原文鍵結 ;路透社的訪談
A Minute With: Jeremy Renner on his "Mission: Impossible"
By Iain Blair LOS ANGELES | Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:33am GMT
一分鐘Jeremy Renner訪談:關於Mission: Impossible
訪問:Lain Blair Los Angels 2011/12/28
(Reuters) - Actor Jeremy Renner scuffed around Hollywood for a decade before his career took off in 2009 when he was nominated for an Oscar in his starring role in the bomb-disposal war drama "The Hurt Locker."
(路透社)-演員Jeremy Renner 混跡好萊塢十年,在2009年以"The Hurt Locker"拆彈上士一角獲奧斯卡提名,事業有突破性的發展。
Renner didn't win the award, although the film earned the best movie Oscar. He followed "Hurt Locker" with another Oscar-nominated role in "The Town" and did a cameo in this year's blockbuster "Thor."
雖然"The Hurt Locker"獲選奧斯卡最佳影片,但Renner並未獲獎。繼"The Hurt Locker"後,他再以"The Town"獲得奧斯卡提名。並在年度大片"Thor"裡客串演出。
Now he's starring opposite Tom Cruise in "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol," the "MI" franchise's fourth film that is No. 1 at box offices over the holidays.
現在他在"Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol"(不可能任務4:詭影行動)裡和Tom Cruise演對手戲。這部電影是MI(不可能任務)系列的第四集,目前是假日票房冠軍。
Renner, 40, spoke to Reuters about how he landed the role, working with Cruise, and rumours he may take over the franchise when Cruise, nine years his senior, tires of it.
Q: Is it true you went in to discuss a possible role in "Super 8" when you were offered "MI4" instead?
據說你一開始是去討論是否能參演"Super 8",但回來的時候卻選獲了"MI4"的角色。是真的嗎?
*這個"Super 8"我有印象,但我不知道是J.J. Abrams,當時只知道它的中譯被拿來排成髒話大全……還好你沒選中不然我絕對不會看,可能也絕對不會認識你……=____=+
A: "It's true. I was discussing 'Super 8' with J.J. Abrams, who directed that and produced ("MI4"), and that was a very secretive project too, and within a few hours I'd met Tom Cruise and ("MI4" director) Brad Bird. I went in for one movie and came out with another!"
沒錯。我當時是去和J.J.Abrams討論"Super 8"的角色,而J.J.Abrams同時也參與"MI4"的導演和製作,當時這個計畫還在保密階段。幾個小時後我和Tom Cruise以及Brad Bird(MI4 導演)見面。我一開始去打算參演的電影和最後的結果完全不一樣!
Q: Does that happen a lot?
A: "Not to me. It's very strange. I called people and said, 'You won't believe what just happened.' It was crazy and I was shocked to suddenly be in 'MI4.' But it was so easy, sitting down with Tom and Brad. It's this fantastic fun franchise ... And there was no script then. They just pitched me the whole story, where my character was at, and it all made sense. It was very easy to say, 'Yes.'"
Q: You play the uptight analyst. Is there much of you in him?
A: "I can get very nervous about stuff, and I have to do something to relieve that nervousness -- it's not something disgusting or pornographic -- and Tom thought it was pretty funny and he put it in the movie. My character is complicated, and I really liked that. He starts off as this very buttoned-up desk-jockey type, and then things happen and there's more than meets the eye to him, which is always interesting."
Q: Any surprises working with Cruise?
A: "Just how dedicated he is. I think he has 48 hours in a day, compared to our 24. He gets so much done and is so focused. He has this childlike outlook, where he's constantly learning and growing all the time. He has this immense amount of energy because he's so excited about what he's doing. He loves what he does, and that's awesome to be around. It's infectious."
Q: There's a rumour that you may take over the franchise.
A: "I heard that. I hear lots of rumours -- that I'm sleeping with half of Hollywood -- and I'm like, 'who has the time?' No, it's not true about 'Mission: Impossible.' There's no taking over. It's not happening.
Q: Next year you do take over the "Bourne" franchise, though.
A: "Yeah, but I'm not playing Jason Bourne and taking over from Matt Damon. It's called "Bourne Legacy," and it's a sort of continuation of the story, but not based on a book like the others. I'm loving doing it, though it's very different from Mission. It feels very small and contained by comparison. It's action-heavy but not stunt-heavy with big spectacle stunts. It's more hands-on and gritty."
是的,但我不會演出Jason Bourne,也不會取代Matt Damon。電影名稱叫"Bourne Leagacy",它算是之前作品的續集,但並不像前幾集以小說為藍本。我很喜歡這個工作,雖然要和Mission(*我猜是MI)比的話,它非常不一樣,它走小巧多元的路線。有很多動作戲,但並不是大場面,高難度的特技動作戲。它比較多拳拳到肉的硬式武打。
*hands-on and gritty. 顯示為不確定。
Q: Your career is red hot. Ever been down and out?
A: "Of course! Most of my career's been down, not up."
Q: What was your lowest point?
A: "There's loads of those. I had stretches where I couldn't afford the electric bill, but I was still alive and kicking -- and still smiling. That's the most important thing. Even in my darkest hour, I was still happy doing what I do. I never considered ever giving up. Not once."
Q: What do you do when you're not working on movies?
A: "I'm very active. I love skiing, building houses, and music's still a big part of my life. I used to have a garage band, and now I love writing songs. It's a great outlet as it only needs me. I don't need scripts or a whole film crew. It can happen instantaneously."
* GARAGE ROCK;1960興起的龐克搖滾。維基
這裡有一串屬於GARAGE ROCK的樂團的名單,但我看了半天一個都不認識。
好像不是我會聽的團……||||| 待請教達人。XD
* 我好久沒去搞懂這些搖滾分類名詞了,譯錯了真是對不起。(鞠躬)
* GARAGE BAND:維基 一個樂曲創作軟體,蘋果的。
*想到之前jimmy kimmel談到的MI拍攝內容和滑雪www