看到的角度。這是非常大的不同。常常在攝影小組換鏡頭的時候,或是在燈光組調整燈光的空檔,我和Joss會聊起Sir Ian Mackellen 1997年在國家劇院演出An Enemy of the People的絕佳表現。他在拍攝電視劇的時候,就常和英國演員合作。事實上,他也提過他在大學的時候面臨要往電影還是戲場方面發展的選擇,而他差一點點就成為一個舞台劇導演。我想做了選擇之後,他就往特定的專業領域發展了,但實際上他還是深深著迷於劇場藝術、電影藝術、戲劇、以及敘述故事--他的興趣非常廣泛。
It’s really interesting actually. On the Thor junket everyone was like, “Wow. Kenneth Branagh directing a superhero movie?” In my experience, Ken loves superhero movies. [Laughs] Don’t be fooled by the Shakespeare stuff. Conversely, Joss is a huge fan of Shakespeare. He is a brilliant writer and a brilliant storyteller. Of course, they are different in their methods. They are different people. I like that, though. I’m having a really good time working with him. He is so fun and I love his references. Whenever he comes back from watching the monitor with a big grin on his face…he is a worker and he likes honing things.
這其實非常有趣。在拍Thor的時大家的反應是:「哇喔,Kenneth Branagh要拍超級英雄電影?」而就我的了解,其實Ken深愛超級英雄電影。(笑) 不要被那些莎士比亞的東西騙了。而Joss正好相反,他是莎士比亞的死忠書迷。他是非常厲害的劇作家,非常厲害的說故事者。當然他們採用不同的呈現手法。他們是不一樣的人。雖然有所差距,但我們的合作很愉快,我很喜歡和他一起工作。他非常有趣,而我喜歡他引用的那些話。不管什麼時候,只要他在看完螢幕上的成果了,帶著大大的微笑回到片場……他是個努力工作的人,並且很注重細節。
Many people thought that your performance in Thor was excellent. I think most of us would agree. It’s very rare to get a great villain. I’m sure you read some reviews or heard some positive things. I’m curious if you feel any added pressure now for this film since you have to exceed expectations or do just a great a job on this one.
HIDDLESTON: That is a good question. I honestly try to not think about it in a way. I think that you really can’t think about the end result, creatively, I think, in any art form. I think if you are a composer and you think, “I have to sit down and write a better song than the last one.” or if you are an artist or a painter and you think, “My painting has to be better than the last one.” I guess that is what they call “the difficult second hour”, but I don’t feel it to be honest. I think it is because I am just thinking of the character, the story, and trying to do the best that I can.
Even outside of Marvel, whenever I am working on a film, I try to not think about what people will think about it once it’s made. It will make you self-conscious and self-aware. You just have to be thinking, “Who is this guy? What does he want? It’s my responsibility to play this guy and his version of the truth is my responsibility. What other people see in that representation is up to them.” I didn’t know that people were going to like what I did in Thor as Loki. It’s nice that they liked it I guess. [laughs] But it is that thing of “to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.”
就算在Marvel的世界之外,我的其他影片工作,我也試著不要去想人們怎麼看我之前的演出。它會讓你意識到你自己,你本人。但所有你需要考慮的其實只是「這個角色是誰?他想要什麼?我的責任就是演出這個角色,呈現這個角色眼中的真實是我的義務。其他人怎麼看我的演出,是他們的事情。」我演出Thor裡的Loki時,並不知道人們會不會喜歡這樣的他。而我想知道他們喜歡他,這感覺非常好。(笑) 這就像那句話說的:「to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.」(最重要的是對自己的真實,將這點時時刻刻謹記在心,於是你也不會以虛偽的一面示人)
Tom, it’s the elephant in the room – what do you do when you get your hands on the Cosmic Cube?
Tom,這是個大家都知道,但大家都不願提起它的問題--你拿到Cosmic Cube之後打算做什麼?
HIDDLESTON: [laughs] Well….I will quote Sam Jackson at the end of Thor. Stellan Skarsgard’s Erik Selvig says to Sam Jackson’s Nick Fury “What is it?” and Nick Fury replies “Power, doctor. If we can figure out how to tap it, maybe unlimited power.” So I think that is what attracts Loki to the cube.
Hiddleston:(笑) 恩……讓我引用Sam Jackson在Thor結尾的話。 Stellan Skarsgard詮釋的Erik Selvig對Sam Jackson詮釋的Nick Fury說「這是什麼?」,Nick Fury回答:「這是力量,博士。如果我們能找出打開它的方法,或許我們就能擁有無盡的能源。」我想這是Cube之所以吸引Loki的原因。
Hypothetically speaking, what have you borrowed from the Thor set or from this set that you want to borrow?
HIDDLESTON: I haven’t borrowed anything. I think if I started to borrow stuff and adverted commerce, for which I think the word in English is “steal” [laughs], I would probably lose my job. But Marvel have been sweet to me. They have given me action figures. Oh! For my birthday they sent me the scarf that Loki wears in the trailer scene in Thor. Remember when he turns up in a nice suit and overcoat? He is a wearing scarf and so now I am in possession of my Loki scarf.
Hiddleston:我還沒借走任何東西過。我想如果我拿走了什麼而沒有付錢,我會把這個行為描述為:「偷東西」。(笑) 然後我可能就會丟了工作。 不過Marvel對我很體貼。他們給了我模型公仔。喔!在我生日的時候,他們送給我Loki在Thor預告片中戴的那條圍巾。記得他穿著那件好看的西裝外加長大衣的樣子嗎?就是那時候戴的圍巾,而現在我是這條Loki圍巾的主人啦。
Do you have the helmet?
HIDDLESTON: I don’t. I think I broke all of my helmets actually. But I couldn’t have done that since there was one at Comic Con. They were…in that final battle scene, which was one of the last things we shot when we were doing Thor, every time I landed on the Rainbow Bridge I kept smashing the horns against the bridge and the bridge always won basically.
Hiddleston:不會。事實上,我想我把我所有的頭盔都弄壞了。我想不是全部啦,因為在Comic Con上還可以看到一個完好的。事情發生在……拍攝影片中最後一場戰鬥的時候,也是拍Thor時最後一個拍攝的場景,而我每倒在彩虹橋上一次,我頭盔上的角就狠狠撞一次彩虹橋,而基本上……彩虹橋總是贏家。
*這段好可愛XDDDDDD 彩虹橋總是贏家XDDD
Thor這個片名取得有點煩,我很懶得幫它加書名號(為何),但是每次看到Loki in Thor的時候都會想歪(喂)
差別在哪裡?XDD 莎士比亞傳統嗎?(喂)
回覆刪除好的,沒有問題 :D