裡頭的照片還不錯看耶嘿ww ,2006年,35歲,演出布萊德彼特的Assassination of Jesse James的訪問。在這部片裡頭是個金髮牛仔。也提到一點點另一部作品Twelve and Holding。
Jeremy Renner Talks with CanMag about Assassination of Jesse James
By Ryan Parsons May 3, 2006
Jeremy Renner has had one heck of an interesting career that I originally predicted to explode during 2005. After his first film in 1995, National Lampoon’s Senior Trip, Jeremy ducked under the spotlight with brief roles in the television series Angel and CSI. In 2002, however, Jeremy came out swinging with an Independent Spirit Award nomination for his disturbing depiction of Jeffrey Dahmer in the film Dahmer and a role in a large blockbuster film, SWAT, which followed in 2003. Critical acclaim plus a film co-starring Samuel L Jackson, Will Ferrell and LL Cool J? With this type of mix I had figured one blockbuster film a year for Jeremy Renner beginning in 2004.
Jeremy Renner的職業發展非常耐人尋味,2005年的時候我本以為他會大紅。1995年,他在National Lampoon's Senior Trip當中首次亮相,接著,短短在電視劇Angel和CSI的鎂光燈下閃過幾幕。2002年,再以獨立精神獎(Independent Spirit Award)提名的姿態出現,因他在影片Dahmer中成功詮釋出飽受困擾的Jeffrey Dahmer,接著2003年,參演動作大片SWAT。獲得廣大的好評外,也和影星Samuel L Jackson、Will Ferrell和LL Coll J等人合作。綜合以上的發展路線,2004年初,我本以為Jeremy Renner會一年參演一部商業大片。
Though Jeremy Renner did have a significant role as Charlize Theron’s ex-fling in North Country, the actor has remained close to independent films — for now. In the last year we have seen The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things, Neo Ned and the Twelve and Holding get released with Renner’s name attached to each project. Even though the actor seems to have found his niche, 2006 marks his return to tentpole films with Warner Bros The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.
雖然他在Charlize Theron(莎莉賽隆)之前造成轟動的作品North Country中演出了令人印象深刻的角色,這名演員的發展路線依舊偏向獨立製作--目前為止。去年我們看到他名列其中的獨立製作品有The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things,Neo Ned和Twelve and Holding。看上去他似乎確定了自己的演藝路線,2006年他又回到了大成本影片裡,參演華納兄弟(Warner Bros)的The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Rober Ford.
*唔恩所以其實……他一直在擺盪這樣嗎XDD 記者這裡用了heck這個詞,顯示為加強困惑的語氣。但我覺得把heck換成一些詛咒詞加進去有點詭異。反正不是重點(喂)
Don't worry, I will get to this extended title later.
Jeremy Renner on Being Twelve and Cousin to Jesse James
Jeremy Renner演出Jesse James的堂弟和Twelve and Holding。
I recently took a drive down to Sunset Blvd. to meet up with Jeremy Renner before he heads off to New York to promote his upcoming independent film Twelve and Holding. To start off with a positive — this year’s domestic indie films have not been all that, with only three, including Twelve and Holding, receiving mass amounts of critical acclaim.
在Jeremy Renner到紐約為他的獨立製片作品Twelve and Holding宣傳之前,我去了日落大道(Sunset Blvd)訪問他。從這部頗被看好的影片談起--今年國內的獨立製片作品獲得廣大好評的只有三部,而Twelve and Holding是其中之一。
Due out on May 19th, Twelve and Holding tells the story of a group of friends who enter into an identity crisis after a tragic accident that resulted in the loss of a friend. Renner plays Gus, a patient who attracts the obsessive attention of Malee, a young girl who thinks she is mature enough to deal with the tragic event on her own. Renner explained that the film was more about the children, with the adult actors serving the role of supporting cast.
5月19號上映的Twelve and Holding講述一群好友間的故事;發生了意外悲劇,失去了一名朋友後,他們陷入混淆彼此身分的困境中。Renner飾演的角色Gus,是小女孩Malee迷戀上的對象,Malee認為她已經長大了,足夠成熟得以獨自處理發生的悲劇。Renner表示這部影片的焦點集中在孩子身上,其他演員扮演的成年人角色只是輔助。
*跟,跟跟跟小女孩對戲?咦?XD 奇怪我好難想像把他放在一名小女孩前面的感覺。尤其是迷戀他的小女孩。但或許沒有對戲也不一定XD
The film will cover three different stories based on each child: Jacob, Malee and Leonard. To get a taste of Twelve and Holding check out the trailer HERE.
After discussing Renner’s stints with independent films and theatre, we moved on to his role as Robert Woodson “Wood” Hite in the upcoming adaptation of The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Starring Brad Pitt, Casey Affleck, Jeremy Renner, Sam Rockwell, Sam Shepard, Paul Schneider and Mary Louise Parker, Assassination of Jesse James tells the true demise of Jesse James at the hands of Robert Ford. Brad Pitt plays Jesse James, Casey Affleck is Robert Ford and Jeremy Renner took the role of “Wood” Hite, Jesse James cousin.
在了解Renner對獨立製片和舞台劇場的熱忱後,我們談到他在即將上映的改編電影The Assassination of Jesse by the Coward Robert Ford中的角色,Robert Woodson,綽號"Wood" Hite。本作演員有Brad Pitt(布萊德彼特),Casey Affleck,Jeremy Renner,Sam Rockwell,Sam Shepard,Paul Schneider和Mary Louise Parker,講述Jesse James死於Robert Ford之手的真實故事。由Brad Pitt扮演Jesse James,Casey Affleck扮演Robert Ford,而Jeremy Renner則是Jesse James的堂弟(表弟?)"Wood" Hite。
CanMag: What was your competition for your role in The Assassination of Jesse James and then your reaction when you learned you had got the part?
Renner: The competition really came from everybody in town reading for the part of Robert Ford. Everybody on the film read for that role. I did, Rockwell did, they had people off the street – that weren’t even actors — coming in to read for the part. The competition was there.
當進行Robert Ford這個角色的試鏡的時候,競爭就開始了,劇組讓參演的每個人都為這個角色試鏡。包括我,包括Rockwell,他們甚至隨意從街上找人--不是專業演員也沒差--來為這個角色試鏡。那個時候就是競爭的開始。
When I was too old to play the part they asked me to come in and check out this role [Robert “Wood” Hitt]. Anything less than that was ‘alright, I will give it a go.’ I got it and I was definitely excited because it was another Warner Bros movie with only Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck at the time. I was definitely excited, even though I didn’t get the part I went for initially. But to get to shoot guns and ride horses every day in Calgary, well, you know.
他們認為我年紀太大,不適合這個角色,但請我試試看這個角色[Robert "Wood" Hitt]。我抱著「恩好啊,就試試看吧。」的心態去試鏡,就得到了這個角色。我很興奮,因為這是華納兄弟又一部巨作,有Brad Pitt和Casey Afflect這樣的演員合作演出。我非常非常興奮,雖然我沒得到我本來想要的角色,不過我可以在Calgary每天騎馬,扮演牛仔,開槍,恩哼,你知道的。
*我很想說你不管怎麼看都不會too old的。(喂) 但氣質不符也是的確……
I was even more excited when Rockwell got on board. Paul Schneider, who was cast at the same time I was cast, worked with me and Brad as we did a table reading for all the characters. I didn’t have a whole lot lines in the original script, so it was exciting to see people such as Sam Rockwell and Sam Shepard come on board.
當Rockwell也加入演出的時候,我更期待了。和我同時間試鏡的Paul Schneider,和我和Brad一起坐下來做劇本台詞演練。我在一開始的劇本裡沒什麼台詞,所以我就在一旁興奮的旁觀,看Sam Rockwell和Sam Shepard排練演出。
CanMag: In American Outlaws we are not introduced to Robert “Wood” Hite. What is his importance in the latest rendition of Jesse James?
在Jesse James相關電影作品如American Outlaws中,你的角色Robert "Wood" Hite並沒有出場。而他在這部描述Jesse James的晚年作品中,佔有什麼樣的重要性?
Renner: Without giving much away – every character has a specific purpose in this script with smaller roles that are very intricate into the plot. They are complex and drawn out over a long, 160-page script.
The character Wood Hite is more of a screen presence and how he affects other characters. The character’s main purpose for the story is to instill paranoia in Jesse James. Just like every other character, he serves a specific purpose. As events unfold, Jesse James paranoia causes him to only trust his blood. Since there is an award for Jesse and his brother Frank, Jesse knows that Wood Hite, his cousin, will not turn on him.
Everybody else in the gang could not be trusted by Jesse. When Hite disappears, paranoia really sets in for Jesse that creates a whole avalanche of unsightly events that I can’t go into detail without spoiling the film.
Wood Hite這個角色,比較偏向是為了電影加入的角色,重點在於他給其他角色帶來的影響。這個角色存在的主要目的是為Jesse James的形象注入偏執的元素。和其他角色一樣,他的存在有他自己的特殊理由。隨著事件進行,Jesse James的偏執讓他變得只相信自己的血親。當Jesse和他的哥哥Frank被懸賞時,Jesse認為Wood Hite是唯一不會背叛他的人,他隊上的其他人都不可相信。而當Hite失蹤時,Jesse變得更加偏執,進一步導致他之後的崩潰。我不能再劇透下去了,不然就不好玩啦。
CanMag: What kind of research did you do in preparation of your role in The Assassination of Jesse James?
Renner: As far as research we had pre-production time that covered basic stuff like horseback riding. I already knew how to ride, but we still spent six hours a day riding. I was always familiar with guns, but this is a period piece that had us using period guns. Wardrobe, just walking around in wardrobe, physical stuff as an actor that you have to appreciate. Then there is the time and the period, the language, how they spoke, how it sounded, the dialect, and the actual events and how they occurred. The movie is based on the novel The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, so I read that and the film doesn’t stray too far from the novel and took that as God’s word.
說到研究,我們有一段開拍前的準備時間,訓練一些基本的技能像是騎馬。我本來就會騎馬,不過我們還是一天花六個小時在練習騎術上。我一直都滿熟悉怎麼用槍的,不過這是在古早的年代用古早型式的槍。就好像走入舊衣櫥中,穿越了時光隧道,回到那段古早時光,身為演員你得感激能有這樣的拍攝經驗。還有學習怎麼用那個年代的語言,說話方式,音調,俗語,怎麼確實再現當時的場景。它是原著小說The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford改編的,我讀了小說,而影片像尊重上帝一樣尊重原著小說,並沒有更動太多。
*的確,裡頭很多古早年代的東西,比如古早年代的調情方式和黃色笑話…(默) 小說感很重也是真的。詩意感?
Mind you this being a larger budget film – not that big for a studio film – they can provide you with enough information that you need about your character. I also went on the internet to learn about my character and his background. It didn’t serve me a whole lot to know that my dad did this or that, but how they walked, talked, looked, what their daily lives were like, how often they bathed; being a period piece makes the character a bit more difficult.
CanMag: Did you know the full story behind Jesse James before you went out for the part?
在你飾演這個角色之前,就已經完全熟悉Jesse James的故事了嗎?
Renner: No, no. I knew ideas of him and even what I did know of him changed and shifted due to the prospective of this Jesse James movie as told through the eyes and actions of Robert Ford — who later assassinates him. So, yeah, the film is a completely different take on the outlaw.
沒有,不熟。我知道他的大概形象,而我心中的形象也因為這部影片的詮釋:透過最後殺死他的Robert Ford的視角和行動描述出的樣子,而變得和之前不同。所以,是的,這部片會和之前的Outlaw呈現出完全不一樣的Jesse James。
CanMag: Of the western films that I can list at this very moment – Silverado, Wyatt Earp, Tombstone, American Outlaws, Open Range and Unforgiven – what would The Assassination of Jesse James align more closely to just by the style of the film.
舉出幾部我能想到的西部片: Silverado, Wyatt Earp, Tombstone, American Outlaws, Open Range and Unforgiven ,你認為 The Assassination of Jesse James的風格和哪部比較接近?
Renner: I couldn’t really do that, but if I had to choose anything I would choose Wyatt Earp only because it has an epic feel to it; which The Assassination of Jesse James has. However, Jesse James has a much darker look and feel. Instead of offering a perspective of the writer, the film tells the perspective from the actual man – Robert Ford.
其實很難做出比較,但如果硬要選的話,我會選Wyatt Earp,因為它同樣也有史詩的調性。不過 The Assassination of Jesse James在視覺上和感覺上都更陰暗一些。取代原本作家的視角,影片中由真人Robert Ford的視角來講述這個故事。
The Assassination of Jesse James will be different because of this perspective laid down by the novel.
They are going to keep that title, as long as it is. Brad was adamant about keeping it that way. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, the Coward Robert Ford, because it was Ford who shot James as he was turning away.
他們決定保留原著的書名,一字不動,書名有多長就維持多長。Brad堅持的: The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford(Jesse James被刺殺了,被儒夫Robert Ford刺殺了),「那個儒夫Robert Ford」得標註其中,因為Robert Ford是那個在拆夥時射殺James的兇手。
The film is Jesse’s plight, but the film is not a Brad Pitt movie. Brad was also adamant about not having his picture on the actual poster; as that is not what the story is all about.
這部片的主題是Jesse的困境,但它並不是一部Brad Pitt中心的電影。Brad同時也堅持不要把他的照片放上宣傳海報,因為他認為那不是故事的重點。
There might be two robberies by the James gang shown in the film. The film is not all about riding off firing our weapons while hollering. It is more like a Goodfellas of Jesse James. There is more of a hierarchy and totem pole in the gang with each member wondering where they belong. With that came paranoia and mutiny and all these other sort of elements that will be interesting.
影片中大概會提到兩次James幫的搶劫。但這部片並不全是在講騎在馬背上,喊叫開槍示威的故事。它比較接近於講述Jesse James的好伙伴們。比較像是幫派組織中的勾心鬥角,每個成員都在乎自己在幫派中扮演什麼樣的角色,能擁有什麼樣的地位。然後事情發展走向偏執,引發暴力衝突等等,而讓這部片變得耐人尋味。
Some scenes will feature the gang around a campfire discussing, let’s say, a rash remedy. But the scene is more about ‘is he going to kill me?’ We may be sipping coffee around the campfire, but it’s not about that. I am wondering if Jesse is going to kill me right now or if he thinks I am saying something behind his back. The suspicion makes it very rich and interesting to watch. Nothing is on the surface with a lot of fear-based mentality among the characters.
Stay tuned for updates.
*rash remedy,欸,做個記號。
Twelve and Holding也一起講到了,不錯。雖然很短。
至於…Assassination of Jesse James(好我就是想略過殺手的名字(喂)…
話說當中提到的,American Outlaws,這部片也是Jesse James的故事,2001年的作品,然後主演是柯林法洛。最近我好像……時不時走到哪都看到這個名字(默) XDD