Avengers 劇組訪談,by http://collider.com
但我沒想到12分44秒他萌殺了一堆人XDDD (恩也包括我wwww)
Jeremy Renner and Scarlett Johansson THE AVENGERS Set Visit Interview
by Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub Posted:April 2nd, 2012 at 8:56 am
Last June I got to visit the set of director Joss Whedon‘s The Avengers with a few other reporters when the production was shooting on soundstages in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Shortly before Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye) shot an action scene involving aliens on the streets of New York City, he and Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow) sat down with us for an interview. They talked about the relationship between their two characters, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Nick Fury, how their characters react to Gods like Loki and Thor, what it was like on the first day that everyone was on set and in costume, future Marvel movies, and a lot more. Hit the jump to either read or listen to the interview.
去年六月,當他們在新墨西哥Albuquerque進行拍攝的時候,我和幾名記者有幸能夠拜訪Joss Whedon的The Avengers劇組。在Jeremy Renner(Hawkeye)拍攝在紐約街頭和外星人對打的場景之前,我有短短的幾分鐘能訪問他,以及Scarlett Johansson(Black Widow)。他們談到了他們的角色關係,神盾局(S.H.I.E.L.D),和Nick Fury,他們的角色對神兄弟Loki和Thor的反應是什麼,第一天他們到劇組,大家穿上戲服之後又是什麼樣的情形,Marvel未來打算拍的電影,等等。你可以閱讀以下的訪談或是點擊連結聽錄音訪問。
Question: They told us a little bit of what’s happening in there.
JEREMY RENNER: I can’t tell you anything of what’s happening in there. (laughter)
Can you tell us how you’re reacting or being proactive about what is going on in there? What are you doing in regards to what is happening?
SCARLETT JOHANSSON: What do you think is happening in there?
Well, it seems like there’s some kind of force that has arrived in New York City and I imagine you guys are there to put a stop to whatever that is.
RENNER: We’re avenging something.
JOHANSSON: We’re avenging something.
RENNER: (laughs) We’re fighting, I can tell you that, so it’s hot and sweaty.
Renner:(笑) 有場打鬥。我可以告訴你這個,所以裡頭很熱,會讓人滿身大汗。
Each other?
RENNER: Perhaps. We’re fighting together, I think, and we’re having a good time. It’s good fun, a lot of work.
Scarlett, you did a lot of hand-to-hand combat in Iron Man 2. Do you up that or do you take on any weapons in this film?
Scarlett,你在Iron Man 2《鋼鐵人2》中有很多空手搏擊的打鬥。在這部裡頭也一樣嗎?還是你會拿其他武器?
JOHANSSON: Yeah, there’s a combination of all that stuff. There’s definitely a lot of hand-to-hand combat still, and combination of different fighting styles: gymnastics, Muay Thai, boxing, kick-boxing, all of that.
RENNER: You do all that?
JOHANSSON: You know I do all that. We use all kinds of stuff: knives, guns, all sorts of things. Yeah.
You each appeared in previous Marvel movies but how much time has passed? I assume since you’re both agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., you already know each other, but how much time has passed and is there anything in this movie where we see the two of you meeting for the first time?
RENNER: I can tell you this. There are so many characters in this movie, as you know, that it can’t really go too much backstories of characters. We’re telling a massive story here with a lot of characters in it, so the time is spent on all of us, I guess, saving things (laughs).
JOHANSSON: But that’s never been established. We’ve obviously known each other for a long time. We have a very rich history, the two characters, with one another, but as far as the timeline, I think it’s pretty much the time that has passed since Iron Man 2 came out, I think a couple years, but since we’ve seen each other, we’ve been working together the whole time.
Johansson:不過你說的從來沒被建立起來過。顯然的,我們兩個很早就認識對方。我們的角色交情匪淺,有很多過去的故事可以說。而至於時間軸設定,我想應該是在Iron Man 2《鋼鐵人 2》之後過了滿長一段時間,我想過了幾年吧。不過打從我們認識對方開始,我們就一直是一起行動的。
Since you’re both agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., I think we assume you’ll work together.
JOHANSSON: Yeah, working together and apart and whatever.
Is this the romance in the movie?
JOHANSSON: There’s no time for romance (laughter). We’ve got shit to avenge. (more laughter)
You said there’s a rich history, but what is the nature of the relationship? What is the back and forth between them?
JOHANSSON: Um, I think that these…
RENNER: They fought a lot together.
JOHANSSON: We’ve fought a lot together.
RENNER: They’ve done a lot of missions together and they fight well together, and so you definitely get a sense that they’ve seen a lot of shit together, and they complement each other.
So are they paired for most of the movie, your characters?
JOHANSSON: We’re all kind of paired together in different ways.
JOHANSSON: But our fighting styles are not similar but they definitely complement one another. Both of us fight hand-to-hand and we’re just humans with no abilities.
RENNER: Yeah, we’re humans.
JOHANSSON: But we’re fighting in a different way than everybody else. We do a lot of fighting on the ground.
How do your characters react to gods like Loki and Thor?
RENNER: Yeah, I ask myself that every day. I don’t know. How do I know Thor? I guess I was in the movie. I was going to put an arrow in his head, but I don’t know this guy, do I? So I always ask those questions and Joss is a very creative… it’s a complicated universe, as you guys know, and there’s a couple different versions of this universe, so it’s interesting. We find reasons to make it work, but I think the general overall assumption is that we all at least have an understanding of each other… or a misunderstanding of each other is probably better.
We talked to Robert and he said that Hawkeye likes to do things on his own, he’s his own guy, kind of like a rogue agent a little bit. Can you describe that aspect of the character and how that plays out in the movie?
RENNER: Yeah, that kind of plays into being a sniper in general. That’s sort of philosophy of snipers that I hang out on rooftops and trees and things like that by themselves, and don’t really kind of work with anybody else. So that just kind of… even in military, it’s the same sort of thing, so I think it just plays into his character and being a rogue agent.
Tom told us yesterday that Loki has scenes with each of you and the Avengers. Can you talk about working with Tom and why Loki is having these individual conversations?
JOHANSSON: Well, I think that he’s….
RENNER: ‘Cause it’s written in the script. (laughter)
JOHANSSON: (laughs) I think that he has an agenda, and I think the best way to break up a group is by trying to manipulate the situation by going individually to each one of our characters and you kind of see that. He’s playing good cop/bad cop, but it’s just him in some way with each one of us. I think he’s trying to figure out a way to put holes in the team, trying to figure out a way to disassemble us in some way and manipulate us individually. I absolutely adore working with Tom. He’s such an incredibly talented… I don’t know.
Johansson:(跟著笑) 我認為他正在進行什麼計畫,而我想要分裂一個團體最好的方法,就是各個分別擊破,然後再接過主導權,大概是這樣。他用好警察/壞警察(Good cop/Bad cop),軟硬兼施的手段,不過是他一個人同時扮演好人也扮演壞人,分別對上我們的角色。我認為他正試圖找出擊破點,分化我們的小隊,並分別操街我們。當然我非常讚賞Tom的工作,他擁有那麼不可思議的才能……我不會說。
There’s just a theatrical way about him that’s just a lovely way to work, especially when you’re living in this universe that’s larger than life reality in a sense, that kind of theatrical style is really appreciated I think. He’s just been great. I think he’s having so much fun with that character, and I don’t know. I think we all had our own interactions with his character, but my experience has been very much a kind of… I’ve really seen his dramatic turn and vice versa and we had fun playing with that and Joss writes such solid dialogue that we each have really nice meaty points of view.
*我其實……不是很能夠百分之一百抓到她的說話模式(因為聽也跟不上速度orz),不確定她想表達什麼,我努力了。看不懂只好直譯(靠) 這段一直 i don't know……到底不知道什麼囧?Tom是有這麼神祕嗎?XDDD
RENNER: Tom is a troubled boy, but he looks good in his costume.
One of the things about your characters that’s always interesting is that neither of you have superpowers, just abilities and skills, and you’re basically on a team with a giant green monster, a God, so how do you interact with them? Do they look down on you guys cause you don’t have powers or are you able to step up and stand up to them in fights?
RENNER: Well, yeah, initially I thought that it was going to be weird, but then I found out a lot more about… for me, for Hawkeye, I’m like, “What’s a bow and arrow going to do against the Hulk?” Actually, I have specialized things that I can’t tell you anything really about, but I can put him down so (laughs) it’s pretty cool. Yeah, all we are is humans with high skill sets, and I think what makes all characters interesting is that they all have weaknesses. That’s what makes them human in that regard. What’s Tony Stark without his suit?
Renner:恩,一開始我覺得情況會變得很詭異,不過後來我發現更多的是……就我自己而言,就我的角色Hawkeye而言,我想的是:「拿弓箭要怎麼和浩克戰鬥?」而其實我真的有特別的方法可以打敗他,我沒辦法透露給你們,不過我的確可以打倒他,所以(笑),那非常酷的。恩哼,我們雖然是人類,但都擁有高級戰鬥技巧,而我想這些角色之所以有意思,就是因為他們都有各自的弱點。在這個前提下,他們和人類也相去不遠。想想當Tony Stark沒有了他的鋼鐵盔甲,他會是什麼?
Where do we find your characters as the film starts off? Are you still with Tony Stark when we start off?
你們的角色會怎麼出場?你出場的時候還會在Tony Stark身邊嗎?
JOHANSSON: No, my character is sort of on another mission. I think at the end of Iron Man 2, that mission is over for her and she’s an agent who is tasked for some different purposes. So we find her…
Johansson:不會,你可以說我的角色去執行另一項任務。我想在Iron Man 2《鋼鐵人 2》的結尾,我的角色本來負責的任務就結束了。她是一個身負特別任務,為了特別的目的行動的探員。所以你會看到她……
RENNER: Sipping a mai thai in Hawaii.
Renner:在夏威夷喝雞尾酒(mai thai)
JOHANSSON: Sipping a mai thai in Hawaii. No, she’s at work, just the old 9 to 5.
Can you talk about the first day all of you guys were on set together in costume? I guess on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier? Can you talk about being there with everybody?
RENNER: It’s weird.
JOHANSSON: Very surreal.
RENNER: Yeah, it’s weird.
JOHANSSON: It was just kind of an out of body experience. What is happening?
JOHANSSON: Like a dress-up but to the extreme.
RENNER: I was getting really ….(They talk over each other a bit)
JOHANSSON: …. embarrass the shit out of each other. What did you say?
RENNER: I don’t even know what I was doing there, but I was there.
JOHANSSON: Yeah, you were there.
RENNER: It was strange. Everyday, it’s strange.
JOHANSSON: (laughs) Yeah, it’s never even… even when our characters… when the Avengers assemble, it’s totally, it feels like being a little kid.
Johansson:(笑) 是的,從來沒有過,就連……就連我們的角色……當所有的復仇者隊員們集合起來的時候,感覺上完全就像自己是個小孩。
RENNER: I like seeing Hemsworth, because he has his hammer and then he has a latté in his hand (laughter). To me, that’s a great image. (lots of laughter)
Renner:我喜歡看到Hemsworth出場,因為他會一手拿著他的槌子,另一手拿著他的拿鐵。(笑) 對我來說,這畫面可棒透了。(大笑)
JOHANSSON: And there’s always this plan that as soon as everything is cut, everything comes off.
RENNER: Yeah, exactly.
JOHANSSON: All our costumes are unzipped, some air conditioning venting unit goes in. Someone is having a wig removed. We all have our various things that we have to do to get comfortable. Everybody looks incredibly uncomfortable until the cameras are rolling and then we all look fucking badass. Then “Cut!” and we’re all like “Arrrgh… God, this thing, get it off me, it’s awful!!”
Whose costume would you say is the least comfortable and who has it best? You look at them and go, “I can’t believe they just get to wear that.”
JOHANSSON: Well, we all have our own… I’d say everybody has their own uncomfortable costume situation.
RENNER: We definitely have it the easiest I think.
JOHANSSON: I don’t think that’s… speak for yourself! (laughter)
RENNER: I was going to say that I have it easier than you because of your fucking hair.
JOHANSSON: Nope. My hair? What about my hair?
RENNER: You have to do hair every day.
JOHANSSON: That’s a girl thing. That has nothing to do wit h being a superhero. (laughter) I’m talking about that it’s like 800 degrees in my costume… and it’s a unitard, and I have nothing underneath it!
Johansson:那是女人的一面。跟扮演超級英雄半點關係都沒有。(笑) 我說的是我的服裝穿上去就像經歷800度的高溫……而且它是緊身衣,我沒辦法在它之下再穿任何東西!
RENNER: But that might be nice for people. (laughter) I think it’s easy.
Renner:但對觀眾來說那是很不錯的點啊。(笑) 我覺得你的服裝很輕鬆。
JOHANSSON: All these boys are and their muscle suits.
RENNER: Watching her is really easy.
JOHANSSON: Yeah, thanks.
RENNER: The people that have it harder is I think Evans has it tough because he has a headpiece. (talking over each other again)
JOHANSSON: Either Chris has it pretty bad. Tom…
RENNER: Yeah, both Chrises …
RENNER: I think the humility award definitely goes to Ruffalo.
JOHANSSON: Aw, for his little suit?
RENNER: Poor bastard’s in a thong or wearing something unflattering and he’s supposed to be the baddest ass thing. (laughter)
JOHANSSON: And his little fez on and his little plus and minus stickers, poor thing.
Is it hard to work off of that knowing he’s supposed to be this giant beast.
RENNER: Well, I laugh once in a while and he’s always growling, “Stop it!” but yeah, it’s good fun. They’re all tremendous, and well overcome the obstacles we need to overcome. It’s a really good group.
What about the hierarchy at S.H.I.E.L.D. now because you dealt with Nick Fury a lot and you dealt with Coulson, plus there’s also Maria Hill, so who do you each take orders from directly. Is Nick Fury the one you deal with most? Or are you working with Coulson and Maria Hill in this?
談談神盾局的階級制度?你聽從Nick Fury的指揮比較多,而你則是Coulson,然後還有另一個高階上司Maira Hill,所以你們各自是聽誰的指揮?大多是Nick Fury發號施令嗎?或是在這部電影裡,你們也聽Coulson和Maria Hill的指揮?
JOHANSSON: All of our orders come directly from Fury.
RENNER: Yeah, it’s either you obey him or you disobey him.
You don’t have any scenes with Maria Hill or Coulson in this one?
電影裡頭沒有任何和Maria Hill或是Coulson的對手戲?
JOHANSSON: Yeah, we have scenes together.
RENNER: Yeah, we do.
JOHANSSON: But we take our direction all from Fury.
RENNER: And I just don’t take any direction at all. (laughs)
Okay, I was more curious about how Maria Hill plays into it because in the comics, she even takes over for Fury, and we haven’t seen her at all here so I wondered how much is delegated to her.
好,我其實滿好奇Maria Hill在裡頭會是什麼樣的角色,因為在漫畫裡她甚至能取代Fury下命令,而我們在這裡也沒看到她出現,所以我好奇她的權力到哪裡?
RENNER: Yeah, I think it stays pretty true to that universe. They’re tied I think with Coulson, Maria and Fury, I think that’s a pretty tight unit there, and then when it comes to jokers like us, they bring us in for special things, just like in the Marvel Universe.
You’re wearing a “Motley Crue” t-shirt and Downey Jr. was wearing a Black Sabbath shirt so are you guys trying to champion the soundtrack?
你穿著Motley Crue的T恤,而Downey Jr.穿著Black Sabbath的T恤,這代表你們各自擁護的主題曲歌手?
JOHANSSON: (laughs) I got it from the Crue, yo.
Johansson:(笑) 我從Crue那裡得到這件衣服的,唷。
RENNER: I didn’t get one.
JOHANSSON: Oh, yeah? You want one? Yeah, we are. I would love to have some Motley Crue. I don’t know what’s going to be playing. I don’t really know much about Joss’ musical tastes, do you?
Johansson:喔,是嗎?你想要一件嗎?是的,這是我們各自擁護的歌手,如果能聽到Motley Crue的歌我會非常高興。我不知道他們會選什麼樣的音樂。我對Joss的音樂品味不是很了解,你有什麼想法嗎?
RENNER: No, I have no idea.
I’m curious about the soundtrack because all the Marvel films have different ones like with Iron Man having AC/DC.
我會問到主題曲是因為所有的Marvel電影都有不同版本的主題曲,就像Iron Man有AC/DC的版本。
JOHANSSON: That’s Favreau though, that’s totally Favreau’s thing. Joss I would imagine is some sort of operatic soundtrack.
RENNER: Your guess is as good as mine.
JOHANSSON: I have no idea.
Can you talk about your reaction when you saw the script for the first time? Were you initially sitting there thinking, “Please, let this be good”?
RENNER: Of course. (laughs)
JOHANSSON: “I hope this is mediocre.”
But when you sat down to read this thing, I imagine contracts were already signed before you saw a script and you guys were in the movie.
JOHANSSON: Well, the nice thing about our cast is that there’s a silent oath, a support system in some way and all of us are really looking out for one another’s best interests and more when the first drafts came in. I remember going to Comic-Con last year and flying back with everybody, and we were all like, “We’re in it together!” We had assembled on the plane. So reading the first draft, it’s a huge story with a lot of storylines. The first draft to me was still very much a work in progress, and Joss wanted everybody’s notes and got all of them, and we all met separately and together and talked about it. I think the script over… Joss was like pulling his hair out, doing these insane drafts on a time crunch, but I think with everybody’s notes and all of us kind of looking out for each other really streamlined it to something that is very coherent. The first draft to me was a little bit like “Waugh! What are all these storylines?” I didn’t know what the hell was going on. It very much felt like an assemblage of a lot of different storylines together, but I think that’s all part of the screenwriting process in a ways. Streamlining.
RENNER: Yeah, there’s no bigger fan than Joss of this world, and he’s a really good writer and he had a massive task to write this movie and direct it, massive. I don’t know anybody who could really write this and really put in all the stuff that he really wanted to put in, cause he honors all these characters so much, so people will ask about backstory and all these other things, he’s like, “Well, there’s a lot going on in this movie.” We won’t have a lot of the time that he wanted to put into each and every character. There are so many different versions of the stuff that sometimes I even liked it better because it had such a good sense of humor at some points. Even though the movie still does, somehow, someway, he pulled it off.
After this experience, are you guys championing your own solo films?
RENNER: I’m championing a vacation, is what I’m going to champion.
JOHANSSON: I think going into this process and even going into Iron Man 2, the whole idea is that you hope the audience…
Johansson:我想參與拍攝這部影片,甚至是參與拍攝Iron Man 2《鋼鐵人2》,最重要的概念是你希望觀眾能……
RENNER: Are you in Iron Man 3?
Renner:你會拍Iron Man 3嗎?
JOHANSSON: Aren’t you? (laughter)
RENNER: (laughs) Aren’t you going off to do Iron Man 3?
Renner:(笑) 你現在不想拍Iron Man 3了嗎?
JOHANSSON: Yeah, we’re on the same flight. I think the whole idea is that you want the audience to be as enthusiastic as you are about the characters and in that, you hope that you’ll be able to take the character farther. It’s certainly a process to zip up the suit every time and it gets harder with each passing year, but I mean, if it was badass and it incorporated the darker side of the character and got down to the nitty-gritty of who she is, I would like to see that movie.
When we asked Kevin Feige about a possible Hawkeye spin-off, he said you’re basically in so many possible franchises now, he doesn’t know if you’d have time. How does it come about that you’re in all these franchise now?
我們訪問Kevin Feige的時候問到Hawkeye的獨立電影,他說基本上你的片約已經滿了,你參與了所有你能參與的系列電影,他不確定你還有沒有空檔。這是怎麼發生的?你參與的這些系列電影。
RENNER: I don’t know how that happened.
Is it worrying about having too much overlap?
RENNER: Yeah, well you’re assuming a lot here, that they’re going to succeed and they’re expensive movies to shoot, franchise movies, so it’s got to do very, very well in order to do another one. I worry about that movie and that movie only. Because a franchise is only a movie that does well and has the possibility of making another one, which separates itself from a movie that’s just a one-off. So there’s no guarantee by any means that there will be any other movies made at Marvel, let alone from any of those from Missions or Bournes or whatever it might be, to Hansel and Gretel. So we’ll see.
Renner:恩,我想你現在做了很多的假設:這些是會大賣座的電影,是花了很多錢拍攝的電影,這些「系列電影」,所以必需把它做得非常、非常好,才能為下一部留後路。而我擔心的就只是眼前這部電影,就只有這一部。對我來說,系列電影就是一部表現得非常出色的電影,因為非常出色所以讓它有可能拍續集,和非系列作的電影的差別就只是這樣。所以從各方面來看,都沒辦法保証Marvel一定會續拍哪一部電影,更不用提像是Mission系列(《不可能任務》系列)是或Bourne系列(《神鬼認証》系列),或其他什麼,恩,像Hansel and Gretel。所以,我們等著看吧。
Iron Man 3 starts for you guys in February?
你們二月會開拍Iron Man 3?
RENNER: Yeah, when are you starting?
JOHANSSON: I haven’t gotten my schedule yet.
RENNER: (laughs)
Does anyone else have to sweat it out in this building besides you two?
JOHANSSON: We all get an opportunity to sweat it out in this building, right?
RENNER: Well, no, I think…
JOHANSSON: Downey’s flying around.
RENNER: Yeah, yeah, Downey.
JOHANSSON: is a 6 foot 5 African-American man, let’s be honest with ourselves, a giant muscle man who is sweating it out in there. Downey comes in…
RENNER: Downey had it easy on that one.
JOHANSSON: I think he has the easiest costume to wear.
RENNER: But we got to go sweat it out in the asbestos box. (laughter).
恩過這麼久,我終於譯完了ww XD
忘記是在哪個AVG訪談裡,有個主持人問Chris ,
回覆刪除Q : 聽說拍攝時經常有人偷玩Thor的道具槌子的問題,
"Reeeeeeeenner ~~~where's the haaaaaammer ~~~~ "
oh!! 這麼可愛的鏡頭為什麼沒有被剪進拍攝花絮內之類的呢?
我光是用想像JR在惡作劇亂甩亂揮就獨自笑到爆炸!! :D