Jeremy Renner Online interview
What is your favorite childhood memory?
最喜愛的童年回憶? --Suzie
Christmas morning with the family!
Did you ever consider releasing your music to iTunes or give it up for free like some of the musicians do nowadays? Plenty of us are raving about your voice, and some of us would love to hear it on the drive to work.
This question represents 50% of the questions submitted
Thank you, everybody. I appreciate that. I’ve always loved music, but never considerd it as a career. It’s always been something that means something to me personally. But the thought of exploring that is not out of the question… may happen in the near future. Maybe sooner than you think…
Any suggestions for covers??
誰快來建議他專輯封面!XD (可是你到底要走什麼路線的曲子?鋼琴加清唱嗎?
How did you break into the business when you first came to LA – did you have an acting mentor or train with anyone in particular?
I trained with a coach named Julie Ariola, here in LA, for about… uh i guess seven years. And as far as breaking into this business; I dont know. Hmmmm…
I feel like everyday I’m breaking into the business. There’s always something new to learn.
我在洛杉磯有個教練,名字是Julie Ariola,我跟著她學習大概……恩,我想有七年。至於怎麼讓演藝事業上軌道的;我不知道怎麼說。恩……
*everyday I'm breaking into the business,每天我都在讓事業上軌道?…直譯是這樣啦,但字詞不修很奇怪。紀錄一下。XD 我只是覺得這說法很好玩。
Ever thought about going back to acting on stage, and if so, would you do a play or a musical?
Victoria M Leduc
有想過回去演舞台劇嗎?如果會再演舞台劇的話,會演出戲劇還是音樂劇?--Victoria M Leduc
Uh, yeah I never wanted to abaondon the stage at all. As soon as an opportunity arises in the future I’m sure
I’ll probably do it. A play or musical could be very interesting. I’d be excited to do either.
What character from classical literature, would you like to play and why?
Marina from Russia
Hmm.. I love Romeo and Juliet. I’ve always found to be very attracted to that sort of writing… the tragedy of love… that’s definitely something that interstes me, so i guess it would have to be Romeo.
*我……我也想像了一下。XD 光是想像他穿上中世紀的那種襯衫(我不會說正確的名詞)就…(偏頭)
What are some your hobbies?
Brandi Woods
你的嗜好是?--Brandi Woods
Oh boy… music! That’s something that keeps me pretty busy. Building houses. Cars. I love cars as well as motorcycles.
Those are the things that keep me outta trouble. (snickers)
Do you see yourself going back to doing independent films instead of studio films?
Laura Bosnell
有打算回去拍獨立製片,而不繼續接商業片嗎?--Laura Bosnell
I feel like I never left independent film. I will always do independent film, because that is the risky material that I am attracted to. With studio films, I still get to fit in the kind of characters I like to play and by doing these big movies, people actually see them… which is kinda nice! So, while I’ll still do studio, I’ll never abandon independent cinema. That is my home.
*後來覺得,他對商業片的焦點好像是:1. 有人看;2. 很好玩。so,why not?XD
Have you retired that Led Zepplin shirt yet? LOL
Elizabeth Tervino ( Our Gallery Administrator)
你的齊柏林飛船(Led Zepplin)T恤退休了沒?LOL--Elizabeth Tervino (我們的網站相簿管理者)
*p.s. Fans站上幾千張的圖片、照片,整理真是辛苦了。
(LAUGHS!) Hell no! That’s one of my favorite t-shirts. I guess it’s been photographed one too many times. Why would I? Led Zepplin rocks!
You can send me a new one.
為什麼我要讓它退休?Led Zipplin Rocks!
*恩我下頭放一張他穿的照片↓↓ 是在Steel Panther的演唱會上。相簿連結
If you had to live life as one of the characters you’ve played in your entire acting career, who would it be and why?
Amy Hendy
如果你得和你演過的角色用一樣的方式生活,在這麼多角色中,你想過哪一個角色的生活?為什麼?--Amy Hendy
Jeffrey Dahmher.
Kidding, kidding! Wow I don’t know.. I don’t think any of them… they’re all dead! (laughs)
i think I’ve died in 90% of the movies I did.
Jeffrey Dahmher.
Are you superstitious? Do you believe in anything like Superior powers? Any superstitious rituals before they call action (besides checking your fly LOL)?
(Laughs) Um, well, I am not really superstitious, per se, but I certainly have rituals that keep me grounded. And I’ll never tell what that is… that’s between me, myself, and I. (Smiles menacingly).
(笑) 恩,我本人並不是非常迷信,不過我還是有一些讓我保持平常心的儀式。我絕對不會告訴你那是什麼……這是專屬於我,我自己本身,和我的靈魂之間的祕密。(帶威脅感的微笑)
What are you thinking about at moment?
Uh, work. And answering these questions.
How do you cope with the Hollywood phoniness?
Kerry D
你怎麼應付好萊塢的虛偽做作?--Kerry D
Don’t hang out with phony people. I surround myself with my family and friends; the most important thing in my life. They keep me in check.
At any point in your career did you ever think that maybe acting wasn’t for you or did you ever have any thoughts about just quitting acting all together? What other career path would you choose?
Kyle “Cali Kid” Buttermore
曾經有過任何,覺得演戲不是你真正想要的東西的時候嗎?或是有想要把一切全丟下再也不演戲的時候?考慮其他職業的話,會考慮什麼樣的職業?--Kyle "Cali Kid" Buttermore
I never wavered. I always believed I’d be doing what I’m doing and lucky enough, I am. But if I was to do something else, I suppose teaching would be very interesting for me. Or, as a business, I think house building would be a lot of fun. Really, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else besides what i’m doing.
*我也很難想像……Teaching?!XD The Teacher MR. Renner!?
How do you feel about your fan base growing so fast? Do you enjoy it? Does it bother you when paparazzi follow you around?
Uh, I mean I think it’s a wonderful thing to be recognized for something that you love to do and that you’re proud of . I’m only bothered when press or people get into my personal life. I’m a pretty private human being and I like to keep my private life private.
Can you name your current most favorite 5 songs or bands?
Well, I don’t have favorites. I don’t use that word. Too defining, I suppose, but I can say who I’m listening to a lot right now:
Kings of Leon
Need to Breathe
Ray Lamontagne
and Brother Sal (check him out! http://www.facebook.com/thebrothersal or http://www.myspace.com/thebrothersal)
*KOL,MUSE,果然是比較輕的歌。XD 推了一下他的朋友團Brother Sal,連結我牽了。
Top 5 favorite films of all time? Favorite genre?
There you go again with the favorite thing… I don’t have favorites. I can name a handful of movies I’ve seen 25 or 30 times:
Jungle Book
Clockwork Orange
I couldn’t even begin to name films that really affected me over the years, ya know? But thanks for the tough question, jerk!
What are some of the directors and actors whom with would you like to work in the future?
Oh boy… I always hate this question… impossible to answer! There are so many established and young fresh filmmakers to learn from out there. I couldn’t even begin to name them. The list would go on and on..
As far as actors, um good gosh.. .. again.. (laughs) impossible to answer.
Who would you care to see me work with??
Is there anything special that you bring from home or anything that you just have to bring with you when you travel?
toothbrush! (laughs) I think… well, what do I bring with me? Nothing in particular unless it’s something specific to that character that i need from home. Otherwise, its usually as though I’m living as a vagabond and enjoying that adventure.
牙刷!(大笑) 我想……恩,我會帶什麼東西?不會特定從家裡帶什麼東西,除非那個東西能和角色有所聯結。不然,通常就像是出去流浪,然後享受我的冒險。
*喔我愛這句話www 出去拍外景當流浪?XDD
Of all the skills you have acquired in preparation for your roles, which were the most fun to learn (as in rendering safe IEDs etc)? Any funny stories you can share with us about these experiences?
At every job, the idea is to learn something and that’s luckily been the case so far. I think some of the most interesting things were definitely in The Hurt Locker… learning to build bombs and render safe IEDs… never thought I’d be playing with C4. Ever. Especially as an actor.
我接演每個工作的目的都是希望能學到一些什麼,而很幸運的我都能夠擁有學習的機會。最好玩的經驗,首選當然是The Hurt Locker……學習怎麼製造炸彈,拆土製炸彈……從來沒想過我會有機會玩C4炸藥。從來沒想過,尤其以演員的身分。
The training I got to do in S.W.A.T. was invaluable… shooting 50-cal sniper rifles and machine guns. It’s a crazy job! Makes it really exciting.
*50-cal sniper rifles(軍事名詞我不確定怎麼翻,就是…那張照片裡頭的那把槍↓)
Jess James was fun. I honed my skills riding horses… using old weapons.
Jess James也很好玩。我有機會磨練我的騎術……還有用古早年代的武器。
Then theres the other side where I learn, not so much physical trade, but more things mentally and emotionally and even spiritually… diving into certain characters and understanding time place and space and how it affects us as human beings.
Things like that are what I really love and appreciate from doing these jobs.
Last but not least – what do you think of Jeremy Renner Online?
I think you have done a tremendous job and I appreciate all of your hard work. And though I’ve not spent much time on it, everytime i’ve popped on I’m always amazed of the content you find and share with fans out there. It means a lot to me and I really appreciate it! I couldn’t do a better job myself.
Thank you to all the fans and thank you for your questions! I appreciate all your love and support. See you back here very soon!
而不是記者。很有親和力www Renner風格的親和力。(加註)
Kings of Leon
Need to Breathe
Ray Lamontagne