
#廚筆記:Jeremy Renner / The Nightingale/Lowlife 相關資訊整理



1. 噴火好帥啊wwww  啦啦啦我們的魔術師www

2. 第一反應是哇喔哇喔哇喔,然後就是覺得他玩得很開心XDDD



3. 上一次跟狼玩,這次是魔術表演?www





看來導演其實自己也覺得很苦惱這樣。XD 覺得他說話還滿好玩的。

12/5的報導,記者:JESSICA KIANG

標題:James Gray Says ‘The Nightingale’ Probably Reverting Back To Original Title ‘Lowlife,’ Hopes To Premiere In Cannes 2013

James Gray表示新劇《The Nightingale》可能會改回原本的劇名《Lowlife》,希望能在2013年坎城影展首映

With James Gray serving on the jury of the Marrakech International Film Festival this year, we were lucky enough to get some time with a director who has, in just four movies, firmly established himself as one of America's finest auteur directors. There are a couple of further pieces to come from our talk, so articulate and interesting an interviewee he turned out to be (we left his quotes mostly uncut below), but for now, here’s a small sampler of some news that will interest anyone anticipating his next film, a dramatic period piece set around Ellis Island, even half as eagerly as we are: it seems his next picture “The Nightingale,” starring the impressive cast of Joaquin Phoenix, Marion Cotillard and Jeremy Renner, is probably going to be jettisoned as the film’s title in favor of the original “Lowlife."

知名導演James Gray也出席了這次的摩洛哥馬拉什喀(Marrakech)國際影展,我們很榮幸能有機會訪問他,這位大導目前為止共上映四部電影,而僅僅這四部作品就讓他名列美國影界數一數二的精英大導行列。詳細的訪談會再整理出來,他在訪談中展現了出色的談吐風度,並且非常有意思(下頭原句引用不刪減);現在這裡先列出一些關於他下一部作品的消息--以Ellis Island為背景的劇情片《The Nightingale》,擁有絕佳的卡司:Joaquin Phoenix,Marion Cotillard,以及Jeremy Renner;相信很多人跟我們一樣迫不及待期待著,而這部片大概之後會回歸它原定的劇名,《Lowlife》。

“It was originally ‘Lowlife’ and is probably going to be called ‘Lowlife,’ ” Gray said. He further clarifies: “It has nothing to do with the Luc Sante book [of a similar name]. What happened was they had classifications for people coming in through Ellis Island. Believe it or not, ‘moron,’ ‘cretin’ all this stuff, they’re technical terms, which seems ridiculous. And you didn’t want to be classified a ‘lowlife,’ -- they also called it ‘liable to become public charge’ -- which meant that you were going to be a ward of the state and they would not allow you into the United States. So I called the movie ‘Lowlife’ and Jim Jarmusch who’s a friend of mine said I should read his friend Luc Sante’s book ‘Low Life’ because I was talking about Luc Sante’s book ‘Evidence,' which is a series of crime photographs."

「它原訂的劇名就是《Lowlife》,而我們大概也會改回來叫它《Lowlife》。」Gray說,進一步聲明:「它和Luc Sante的小說作品(名字相同)一點關係也沒有。劇中描述的是從Ellis Island來到美國的新移民被貼上標籤,分類為次等公民,甚至公然以"智障"、"白痴"來稱呼他們,非常愚蠢的不平等歧視;任何一個人都不想被歸類為「下三流」(Lowlife) --但在他們而言,「被劃分為眾之矢的比較輕鬆」--因為不是乖乖認命當個社會毒瘤,就是被驅逐出美國。於是我把劇名訂為《Lowlife》,而我和朋友Jim Jarmusch談起Luc Sante的犯罪小說《Evidence》的時候,他建議我去讀讀Luc Sante的另一部作品,也叫《Lowlife》的同名小說。」


"And I remembered it had come out maybe twenty years before and I read it, and it was the wrong time period; it was New York around when Marty Scorsese’s picture takes place, ‘Gangs of New York,' which was about sixty or seventy years before the film I was writing takes place," Gray continued. "But it was still very interesting, I used very little of it, and then I spoke to Luc Sante, who’s brilliant, and he said ‘I don’t want you using the title.’ So I said ‘What do you mean? My movie’s not based on your book and you can’t copyright a title; it’s called ‘Lowlife’ -- it’s not even two words, it’s one.' So the legal department said, ‘No you can’t call it ‘Lowlife’ because you communicated with him in an email. So I said ‘Rght, his email to me said 'I can’t really help you with any of your research and don’t call your movie 'Lowlife.'' That’s hardly a contact with him. And they said, ‘But it is a contact.’ "

「我記得這本小說很早就出版了,大概二十年前左右,跟我的電影的時代背景也不一樣;它的背景在紐約,像Marty Scorsese作品拍的那樣的感覺,《紐約黑幫》(Gangs of New York)那種感覺,早了我的電影背景大概六十或七十年。」Gray繼續說:「和我的電影沒什麼明確關聯,不過它是本很有意思的小說,我用了書中一點點點的片段,之後我和作者,才華洋溢的Luc Sante對談,他跟我說:我不希望你用這個劇名。我說:為什麼?我的電影並不是依照你的小說內容改編的,你也沒辦法為書名申請專利權;這個名字「Lowlife」--甚至還不是兩個字,就一個字。然後法律部門那邊跟我說:不行,你不能用這個名字,因為你跟作者有過e-mail聯繫討論,代表你可能有參考他的作品。我說:我們是有e-mail聯繫,他寄信跟我說,我真心覺得我對你的電影幫不上任何一點忙,然後請不要把你的電影跟我的小說用同一個名字。這算得上"聯繫討論"嗎?我覺得不算,但他們跟我說:這還是算。」

*噗上討論得到的新結果是書名似乎是兩個字「Low Life」,分開的,然後電影是合為一個單字「Lowlife」……所以導演覺得根本也不算撞名。XD

"So then it became ‘The Untitled James Gray Movie,’ which is completely awful because unintentionally for legal reasons you sound like a megalomaniac," Gray laughed. "The editing room would call up and it was [mimics sing-song phone-answering voice] ‘Untitled James Gray Movie!’ It was like that for a while, and then there’s a speech that an actress gives in which she says that 'the nightingale sings sweetest when it’s darkest,' and I thought ‘Well, that’s nice, if I can’t call it ‘Lowlife’ I’ll call it that.’ "

「然後,這部作品的名字就只好變成"James Gray拍的那部沒有劇名的電影",這個名字糟糕透頂,我因為法律版權的問題改了這個名字,但它聽起來好像我是個自大狂一樣。」Gray笑著打趣:「編輯室打來,會這樣叫(*模仿電話答鈴鈴聲哼唱)『James Gray沒有劇名的電影!』就這樣維持了一陣子,然後我在一位女演員的演講中聽到她說:夜鶯(The Nightingale)在最黑暗的時刻會唱出最甜美的歌聲。這句話打動了我,我想,這句話很不錯,如果不能叫它《Low Life》,那就叫它《The Nightingale》吧!」

"And then everybody else decided they hated that title, and I said, ‘Screw it, let’s just call it ‘Lowlife’ which it’s supposed to be called’ and that’s where we are right now. I wish I could be more detailed than that,” he adds wryly, “but you now know what I know.”


Whatever its title, the movie is now finished. “I finished it last week, saw the first print and got on a plane the next day to come here.” Gray adds that the film is hopefully heading to The Cannes Film Festival in 2013, “if they’ll have me.”


He goes on to whet our appetites further, saying, “If you like the films that I’ve made, if you do and it’s a big if, then there’s an infinitesimal chance that you won’t like it. Because I’ve screened it for people who both hate and like my films and the response from people who like the films is that it’s my best film.” And that continued confidence is something we're glad to see, because when we spoke to the director in the spring, he had the same feeling as he was heading into post-production at the time.








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