Jeremy Renner: 'It all seems a little crazy'
Jeremy Renner:「這一切,感覺起來有點瘋狂。」
By Bob Thompson, Postmedia News May 2, 2012
LOS ANGELES - A decade ago, Jeremy Renner was wondering if the rejection would ever end. The actor was living on day-old doughnuts, favours from friends, and lots of disappointments.
洛杉磯報導--十年前,Jeremy Renner最關心的生活課題是:什麼時候才能不再被拒絕?這名演員當時靠著當天賣剩的甜甜圈,朋友的好心資助過活,處處充滿挫敗和失望。
In 2002, he thought playing serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer in the biopic Dahmer would change everything, and he was wrong - again.
After some acclaim for the role and a few minor awards, he went back to his journeyman status, and all the frustration that goes with working just enough.
2002年,他以為在Dahmer的傳記記錄片中主演Jeffrey Dahmer會是個轉機,但再一次的,他錯了。這個角色為他贏得了肯定和掌聲,幾個小獎。但之後他依舊回到在各個影片裡串場跑龍套的狀態,當時他沮喪到了極點。
"I wasn't having fun," admits the 41-year-old at a swanky Beverly Hill hotel suite.
「不是什麼愉快的經驗。」這名41歲的演員承認,在富麗堂皇的比佛利山莊旅館(Beverly Hill Hotel)套房裡接受我們的訪問。
It's amazing what a few Oscar nominations can do for an erratic career. In quick order, Renner picked up a best-actor nod in 2010 for his intense bomb-squad soldier in Kathryn Bigelow's Oscar winner, The Hurt Locker. And he followed that up last year with a supporting-actor nod for his role as a volatile crook in Ben Affleck's The Town.
幾次的奧斯卡提名,証明奧斯卡光環能為這名演員的飄泊日子帶來什麼樣的奇蹟。很快的,2010年Kathryn Bigelow的The Hurt Locker,2010奧斯卡最佳影片獎得主,Renner飾演的主角,令人為了他捏一把冷汗的拆彈上士,為他贏得最佳演員提名。接著去年,Ben Affleck的The Town,他飾演一名性情不穩定的惡棍,為他贏得最佳男配角提名。
After 20 years in the business, Renner was an overnight success.
To say he has made the transition from low-budget indie pictures to big-studio blockbusters is an understatement. The man is nothing, if not busy.
He co-starred opposite Tom Cruise in last December's Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, which made $693 million US worldwide.
He also replaced Matt Damon in the Bourne franchise, playing agent Aaron Cross in The Bourne Legacy, which will hit theatres Aug. 3. Early next year, he can be seen as Hansel in the action fantasy, Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, a post-modern take on the fable in which brother and sister are bounty hunters.
And finally, Renner plays S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Hawkeye in the superhero movie, The Avengers, opening May 4.
去年12月,在Tom Cruise全世界大賣,賺了$69300萬美金的 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol裡,演出Tom Cruise的搭檔配角。
他也接演Bourne系列,繼Matt Damon之後成為下一部影片The Bourne Legacy(神鬼認証4)的主角,探員Aaron Cross,這部片會在8/3上映。明年年初,奇幻動作劇Hansel and Gretel:Witch Hunters(韓森與葛瑞特),這故事是原著童話的後現代改編版本,裡頭兄妹兩都成為賞金獵人。
最後,Renner演出5/4上映的超級英雄電影The Avengers中,神盾局探員鷹眼。
"I know it all seems a little crazy," he says. "But I'm really comfortable with how things have worked out."
No kidding. In The Avengers, Joss Whedon's 3-D epic, Renner appears alongside fellow agent Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and a superhero ensemble of stars. They include Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and Captain America (Chris Evans).
Together, they take on Thor's adopted brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston), who has organized an alien invasion force to take over the world.
這可不是蓋的。Joss Whedon的3D史詩大作,The Avengers陣容堅強,和Renner共同參演的英雄們還有探員黑寡婦(Scarlett Johansson),神盾局局長Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) ,超能力英雄鋼鐵人(Robert Downey Jr.),雷神索爾(Chris Hemsworth),浩克(Mark Ruffalo),和美國隊長(Chris Evans)。
他們將共同對抗索爾的,收養來的弟弟,Loki(Tom Hiddleston),以及Loki組織起,準備侵略地球的外星大軍。
While Hawkeye is initially compromised, he recovers sufficiently to join the battle. Before that, the bow-and-arrow expert has a few hand-to-hand confrontations against Black Widow.
It meant Renner squared off with Johansson. Both tried to do as many of the mixed-martial-arts scenes as they could. "We beat each other up pretty good," says Renner, smiling. "And you know it was fun. I loved getting beaten up by Scarlett."
He did suffer for it, however. He ripped a muscle in his back during one of the sessions, and the injury shut down production for a week.
In recovery mode these days, Renner says the physical discomfort was worth being a part of the ensemble. He was especially excited when everybody was in costume on set at the same time. "It was like Halloween," he jokes.
Renner can be glib about the costumes, because he had fewer frills to worry about; Hawkeye's getup in the movie is simple, compared to some of the more flamboyant outfits.
"If you have to wear a superhero costume, Hawkeye's would be it," says the actor of his all-black shirt, vest, and pants. "I was in hair and makeup for only five minutes, then I'd get into my tight biker pants, and I was ready."
Other than that, Renner is quietly preparing for his Marvel future.
Tentative plans are in development for a Hawkeye-Black Widow spinoff, which may include Nick Fury.
目前聽到的計畫是會推出鷹眼-黑寡婦的獨立延伸劇,Nick Fury也可能參與演出。
In the meantime, Iron Man 3 starts filming soon. Thor 2 is ready to shoot this summer, and a second Captain America will get going by early next year.
同時,鋼鐵人3(Iron Man 3)也即將開始拍攝。今年夏天Thor 2會開拍,美國隊長(Captain Ameria)第二集也會在明年年初開始進行。
Even if a Hawkeye-Black Widow movie gets pushed for a second Avengers picture, Renner says he will be "ready and willing" to do what's required.
"It really is a great honour to be a part of something so massively huge, with so many great actors," he says.
After promoting The Avengers, Renner has something else on his to-do list: He's planning a summer vacation.
在The Avengers的宣傳活動過後,Renner的計畫表上剩下的項目是:放個暑假。
"I am taking a break for while," he says. "I did five movies in a row, which is two years of my life, so I want to take the summer off, and see my family and friends."
*暑假愉快:) 耶!放假了!(又不是你放XDDD
Renner loving Blockbuster Role
Renner 享受他演出的巨星影片
LOS ANGELES - Two years ago, Jeremy Renner was the face of the war between indie films and blockbusters.
洛杉磯報導--兩年前,Jeremy Renner面臨選擇獨立製作影片還是大宗商業片的掙扎。
Specifically, he was nominated for a Best Actor Oscar for The Hurt Locker. It was at that flashpoint of film history where Hurt Locker -- with $13 million in box office -- was named best picture over Avatar, which had grossed in the billions.
精確一點說,他因為The Hurt Locker獲得奧斯卡提名。1300萬的票房成績,成為電影史上閃耀新星的Hurt Locker,贏得了奧斯卡獎,打敗了票房成績數十億的阿凡達。
Newsflash: the entire time, Renner really wanted to be in blockbusters. And he jumped at the chance to play the high-tech archer Hawkeye in The Avengers"¦ and to play opposite Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible -- Ghost Protocol"¦ and to succeed Matt Damon as the lead character in The Bourne Legacy, which is due to come out in August.
最新消息:Renner從頭到尾都非常想參演大宗商業片。於是他抓住機會,在The Avengers裡演出高科技弓手鷹眼,在MI4( Mission Impossible -- Ghost Protocol)中和Tom Cruise演對手戲,接下The Bourne Legacy的主演,達到Matt Damon的成功地位,這部片今年八月會上映。
So what's life like on the other side?
"It's been fun," Renner says. "I initially took the (Avengers) job to do a movie I know people would see. I've done a lot of movies nobody ever saw.
"So it's nice to do this behemoth and know that people all across the world will see this thing. It's a cool character. Why not?
"And then Bourne came around. And then Mission Impossible. It's a glorious place to be. It's lighter fare, and I've never done a movie my family could go see. They've been freaked out by everything I've done," says Renner, who snagged a second Oscar nom for his role in Ben Affleck's The Town.
「再來是Bourne的邀約。再來是Mission Impossible。這是個充滿光輝和榮耀的世界。再說,票價也比較便宜,於是我能讓我家人看到這部作品。我目前為止還沒拍過一部可以讓我的家人看的電影,他們看到我之前拍的作品會被嚇壞的。」Renner說,他在Ben Affleck的The Town中贏得第二次的奧斯卡提名。
"There are constant moments of humility and surreality. But it doesn't feel any different than when I slept on a Murphy bed because I was homeless."
「還是會有,感受到人性的部分,和覺得這一切都是超現實太過夢幻的部分。一直都存在著。但它其實和我四處流浪,睡在摺疊床(Mruphy bed)上的時候,體會到的感覺沒差多少。」
*constant moments of humility and surreality,恩,我滿喜歡這段的,try my best here.
And no, he didn't become an expert archer to play Hawkeye. "I did take some archery, but I realized quickly I couldn't use it in the film. It ended up being superhero archery. I was shooting behind my back and over my shoulder.
"I didn't get injured. But, you get banged around every day when it's hand-to-hand stuff. Scarlett (Johansson, who co-stars as Black Widow) and I beat each other up pretty good. It was fun. I love getting beat up by Scarlett. Wouldn't you?"
how can you not love this guy?