
翻譯練習:Jeremy Renner // Real Estate (THR2011)


Apr 2011 – Jeremy Renner is as savvy in Real Estate as he is at acting (The Hollowood Reporter)

這篇其實沒什麼但我想看他蓋的房子XDDDD 我只是想放這張圖。

一樣也是THR雜誌,不過版面是家庭版。(應該說房屋版XD) 2011年4月份的報導。

When A Star Flips Houses

Jeremy Renner is as savvy in Real Estate as he is at acting 

by Marissa Gluck

Jeremy Renner might be best known for playing brooding tough guys and charming anti-heroes, but there’s one part he plays that few know about: house flipper.

你聽過的Jeremy Renner可能是大螢幕上深沉壓抑的硬漢,可能是魅力十足的反派,但你應該沒聽過他有這樣的一面:房屋整修。

Before he was nominated for Oscars for “The Hurt Locker” and “The Town,” Renner and his business partner, actor Kristoffer Winters (who had a small role in “Locker,” plus last year’s “Fair Game”) were fixing up and flipping old houses in Hollywood and Studio City, according to the new issue of The Hollywood Reporter (on newsstands now).

根據最新一期的The Hollywood Reporter上的報導。在以"The Hurt Locker"和"The Town"獲得兩次奧斯卡提名之前,Renner和他的事業搭檔,演員Kristoffer Winters(在"Locker"當中客串過一個小角色,去年演出了"Fair Game") 合作經營老屋翻新,並在好萊塢和Studio City發展。

*咦我驚訝的是他有演Hurt Locker,Hurt Locker裡頭也太多人我沒認出來了吧囧。

In 2002, the two bought a nondescript three-bedroom 1962 home in Nichols Canyon for $659,000 and sold it less than a year later for $900,000. According to Keller Williams’ Bobbe Mitchell, the sales agent on many of their projects, Renner and Winters had a shoestring budget but transformed the house into a cozy, private abode, adding a patio and new landscaping. During those lean days, the two staged it with flat-screen TVs that had a 30-day return policy, hoping they’d sell the house before the expiration date.

2002年,他們在Nichols Canyon以$659,000買下1962年建造的三房、地坪不規則形的房子進行整修,不到一年就完工,以$900,000賣出。他們的房地產經紀人,Keller Williams公司的Bobbe Mitchell表示,Renner and Winters的預算其實頗吃緊,但他們成功把房子改造成舒適的私人空間,並且為房子加上了前院和新的造景。房子尚未售出期間,基於經濟考量,他們兩人買了一台有30天鑑賞期的液晶平板電視放在客廳展示,然後默默希望在電視鑑賞期到之前,房子能先賣出去。


Fresh off their first flip, they re-invested in a $915,000 Spanish-style 1940 house off Laurel Canyon that required more work. They gutted it, and Renner lived in the guesthouse during renovations. “He lived in squalor,” Mitchell says. “He was in there with a gun and would shoot the rats” that would invade during a winter of heavy rainfall. The house sold for nearly $2.4 million.

才剛賺進第一筆收入不久,他們繼續第二項翻修工作,在Laurel Canyon,1940年建造的西班牙風格的房子,以$915,000購入,並且需要更多的心思和整修。他們大膽接受這個挑戰,裝修期間,Renner就住在這棟房子的客房裡。「他住在灰塵與髒亂之中。」Mitchell說:「他就住在施工中的房子裡,帶著一把槍,用來射老鼠。」冬天的暴雨期間,老鼠會入侵房子裡佔地為王。整修完工的房子以將近$2,400,000售出。


Music supervisor Mark Wike (“NCIS: Los Angeles”) bought their next project, a four-bedroom 1938 Cape Cod near Fryman Canyon. “My wife is an avid cook, and the kitchen made it really appealing,” Wike says. “They opened it up, and we could have 25 people in there at a party.” The flip? Bought for $1.36 million, sold for $2.09 million.

音樂總監Mark Wike(監督作品:NCIS:Los Angeles)買下了他們的下一項工作,在靠近Fryman Canyon的海灣(Cape Cod)的房子,1938年建造的四房房子。「我太太熱愛烹飪,而他們對廚房的設計非常吸引人。」Wike說:「他們拓寬了廚房空間,在舉辦派對的時候我們可以容納25人。」整修經費呢?以$1,360,000購入,以$2,090,000售出

The pair have recently gotten more ambitious, and it has paid off. In 2008, they bought the Hemingway House, a 1924 Greek Revival estate in Hollywood, for $1.55 million. A year later, they grossed $2.45 million, selling it for more than $4 million. “Renner does beautiful work and does what he needs to without breaking the bank on construction costs,” says John Bersci, a luxury flipper ($15 million-$20 million range) familiar with the properties.

這對搭檔最近更進一步拓展他們的生意,而也得到了不錯的迴響。2008年,他們在Hemingway買下一棟房子,1924年建造,希臘復古風格的房子。以$1,550,000購入,一年以後,他們總共獲利$2,450,000,該棟房子以超過$4,000,000的價格售出。「Renner的裝修工作非常漂亮,他能在不超出預算的情況下,做出他想要的效果。」從事豪宅翻修工作(經營經費範圍$15,000,000~$20,000,000)的John Bersci說。

With Renner slated to appear in the tentpoles “Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol” and “The Avengers,” will he continue his home-buying habit? Neither he nor Winters would comment.

而Renner最近預定參演商業大片"Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol" 和 "The Avengers",他會繼續發現這項老屋翻修的興趣嗎?他和Winters都不願對這件事發表意見。


1. Laurel Terrace Drive
Renner and Winters bought a two-bedroom in Studio City for $915,000 in 2004. It sold for $2.39 million in 2005. Gross profit: $1.48 million.

2004年以$915,000買下,位於Studio City,2005年以$2,390,000賣出。獲利$1,480,000。

2. Fryman Place
In 2006, they flipped a Cape Cod in Studio City, bought at $1.36 million and sold at $2.09 million. Gross profit: $725,000.

2006年以$1,360,000買下,位於Studio City的海灣,以$2,090,000賣出。獲利$725,000。

3. La Cuesta Drive
Renner and Winters took on their first project in 2002: a $659,000 house in Nichols Canyon; it sold for $900,000 a year later. Gross profit: $241,000.

第一項工作,2002年以$659,000購入,位於Nichols Canyon,次年以$900,000賣出。獲利$241,000。

4. Selma Avenue
After renovating a 1924 Greek Revival estate in Hollywood (purchased for $1.55 million in 2008), they sold it two years ago for $4 million. Gross profit: $2.45 million.


5. Franklin Avenue
The business partners are currently rehabbing a nearly 6,000-square-foot house in Hollywood acquired in 2009 for $1.35 million.


Renner isn’t the only star to turn a tidy profit from a side interest in real estate. Courteney Cox, Diane Keaton, Vincent Gallo and ex-TV bandleader Max Weinberg are among the most famous for flipping. Cox’s most famous flip was a 1979 John Lautner-designed modern residence on Carbon Beach, bought in 2001 for about $10 million and sold in 2007 to now-divorcing Dodgers owner Frank and Jamie McCourt for a clean $27.5 million. Meanwhile, Keaton bought a Ralph Flewelling-designed hacienda in Beverly Hills for $8.1 million in 2007 and sold it to “Glee”‘s Ryan Murphy last year for $10 million.

Renner並不是唯一因為興趣從事房地產翻修工作,以賺點外快的明星。Courteney Cox, Diane Keaton, Vincent Gallo和前任電視台製作人Max Weinberg都是這行的名人。Cox最著名的翻修工作是一棟位於Carbon Beach,1979年建造,John Lautner設計的摩登風格房子,2001年以大概$10,000,000購入,2007年以$27,500,000賣給Dodgers隊的老板夫妻(現在離婚了)Frank和Jamie McCourt。同年,Keaton在Beverly Hills以$8,100,000買下Ralph Flewelling設計的莊園別墅,去年以$10,000,000賣給電視劇"Glee"的Ryan Murphy。








