Speaking to reporters about the training he underwent on the Legacy set, Renner said he actually worked with many of the same crew members he’d collaborated with on Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol and The Avengers.
當記者問到在拍攝《Legacy》時進行的特技訓練,Renner說,其實他合作的特技工作小組大多之前就合作過了,在拍攝《MI4》和《The Avegners》的時候。
“If anything, it might have been a little easier, even though what was required of me was a lot more,” he said of his stunts and fight training.
However, co-star Weisz had a different opinion of the stunt work, especially when it came to the film’s big motorcycle chase scene in the Philippines. “Jeremy told me today — it was really sweet he never told me in Manila — that was the scariest stunt for him because he was responsible for my life. He didn’t tell me then, thank god, because I would have gone, ‘If he’s scared–!’” she said as Renner and the rest of the cast laughed.
The actress also had a great appreciation for her character, one of the scientists working on the project to create the enhanced spies but in the dark about how every piece of it fits together.
“What I really like about the tone of the Bourne films is that it’s really realistic so I’m not playing an action heroine,” Weisz said. “As a scientist she’s a pretty normal person, she’s not physically gifted in any way. She’s pretty terrified, she’s really scared, and in the end she gets to kick ass a little bit!”
However, Weisz didn’t rule out the possibility of transforming into a more action-oriented character if there were more Bourne sequels.
“If they wrote it, I’d be up for it!” she said.
“Well, now we’ll start toying again!” laughed director and co-screenwriter Tony Gilroy.
「恩,現在我們要開始再玩這個梗一次了。」導演兼共同編劇Tony Gilroy笑著說。
“The idea with Rachel was to take somebody who starts off as a victim and ends up being a full collaborator in her own survival,” he said. “That’s as interesting to me as any secret agent or spy I’ve ever been part of a film on.”
Renner said that he and Damon hadn’t talked about the movie, but Renner he was excited to play such a different character than Bourne, describing Cross as a man who ultimately wants to belong.
“I feel connected to that idea of wanting to belong to something, to have a sense of purpose as a man on this planet,” he said. “That’s what I initially connected to, [Cross is] a guy who really wanted to belong, whether it’s to the military or signing up for a program to feel like you’re doing some sort of good on the planet.”
As to any potential team-ups between Cross and Bourne in the franchise’s future, Renner laughed, “The architects and creators behind this whole thing have cleverly left it wide open for fans like myself wondering what the heck will go on next!”
That brought Gilroy to the setting of the fourth film, explaining that the idea to have Legacy unfold during the events of Ultimatum emerged after multiple discussions of what aspect of the Bourne universe the story should explore.
“The first conversation was like a game, it was really like, ‘Hey, you could say there was a much larger conspiracy, you could say he’s only a small piece of this thing,’” Gilroy said. “So that’s a sexy idea, everybody gets involved, everybody likes that idea. Then we said, ‘You know what else you could do? You could have Ultimatum in the background of the first 10, 12 minutes of the movie, there could be a phone call from that movie to our movie.’ Then everybody got very excited.”
「我們的第一場討論會就像在玩遊戲一樣,就像:"嘿,設定背後有個更大的陰謀怎麼樣?設定他只是這個大陰謀當中的一小部分試試看?"」Gilroy說:「然後大家認為這個主意很吸引人,每個人都被拉進來了,每個人都喜歡這個想法。然後我們說:"知道現在我們還可以怎麼做嗎?我們可以把《Ultimatum》拿來當背景,放在片頭大概10~12分鐘,那通警示電話可以當這兩部電影的連接。" 然後大家就開始期待後續了。」
The director, who penned he first three Bourne movies, collaborated with his brother Dan Gilroy on the script for Legacy, and the two brothers began ribbing each other as soon as the writing process was mentioned.
Gilroy參與了Bourne前三部曲的編劇,在《Legacy》裡的編劇則和他的兄弟Dan Gilroy共同合作,而當提到編劇過程時,這兩兄弟開始相互吐槽。
“When we realized they only gave you one paycheck for two people we went off on our separate ways!” Dan Gilroy joked as his brother laughed.
「當我們發現他們只給我們兩個人一張支票當報酬的時候,我們就決定拆夥各走各的了!」Dan Gilroy開玩笑說,Tony Gilroy在旁邊笑。
“There wasn’t one argument, there wasn’t one raised voice!” the director added as Dan Gilroy rolled his eyes.
「我們吵了不只一次架,對著對方大吼大叫也不只一次。」當Dan Gilroy看向自己時,Tony Gilroy說。
Tony Gilroy said the chance to direct Legacy was a complete surprise to him, but a welcome one.
Tony Gilroy表示能有機會擔任《Legacy》的導演讓他非常驚訝,但也非常樂意接下這個工作。
“It’s not something I ever, ever thought I would do — I never even thought I’d be writing another one,” he said. “It happens so incrementally, we were playing a game and then the character came alive — I was looking for what to do next and I was trying to find something in the world of big movies, and I wanted to try before I got too old to do a big movie.”
Turning to the movie itself, Norton explained that he felt questions about the motives of Byer, a man who calls himself a patriot while covering up governmental corruption, were central to the main themes of the film.
“Is he rationalizing corrupt behavior or does he have a point?” he said. “I think that’s a question being purposefully posed, and that’s what makes Tony’s approach to this film more interesting to me than kind of trafficking in villains and heroes, if you would. I think a lot of what we see going on in the world every day that makes us possibly a little uncomfortable with what’s being done in our name and under our banner and all that kind of stuff has that question embedded within it, that question of, ‘Is our security worth the compromise of our values, and at what level?’ I enjoy the idea of those paradoxes and those rationalizations hanging out there for people to sit with and decide how they feel about this guy.”
While the subject matter was interesting to Norton, “not getting hurt” was the biggest challenge for Renner — although the actor joked that looking warm in all the scenes where he was swimming in a natural pool in wintry Alaska was just as hard.
“Cold is cold no matter if you’re holding the camera or in front of it!” he said.
“Danny didn’t go there!” director Gilroy joked, poking the co-screenwriter sitting next to him.
“[Tony] had batteries in his gloves, he had heated underwear. He had everything that could be powered on! He’s not very good in the cold!” Renner laughed, adding, “He did say he’d jump in there with me.”
“I didn’t mean it!” the director said.
The two Gilroys said the key to shooting their intricate action scenes was planning, planning and more planning.
“Attention to detail is key,” Dan Gilroy said, pointing to a shootout scene in an old house that went through multiple drafts before they began to block the action.
「細節是關鍵。注重每一個細節。」Dan Gilroy說,指著其中一幕在老屋中射擊的場景,他們打了無數次的草稿,才開始實地拍攝。
“We were sending diagrams of what the house looks like and then we’d redesign the house and say, there’s a hole in the floor!” he said.
“It’s like having kids — if you knew what you were into you’d go, ‘Forget it, I can’t handle it!’ You just you go, and then all the sudden you’re pregnant!” Tony Gilroy joked.
「就像生小孩一樣--一但你認真下去你就會貫徹到底,『別管其他了,我顧不了那麼多了!』於是你繼續下去,然後,突然,你就懷孕了。」Tony Gilroy開玩笑說。
Renner concluded by telling the audience that, all fight choreography, physical training and stunts aside, the actor knew who Aaron Cross would prefer to go head to head with in a fight, and it isn’t Jason Bourne: “I’ll take the Hulk!”
最後Renner告訴觀眾們,打鬥場景的安排、體能訓練、特技拍攝之外,他知道Aaron Cross如果要單挑的話想找誰當對手--不是Jason Bourne。「我要挑戰Hulk!」
*這答案好可愛啊啊啊啊wwwwww XD
因為她是Tom的粉,然後她給我看了一隻影片,大概就是Tom被粉絲包圍簽名的樣子,她表示覺得很心疼感覺好像「被攻擊」;當時我剛好才看完別人貼給我看的Renner離開Jimmy Kimmel Live會場的影片,一樣也是被圍攻。
他在THR上開罵過:不要入侵我的隱私,恩,但同時他自己也在Jimmy Kimmel上笑談被入侵隱私的經驗,學那個Let's stretch Bitcheeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssss,讓觀眾笑個半死,沒幾個小時就被做成mp3鈴聲XDD
他說他的童年過的很快樂,雖然有父母離婚還有一些生活上的事情, 可是他就是用活著做自己的理念, 然後有點幼稚方式來度過, 但是他妹妹就完全不是這樣,就覺得過的很痛苦
真實生活上不能經歷或表現的情緒, 可以在戲劇中釋放
fans對明星來說就是載舟覆舟, 雖然有時候很可怕, 但是有一天如果沒有了更可怕, 不過Jeremy可愛的地方就是很真, 不修飾的表達想法, 然後讓大家都想跟著大喊(還要配上猙獰的表情)
terrible , even Horrible...for me.