持續Bourne 筆記。把喜歡的劇照排一排。
'Bourne Legacy' Director Offers Up Exclusive Details -- And A Photo!
For Summer Movie Preview Week, Tony Gilroy tells MTV News how he's continuing a beloved franchise while also starting from scratch.
Bourne Legacy導演透露更多獨家消息--和劇照!
為夏季檔期預熱,Tony Gilroy告訴MTV News他如何接續這個受歡迎的系列作品,也透露了片段。
After seeing the first trailer, you might have thought "The Bourne Legacy" would be just another "spy with amnesia" movie. Director and co-writer Tony Gilroy wants you to know that you're very, very wrong.
Gilroy has worked on the screenplays for the series since "The Bourne Identity" with Matt Damon, but for this new leg of the series, Gilroy knew they had to "swing away" if they wanted to bring the franchise back.
For Summer Movie Preview Week, MTV News spoke with Gilroy about his first time directing a "Bourne" movie, working with Jeremy Renner and how things are different this time around.
如果你在看過第一隻預告後,把"The Bourne Legacy"單純當作另一部關於「失憶間碟」的電影,導演兼共同編劇Tony Gilroy說,那你就大錯特錯了!
Gilroy從"The Bourne Identity"(*系列第一部)即加入本系列電影製作,和Matt Damon合作了前三集,但最新推出的這個支線故事,Gilroy認為如果要維持Bourne系列的風格,他們就得分道揚鑣。
在夏季檔預熱週,MTV News訪問Gilroy,請他談談他第一次執導"Bourne"電影的經驗,和主演Jeremy Renner的合作,和電影中會做出什麼樣的新改變。
MTV News: Where did you start conceptually when it came to continuing the series?
Tony Gilroy: I guess when they finished three, a lot of people spent a lot of time thinking about how and where to continue. I wasn't a part of any of those conversations. When that ran out of road, everybody had sort of moved on. After that, I was approached because they were searching for some way of continuing something. I took a very casual meeting, long after everything had stopped and Matt [Damon] and Paul [Greengrass] had gone. There were a bunch of wacky ideas that they were trying, none of which were really appealing. I said, "I don't know how I can help you, but it seems like you need a really big idea. You're really going to need to swing away if you're going to do something else, and I'm not sure if anybody's going to want to do that." I went off and did think about it a little bit and came back at them with something very ambitious and unusual. That caught some traction, and we started having conversations about it. We picked it up from there.
MTV News: Was there a sense that you needed to balance the old with the new?
Gilroy: I was there at the very, very beginning. It's no secret that we never really had anything to do with the book. I spent a lot of time building up the mythology over the last 13 years. It wasn't a preservation job, but it was very important to me. One of the things that was really important to me was that anything moving forward not only preserve what happened in the past, but make it better. There was never anything that was cheesy or cynical about "Bourne." The one thing that was always true was that it had a soulful integrity to it, really embodied by Matt [Damon] in a personal way. You couldn't violate what had happened in the past.
我從最開始的開始就在劇組裡了。這部作品和原著小說關聯不大從來就不是祕密。過去13年來,我花了不少時間架構故事背後的祕密陰謀。這不是刻意賣關子留後路,只是對我個人很重要的一件事。我很注重的一點是:情節向前推進並不單呈現過去種下的因,同時也要改進過去。"Bourne"中絕對不會出現任何俗氣或憤世嫉俗的元素。一直以來它認真想展現的,Matt (Damon)也用他的私人角度詮釋得很好一點:真誠的靈魂。你無法違反過去帶來的影響。
MTV News: How present are the events from the first three movies in "The Bourne Legacy"?
前三部的事件在"The Bourne Legacy"中佔多大成份?
Gilroy: Everything that happened before was not a dream. Everything that happened was completely real, but you thought you knew what was going on. You thought you were seeing the world, and this movie is telling you that there's a much larger world, a much larger conspiracy beyond this. The events of the other three films are incredibly present, but they're not really in this very much. What happens in "Ultimatum" is really the spark that's blowing open the door to this movie because the Jason Bourne story is exploding out into the public. Being impossible to conceal any further is causing problems for this much larger conspiracy. "Ultimatum" plays in the background of the very beginning of this film.
之前發生的那一切都不是夢,它們的確真正發生過,而你以為你了解一切,你認為眼前所見就是真實世界,但電影會告訴你其實你所見到的只是部分,一個更大的世界,更大的騙局的一小部分。前三部建立了非常棒的事件架構,但不會在這部裡用到太多。"Ultimatum"(前一部,第三集)裡的事件成為觸發本作事件的導火線,Jason Bourne的存在和經歷被公諸於世。真正的幕後陰謀勢力再也無法粉飾太平,這問題成為燙手山芋。Ultimatum的事件會在本片一開始做為背景。
MTV News: We see the Jeremy Renner character enter the program in the trailer, something we didn't see until the third movie for Jason Bourne. Is this a very structurally different movie?
我們在預告片裡看到Jeremy Renner的角色也加入了計畫,這個計畫直到Jason Bourne的第三集才出現在劇情裡。這部電影會從結構上就完全不同嗎?
Gilroy: Very much. Oh my God, yeah, for a whole bunch of reasons. One is that everybody in the world ripped us off. It's been done to death at this point. It's on TV three nights a week, much less Bond and everything else. The worst thing that could have been done would be to just slavishly follow some cookie-cutter pattern of visual style and storytelling style. It's a bigger movie in the terms of the journey of it and the scale of it and the amount of stories in it and where it's going. The great thing about Jason Bourne was that he was claustrophobically stuck down and trying to figure out this moral question. The whole second film is about an apology. It's really about this guy trying to morally come to grips with the conflict between who he thinks he is and what he's done. This character in this film has no moral conflict whatsoever. Jeremy Renner's character has the reverse of amnesia. He knows exactly where he's come from. He knows exactly what the stakes are if he doesn't achieve his journey. It's a very different tone, yet it will be very rewarding to people. You should be able to see the movie and not see any of them before. It's been kind of ironic. The people that were having the most trouble getting their heads around the fact that we were doing this are actually the people who I think will ultimately be the most happy about what we're doing. It has a lot of payback for the true fans.
Jason Bourne作品迷人的地方就是他得在完全封閉,孤立無援的情況下思考自己身份的道德立場。第二部中心主旨完全就是展現歉意。這故事其實是關於主角如何面臨良心的維持,與他找出的身份、他做過的事情之間的對立衝突。
但這樣的良心衝突並不會在本作中出現。正好相反,Jeremy Renner的角色沒有失去記憶的問題。他對自己的身分非常了解,他知道如果不達成目標會得承擔什麼樣的風險。這是截然不同的表現手法,也會帶給觀眾全新的視覺享受。
MTV News: Jeremy Renner has quickly become an action superstar. What was it like having a talent like that leading this new story?
Jeremy Renner是正迅速崛起的動作明星。新的故事請到這位實力派演員擔任主角的感想?
Gilroy: He's a freak. Everybody knows what a great actor he is. He's an all-in actor, just world-class. You can always double for somebody. You can always back off the action that you're going to do. There have been a lot of great action stars who can't run across the street. I was made aware as we were starting to get involved and then as we started pre-production [that] he is a physical freak. It is unbelievable. There are a couple guys out there that are like that, but they are very few and far between. He moves. He fights. He rides. He swims. He jumps, better than the stunt people. There are a couple people out there that you hear are like that. I hear Channing Tatum is a mindblower when it comes to learning stunts. You know Tom Cruise does all his stunts. Jeremy is right there. It would be hard to put someone who has a really clear identity with the audience in a part that wants to be that iconic. He's sort of in the perfect place, monster chops, monster experience. To get someone who can kick ass every day is kind of a huge surprise.
他是怪物。(He is a freak.)
在圈內,你可能聽過幾個能做到這樣的強者,我聽說Channing Tatum在遇上特技場景的時候只會"我精神與你同在",你知道Tom Cruise在特技場景都是親自上陣的,Jeremy也是相同的等級。
*Channing Tatum是哪位沒有研究。不確定。
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