
翻譯練習:Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans //THE AVENGERS Set Visit Interview

Avengers 劇組訪談,by http://collider.com



Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans THE AVENGERS Set Visit Interview
by Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub    Posted:April 2nd, 2012 at 8:57 am

I’d like to take a moment to say thank you to Robert Downey Jr. Ultimately, he’s the reason we’re getting an Avengers movie.  While it’s easy to look back with 20/20 hindsight and see why he’s perfect as Tony Stark, at the time he was a controversial choice and many weren’t sure he could pull it off.  Cut to now.  The first two Iron Man movies have made over $1.2 billion dollars at the worldwide box office and Iron Man 3 is already in pre-production.  Also, as a result of the first Iron Man, Marvel was able to expand their feature film library with Thor and Captain America, and now that they’ve been acquired by Disney, the future of comic book movies is brighter than ever.  So, like I said, a big thank you to Robert Downey Jr.

首先,我想對Robert Downey Jr. 表達感謝。畢竟是他促成Avengers這部電影的。現在回顧起來,你會理所當然給他的表現打滿分,覺得他就是那個完美的Tony Stark,但一開始這個選角是倍受爭議的,很多人不相信他可以勝任這個角色。目前為止,鋼鐵人1、2在全世界票房累積超過$1.2億美元,而鋼鐵人3也進入籌備階段。也因為鋼鐵人1帶來的成功,Marvel能夠進一步發展接下來的英雄系列作Thor和Captain America,而現在他們歸屬於迪士尼旗下,未來想把漫畫角色搬上大銀幕有了更強力的後盾。綜合以上,我想對Robert Downey Jr.致上謝意,非常感謝他!

*20/20 hindsihgt,記一下:link1  link 2 

Last year, when The Avengers was filming in New Mexico, I got to visit the set with a few other reporters and participate in a group interview with Downey Jr. and Chris Evans.  They talked about what the film is about, how we finally get to see Tony Stark in New York City, the relationships between all the characters, improv versus sticking to the script, costume changes, working with Joss Whedon, and a lot more.  Hit the jump to either read or listen to the interview.

As usual, I’m offering two ways to get the interview: you can either click here for the audio or the full transcript is below.  The Avengers opens May 4.

去年,當The Avengers在新墨西哥進行拍攝的時候,我和幾個記者有幸能到劇組進行採訪,我訪問了Downey Jr.和Chris Evans。他們提到了電影故事內容、終於,我們看到Tony Stark來到紐約市,而他又會做些什麼動作、角色間的互動、不同的詮釋方式:即興演出和完全依照劇本走、服裝上的改變、和Joss Whedon的合作經驗,等等。你可以點擊連結聽訪談或是觀看以下整理好的採訪紀錄。


ROBERT DOWNEY JR.: Can you believe this shit? Tony and Cap side-by-side here?

Robert Downey JR.:你能相信這鬼東西嗎?Tony和Cap肩並肩,一起站在你面前?

Question: I notice you are wearing a Black Sabbath t-shirt.

訪問者:我注意到你穿了Black Sabbath的T恤。

DOWNEY JR.: Not bad huh? (Shows off the arc reactor on his chest.) I’ll keep lit up for you clowns. (Shouts to on-set producer.) Does Props want to turn this off to save the battery?

Downey JR.:滿好看的對吧?(秀給我們看他胸前的核反應爐) 我會讓它繼續亮著,特別為你們這些小丑保留的。(轉頭對劇組值班製作人大喊) 嘿,道具組那些傢伙不想把這東西關掉省點電嗎?

(Light goes off.)


CHRIS EVANS: They just did.

Chris Evans:他們已經照辦了。


So who is the “good man” that was “dating a cellist”?


DOWNEY JR.: Yeah, who was that?

Downey JR.:恩哼,是誰啊?

EVANS: I heard that was something we can’t touch.


DOWNEY JR.: Yeah, that’s right. We were just briefed. (In Tropic Thunder voice.) But somebody’s gonna die!

Downey JR.:是的,沒錯。他們剛剛才下的封口令。(轉成Tropic Thunder中的聲音) 不過遲早會有人死的!


EVANS: Is that it? Great.


DOWNEY JR.: It is all they care about.

Downey JR.:他們就只關心那個。

We have heard a little bit about what the movie is about, but can you both, in your own words, talk about the story and what it’s about, or what you’re allowed to say?


EVANS: Sure. It’s about these superheroes coming together. It’s the initial formation of the team, The Avengers. (whispers to RDJ) Does everybody know that Loki’s the bad guy?

Evans:當然可以。它是一個講述這些超級英雄怎麼集合起來的故事。The Avengers小隊最初創始的故事。(小聲問RDJ) 大家都知道Loki是反派了嗎?

DOWNEY JR.: Yeah, they told us not to talk about it.

Downey JR.:恩哼,他們告訴我們,半個字都不可以說。

EVANS: But we were allowed to talk about that.


We interviewed Tom (Hiddleston) yesterday, so we know.

訪問者:我們昨天訪問了Tom (Hiddleston),所以我們已經知道了。

EVANS: Right, so Loki’s in it!


DOWNEY JR.: He used to date a cellist. In Asgard.

Downey JR.:他之前和大提琴手約會過。在阿斯卡星球的時候。

*......which one?有人能想像Thor拉大提琴嗎?

EVANS: He’s our threat.


DOWNEY JR.: Here’s what I think it’s about: I remember at Comic Con, a season or two ago, that there was all this promise of… you know, this is hugely ambitious. God bless them, but DC have tried to do this before, and Marvel said, “We’re going to do it,” but saying they are going to do it and formulating a way to do it correctly, which I think is where JW (“Jay Dub” – Joss Whedon) came in heavily, so I think it is just a really good story that could have been done a hundred ways wrong. I think you will be – I’ll go out on a limb – pleased and surprised at how not predictable it is.

Downey JR.:告訴你我怎麼想的。我記得在Comic Con上,前一季或前二季的那場,他們做了很多保証,關於……你知道的,完成這個巨大的野望。上帝保佑他們,不過之前DC就試過實行類似的想法,而Marvel說:「我們要開工了。」,他們放出了話,制訂一個明確的方向,怎麼把這件事做好,於是他們請來了JW(“Jay Dub” – Joss Whedon)這樣的重量級大師。我認為要說好這樣一個故事非常困難,你可以有一百種說錯它的方法,但他的成品是個非常出色的故事。我想你們--我在這裡聲明--絕對猜不到它會怎麼呈現,並且會非常喜歡它帶給你們的驚喜。


Why is there the location change? We have seen Tony Stark in California for so long, but now we know he is going to be in New York – we’ve seen his new apartment – and you guys are obviously going to be spending some time on the Helicarrier, so do you know the background to why he’s in New York, and how they get on the Helicarrier?

為什麼要改變地點?一直以來我們都看到Tony Stark在加州出現,而現在他到了紐約去--我們也看到他有間新公寓--而顯然的,你們也會在軍艦(Helicarrier)上待一段時間,你們知道任何相關背景嗎?為什麼Tony去了紐約,他們又是怎麼到軍艦上去的?


EVANS: Well, it takes place in New York. We’re pretty much in New York for the duration of the film. It’s not like we are shooting in Albuquerque for the exteriors.


DOWNEY JR.: Which means, of course, that Tony has some project there.

Downey JR.:這就代表,理所當然代表,Tony在紐約打算進行某些活動。

We were talking yesterday to Chris (Hemsworth) about some of the egos on the team, and who each character might get along with, and who they might not get along with. Can you both talk about each of your characters and who they might be able to relate to? Maybe Tony and Bruce (Banner) are a little more intelligent and can relate on that level, and maybe Tony and Thor have some big egos so may clash at some point.

昨天我們訪問了Chris Hemsworth,談到隊員自尊心的話題,誰可能跟誰比較相處得來,可能跟誰比較處不來等等。你們可以談談你們的角色可能會跟誰比較合得來嗎?或許Tony和Bruce(Banner)都是比較聰明的角色,在那個層面可以合得來,或是Tony和Thor都是自尊心高過頂的角色,或許在某個點會爆發衝突?

DOWNEY JR.: Yeah, I just don’t… speaking like Tony now… I just don’t like big guys who speak cryptically and act like they understand the language better than me. And have trippy brothers and all that sort of stuff. Whereas we (indicating Evans) have something that I think is a multi-faceted relationship.

Downey JR.:恩哼,我就是不喜歡……讓我切換到Tony的模式……我就是討厭那些講話繞來繞去,表現得好像他比我更懂得怎麼說話,又體積龐大的傢伙。外加有個謎一樣神神祕祕的弟弟,那些有的沒有的等等。相對來說我們(指他和Evans)之間的相處,我想是個多方面的複雜關係。

EVANS: It’s layered.


DOWNEY JR.: It’s layered. Why is it layered?

Downey JR.:多層次的關係。為什麼?

EVANS: It’s got depth.


DOWNEY JR.: Yes. Where does the depth come from?

Downey JR.:沒錯。但很深的交集是哪來的?


EVANS: I think they are both heroes in their own right. Tony is a little bit more flash, and he’s got charisma oozing out of him, and he likes the spotlight, and I think Cap might be a little bit more reserved in his desire to be front and center, but they are both, at their core, heroes, if you know what I mean. Even if Tony is flash and hot-shit, he is still a hero. He is still a good man. I think it just takes the duration of the film for them to see eye-to-eye and to see that in one another.


Does Tony see Captain America as an anachronism?

Tony認為Captain America是過時的老古董嗎?

DOWNEY JR.: Well, here’s the thing: I was just sitting here thinking that it seems to me that this is the logical progression from the lessons Tony learns from, and with, War Machine in Iron Man 2, it seems that they are picked up, except now there is this extra added layer of it being connected to the Stark legacy, so it’s almost like dealing with Frankenstein, but Frankenstein has lessons that you actually haven’t learned yet. So it’s really easy to just be like, “Oh my God, you have bolts on your neck!” and Joss, while not being silly… I give Cap quite a bit of guff in the movie.

Downey JR.:恩,事情是這樣的。我剛坐在旁邊想,理論上,這些東西是Tony應該隨著劇情循序漸進學到的,早在遇上鋼鐵人2的War Machine的時候就碰上了,看上去,他們也延續了這一點。不過現在故事又帶到新的層面,加入了和Stark產業的關聯。這情況和碰上了科學怪人(Frankenstein)差不多,不過這個科學怪人體驗過你從來沒碰過、也還沒學會的事情。可以很簡單的讓它是:「喔我的天啊,你的脖子上竟然裝著螺絲!」不過讓Joss來處理嘛,在不做什麼蠢事的前提下……電影裡我對Cap長篇大論了很多廢話。

EVANS: Sure.


DOWNEY JR.: But I think it was probably the toughest relationship to really find the right arc for. You are catching us in one of the transition points, that we are shooting here today. Usually we wouldn’t be hashing out a problem together, we would be more on the verge of demonstrating the differences in our moral psychology.

Downey JR.:但我想這大概是最難處理的一段相處關係了,很難真正找到對的表現角度。你現在看到我們在這裡的合作,我們今天一起在這裡拍的,是其中一個過渡時期。通常我們不會湊在一起製造麻煩,我們的相處多半是緊繃的,積極展現彼此的差異,堅持自己的原則和理念,互不退讓。

Who would you say is the heart of the team?


DOWNEY JR.: (Points to Evans.)

Downey JR.:(指Evans)

EVANS: See, I was going to say him. I was genuinely going to say him. I think without him, we don’t work.


DOWNEY JR.: Not this time. I told them to write it that way!

Downey JR.:這次不行。我告訴他們要那樣寫了!

EVANS: I think without Tony, we don’t work. He really is the glue in the family. He is the fire, the thing that keeps you coming back. I think, at least for this movie, Cap’s struggling with finding his footing in this modern day – he’s a fish out of water. He’s a little more uncomfortable in his own skin than he normally might be, and he’s not hitting the ground running without the charisma and the leadership and the character that Tony Stark is.


DOWNEY JR.: Well, maybe you’re right, if you put it that way. Okay. But I think that’s the other thing too. What Joss, Kevin (Feige) and the creative team has been able to do, is make it so that nothing is predictably definitive. I remember that one of my earliest concerns with this was, “Haven’t we done this, ‘it’s a bunch of superheroes together but they’re a dysfunctional family’ thing before?” But it has transcended that in a lot of ways. Obviously there is only one person whose name is Captain, and if you have a squad of people, there is a time where we need his prowess in terms of things that require actual strategy and military stuff, in what is essentially a war that we are trying to avert, of sorts. So I think that that’s really valuable.

Downey JR.:恩,如果從你那個角度來說,事情可能是那樣沒錯。Okay。不過我認為那也是另外一回事。Joss,Kevin(Feige)和我們創意十足的製作團隊有足夠的才華,能讓一切安排最終都超出你的意料之外。我記得我最初擔心的一件事是:「我們不是演過這個了嗎?一群英雄們集合成一個小隊,但隊上的大家根本合不來,這梗不是出現過了嗎?」但他們拿出的成果,從各方面來說都做出了新的超越。當然,只有一個小隊成員名字是「隊長」,而如果你要讓一個小隊運作,你總是會有需要他能力的時候的,需要他擁有的那些實戰經驗、策略、軍事運作的知識等等,這故事畢竟本質上還是場戰爭,當然優先順序上,我們試圖避免開戰。所以我認為他擁有的這些特質是很珍貴的。

Robert, you were known as a bit of a tinkerer on the set of the first two Iron Man movies, so have you been tinkering on this? Are you guys adjusting things each day or are you sticking to the script more?


EVANS: We did some tinkering today. It’s so great. Downey is renowned for being able to work on the fly, and so is Joss. They are both very good – they have incredible instincts – so if something does need to change, their anchor is so solid. You feel safe to try what’s on the page and to try other stuff, because if you have these guys guiding you in your exploration, you can unearth some really interesting things.


DOWNEY JR.: Yeah, but for the most part, particularly once we got to the final edition of the storyline and the script that came from that, it wasn’t broke, so it’s not like we had to fix things. And I think some part of me, between the Sherlock movies, and with some of the Iron Man movies, I feel like more of a producer – no-one asked me to – which is tough when you are getting your make-up done and they aren’t paying you to be a producer, but with this, it is a bit of a relief – it’s nice when the car drives all by itself.

Downey JR.:是的,但大部分的時候,尤其當我們確定了最終的劇情走向,劇本定案之後,我們就不會再去動它,它已經是個成品了,所以並不像是我們必需要去修補什麼。而我想在拍攝Sherlock電影期間,在拍攝鋼鐵人電影期間,某一部分的我,扮演的角色比較接近製作人--沒人要求我那樣做--這滿困難的,你一邊得應付上妝演出,而且多兼製作人的工作也沒人會多付你錢,但在這部電影裡,情況就輕鬆一點--事情可以自動上軌道的感覺很好。

Is there a through-line for Tony in this movie? Is there an arc that you think will be picked up in Iron Man 3 or will there be ramifications from this that will be picked up in that movie?


DOWNEY JR.: Sure. Yeah. Someone’s going to have to figure that out! (laughs)

Downey JR.:當然會。恩哼,會有人來煩惱這件事的!(笑)

Is there something either of you do in this film that perhaps you haven’t done in your solo films that excites you that you’re getting to do it now?


EVANS: Working with Robert DOWNEY JR.

Evans:和Downey JR.合作。

DOWNEY JR.: And for me, just getting to work with myself again is just a treat. This time, it’s just me and me. Christ! What do you get to do? You get to do some crazy fucking shit.

Downey JR.:我的話,跟我自己一起工作就是很大的樂趣了。這一次,就只有我,和我自己。喔天啊!你打算怎麼做?你打算找點瘋狂的樂子。

EVANS: I mean it when I said it: Robert Downey Jr. I look around sometimes and… I don’t know. Doing Captain America was strange because you’re the only superhero, so it’s like you’re looking around at others, but here, the first day you came to set and there’s (Chris) Hemsworth in his cape, and Downey’s got the armor on, and you’re wearing the costume…

Evans:我很認真的:就是和Robert Downey Jr.合作,有時候我看著劇組的大家然後……我不知道怎麼說。拍攝Captain America的時候感覺頗奇怪的,因為你是那個唯一的超級英雄,所以你看著劇組的大家的時候,你就像在看著其他世界的人,但在這裡,第一天你到劇組來就看到Chris Hemsworth披著他的披肩,Downey穿著他的鋼鐵裝,然後你穿著你的戲服……

DOWNEY JR.: You’re not going to change when Captain America does huge business are you?

Downey JR.:就算Captain America被召這個小隊來,負責這個巨大的任務,你也不會改變對吧?

EVANS: I’m already changing. (Jokes) You’ve got two more minutes and I’m fucking out of here! Where’s my water?! No, It’s been great. On a personal career level – not necessarily rooted in exploring stuff as an actor – but just personally, just the stuff I have been able to do on this movie, to date, this has been the most geeked out that I have felt on a movie set. I literally come sometimes and get truly, truly excited about coming to work, and that’s a good feeling.

Evans:我已經改變了。(開玩笑口吻) 你還有兩分鐘的時間,我他媽的可要走人了!我的水呢?!開玩笑的,我不會改變的。這是個很棒的經驗。就個人的事業發展來說--並不一定和身為演員等等戲劇技巧發展相關--只是單純的個人體驗,能夠參加這個劇組,參與這部電影,這可是目前為止我碰過最能讓我自得其樂的電影劇組!很多時候,光是想到來這裡工作我就興奮不已,這是個很棒的體驗。


What is it like to have Joss as both the writer and director on set?


DOWNEY JR.: Why are you asking questions about Joss? We’re sitting here! (laughs) Here’s the nice thing: I’m changing too. I’m looking at the back nine, I’m a little more mellow. (laughs) I don’t need to tear up the sides and throw them against the wall to say, “I bet we can improve this.” I’ll just say, “I bet we can improve this.” But I might do that on Iron Man 3 just because I am used to doing it.

Downey JR.:為什麼你要問關於Joss的問題?我們就坐在你跟前耶!(笑) 告訴你幾個好消息:我也改變了,我看著後頭那九個傢伙,告訴你,我比他們更成熟一點。(大笑) 我不需要把劇本撕了然後往牆上丟,然後說:「我想我們一定可以寫出更好的東西。」我只要說:「我想我們一定可以寫出更好的東西。」就好了。不過我想在拍鋼鐵人3的時候我會那樣做,因為我開始習慣這模式了。

But the nice thing is that Joss is really quick and incredibly responsible to what his job requirements are to the letter, so we can say… for example, there is a scene at the end that unites Thor and Cap and Tony, and it needed to say a lot and it needed to also not just be one line but it couldn’t be two pages, so he said, “Give me a second,” and it’s not like, “Let’s hash this out together,” because, as I said, I’m getting better, but I wouldn’t mind just pulling out the pen and, “Let’s just spit-ball till lunch,” and then we would come in with the right thing to shoot. But instead, it wound up being four lines which included all or us, and he gave us, I think, three pages of options. So the guy is really just kind of a machine, but it feels organic.


EVANS: That’s a great way to put it. He’s just so good as a writer – he’s amazing. The banter is so witty – it’s not like when sometimes it may have a witty pay-off line, but the set-up is obvious, like, “You set ‘em up and I’ll knock ‘em down.” His set-up lines are seamless, they work, they’re right, so when this great exchange happens, you are like, “Man, that is so clever.” If, for whatever reason, it doesn’t work, he can come up with a new exchange just like that.


DOWNEY JR.: I hear he likes to dance.

Downey JR.:聽說他喜歡跳舞。

EVANS: He does boogie. On the weekends, he is like, “We’re going to go dancing,” and I’m like, “You’re going dancing?”



DOWNEY JR.: I don’t know why you don’t invite me to your parties.

Downey JR.:為什麼我沒收到你的派對邀請?

EVANS: I didn’t get invited to go dancing. And you weren’t in town when Scarlett and I went. You missed it, and that was a good one.


DOWNEY JR.: Oh that’s right.

Downey JR.:喔,那倒是沒錯。

How does Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye fit into the dynamic between the two of you, because he seems more like the company man, the soldier, but we haven’t seen him yet, so how does he fit into the dynamic between you?

Jeremy Renner飾演的Hawkeye又是怎麼和你們互動的?這角色看起來比較像是聽命行事的組織成員,組織的士兵,不過我們目前還沒訪問他,他怎麼適應你們之間的對立衝突?

DOWNEY JR.: Well, he is a S.H.I.E.L.D. guy but he has his own interesting arc in this, and so, not to give it away, he is largely doing his own thing. I think with some of these things, there is a lot of stuff going on and it all makes sense, and then once in a while, we all are together in one place. And if it can all make sense that when we are all together in one place, it’s not like, “How did that happen? It’s like they all did a photo-shoot in the middle of the movie.” But somehow or other, it does.

Downey JR.:恩,他是神盾局的特務,不過在故事中他有自己特別的一面,所以,不多做劇透,他大多是獨來獨往的。我想從各方面你都能感覺到某些事正在進行,而且每個安排都有其意義,然後我們會在偶然的機會被湊在一起,集合起來。而如果每個安排都是有意義的,那麼當我們被湊在一起的時候,它不會讓你感覺「這怎麼發生的?好像他們在電影演到一半就被叫來大合照一樣。」但某方面來說,換個角度來說,它又的確讓你這樣感覺。


We know there’s a new Cap suit, so can you talk about some of the new features?


EVANS: Yeah, it’s great.


Is there a new Iron Man suit too?


DOWNEY JR.: I think so. I don’t know, I am wearing tracking dots.

Downey JR.:我想是吧。我不知道,我只是戴上那些追蹤動作的小白貼片而已。

EVANS: I can pee freely now, which is great.


DOWNEY JR.: Cap’s new suit, by I.P. Freely!

Downey JR.:Cap的新服裝,設計重點:輕鬆上廁所!

EVANS: Literally, it is a world of relief. The suit itself is fantastic – it’s much more…


DOWNEY JR.: That’s Alex Byrne. Great costumer.

Downey JR.:感謝Alex Byrne。傑出的服裝設計者。

EVANS: Yeah, she’s something else. But it’s great. It makes action sequences a lot easier: the last one was very utilitarian, so everything seems like it has a purpose but it’s very difficult to move in. The cowl is tricky on this one. In the initial Cap film, it was just a helmet, but this one looks much more like the comic book. It looks amazing, but is a little toasty in there. But it all looks great.


Chris, can you talk about the fact you are playing Cap again when no-one has seen the first movie yet? You haven’t really had any feedback yet.


EVANS: Yeah, I don’t know what to do to make it better, damn it! It’s tricky, it’s true. You would love to get some feedback, to see what works and what didn’t.


DOWNEY JR.: You want the pay-off.

Downey JR.:你想要報酬。

EVANS: Yeah.


DOWNEY JR.: This is good for your humility.

Downey JR.:這是展現你的謙虛的好時機。

EVANS: It is, believe me. Every day. Every day. It’s tricky, you know what I mean? It’s… I can’t think of a clever analogy… (shouts out) Joss!


*為什麼是Joss?XDD 這樣我會想到Joss老師vs AVG幼稚園(喂)

DOWNEY JR.: (as Joss) “I have three pages and all of them seem to fit in with the flow of the conversation. Great. Well, you fucking write it!”

Downey JR.:(順勢扮演Joss) 「我手上這三頁劇本看起來都滿不錯的,流暢的對話,很好!恩哼,這他媽是你寫的!」

*i don't really get it....but seems funny...|||||||

Tony Stark’s past is connected with Captain America’s in a way, with his father being involved, so does that dynamic come up in this movie?

Tony Stark的過去和Captain America有所關連,因為他的父親認識Cap,這段衝突會在劇中展現出來嗎?

DOWNEY JR.: Could you imagine if you met your long-lost brother that was your dad’s favorite, and all of a sudden, he is in town?  He doesn’t really want to hang out, but there’s business. It’s so annoying.

Downey JR.:想想看你失散多年的兄弟出現在你面前,不巧他還是你老爸最疼的那個兒子,這傢伙幾年來不見人影,然後就這樣碰一聲突然冒出來,感覺如何?他並不怎麼想跟他相處,但得公事公辦。實在,煩死了!

EVANS: There is a lot of meat on the bone there. There’s a lot to chew on, and hopefully it’s enough to last even into sequels. It’s a complex thing and there really are a lot of layers to it.


Who first gets to shout, “Avengers Assemble!”?



DOWNEY JR.: Most of those things, like people saying something at the same time as they realize it, or all those things – I think there is a pass where they are all omitted, like you’re not allowed to say them, and then if they happen… Does someone say, “Avengers Assemble!”?

Downey JR.:像那些東西通常,比如說人們有感而發而喊出來的那些話,或其他那些全部--我想他們跳過了那段,那部分全省略了,好像你不被準許說那樣的話,而如果說了……會有人說「復仇者們,集合!」嗎?

EVANS: I don’t know.


We know that Tom has scenes with each of you, so Loki has scenes with each of the Avengers in an individual setting, so could you talk about your interaction with Loki?


EVANS: Well, I haven’t filmed my scene yet.


DOWNEY JR.: Me neither.

Downey JR.:我也還沒。

EVANS: But based on the character that he played in Thor…


DOWNEY JR.: Why don’t we have Joss tell us how we are going to feel when we are done shooting it?

Downey JR.:為什麼我們不去問問Joss,當我們拍完和Loki的對戲後會有什麼感覺?


There is a big Hulk cardboard cut-out on the set, so how are you guys working with the Hulk? Are you using the cut-out?


EVANS: We have had a couple of scenes with Ruffalo doing the motion capture stuff, so when they do that, they put him up, standing on a table for the scene. Then sometimes they bring out that cardboard cut-out for special effects to take textures and things like that.


DOWNEY JR.: I tried to have that in my contract for every scene, and there was some sort of passive rebellion.

Downey JR.:我試著在合約裡要求那個立板得出現在我拍攝的每一幕裡頭,然後遇上了某些消極違約的反抗。

*WE HAVE the HULK. --Tony Stark.  Tony Stark have tried to have the Hulk.(不要亂寫

Is Mark Ruffalo rampaging around all the time? Or is he mellow when you guys are in meetings and such?

Mark Ruffalo一直都處於狂化狀態嗎?或者當你們在開會或進行其他活動的時候,他會是冷靜的正常人模式?

DOWNEY JR.: Well, he’s on a lot of growth hormones right now.

Downey JR.:恩,他現在處於生長激素過剩模式。

Well, because in the comics the Hulk, sometimes he’s completely out of control, sometimes he does mellow out, people find a way to mellow him out so he can be with the group.


EVANS: Well, you will have to wait and see how we figure out how to be with the Hulk.


DOWNEY JR.: I think Ruffalo was really the right guy at the right time with the right canvas. It’s strange to me because the Hulk, out of all the Marvel characters, has been the toughest nut to crack, for some reason. Maybe it’s because the long history of the TV show, and that is so engrained that they got it right. If you go back and look at the old TV series, you’re like, “I was crazy about this,” and it has merit. But I think, again, what the creative team, and Joss and Mark, largely did, was bring something that feels new about it but is also much more like you remember it.

Downey JR.:我真心認為Ruffalo是再適合不過的人選,合適的時間,合適的形象。對我來說其實很奇怪,因為浩克,在所有的Marvel角色中,因為某種原因,是最難打敗的也最強悍的瘋子。或許因為他的故事被搬上電視已經好長一段時間,他的形象建立得太成功,太深入人心。如果你再把舊的電視劇看一次,你的反應會是「我曾經瘋狂愛著這部戲!」,而它的確非常出色。不過我想,再說一次,我們有強大的創意團隊,而Joss和Mark下了很多工夫希望呈現的效果,是讓你同時覺得新鮮有趣,也同時符合你記憶中那個形象。


A fun event in the comics, that I know a lot of fans are excited about, is what happens when Thor’s hammer hits Cap’s shield. Is that something that might be explored in the movie?


EVANS: I don’t want to give anything away.


DOWNEY JR.: Oh God, I want to know.

Downey JR.:喔,天啊,我想知道。

EVANS: There are a lot of characters that have to interact, so I am sure that Joss is going to explore all kinds of possibilities.


DOWNEY JR.: I can tell you that there is a sequence where Black Widow and Iron Man both get stuck inside her suit, and for certain shots, they had to use a wide-angle lens. That’s probably the one thing I have never gotten to do before. (laughs)

Downey JR.:我可以告訴你,有一幕黑寡婦和鋼鐵人一起卡在她的服裝裡的場景,而為了拍出效果,他們得換上廣角鏡頭。這大概是我從來沒體驗過的拍攝經驗。(笑)


How is it for Captain America to wake up in the present day, where there is a dude in an iron suit flying about the place, where there’s another dude who grows into this giant green monster, so how does he acclimate to that, and not only that, but to work with these people and become a team with these people?

談談Captain America的適應問題,他怎麼面對醒來之後的現代世界,這世界裡有個傢伙穿著鋼鐵裝飛來飛去,還有另一個傢伙會變身成綠色巨人,他怎麼適應這些傢伙,不只適應,還跟他們一起組隊,一起執行任務?

EVANS: Sure. That is one piece of the puzzle, just waking up and there just being the evolutions in technology and things like that, the fact that there are cellphones and the internet and computers and all of this – that’s one piece of the puzzle. But I think the real stuff that he struggles with is the changes in society, between the morals and values and the way people interact, and the things that matter, and I think that is why he struggles with Tony at first, because I think Tony is the epitome of modern: he’s flash, he’s current, he’s hip, he’s “now”, and Cap is kind of stuck in this old mentality and this old way, so even though the Quinjet and all the technology that S.H.I.E.L.D. has, and Tony’s suit, does blow his mind, I think the stuff that he’s at odds with is more about the way people interact and the current state of people’s communal values.


Is it possible to fit everything that people want to see into one Avengers movie? Isn’t there just too much that people will be expecting and wanting to see to fit into one two-hour movie? Or do you think there will be stuff to save for the second movie?


EVANS: I think that it’s a well that will keep on giving. This film certainly will have no fat. There is so much stuff.


DOWNEY JR.: Exactly. And the thing too is that it’s about not so much what to put in it, but what to omit – not so that maybe we can do it later – but I think those were some of the biggest, smartest choices were the things that aren’t in it.

Downey JR.:完全正確。而同時,你得這樣看這個問題:並不是你要放多少東西進去,而是你要排除掉什麼--並不是說我們可能會留給下次拍--我認為他們做出最大的,也是最聰明的決定,就是決定他們要捨棄掉什麼。




至於Chris Evans,還滿可愛的,我喜歡他突然演起來的部分XDDD







2 則留言:

  1. 大提琴那个是Agent Coulson,他在跟搬去Portland的某个大提琴家约会,电影里他跟Pepper聊天时提到的。(所以后面两个人纯粹在瞎扯)
    somebody’s gonna die!这个……指的是探员挂掉的情节吧QAO
    Literally, it is a world of relief 这句话,我感觉比较像是“如字面意义上的,那真是种莫大的解放”,literally并不是指表面意义,而是表示所用的词是毫不夸张的。这里应该是因为,尿急真的让CE压力很大XD 前套制服八成是很难脱,所以没法上厕所……
    “I have three pages and all of them seem to fit in with the flow of the conversation. Great. Well, you fucking write it!”这里应该是跟前面提到的用四句台词涵盖了三页可选台词的梗连着的。

    1. 恩我想大家都知道大提琴是指誰,不過我也跟他們一起玩了。



      well, you fucking write it. 這句。恩……等我睡飽好了XD
