THR:The Hollywood Reporter 直譯的話就是好萊塢雜誌,4月期的封面故事。
Jeremy Renner's Shot at Playing Hero
延伸連結,拍攝圖:PHOTOS: Behind the Scenes of THR's Jeremy Renner Cover Shoot
Jeremy Renner的主角時刻
The say-anything new star of "Bourne" wrestles a wolf, box-office hopes and rumors about his personal life as expectations mount on the two-time Oscar nominee to save one franchise (that Matt Damon left behind) and help jump-start another (Marvel's "The Avengers").
This story first appeared in the April 13 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine.
這是位無所不談的影壇新星,在二次奧斯卡提名後,他救了一部動作大片(在Matt Damon棄演後),協助完成另一部動作大片(Marvel的"The Avenger");現在他在最新作品"Bourne"和狼搏鬥,面臨票房考驗,以及走紅後媒體對他的私生活八卦。
*say-anything new star :D
In a town of A-list actors and wannabes, a certain media-trained polish is expected. You artfully dodge questions that are troubling; you steer clear of controversy; you smile and measure your words carefully in the presence of anyone who actually might print what you say. But actor Jeremy Renner, 41, on this Thursday night at West Hollywood's Soho House, clearly missed his Self-Editing 101 class. Or one might imagine, he ditched it, smoking on the loading dock behind school.
這是充滿A級巨星和瘋狂粉絲的城鎮,熟練的媒體應對技巧是家常便飯。對麻煩的問題你避重就輕,迴避爭議,你總是微笑面對鏡頭,酙酌每一句出口的話,因為可能第二天就上了報。但在週四晚上的西好萊塢Soho House,41歲的演員Jeremy Renner,顯然沒有上過好萊塢自我訓練101堂課。或者,可能就像你猜的,他故意蹺課,翻牆出去跑到學校後的碼頭抽菸去了。
*這種特立獨行的開頭,帥氣很帥氣,但這樣看一下也擺明討戰?(菸) whatever....我們知道拿筆報導的人的視角也很重要的。
Sipping vodka and eating a Caesar salad, he freely tells this reporter he took drugs when he was younger and likes to get "wasted" every now and again (but, mind you, he says, only in moderation). He tells the story of how, on Christmas Eve a few years back, when he was with his family in a bar, "This guy chokes me with the scarf I was wearing. He called me a fag 'cause I was wearing a scarf! Then he shoved my sister and I got behind him and I choked him out -- put him to sleep." Without a trace of irony, he adds, "I'm not violent." Although, he says, "I'd have gone to prison" if he'd been present when a family member recently was raped. Oh.
*為什麼我覺得不是很喜歡這篇的記者……最後那句話是尛?Asked about an incident last year in which singer Christina Aguilera crashed his birthday party and ended up in his bed (without him), Renner shrugs. "She was just chilling in one of the bedrooms," he says. "I was happy to meet her. I was a big fan. Mind you, I was probably pretty shit-bagged at the time."
當問到歌手Christina Aguilera,去年參加他的生日趴,最後(獨自一人,沒有他)在他床上睡著的人,Renner聳肩:「她只是在其中一間房間休息。」他說:「我很高興她能來,我是她的忠實粉絲。提醒你,那個時候我可能表現得拙得跟什麼一樣。」
And what about that much-reported knife fight in Thailand in January? "It was a silly, tragic accident that happened to this guy," explains Renner, noting that he had gone to Phuket for a break when an acquaintance made a comment and "got attacked in a bar fight at 4 in the morning. He was saying stuff, and 20 people jumped on him. I was in flip-flops. I don't do bar fights. Did he deserve to get stabbed and almost murdered by 20 people? F-- no." (Six local men were arrested.)
Most recently came the death in March of his 8-month-old French bulldog, Franklin, of a heart attack. For a moment, Renner's eyes go moist because the puppy touches on the singular problem that has most bedeviled him the past two years. Says Renner, "He was my solution for being so lonely."
A mix of talent and tough guy seemingly missing from Hollywood's current runway of top male stars, Renner is an anomaly among his peers. He is older than your average up-and-comer (Ryan Reynolds is 35), less pretty (compared with, say, Taylor Kitsch, 30), and rough and rogue in a way that makes one think of Daniel Craig or even a young Harrison Ford. But while his peers might beat him in a Handsome Man Contest, the Modesto, Calif.-raised Renner dwarfs them in accolades with his Oscar nominations, first for 2008's The Hurt Locker and then for 2010's The Town. "He's like George Clooney: When he hit it big, he was no wunderkind," says Tony Gilroy, co-screenwriter and director of the fourth Bourne movie, The Bourne Legacy, which will be released Aug. 3 and for which Renner was paid $5 million. He adds that Renner is the type of actor who'd "seen a lot of less talented people make it and not them. Now he has pride of ownership and an eagerness to hang on to it."
綜合才華洋溢和強勢硬漢氣質,近幾年似乎在好萊塢一線男星行列中缺席的Renner,是同行中的異類。以新秀而言他年紀太大(Ryan Reynold 35歲),長相不夠漂亮(和,恩誰呢,30歲的Taylor Kitsch比較的話),強勢和霸氣的感覺讓你想到Daniel Craig,甚至年輕的Harrison Ford。但當他的同行可能以長相在帥哥選拔中取勝時,加州Modesto鎮土生土長的Renner用先後兩次的奧斯卡提名贏得遠遠超過他們的聲譽,第一次是2008年的The Hurt Loker,接著是2010年的The Town。「他就像George Clooney(喬治克隆尼):大器晚成的類型。」Bourne Lagacy,第四集Bourne電影的導演兼共同編劇Tony Gilroy說。這部電影會在今年8月3號上映,而Renner的片酬達500萬。他說Renner是「見過其他沒那麼厲害的人達到成就,並且和不屬於那些人」的演員,現在他展現出守住這份成就的自尊,和追求更高成就的野心。
*明星們沒有研究,我只認識Harrison Ford和George Clooney.....有興趣的人請自力救濟。(靠)Adds Donna Langley, co-chairman of Bourne studio Universal Pictures: "Every few years, an actor comes along who is undeniably eye-catching. Jeremy leaps off the screen with his raw talent and charisma. He's a real star."
環球影業Bourne工作小組共同主席Donna Langley說:「我們每隔幾年會看到一個新星堀起,毫無疑問擁有成為目光焦點的魅力。Jeremy以他的真本事和魅力活躍於螢幕上,他從本質上就是個巨星。」
But awards and buzz are one thing, box-office performance another. While Renner's role as Hawkeye in The Avengers, Marvel's $220 million almost slam-dunk blockbuster out May 4, will up his marquee value among a cast of all-stars, it is his turn in Bourne Legacy that will have the industry obsessing. After all, Renner -- who, before Hurt Locker, had starred in 2002's Dahmer, about the serial killer, and the short-lived 2009 TV series The Unusuals -- has yet to prove he alone can shoulder a box-office hit. And this fourth Bourne movie, with a budget of $125 million, is crucial to a studio eager to revitalize a 10-year-old venture that turbulently lost its lead, Matt Damon.
不過獎項和讚賞是一回事,票房表現又是另一回事了。Renner在Marvel投資22000萬打造的巨星聯盟大作The Avengers裡飾演鷹眼,這部電影會在5月4號上映,他的知名度因為巨星陣容也會跟著提高,接下來就看他接下主演棒的Bourne Legacy能不能撐起票房了。Renner也不是省油的燈,在Hurt Locker之前,2002年在殺人魔Dahmer的演出,2009年中途被砍的電視劇The Unusuals,就已經証明他有本事擔起主演。而這是第四集的Bourne電影,預算12500萬,是製作公司在失去Matt Damon這個招牌形象後,能不能在危機中保住這部經營10年的系列作的關鍵。
Damon had refused to sign on when Paul Greengrass, who directed the second and third Bourne installments, pulled out. He compounded the series' problems in a December GQ interview in which he lambasted Gilroy's original script for 2007's The Bourne Ultimatum as "unreadable," adding: "This is a career-ender. I mean, I could put this thing up on eBay, and it would be game over for that dude." (Damon later apologized, but he and Gilroy haven't spoken since. Renner says he won't get involved with others' disputes.)
Damon在第二、三集Bourne系列的導演Paul Greengrass退出後,也跟著退出。他在去年12月的GQ訪問裡綜合整理出這部系列電影的問題;並且批評Gilroy在2007年為The Bourne Ulitmaum的原版腳本是「讓人讀不下去的」,接續:「用他的劇本簡直就像自毀前程。我可以把它拿去eBay賣,他老兄就玩完了。」(Damon之後對此發言道歉,但他和Gilroy之後再也沒有交談。Renner表示他不會介入其他人的糾紛裡。)
After Damon's withdrawal from the fourth Bourne, Universal chairman Adam Fogelson and Langley had to scramble. Gilroy (who'd written all three Bourne films) was adamant the series needed a new character, Aaron Cross, who doesn't exist in any of the Robert Ludlum spy books on which the movies are based but who inhabits the same super-secret world as Jason Bourne.
Damon退出第四集後,環球影劇主席Adam Fogelson和Langley必需盡快下定奪。Gilroy(負責了所有Bourne系列的劇本的人)堅持這系列需要一個新角色,Aaron Cross,在Rober Ludlum的原著間碟小說裡並不存在的角色,但這個角色和Jason Bourne背景相似,背負同樣的祕密。
*我記得他們為劇本吵過架這件事…當時覺得很蠢=___= 你都演了三集再來說劇本蠢…是一簽簽三集嗎?……而且合作了那麼多年的伙伴,總之,囧。
Upon completing his script and coming aboard as director, Gilroy, in October 2010, started screen-testing multiple actors for the role and favored Joel Edgerton (Warrior) and Oscar Isaac (Drive) until he met Renner.
完成劇本之後接下導演工作的Gilroy,在2010十月開始進行一連串的試鏡,在Renner之前,相中的人選是Joel Edgerton(電影Warrior)和Oscar Issac(電影Drive)。
Joel Edgerton (搭一下他跟Bourne的感覺,一眼看去氣質還滿搭的?)
Oscar Issac (……此人的眉毛太有喜感了我不知道說什麼…異國風的長相?…)
"He wasn't on my 'available' list of people for a long time; he wasn't on the first five lists I looked at," Gilroy notes, simply because Renner was filming so much.
In March 2011, Gilroy and producer Frank Marshall flew to Berlin, where Renner was shooting the Will Ferrell/Adam McKay-produced action-comedy-horror film Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters. After that dinner, the massive superstructure behind any franchise -- Gilroy, the studio, Captivate Entertainment and the Ludlum estate, which has casting approval -- agreed Renner was their man. "This character knows exactly who he is and remembers too much and has a very different self-preservational issue [from Jason Bourne] that required a lot more danger and intellectual activity," says Gilroy. "It's about combining verbal nimbleness and physical danger."
2011年三月,Gilroy和製作人Frank Marshall飛到柏林,Renner當時在柏林拍攝Will Rerrel和Adam Mckay共同製作的動作情境喜劇驚悚片,Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters. 晚餐後,這些製作高層們--Gilroy,製片小組,Captiavite娛樂公司和Ludlum房地產公司達成共識,敲定Renner為主演。「這個角色記得他的身份,知道得太多了,面臨(和Jason Bourne)截然不同的自我人格維持問題,解謎過程更加驚險,行動上得更小心謹慎。」Gilroy說:「它結合了危險的動作場面和精彩的對白。」
* verbal nimbleness,不確定,再想想。
But Renner hesitated. "It was a game-changer in anonymity," he says, "and I like my private life and my family. I had to consider how this was going to affect everyone I love -- especially myself."
That meant weighing not only the toll of making five films back-to-back (including Bourne, The Avengers and Mission: Impossible -- Ghost Protocol) but also how it would interfere with a host of other passions: for buying and renovating property, returning to the stage, doing the macro photography he loves (above all, shots of anything with an unusual texture). Finally, after talking to his CAA agents and close friends, he said yes.
考量的不只是連接五部電影(包括Bourne、The Avengers和Mission: Impossible--Ghost Protocol)的酬勞,還有這個決定對他私人興趣的影響:買下老屋重新翻修,回去演舞台劇(return to the stage),玩微距攝影(Macro Photography),拍攝所有他愛的事物(以上提到的那些,以及其他任何質感特別的東西)。在和經紀公司(CAA)和幾個好友討論過後,他接下了工作。
*CAA,Creative Artists Argent 創意藝術家經紀公司,直譯過來總有奇妙的笑點(你故意的)
旗下出名的影星有:George Clooney,Brad Pitt,Julia Roberts,Will Smith。
* Macrophotography ,微距攝影恩就是用顯微鏡頭拍然後把東西放很大很大很大那種。之前傳一套圖什麼「眼睛裡的世界嗎?」
*實在是個什麼都玩的男人,你玩C4炸藥我也不驚奇了..... 一種把藝術家推上大舞台的感覺。
Now, Renner's personal fortitude will be tested, as will his true wattage. His ability to carry the film -- along with his Avengers role -- will factor in determining if the year's box office can maintain its incandescent pace, compounding a 20 percent lead over 2011.
It will affect the fate of three companies (Universal, Disney and Marvel). It will even spill over on Paramount's plans for the next Mission: Impossible, where he has been groomed to supplement what has been for more than 15 years Tom Cruise's one-man show.
會改變娛樂圈三大公司(環球、迪士尼,Marvel)的命運。甚至能全盤推轉派拉蒙拍攝MI下一作品的計劃,MI系列15年來一直都是Tom Cruise的單人秀,而現在已經加入他的角色進去當輔佐。
Above all, it will prove conclusively if Renner is the star Hollywood needs him to be.
But he knows this course opens him up to the kind of scrutiny that comes with being a big star, the kind that he, unlike others, can't shrug off. For Renner, Internet speculation already has centered around whom he's dating (everyone from Jessica Simpson to Scarlett Johansson, if you believe the tabs) to his sexual orientation.
不過他也清楚,站上這個位置,也代表他的一舉一動即將被放大檢視;當中包括那種他沒辦法一笑帶過的檢視方法。網上的流言開始八卦,從他的交往對象(如果你相信那些說法的話:從Jessica Simpson 到Scarlett Johansson),到他的性向問題。
"I want my personal life to be personal, and it's not f--ing true," he says of the suppositions. "And I don't care if you're talking about things that are true, you're still talking about my personal life. How about I go peek in your window, take what underwear you wore last night, whose husband you were f--ing, and shove that in the megaphone throughout your neighborhood? How does that feel? It's none of your goddamn business."
「我希望能保有我的私人生活,但他媽根本不可能。」 他對那些傳言發表感想:「就算你們說的都是真的,那也還是屬於我的私人生活。如果今天換成我去你窗外偷看你,偷走你的內衣褲,看你和誰的老公做愛,再幫你大肆宣傳讓全社區都知道,這樣你感覺如何?這他媽的干你們什麼事?」
*whatever, i don't care... 並不是說「這不像他會說的話」,而是,有點奇怪。
He seems unaware of controversial remarks made by the Today show's Meredith Vieira in 2010, when she asked of his warm hug with Hurt Locker co-star Anthony Mackie, "Should I be worried?" She later apologized.
他似乎不知道Today Show的主持人Meredith Vieira在2010年引起爭議的發言,當時她談到他和Hurt Locker的合作演員Anthony Mackie間的擁抱,她問:「我應該擔心你們嗎?」之後她為失言道歉。
Notes Renner, who becomes passionate discussing this, but never angry or unpleasant: "Any person I touched during the Hurt Locker campaign, I was f--ing. They had me f--ing Kristoffer Winters, my brother," as he describes his live-in business partner, who restores houses with him. "Goddamn, I must be busy!"
Renner在談到個人隱私時變得激動,但並沒有真正動怒或流露不高興。他對那段發言表示:「反正他們認為我在the Hurt Locker宣傳期間碰過的每個人,都跟我上過床。他們甚至在報導裡讓我和我兄弟Kristoofer Winters上床。」Winters是他共同生活的生意伙伴,和他一起進行老屋翻修工作。「他媽的,他們還真讓我夠忙的!」
*欸,這裡的態度才是我認識的那個他。 fucking half Hollywood,自己先酸自己的那種調調。
As to his long-term involvements, he says he had one five-year relationship with a woman while in his 20s and another that ended two years ago after 4-1/2 years -- not helped by the fact roommate Winters continued living with them.
He met that girlfriend, Jes Macallan -- who, as her Twitter account reveals, married actor Jason Gray-Stanford (Monk) on March 17 -- when she was 23 and working at a film festival in Florida; subsequently, she decided to go into acting. "That was part of the issue," says Renner. "I was going through the Hurt Locker campaign and she's like, 'Where do I get headshots?' ""We're outta gas!"
他的前女友,Jes Macallan-3/17才在推特上公布她和演員Jason Gray-Stanford(作品Monk)結婚了--他們相遇時她23歲,她在佛羅里達的電影節活動裡當工作人員。之後她決定進入演藝圈。「那也是造成問題的原因之一。」Renner說:「我當時正忙著the Hurt Locker的宣傳,而她關心的是『我要去哪裡拍大頭照?』『我們的車沒油了!』。」
Tony Gilroy slumps in his director's chair, hunched in a tent next to a vast outdoor water tank in Sun Valley, Calif., calling to Renner as he bobs up and down in the dark waves.
地點是加州的Sun Valley,Tony Gilroy滑下他的導演椅,彎身進入一旁的帳蓬裡喊Renner,帳蓬邊是個大型的戶外水塔,Renner正在黑暗的波浪中快速浮沉。
He could be talking about his and his star's emotions after a grueling 90-day shoot for Bourne Legacy, on this, the last day of principal photography.
這是Bourne Legacy主要場景的最後一天拍攝,經過90天的嚴苛過程,他和我們分享個人和角色的心路歷程。
Over the past six months, Renner has had to wrestle animatronic wolves, race a motorbike across the oil-slicked streets of Manila and take out four guys in one no-holds-barred scene, while hopping to New York, Calgary, Alberta, and at last back to this water tank right across from the curiously named Vintage Industrial Strip Club, a venue for transgender performers.
But it's the machine that pumps bubbles, designed to indicate Renner is under a waterfall, that is out of gas, not the actor. Muscles rippling, naked torso revealing tattoos on either arm with the crests of his Irish and German ancestors, he waits until they're back up. Then Renner dives over and over, seizing a mysterious, cylindrical object that's part of a vital Bourne sequence. Twenty takes or more are needed for a shot that will last two seconds at most, until Gilroy and cinematographer Robert Elswit have precisely the speed and angle they want, and Renner does each one without complaint.
Renner正在休息,但原因不是他累了,而是水下供氧機沒油了,無法繼續拍攝瀑布下的場景。滴著水,上身半裸,雙臂的刺青一邊一個,王冠圖樣,分別代表他的德國和愛爾蘭祖先;他等劇組回來之後開工,一遍又一遍潛下水中,手中握著一個神祕的圓柱物體,Bourne系列中的某個道具。這個可能最多只會放個二秒的場景,需要他重複動作二十次以上, 直到導演Gilroy和攝影師Rober Elswit精確抓到對的角度,拍出能表現出速度的場景。Renner一直重複到他們滿意,過程中沒有任何一句抱怨。
Renner's work ethic, perhaps part of his late-stardom gratitude, has made an impression. "Oh my God! It's a very explosive performance," says Gilroy. "This is the highest degree of difficulty, emotionally and physically."
Renner prepared intensely for the picture, training for six weeks in hand-to-hand combat and Filipino stick-fighting and keeping in mind the advice Cruise gave him while making Ghost Protocol: "Since you are doing all your stuff, there is no second string and you have to do due diligence not to get injured."
But he hasn't been so lucky. On Bourne, "I got injured kicking a table and missing and hyper-extending my leg! I had to get an MRI." He also hurt his arm, which "will be f--ed up for a while. I can't really grab anything" with one hand.
Ditto for injuries on Avengers. "He's an amazing fighter -- his fight work is wonderful: precise, heroic, and you seldom have to double him," says director Joss Whedon. "But one day he just turned wrong and his whole body shut down. He could not do anything. He was in enormous pain, and we had to shut that sequence down and shoot it a couple of weeks later." (Explains Renner: "I tore the muscle from my back to my shoulder. I got chewed up pretty good.")
同上,他也在Avengers裡受傷過。「他是很棒的動作演員--動作戲非常令人滿意:精準到位,很上鏡,而且你不大需要讓他做第二次。」導演Joss Whedon說:「但那天他出錯之後,傷得很嚴重,身體完全不聽使喚。他痛到完全沒辦法再做任何一個動作,我們不得不停止拍攝,把那幕留到幾週後。」(Renner說:我拉傷了背部到肩膀的肌肉。我被那折磨得夠嗆。)
Then there were scenes that required more than the evident stunts, such as running across roofs or jumping from one tree to another: "I had to wrestle this stuffed-animal version of a wolf. I had to animate the wolf, and it took all this extra effort, and it's like a street fight, just wrestling around in the snow with this stuffed animal slapping me in the face." For another scene, "I had to degrade to near death in the movie, where I had to shake for many minutes, and it looks like it's nothing, but when it's over I was more sore than I was the entire shoot."
The eldest of six children, Renner was born to young parents who worked in a bowling alley and split up when he was 8. He discovered acting while a student at Modesto Junior College, initially thinking of becoming a detective until he stumbled on an acting class and later moved to Los Angeles, where he launched his career.
Renner是六名兄弟姊妹中的長子,父母很年輕時就結婚,在保齡球館工作,在他八歲的時候離婚。他在就讀Modesto Junior College(大學附中?)時發現對演戲的興趣,在那堂戲劇課把他帶入戲劇世界,讓他到洛杉磯(Los Angeles)開始演藝事業前,他最初的目標是當個偵探。
In the mid-1990s, he started to get regular work in commercials, TV and movies and then drew serious attention for 2002's Dahmer, which earned him a Spirit Award nomination for best male lead. At the time, he was making more money flipping houses with Winters.
It wasn't until he was shooting the 2007 virus horror film 28 Weeks Later that he was shown the script that would change the course of his career. Kathryn Bigelow had seen Dahmer and cast Renner as bomb defuser Sgt. William James in The Hurt Locker, a role for which he trained intensely with explosives experts.
2007年他參演恐怖片28 Weeks Later,之後遇上改變事業的關鍵:導演Kathryn Bigelow在看了Dahmer後邀他試鏡The Hurt Locker主角,拆彈上士William James,為了這個角色,他接受拆彈專家的嚴格訓練。
The shoot was almost impossibly hard, given that it was filmed in Jordan in 135-degree heat. "People had full-on mental breakdowns; I did," he says without elaborating. "Pure loneliness, that's what it came down to. It was a whole rainbow of good and bad."
在Jordan的135度(華氏)高溫中,拍攝過程非常艱辛。「人們會在那種情況下被逼瘋,我就是。」 他直接坦誠: 「最後你會陷入絕對的孤寂裡。好的,壞的,五味雜陳。」
He earned his first Oscar nomination (though Locker grossed only $17 million domestic). Subsequent efforts failed to quell doubts about Renner's blockbuster potential, though no one questions his enormous talent. Credit for The Town went to director-star Ben Affleck even as Renner drew a second Oscar nom for his role as the hotheaded James Coughlin, who helps Affleck's character stage his heists.
他的努力換來第一次的奧斯卡提名(雖然Locker的票房只有1700萬)。之前他的演技才華就是有目共睹的事,獲提名後,無疑更進一步展現他的巨星潛力。以James Coughlin參演Ben Affleck自導自演的The Town讓他獲得第二次奧斯卡提名,是個性急的角色,劇中協助Ben的角色計畫的搶案。
And the global success of last year's Ghost Protocol, with its $692 million worldwide gross, was ascribed to Cruise, reminding the world what a real movie star is. (Renner is committed to a follow-up but says, "It's Tom's franchise," and adds that speculation he is being groomed to succeed the 49-year-old Cruise is wrong.)
接著作品是去年的MI4,在全球大受歡迎,共獲利69200萬,Tom Criuse成功的對世界証明什麼叫真材實料的明星。(Renner承諾會參演出之後的系列作,但他表示"這是Tom專屬的系列",並補充,他會是49歲的Cruise的接班人這個說法是錯誤的。)
He had already agreed to play Hawkeye, the one character not gifted with superhero powers but just gigantic archery skill, in Avengers, before Ghost Protocol.
"Avengers was the first big movie I signed on to," he recalls. "It was something Zak Penn was the writer on; he's a friend. Then I met [Marvel Studios president and Avengers producer] Kevin Feige, and Zak was really pushing, saying 'You guys have got to hire Renner.' "
「Avengers是我簽下的第一部大電影。」他回想:「一個朋友,Zak Penn參與了腳本寫作。他很熱心的把我介紹給Kevin Feige(Marvel公司總裁/Avengers製片),說"嘿,你們必需讓Renner來演",大力推薦我。」
This was eight or nine months before he was signed in July 2010, because no script or director was in place when Penn made his push. Renner's casting, along with that of co-star Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk, was announced at that year's ComicCon by director Whedon.
他在2010七月簽約,而Penn的推薦大概是簽約八、九個月前的事情,當時尚未決定導演,腳本也還不確定。直到當年的ComicCon(展覽活動),導演Whedon才宣布Renner確定得到角色,同時也宣布由Mark Ruffalo飾演浩克。
"I had a general meeting with him just when Locker was gaining steam," Feige remembers, reveling in Renner's ability when they came to shoot. "He doesn't just have the guts to do the stunts but also a level of knowledge and skill that's impressive. He can even talk about 'pick' points -- where a wire attaches to your body when you're pulled through the air."
「當Locker開始提升知名度時,我和他見過一次面。」 Feige回憶,而當正式合作拍攝時,他因Renner的能力而驚豔。「他不只是有那個膽識去做那些特技而已,他還擁有相當程度的知識和純熟的技巧,令人刮目相看。他甚至還可以告訴你拍攝吊鋼絲場景的時候要從哪些點施力。」
Feige was on set for a sequence in which Renner had to leap from a two-story building while turning and shooting an arrow toward the camera. "That was him, not a stuntman. And it was impressive. He's got this great intensity and is very focused."
As is typical with Marvel films, the actor received a mere six figures for Avengers (he also did a cameo in Thor) but will get more if Marvel exercises its option to feature him in up to six additional films.
That Renner is right on the brink is hardly overstatement. He has a long career as a Marvel star in his grasp and a potential second franchise in Bourne, a dream scenario for any actor. If Renner continues with Bourne (he's agreed to two more films), the $5 million he received for Legacy will zoom to an asking price of $10 million-plus -- and might reach as much as the $20 million Damon received for the series' most recent outing in 2007.
Stardom already has allowed Renner to take a break from the real-estate business that kept him afloat for many years, buying and renovating properties, though he says it's a passion -- and a lucrative one -- he plans to keep pursuing. In 2009, Renner and Winters sold a Hollywood estate they'd renovated for more than $4 million; they had bought it a year earlier for $1.55 million.
"I'll always build houses," he notes. "I'm about to buy another one; there's one close to my house and another at the top of Coldwater Canyon, and I love that." His current home, which once belonged to director Preston Sturges, has been rented out while Renner films, meaning he's spending his nights on a Murphy bed in his office.
「我會一直蓋房子下去。」他解釋:「我現在正打算再買一棟。有棟離我家不遠的,另外一棟在Coldwater 峽谷上,我喜歡這些事情。」他之前住在導演Perston Sturges的舊房子裡,當他外出拍片時房子被租出去了,所以他現在睡在辦公室的折疊床上。
This is just one of the many interests that pulls him in different directions, occasionally giving him a scattered quality that contrasts with his intensity. He has plans for properties and says he may do a run on Broadway of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof with his Avengers co-star Johansson (if Ridley Scott doesn't hire him for his upcoming The Counselor). He also just finished filming James Gray's Low Life, in New York.
這只是他多方發展的興趣之一,和他在工作上的全神貫注相對比,他感興趣想發展的事項跨越各領域。他計畫做更多房子翻修,想和Avengers的合作伙伴Johansson(如果他沒被Ridley Scott抓去拍The Counselor的話)一起去百老匯參演音樂劇Cat on a Hot Tin Roof。他才剛拍完James Gray的作品Low Life,拍攝地點在紐約。
* occasionally giving him a scattered quality that contrasts with his intensity ;這句我鬼打牆。……什麼都玩,什麼都玩成興趣,偶爾興趣再玩成職業。意思上想這樣說。
So even as Hollywood eagerly awaits to anoint him, one must wonder if it is a crown he even wants.
He says, at minimum, he won't be held back by fear. "That emotion even conquers love, and that makes me sad," he reflects. He spent eight years trying to analyze the roots of his old fear -- "finding out what I was afraid of, what stops you in your life, what gets in the way."
Though studios, his handlers and the entire town may be consumed by the primal emotion, Renner says: "Fear is just not a part of my life -- so much so that if it's involved in somebody else's life and they're close to me, I won't be around them."
With his usual dispassionate nature, he adds: "The star thing, the celebrity thing, is new to me. I don't want to be a good celebrity, a good f--ing star. I want to be a good human being."
*成名的恐懼。後來我看到有一篇reply寫:這人早該紅了! 底下有3個讚,我很開心的跑去加另一個讚。XD
*不難譯,但譯的時候心情一直上上下下起起落落好微妙。我很少在譯東西的時候討厭報導者,而且我通常很喜歡cover story.....我也不確定到底我喜歡還是不喜歡這篇。
* I want to be a good human being。→這句話直譯我永遠會想到無間道(靠)