
翻譯練習:Jeremy Renner, Gulfnews



Jeremy Renner: Hollywood's man of intensity

How Jeremy Renner became Hollywood go-to man for intensity

By Tim Lockwood, Hot Features
Published: 00:00 April 1, 2012

好萊塢新星:Jeremy Renner

Jeremy Renner如何成為好萊塢的亮眼新星

*做個筆記,go-to man for intensity 原來可以這樣用XD

報導:Tim Lockwood, 熱門焦點,  上傳時間:2012/4/1


Jeremy Renner has had an incredible last three years in show business. From being somebody who always worked on the fringes, he is now a twice-Oscar-nominated actor. The 41-year-old California native is now part of three really big Hollywood franchises and is developing a Steve McQueen biopic. Here are excerpts from our chat with the man ahead of The Avengers release in the UAE.

過去三年來,Jeremy Renner在娛樂圈裡聲名大噪。從龍套配角一路發展到現在,是獲兩次奧斯卡提名的知名演員,這名土生土長的加州演員,41歲,目前參演了三部好萊塢大戲,並正著手進行Steve McQueen的生平紀錄片拍攝。以下是我們在The Avengers在UAE上映前的採訪整理。

*UAE 是阿拉伯聯合大公國?好詭異的…我不知道它是什麼的縮寫orz

*Steve McQueen!

Steve McQueen之前爬的訪談就有看到了,有特別去查一下他是誰過。

那篇大概介紹了JR和Steve McQueen的相同、相似之處和他適不適合…

King of Cool  ,雙料賽車手,動作影星。

介紹一  存這個連結只是因為他是介紹起點…

介紹二,Bullitt,1968。    飆車大戲,代表作,兩台車一起飆到175km也太可怕,很有料的影片介紹,還可以再爬到第三個介紹。XD話說1968也太早我都還沒出生……



How have the Oscar nominations changed your life?


A lot of things around me have shifted and some in pretty great ways. Artistically, there are a lot more opportunities, bigger opportunities – big directors who love their cinema, the quality of scripts, the number of scripts, that sort of thing. That’s really shifted for me. And people just being aware of who I am all of a sudden.


Now that you are big star, will you continue to do more independent projects?


Yeah, absolutely. I’ll never, never abandon completely the stage where I started. I’m actually trying to do more of that next year. I’ll see if I can find the energy to go and do that. It takes a lot out of you to do a stage play, but I’d love to do that. I’d love to continue to do challenging material; whatever shape or form that comes in.



*恩,不對,他本來就是個藝術家。(笑) 那句「沒有極限」的感覺又來了。


So Marvel gave you an opportunity to set up your character in Thor to then expand on him in The Avengers. Is that a unique opportunity for an actor?

你在The Avengers的角色(鷹眼)首次出場是在Thor裡,演出後,Marvel將這個角色選入The Avengers中再做延伸。以演員的角度來看,你會把在Thor的演出當做一個特別的轉機嗎?

It’s actually difficult because there was not a lot to do or say in Thor. I just stand in a bucket and hold my bow and arrow. Well, what’s the character? I have no idea. I was thrown into that very quickly, and am I trapping myself? I don’t know. So it’s a little strange. I don’t know if it’s a good thing. I don’t think I’d go about it normally that way, but it was certainly a different way to go about taking on a role. It was so small and minuscule, just saying a few lines. I think I felt like it would be hard to screw up.



Would you like to do a separate Hawkeye movie to explore the character deeper?


I don’t know. There are a lot of variables in that one. If they’d want to make one, what would it be about? There are a lot of things to consider. I suppose if they all aligned, then it could be interesting, because I certainly like the character. But I don’t know what the future holds.


Is The Avengers just a big ensemble piece?

The Avegers呈現的只是聯盟裡的一小部分,這說法是正確的嗎?

It’s huge. Huge. I mean, look at how many characters are in that thing. It was the ultimate challenge for Joss Whedon, who knows that universe so well. There’s no one better to write it. He was so challenged to write and direct that thing. I don’t know how you put that many characters in a movie like that. It’s immense. But with that, you get to pass the baton. But you get to work with very few of your co-stars, because everybody’s got their own thing going on. Someone’s in the air, flying around, I’m on the ground, shooting a bow and arrow and whatever. There is a lot going on so I have no idea what that movie looks like. Usually I have a good idea of how a film’s going to turn out because I’ve seen so much of it, but with this, I have no idea. I feel like I might be an extra in it, I’m not sure.

它是很大手筆的作品。很大手筆,你看看它當中放了多少角色。這是對導演Joss Whedon的大挑戰,以他對Marvel世界的了解,沒有比他更適合的人選了。他負責腳本和掌鏡,艱難的工程,我不知道他要怎麼把那麼多角色放入一部電影裡。這是個浩大的工程。你得分別講述每個角色的故事,又得帶出他們的互動,因為每個角色都有不可或缺的戲份。像有些角色在空中,四處飛,我的角色在地面上,彎弓搭箭準備射擊,還有…就其他那些。很多像這樣複雜龐大的拍攝,而我沒辦法想像它們會組合成什麼樣的一部電影。以我的工作經驗,通常我能對拍出來的會是什麼樣的影片大概有個底,但是這個,我完全猜不出來。我猜我的角色可能是多餘的,不過我也不確定。

And how do you feel about being one of the Avengers?

對於能參演the Avengers的感覺?

It’s great. It’s an amazing cast, and I wish I got to do more with them. I had fun with the people I did get to work with.


Tells us about The Bourne Legacy.

跟我們談談The Bourne Legacy?

I can’t say a whole lot about it but what I can clarify is that there’s been some confusion that I was taking over for Matt Damon. There’s no taking over from Matt, he will always be Jason Bourne to that franchise. But the writer is consistent through them all. So it’s the same writer, and he’s also our director on this one. So, for the fan base that likes that type of movie, there’ll be continuity with the previous films. The pace of it, the way that it’s shot, just everything about it – you’ll know it’s a Bourne movie. There are just going to be different faces. There will be Ed Norton and Rachel Weisz, who are some of the most talented actors out there. But it’ll be just a different programme, different spies, essentially. But it’ll have the same sort of pace.

我不能透露太多,但我想澄清一些誤會:我的角色並不會取代Matt Damon。Matt永遠都會是Jason Bourne,是這一系列作的代表,絕對沒有任何取代這個角色的打算。編劇會將這系列的劇情連接起來。這次的編劇和上一集的編劇是同一位,同時他也參與導演工作。對本身喜歡這類型影片的影迷而言,之前的風格會延續下來。它的步調,拍攝手法,種種元素--你會知道它是一部Bourne電影。只是換了一個視角,你會看到新面孔。會看到Ed Norton(艾德華‧諾頓)和Rachel Weisz(瑞秋懷茲)這樣等級的強大演員。它基本上是全新的題材,另一個新的計畫,另一群間碟特工;但會傳承Bourne的一貫風格。


*無論如何,光期待Edward Norton和你合作我就開心死了啊啊啊啊!!!對手戲超期待!!!


Have you spoken to Matt Damon?

你和Matt Damon談過嗎?

Oh yeah. He’s such a cool, grounded guy. He’s worked with Dan Bradley, who did all the action on all the Bourne movies. He was the second unit director on Mission Impossible, so I was very happy to know that he was part of this Bourne movie too. Matt said, “Just trust that guy.” I’m like, “Oh, yeah, perfect. You don’t have to tell me. I’ve already worked with him. He’s awesome.”

有啊,他是個很酷也很有親和力的人。他拍攝Bourne系列時,動作指導是Dan Bradley,Dan除了負責所有Bourne系列的動作指導外,也參與Mission Impossible的導演工作,所以我很高興在拍攝Bourne作品時再和他合作。Matt告訴我:「他很可靠。相信他就對了!」我說:「恩是啊,太完美了。你不用告訴我這點,我之前和他合作過,他非常厲害!」

You are also working on an untitled James Gray project. Does that count as counter-programming to all this action stuff?

你也參加了James Gray的獨立製片計畫。這會和你接的動作片撞期嗎?

That is a great opportunity, it’s an amazing story. And I do it such injustice by giving it, you know, three words. But it’s James Gray, man, and it has Marion Cotillard and Joaquin Phoenix – again, some of the best talent out there. It’s not an action movie; I can actually take a break for my body and focus on just work, and the character and stuff. So that’s refreshing. And to work with that calibre of talent is really exciting. And it’s a small role. It’s something we can shoot in a very short amount of time.

那是個很棒的機會,一個很棒的劇本。而我這樣做(*哪樣做?劇透?原文是by giving it, you know, three words. 但我想不出來哪三個字…劇透是猜的。)對它是非常不公平的。我可以說的,你看看,是Jame Gray耶!另外還有Marion Cotillard和Joaquin Phoenix這樣厲害的,萬中選一的演員。它不是動作片,我在拍攝時也能順道讓身體休息,單純專注在演戲上,經營角色等等。是另一種形式的新體驗。和那麼有才華的一群人合作是很刺激好玩的事。我在裡頭扮演的只是個小角色,所以也不需要花太多時間進行拍攝。

Are you careful not to choose similar kinds of roles to make sure you are not typecast?


I think that’s where real life and cinema blend for me. I like to play unpredictable characters, and I like to be unpredictable in what movie I’ll do. I want to skip to work. I don’t want to repeat anything. So what the future holds, I don’t know. But that’s what I like. I’ll take any risk there is, I’m not concerned about what people think or what they want. What matters to me is learning and growing and getting to skip to work and do what I love to do. As long as I can do that, I’m happy.



*對待媒體和大眾的態度,這男人總能給你一種帥氣又樸實的感覺。:)  我喜歡的另一位演員misha collins是把這些當玩具,我行我素的強大;而這傢伙,恩,就像「堅持我永遠都不會有臉書」,那樣的帥氣吧,你覺得他說出口的話,他真的會認真去執行。

Your production company is in the process of developing a Steve McQueen biopic. What attracted you to the project?

你的製片公司正在著手準備Steve McQueen的生平紀錄片(傳記?)拍攝。讓你想投入這項計畫的原因是?

It happened because a script came around, and they asked if I wanted to look at it and potentially play him. And I thought, “Ah, it’s interesting.” Obviously, I loved his movies, but wouldn’t say like I was a massive fan of him, by any means. I’ve seen probably three of his movies. But then as it came around and I started to study him more and realised, “Wow, what a dichotomy of a human being.” He’s really, really interesting, outside of what most of us know him as – the King of Cool. But he was also the most insecure guy that ever lived, and all these other things that undercut what we know him as. So that was really interesting to me. I mean, I don’t care if that’s a fictitious character, or if that’s a real person. That’s just interesting to me. I felt the script was just a retelling of what everybody already knows about him, so that’s why we’re developing this thing from these images that I saw. For instance there’s a photo of him in which a butcher in a shop is bandaging up his hand. The movie set’s around the corner and he’s just preparing to do a stunt, or just did the stunt of the famous bike jump or whatever stunt it was. Everybody knows about whatever that stunt is. So why talk about that? I want to know what that conversation was between the butcher and McQueen in that butcher shop. That’s more interesting to me. I think an inside look into his life as a human being could be fascinating. So that’s what we’re exploring. James Gray is actually the one writing that.

腳本出來後,他們問我想不想看看,考慮有沒有可能扮演他。我當時想:「喔,這很有意思啊。」當然,我愛他的作品,但要認真說並不是他的忠誠影迷。他的作品我大概只看過三部左右。但當我接下工作之後,開始進一步研究他,我發現:「哇!多麼截然不同的一個人!」他真的,真的很有意思,在他最為人知的”酷王之王”稱號底下,還有另外一面。他同時也是全世界最沒安全感的人,關於他私下的這一面和他展現出來的形象截然不同,甚至完全相反。這點非常吸引我。我指的是,我不在乎這是個虛構的角色,或是真實的人物,我看的只是:這項工作讓我非常感興趣,就這樣。我認為這個腳本能讓熟知他的人們重新認識他,這也是為什麼我們在得到圖像資料後,打算進行這項計畫的原因。舉個例子,我們有張照片,他在一間肉店裡,屠夫正為他的手包紮。電影劇組在一旁的角落,而他正準備特技表演,或是已經完成了特技表演,那個他著名的單車跳躍動作或其他的特技,恩,每個人都知道他表演的那個特技了,都看過了,那特別提這個做什麼?因為我想知道在那間肉店裡,他和屠夫說了什麼。我對這點更感興趣,我想從這樣的視角,一個普通人,來看他和他的人生能拍出很棒的作品。這就是我們試圖去發掘的。James Gray甚至親自參與劇本編寫。

*這位Jame Gray是哪位?XD 記下來有空去做個功課。

So this is more of a personal look at him, than say a careerist view?


Yeah, you can’t avoid that, but I’d rather have that be the backdrop of his life, and to see what it is like to walk into a room and everybody stares at you because they know exactly who you are. Not a lot of people know what that feels like. So let’s allow people into that world. I think that’s interesting.

It’s still a daunting role to take on.

Yeah. I haven’t seen the script. I’m already imagining it to be almost impossible, but I’d love to take on the challenge. It would be an honour.



 *Steve McQueen好好玩。XD







