
翻譯練習:Jeremy Renner / MI4訪談



New Mission: Impossible star on working with Tom Cruise
不可能任務新星和Tom Curis的合作經驗

January 04, 2012


Jeremy Renner is more desk agent than field agent as William Brandt in Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol, but he gets to see more than his fair share of the action.

在Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol當中,Jeremy Renner飾演的角色William Brandt,比起外勤特工,更偏向坐辦公桌的文書職探員,不過在整部動作片當中,這角色沒那麼簡單,比表面上看起來吃了更多苦頭。

*fare share,link 1link 2 ;感覺像是偏向不大好的事情的詞。除了,「比預期還要來得多」、「不是他應得的」,還有「不愉快的經歷」;除此之外還陷入了更多麻煩。

Here he spills the beans on what it’s like to be part of a big Hollywood franchise and what it’s like to work under Tom Cruise as the director and star.

以下他對我們透露參演這部好萊塢著名的系列動作大片的感想,以及和兼導演身份的Tom Cruise合作的經驗。

How were you offered the role of Brandt?


I met up with Tom Cruise and Brad Bird and Bryan Burk, one of the producers.

They all had their own sort of take on what the movie was and gave me a general sense of everything and why they wanted me to be a part of it.

I couldn’t say no. I mean I was a fan of Tom and the franchise. With the machine of Paramount behind it, the great support system that they give, and then Brad Bird sealed the deal for me; I love his movies. There was no reason not to do it.

我和三個人談過,Tom Cruise, Brad Bird(導演),和其中一名製作人Bryan Burk。


很難對這個工作說不。恩,我是MI系列和TOM的粉絲。有派拉蒙(Paramount)這樣的資助者,提供拍攝器材和強大的、有系統的支持,之後我和Bran Bird敲定了這個角色;我喜歡他的作品。我沒有任何理由拒絕這個工作。

Would you say Brandt is a new kind of Mission: Impossible agent?


Yeah, definitely a new character. I think every character in this movie is new.

Even though Pegg was in the last one, his character has grown and continued on to be a field agent—not a guy behind the scenes.



There are so many things that are so different; I don’t want to draw a comparison to any of the other Mission movies. It being a Mission: Impossible is the only thing it has in common with the previous films – that and Ethan Hunt are the through-lines here.

There is great conflict and drama and a sense of humour within all the characters: That’s what separates it.

電影做了很多不一樣的更動;但我提這個,並不是打算來個系列作比較。但它和前幾作唯一的共通點是:它歸屬於MI系列,而主角Ethan Hunt的故事線串聯起這一系列的作品。


Of course it has the big action set pieces, and Mission: Impossible is known for those big action set pieces, but this has things even bigger and more intense and now it’s partially shot in IMAX, which is really more immersive visually.

But there’s time and care spent on the characters, as much as you possibly can in a big, fun popcorn movie like this so you get invested hopefully and then the ride becomes even more fun.



With Simon Pegg also having a much larger role, this looks like a much more playful kind of Mission: Impossible...

給Simon Pegg的角色這樣的大幅轉變,看來這部MI走的是比較玩樂性質的路線?

Yeah, certainly, but it balances it out because there is a bit of drama too when we’re yelling at each other and want to kill each other, and then there’s times that the intensity is so high.


But it’s good to undercut it with a little bit of realism. You know, maybe Tom Cruise’s character would be asking me to do this stunt and I kind of question it, like “Why do I have to do it, get somebody else to do it.”

我覺得在裡頭加入一點現實的元素是滿不錯的手法。像是,假設Tom Cruise的角色要求我做某個特技動作,而我會表示質疑,會說:「為什麼要我做,找別人去做吧!」

What is it like working with Tom Cruise on this franchise? He is so much more than just its star. As a producer he is instrumental in bringing each new sequel together?

和Tom Cruise合作MI系列拍攝的感覺如何?除了擔任主演外,他也身兼數職。

He is very inclusive, he makes you part of every stage of the process. I never felt left out in the cold.


I always felt like it was a collaborative effort, which is a wonderful thing to be a part of. You get to learn a lot and I learned a lot about him as a person. He couldn’t be more generous and giving of his time. But he also sets a really high bar that challenged me as an actor, and as an athlete.


He got me into a really great physical programme that obviously he’s been on, got me in the right mind set to be able to do the things I needed to do.


He would bend over backwards, do anything for any of his actors to make this the best experience, the best it could be, and I think he’d do it for anyone.


I certainly felt singled out, even though I know I wasn’t. He makes you feel that way. And Tom, he’s really, really gregarious and generous with his time. He just makes you feel like you’re the only person in the room.



How would you say this Mission: Impossible is bigger than the other ones?


Bigger doesn’t always mean better. You could make this a really intimate story as well and I think it’d be fantastic.


But this one has a big scale, and the places we go and the things we’re doing, the action set pieces were big, like the Burj Khalifa.

That’s a really big set piece. And the story, the scale and the stakes are really high, much higher than they have been in the other ones. IMF is shut down, it’s coming at it from a whole other angle. How do you get bigger than this?


With Tom Cruise so invested in the realism, doing stunts himself — including climbing up the side of Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world — did you feel you had to do your own stunt work?

Tom Cruise非常積極的實事求是態度,像特技場面親身上陣--包括爬杜拜塔,吊在全世界最高的建築外牆上--這會讓你覺得你也得親身上陣自己的特技場面嗎?

Absolutely, and he pushes you to do it too. There was the opportunity to do so many things physically that I’ve never done.


I had to get into really, really great shape and I was doing Filipino Stick Fighting and I didn’t know what that was and muay thai (a combat sport). I’m doing it for five hours a day, fighting, training and then doing all this stuff on a wire. I’ve never done anything on a wire prior to this and it was really great fun. I got to learn a lot.



That’s what makes the Mission: Impossible films wonderfully old-fashioned because they’re all the extremes of the real world, not green screen and computer effects. You’re going to go up the Burj Khalifa, and that reality sells it to an audience…


Right, right, the whole reality of it, and we’re all doing it. There is fantasy in it, in the circumstances of the plot: the Kremlin blows up, people die and their world’s ending.


But it is tied in with the reality of what we’re doing, and that is the great ride, the roller-coaster ride that hopefully we take the audience on for two hours.


It’s a really terrific film because of that sense of reality, the humanness of the characters. I know that when I go to the cinema, whether it’s a big movie or small movies, I’m an audience member too. I need to connect with somebody, or care about somebody or hate somebody. I need to get in there and I feel like they did a really great job with this one.


How much is this Mission: Impossible focused on being a team game with Tom Cruise’s Ethan Hunt as their leader?

這部影片,有多少重心放在由Tom Cruise飾演的Ethan Hunt領導,建立起一個小隊上?

They’re always going to have that kind of Tom Cruise stamp on them because he’s a force to be reckoned with, but he was adamant about it being a bit more of a team, a crumbling team or terrible team or wonderful team, whatever we end up being or not being...

我想Tom Cruise這個標籤多多少少都會存在於其中,因為他是這系列不可或缺的主力角色,但他滿堅持加入更多的團隊元素,不管我們的組合最後看起來接近什麼:一個即將四分五裂的團隊,一個糟糕的團隊,或一個絕妙的團隊……

He certainly wanted it to be a bit more of a collective than him just going on this journey and the audience following. Now it’s a little bit more splintered out.


With his background in animation what does a director like Brad Bird bring to a Mission: Impossible film?

導演Brad Bird的動畫電影製作背景,為MI電影帶來什麼樣的新風格?

It was definitely new for him, but you didn’t feel it from where I was standing.


He certainly is gregarious. You never know with a guy doing animation, who sits in an editing bay all da. You don’t know if he’s going to have any personality or he could be just sort of a half freak.

But when you meet him, he’s the funniest guy in the room, and loving, thoughtful, and smart as a whip.


He’s the guy who led the charge for us. I don’t know what his weaknesses were coming from animation, but I know his strengths for sure were what he put into his animated movie: the sense of character, the sense of drama and comedy that comes from those characters, the setting, the tone, the shape and the feel of the movie.

You feel that this is a Brad Bird movie. You feel he is at the helm of this thing and he’s a great human to be around.

他是領導整個工作團隊的人。我不知道他的弱點是否和他的動畫背景有關係,但我在他的動畫電影作品中確實感受到他擅長的優點:角色的營造,角色間的劇情張力和喜劇效果,整體設定,調性,架構,和電影帶給你的感覺。你會覺得這就是一部Brad Bird的作品。你能感受到他的導演風格,而他也是個相處起來很棒的人。

Did you notice him borrowing a few tricks from his own animated spy movie The Incredibles?

他在這部電影裡用上了之前的間碟作品The Incredibles(超人特攻隊)中的手法,你有注意到這點嗎?

I certainly felt like there’s a lot of The Incredibles in this movie. You definitely feel like you can take the last Mission: Impossible, The Incredibles and maybe a little Ratatouille and throw that against the wall then you get Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.

當然我有發現很多The Incredibles的影子。你絕對可以這樣做:把前一部MI和The Incredibles合起來揉一揉,再加上,大概一點點的Ratatouille(料理鼠王),然後全部丟到銀幕上,你就會得到MI4。


We’re in a shape-shifting political universe now, in terms of who are the potential villains. How easy is it to make a spy movie in 2011?


We don’t want politics to get involved. It’s just sort of bad guys are bad guys, and it doesn’t matter what country they’re from.


But there’s also the technology factor where in the IMF there’s all these gadgets. In movies in the 70s there’s no cell phones. If there’s a bad guy coming round the corner you can’t just call the police, but now there’s technology for everybody.


So you have all this technology, but they undercut it in this movie where the gadgets don’t really work properly or they malfunction so there are a lot of fun things they did to keep it sort of updated but still realistic.


Did you have a lot of kind of technical dialogue?


Yeah, yeah I had a bit of that here and there. That was a little bit more Benji’s character Simon Pegg. He’s more the tech guy, I had to do more of the story plot point stuff.

有的,多多少少有一些。飾演Benji的Simon Pegg相關的台詞更多一些,他的角色比較接近技術人員。我的戲份比較偏重在故事情節轉折的部分。

Are you tech-savvy yourself?


I guess I’m aware, but I wouldn’t call myself savvy.



You’re currently shooting a Bourne film. How does it compare to Mission: Impossible?


They’re very, very different pieces of cinema, both meant to entertain.


Mission’s a bit more fun, more smiles in it, it’s a popcorn movie. They’re obviously both spy movies but very different, Bourne’s never been on a mission, you know what I mean? You never see him do spy-work at all. He’s always running for his life and that’s kind of what that thing is in a sense.


*popcorn movie,這個詞要口語化一點會比較接近「爽片」,但我不大想用這個詞覺得有點微妙,不會有人說「我拍的電影就是爽片」(雖然他好像的確會這樣說),總而言之就是你可以坐下來配爆米花,娛樂自己放空、輕鬆的那種電影。XDDD 所以我直譯了。(喂)
*我突然覺得他說:never been on a mission這詞下得真好…對耶!這個人的影評其實一針見血。總覺得他用的形容會講出我感覺到但還找不到詞來描述的東西。

How far along are you with The Bourne Legacy?

The Bourne Legacy的拍攝進度?

I’m halfway through, I finish that at the end of February.


Do you consider The Hurt Locker as your breakthrough?

The Hurt Locker是你的事業的突破點嗎?

That was a major factor. Within the Hollywood community there’s been an awareness, to be involved in any of these movies is because of that.


Obviously they want a good actor, but they also want someone that they know can carry a movie and The Hurt Locker was a great example of I guess carrying a movie. A role like in The Hurt Locker usually goes to guys like Russell Crowe.

They don’t usually go for guys like me, so that was a great opportunity.

很顯然的,他們想要一個好演員,而同時他們也想要一個可以擔起一部電影,給予整部電影靈魂的人,而我想,關於這點,The Hurt Locker是個很好的例子。而像The Hurt Locker那樣的角色,通常會請像Russel Crowe(羅素克洛)那樣的演員主演。而不會落到像我這樣的演員身上,所以那是個很難得的好機會。

The Hurt Locker and The Town showed you as a character actor, and now you’re working on some very strong franchises. Is there any tension between wanting to do great character roles and then literally you’re on the run in these action films?

The Hurt Locker和The Town中,你詮釋出強烈個性的角色,而現在你參與的是資本雄厚的動作大片系列。會不會碰到像,想演出角色的個性,但你參與的動作大片基本上調性不同,兩者的轉換之間有任何衝突嗎?

It’s more difficult, especially in the kind of Mission movie. It’s a bigger spectacle, a fun ride.

Most of the challenges are physical challenges, not the challenge of the role or really of the drama or the character.


Was The Avengers fun to make?

拍攝The Avengers好玩嗎?

It was a lot of fun. Mission was a massive movie then The Avengers came round, and that’s a huge movie.

非常好玩。MI就是個大規模的製作了,接下來的The Avengers則是更大手筆的電影。

There are all these superheroes in it, passing a baton between superheroes There’s a lot of fighting! But that should be a big, fun movie.

It’s a whole other world. We’re dealing with other worlds, and other things like Thor and all. Mission has got that more, I’m not going to say it’s the most grounded movie, but it’s got a sense of realism to it.

We’re climbing that building. We’re doing these things. The circumstances might be fantasy but you know we’re doing real s**t. And when it comes to The Avengers that’s a bit more fantasy.


我們爬杜拜塔,我們親身參與這些特技場面。這些場面看起來可能很夢幻,但你知道我們是實際去拍攝這些見鬼的東西的。而在The Avengers裡頭,它的夢幻程度又更高一些。

Surely one of the great pleasures of Mission: Impossible, like the old Bond films used to offer, is the chance to go round the world?

For Mission, we had some Moscow, we were in Prague, we were in Dubai, we were in Mumbai, and then Vancouver.

Most of those were splinter units, the main unit, main, main stuff was in Prague, Dubai and then stagework in Vancouver. They had a race sequence over in Mumbai real quick and then did a week somewhere in Moscow.



What is it like at the top of Burj Khalifa the tallest building in the world?


It is twice the size of The Empire State. It’s surrounded by proper skyscrapers with 70 floors. There’s a lot of big skyscrapers round there, but they look like little Lego. Like a little model of the city down below you. It’s actually a beautiful building, and I hear they’re building one that’s going to be bigger than that in Saudi Arabia.

它足足比帝國大廈大了兩倍。而它被其他七十多樓高的摩天大樓包圍著,它周遭有很多的摩天大樓,但從那上頭看下去它們就像樂高玩具。整個城市就像個小模型在你腳下。它是座很美麗的建築,而我聽說他們打算在沙烏地阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)蓋另一棟更高的樓。

How are you with heights?


I’m okay with heights. I’ve been asked this question a lot lately. I’m not afraid of heights, I’m afraid of the jerk behind me wanting to push me off! Or the gust of wind blowing me off the edge, but the height itself, it ain’t a big deal.

It’s like standing on this coffee table and looking down.


How far out did you have to go?


Tom was out there on a couple wires, doing the harness work. He was laying back and I’m supposed to catch him, and I’m exposed to my lower groin.


I’m connected by a belt with a wire and I have to trust this wire is not going to break. If it’s not, if I don’t have that wire, I’m a goner.


Doing that the first time was a bit nauseating for about 30 seconds. After taking deep breaths, and triple-checking, quadruple-checking my wire is safe, I felt that I was like “Woo, this is awesome.”











2 則留言:

  1. 你好,我很喜歡你的翻譯(我也是JR的迷)

    Did you notice him borrowing a few tricks from his own animated spy movie The Incredibles?
    他在這部電影裡用上了之前的間碟作品The Incredibles(驚奇四超人)中的手法,你有注意到這點嗎?

    The Incredibles應該是動畫:超人特攻隊唷^^

    1. 喔!!! 謝謝你:D 我因為都記英文片名所以一直叫它驚奇四超人XD
