
翻譯練習:Bourne Legacy/Philippines

Bourne Legacy去菲律賓拍攝的訪談一篇,新聞一篇。


這篇我滿喜歡的ww 是編輯精華選錄的樣子XD

Jeremy Renner raves about the Philippines  Jeremy Renner 對菲律賓之行讚不絕口


*Rave:to talk wildly or angrily as if in a fever or mad// to speak or write with great enthusiasm or admiration.


LOS ANGELES—“Wow, it was a really great experience,” Jeremy Renner enthused when asked in a recent interview about shooting a major portion of “The Bourne Legacy” in the Philippines.
Describing Filipinos as “welcoming and loving,” the actor obviously enjoyed his stay in Manila and Palawan, where he shot the latest installment of the hit “Bourne” franchise with writer-director Tony Gilroy, and co-stars Rachel Weisz and Edward Norton.
The film tapped a number of Filipino actors, including John Arcilla, Lou Veloso, Madeleine Nicolas, and Jake Ramos.

洛衫磯報導--「哇喔,那是很棒的體驗!」Bourne Legacy在菲律賓拍攝主要場景,在最近的相關訪談裡,Jeremy Renner提起菲律賓時很興奮。

「親切並且令人喜愛」這名演員如此形容菲律賓,顯然在馬尼拉(Manila)和巴拉望(Palawan)度過一段愉悅的時光。他在當地拍攝焦點影片Bourne的最新片段,同行工作小組有導演兼編劇Tony Gilroy,合作影星Rachel Weisz(瑞秋懷茲)和Edward Norton。

幾位菲律賓演員包括John Arcilla, Lou Veloso, Madeleine Nicolas,Jake Ramos也參與本片演出。

Jeremy also stars as Clint Barton/Hawkeye in “The Avengers.” He attempted to explain the appeal of comic book super heroes: “Comic books are meant to be fun. But I think the Marvel series on super heroes goes deep into the psychology of Greek mythology—how we all need a hero in life, while others use religion or a God to believe in something good.”

Although he admitted that he didn’t read comics when he was growing up, Jeremy said he recently saw “The Avengers” and was thoroughly entertained.
He credited Marvel Comics for grounding the material, citing the hero Thor as an example. “Thor isn’t just a god with a hammer and lightning, flying around.  He’s also a human being,” Jeremy said.

Below are excerpts from our interview:

Jeremy也在"The Avengers"中飾演Clint Barton/鷹眼一角。他試圖說明這群來自漫畫的超級英雄們吸引人的特點:「漫畫就是娛樂性質的,好玩,開心。不過我覺得Marvel系列呈現的超級英雄切入更深刻的層面:希臘神話心理學--我們的生活中總是需要英雄的,只是呈現方式不同,有些可能透過宗教,有些可能透過神祇,最終都是為了相信還是有好的事物存在的。」

雖然他承認漫畫不是他成長過程的一部分,不過他說他最近也看了The Avengers,深深著迷其中,是部引人入勝的作品。他欣賞Marvel將素材真實的拉來三次元重現的手法,舉Thor為例,他說:「Thor不只是一個拿著槌子,召喚閃電,到處飛來飛去的神,他也有人性化的一面。」



How was your experience shooting “The Bourne Legacy” in the Philippines?

談談在菲律賓拍攝"The Bourne Legacy"的經驗?

It was the third leg of the production. In its early stages, it seemed like a very small, contained movie because we were on a soundstage and it was very intimate. But as soon as we got to Manila, it opened up this whole section of the movie where it gets pretty intense. There’s a lot of people in Manila and we were out there in a very public way. As I’ve said, the production seemed very small. So we weren’t used to that (filming in public). You can’t really be prepared for hundreds of people on the street just watching us do our thing. But the people were welcoming and loving. They made it a luxury to shoot there. And wow, it was a really great experience!

這是製作過程的第三階段。最初的製作階段我們在攝影棚(sound Stage)裡拍攝,它感覺很像是很小型的、被限制空間的電影,很私人的拍攝。但當我們到馬尼拉(Manila)出外景的時候,這段場景的排場視野整個擴大開來,情勢也開始變得緊張。我們在馬尼拉這樣人口眾多的大都市公開拍攝。我剛說它一開始感覺是場小型拍攝,所以我們有點不大習慣(公開拍攝)。你很難完全做好心理準備,面對幾百名路過的街上觀眾。不過這裡的人很親切、很令人喜愛,讓拍攝過程成為一種享受。我只能說,哇喔,真的是很棒的經驗!

*sound stage↓

*馬尼拉街景↓ (你這廚XD

What surprised you most about the Philippines?

I’ve never seen anything quite like it. Such beauty on those islands—more than seven thousand of them! I went to a couple and they were unlike anything I’ve seen. Beautiful!
But then you have this squalor, this absolute poverty. That’s hard to process. But the beauty is that the people living in poverty have the biggest smiles on their faces. I don’t know if it’s a genetic or a chemical thing in their brains, but they’re just a happy people! And it’s infectious. The Philippines is a wonderful place to be in and visit.




How cool was it to play a new character in a “Bourne” movie?

Aaron Cross in “Bourne,” I’ll tell you what the experience was like. It came right after “The Avengers.” After doing a big spectacle of a movie like “The Avengers” and a lot of green-screen scenes, it was refreshing to go to “Bourne,” which is a big action movie in itself. You look at all of them—the “Bourne” movies are very contained stories. They’re inside stories about one to three people at a time. It follows their journey. So it felt like a small independent movie that shot for eight months. (Laughs.) I’m very happy—the process was overall the most fun I’ve had in a long time. I couldn’t be more excited to see the outcome.

Bourne中扮演Aaron Cross,是什麼樣的感覺呢。這個工作緊接在"The Avengers"之後,在那樣一個大手筆作品,很多很多的綠屏場景(Green-Screen scenes)之後,"Bourne"的拍攝就像個全新的體驗。它本身就是部大型動作片。仔細看看這一系列--"Bourne"的故事其實格局不大。一次只著重在刻畫一個到三個人的背景故事上,跟著他們的經歷走。所以我的感覺就像,花八個月拍了部小型的獨立製作影片。(笑) 我拍得很開心--很長一段時間沒體驗過這麼好玩的拍攝過程了。我等不及想看成果了。


Does this “Bourne” movie have a different tone?

The tone is the same. Anybody who has seen or is a fan of the “Bourne” films as I am—it follows that parallel universe. It coexists with Jason Bourne. The movie stays with that tone, pace, and authenticity, and has the ferocity and intelligence that come with that type of thriller. The hand-to-hand action—the same guys who did all the stunt stuff on the first three “Bourne” movies are on this as well … I think the teaser that’s out explains it better and more eloquently than I could!

風格是一樣的。對看過前幾部的人來說,或對和我一樣的Bourne影迷來說--它還是維持同樣的世界觀。和Jason Bourne的故事並行。用同樣的風格、節奏,維持同樣的現實感,那個類型的驚悚片會有的強權、鬥智鬥力。空手搏擊--和前三部一樣的動作武術設計團隊……我覺得預告片能把這點表現得比我描述的更好!

Do you think Jason Bourne and Aaron Cross will cross paths one day?

你覺得Jason Bourne和Aaron Cross或許哪天會有對手戲嗎?

Who knows? Perhaps. That would be a very interesting story. I’d welcome that.
Just as Manila did in “Bourne Legacy,” Dubai figured prominently in “Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.”
It was a huge deal for us to shoot in Dubai and to be in the Burj Khalifa, which wasn’t even completed yet at the time. That was unlike any place we’ve ever shot in.  Again, another great place, like we shot in Manila for “Bourne,” shooting in Dubai for “Mission.” A lot of times, productions will go to a location and substitute it for somewhere else. There’s a lot of pride in Dubai about the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, for instance. We shot it for what it is and didn’t try to make it as something else. It was the same with Manila. I think you get a little more sense of pride within the community because of that.


就像馬尼拉在"Bourne Legacy"佔有一席之地,杜拜因為"Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol"而名聲響亮。

能夠到杜拜去,並在尚未完工的迪拜塔(Burj Khalifa)拍攝,對我們來說是很重大的事情。這跟我們工作的任何拍攝場都不一樣。另一棟偉大的建築,之前說的,就像到馬尼拉拍攝Bourne,在杜拜拍攝MI。很多時候我們不會做實地拍攝,只是去某地拍完之後再代入劇中的拍攝地點。迪拜塔很多點讓杜拜引以為傲,比如像世界最高的建築這點。它本身就是我們之所以取景的理由,並且不會用其他東西取代它。馬尼拉的情形也是一樣的。我想這多多少少加深了你在這個社區感受到的驕傲。


Have you met Matt Damon and did he give you his blessings and all that?

接下工作後和Matt Damon(麥特戴蒙)見過面嗎,他有祝福你拍攝順利或說些什麼嗎?
Yes, of course. He’s a great supporter of the whole process. I’ve known Matt for a little while. He couldn’t be a nicer guy. I met him at the Academy Awards. I was there for “The Hurt Locker.” He was sitting right in front of me. It was a really funny introduction.

當然有啊。他非常支持整個拍攝過程。我認識Matt有一陣子了。他是個好得不到再好的人。我在the hurt locker那次的奧斯卡會場遇到他。他就坐在我正對面。認識他的過程滿有趣的。

Do you feel the pressure that “Bourne Legacy” has to be as good as the earlier films in the franchise, and that your Aaron Cross has to be as memorable a character?

你會因為"Bourne Legacy"需要趕上前三作的成績而感到壓力嗎?或認為你的角色Aaron Cross非得表現得讓人印象深刻?

There’s no pressure for me. I mean, the only pressure is like in any other job—to make it as interesting, honest, and authentic as I possibly can. If there is pressure, then maybe it’s more on Tony Gilroy. He wrote all the screenplays. And he’s directing this one. But he also knows that world like the back of his hand. So I feel pretty confident that the film will satisfy fans of the franchise. Again, I’m a fan myself. I think what the people will dig about the movie is how smart, visceral, and authentic it is.

我沒感受到任何壓力。我指的是,我感受到的壓力就像我接其他工作會感受到的一樣:盡我所能讓這個角色引人入勝、真誠,並且真實。如果有任何那樣的壓力,或許Tony Gilroy會感受比較深。他負責了全部的劇本(Screenplay),而且也接掌了導演的位置。不過他也是對整個故事瞭若指掌的人。我相信他的作品能讓Bourne系列的影迷滿意。我說了,我自己也是影迷之一。觀眾會慢慢發現這部影片手法有多高明、獨到和貼近現實。

*visceral:not rational, following one's instincts.

Could you have imagined the success that you are having now?

I’m sitting here right now and I can’t believe it. For me, it’s a blessing just to work. When I moved to Los Angeles 20 years ago, I wanted to be in a movie that would be big enough to play in my hometown. I wanted to be in a part that was large enough so that I didn’t have to tell my mom, “I’m the guy in the red shirt.” That’s what I told her when I got my very first job. That was my main focus. And then it moved on to other things from there. Talk about fluidity! Things change in life. You take them as they come—the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s a great feeling.


Since the success of “Mission Impossible,” do you get recognized more often in the streets?

Mission Impossible的成功後,走在街上被認出的機會也變多了?

I think so, yes. It’s hard to say though because I’ve been gone the entire time. The roll started with “Mission” and I’ve just finished shooting. I’ve been out of the country for almost two years. Does it shift and change? I suppose so. But you never know. Like maybe I’m big in Botswana? I don’t know. I haven’t been super recognizable. It was a big, big thing to be shooting in the Philippines though.



So no paparazzi following you yet?


No, it’s not too bad. People are pretty respectful. They just want a picture so I give them a picture and then you move on. And they leave you alone.




The Bourne Legacy star Jeremy Renner thoroughly enjoyed his stay in the Philippines, which is why he intends to return to this Asian country.  
In an exclusive interview with ABS-CBN News North America, the Hollywood actor pointed out, "[The] Philippines is great, man. But what makes it great--the islands, yeah, tremendous, nothing better--but it's the people. People made it great. That's why I'll go back.”

The Bourne Legacy主演Jeremy Renner在菲律賓度過非常愉快的拍攝時光,也讓他有意再度造訪這個亞洲國家。


Jeremy took this opportunity to apologize for any inconvenience caused in Manila during the filming.  “We're done with 'Bourne' now so traffic is back to normal. I'm sorry for that, guys.” 
From several weeks in late January and early February this year, major roads were closed to vehicular traffic to give way to the shooting of the movie. 

Aside from Jeremy, Rachel Weisz and Edward Norton were in the Philippines to shoot key scenes of the Hollywood spy thriler. 

Jeremy以外,Rachel Wiesz和Edward Norton也到了菲律賓,拍攝這部好萊塢間碟驚悚片的主要場景。

The two-time Oscar-nominated actor feels lucky to have been part of several big projects so far.  Jeremy admitted, “I feel like a bit of luck, you know, and a lot, a lot of hard work. Just belief, I suppose. I feel very lucky.”  


Jeremy was last seen in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol and is cast the upcoming superhero movie, The Avengers.

Jeremy最近參演的電影作品有Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (不可能任務4:詭影行動),以及即將上映的超級英雄電影:The Avengers。

He said that viewers can look forward to a twist in the story involving his character, the archer called Hawkeye.  

“When I first read the script, [I was surprised]. Then I realized, 'okay.' It's not something I can talk about at this point; it kind of gives things away, which is a little frustrating. But, yeah, you know, it's interesting to be introduced to a world and the character,” Jeremy was quoted as saying. 


The Avengers, which will open on April 25, features a formidable cast composed of Robert Downey, Jr., Samuel L. Jackson,  Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo and Tom Hiddleston.

The Avengers,4/25首映,焦點注目強大卡司:Robert Downey, Jr(小勞勃道尼),Samuel L. Jackson(山謬傑克森), Scarlett Johnasson, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo 和Tom Hiddleston.

The playdate for The Bourne Legacy is scheduled by August 2012.

The Bourne Legacy的確定上映檔期會在2012八月。





to punish or hurt sb for a wrong done to sb/oneself ; to take or get revenge










非,常,high,雖然是我已經看過好多次的那隻預告片(打從還沒真正掉坑我就很喜歡那隻預告了XD 因為喜歡那一條一條的橫線(喂)




2 則留言:

  1. 喜歡w

    you jump i jump.(誤)

    1. 真,的,嗎!?XDDDDDD
