今天Jeremy先生會再上一次Jimmy Kimmel Live
去查Jimmy Kimmel想看看有沒有公告之類的,查到的只是班艾佛列克和麥特戴蒙的恩怨情仇。有人說合唱裡頭有Mike嗎?太神奇了。雖然我當時就看過那隻影片,但是完全搞不清楚誰是誰的狀況下……也就是「啊?喔?」這樣過去。
還滿期待的,因為前兩隻Jimmy Kimmel的影片我都覺得歡樂又有收藏的價值。
LOS ANGELES, CALIF. -- Taking over the “Bourne” franchise without Jason Bourne (or Matt Damon!) is a daunting task, something that intrigued “The Bourne Legacy’s” Jeremy Renner.
讓沒有主角Jason Bourne(或說Matt Damon!)的《Bourne》系列繼續下去是個艱鉅的任務,一道橫在新作《The Bourne Legacy》主演Jeremy Renner跟前的挑戰。
*intruge有 cause to be interested or curious 的意思;也有陰謀和複雜的事情的意思。激起挑戰心。之類的意思。不過我不知道怎麼加進去啊哈哈。(揍)
*Jimmy Kimmel說:There is no Bourne, just the Legacy,超賤的。XDD
“I was curious how they would make another Bourne movie without Jason Bourne, but I read the script [and thought], ‘That’s just clever’” Jeremy told Access Hollywood this weekend at the junket for his latest movie, where he plays Jason Bourne’s fellow agent, Aaron Cross.
「我很好奇他們要怎麼在沒有Jason Bourne的狀況下再拍一集Bourne電影,不過我當我讀完劇本之後,我想,『這方法好聰明!』」Jeremy在本週的電影宣傳會上告訴我們。電影中他將會飾演繼Jason Bourne之後,另一個參與計畫的特工Aaron Cross。
“For the franchise itself, it really opened up the doors a lot and pulled back the curtains to really go in a lot different directions at this point,” he said of “Legacy.”
Matt Damon – who made three previous “Bourne” movies – might not be involved in the project, but the franchise’s trademark action is still as present as ever.
Matt Damon--《Bourne》前三部曲的主演--可能不會參與這次的拍攝,不過系列作的招牌拍攝手法還是會延續下來。
“It was fun, boy was it fun, like a ticket to a ride in a theme park that no one else gets a ticket to,” he said of his stunts, something he performed “99 percent of.”
And is the star open for future projects as agent Aaron Cross?
那麼他願意在未來其他部作品再度演出Aaron Cross嗎?
“I would be running out of limbs, but yes, I would give another limb to do [a sequel] for sure,” he told Access.
*limb 我覺得give another limb(再給一隻手?XD) 這個形容很好玩。
The actor is also hoping Matt continues making more films based on the Robert Ludlum character – even possibly joining him on-screen for another installment.
同時,他也希望Matt能夠繼續加入系列作,繼續演出脫胎自Robert Ludlum的原創角色Jason Bourne--甚至和他共同在系列續作中合作。
”[The movie] also leaves it open to the possibility of Matt Damon still doing a Jason Bourne movie or maybe us doing another one, or doing one together, I don’t know. I think the possibilities are all out there,” he added.
「這部作品也開放了很大的空間讓Matt Damon的Jason Bourne再回歸,或許再拍一部專屬Jason Bourne的作品,或許拍一部合作的作品,誰知道呢?我想一切都是有可能的。」他補充。
“The Bourne Legacy” opens in theaters on August 10.
8/10,《The Bourne Legacy》全球上映。
-- Jesse Spero
遺產之後正式脫離Jason Bourne。
Producer Frank Marshall Says Next 'Bourne' Film Will Follow Jeremy Renner & Rachel Weisz
製作人Frank Marshall表示下一部《Bourne》作品還會由Jeremy Renner和Rachel Weisz主演
A few months ago, producer Frank Marshall said his "dream" was for Jeremy Renner and Matt Damon to star in a 'Bourne' film together. Spit out the other end of chinese-whisper reporting, in some circles, that became "Frank Marshall says Matt Damon will star in 'Bourne 5.' " But in fact, that doesn't seem to be the case, at least for the moment.
幾個月之前,製作人Frank Marshall表示他的「夢想」是看到Jeremy Renner和Matt Damon共同合作演出《Bounre》電影。而最近流傳的小道消息指出,這在某種程度上代表「Frank Marshall聲明Matt Damon會演出Bourne 5」的意思。不過事實看上去並不是如此,至少目前看不出這樣發展的跡象。
*Chinese_whispers 這似乎是個遊戲?XD
Marshall clarified his comments at the press day for "The Bourne Legacy" this past weekend and said the next film in the series will continue on with the two new characters presented in the film: Aaron Cross, played by Jeremy Renner and Dr. Marta Shearing played by Rachel Weisz.
上週,《The Bourne Legacy》的宣傳活動上,Marshall做了澄清,表示下一部電影還會接續本作的兩名主角的故事,Jeremy Renner飾演的Aaron Cross以及Rachel Weisz的Marta Shearing博士。
Asked where the franchise goes from here, either with Bourne, Aaron Cross or even another new Treadstone agent, Marshall replied, "Well, I think that all those possibilities are open, but we're gonna follow Jeremy's character. But everything else is wide open. That's the great thing about where we are now, the table is set to go any direction we want to, but we will, for sure, follow Jeremy and Rachel and see what happens ."
那麼打算怎麼接續這系列呢?從Bourne開始?從Aaron Cross開始?還是再加入一個新的絆腳石計畫的成員?Marshall回答:「恩,我想所有的發展方向都是可能的,不過我們的打算是以Jeremy的角色為出發點。至於其他部分,保留任何的發展可能。我們現在的處理方式我覺得非常好,我們立下了接續故事的立足點,並且可以往任何我們希望的方向發展,不過我們的打算,目前能確定的,以Jeremy和Rachel的角色為出發點,然後再視情況決定下一步。」
This echoes comments made by Tony Gilroy in a recently published interview we conducted with the director of the action drama. The filmmaker said if the picture connects with audiences and spawns a sequel, there are plenty of places to go next. “If this [film] works," he says of "The Bourne Legacy,” “It will very nicely clear some fields to the horizon that are legitimate, interesting things to play with that aren't cheesy."
這說法和Tony Gilroy在我們最近的訪談裡發表的意見相呼應。這名導演表示如果這部作品成功,獲得觀眾的認同,並有機會發展續集的話,能夠延伸的方向非常多。「如果它(《The Bourne Legacy》)成功的話,」他說:「它能進一步提供一個符合情理,有趣但不落俗套的發展方向。」
During the press conference Renner also said that him "reaching out" to Matt Damon about the film had been miscontrued. "No, we didn't reach out to each other at all and never spoke really creatively about it. I only inadvertently sort of ran into him -- I've known him for years -- but I inadvertently ran into him before we started and more just had a good time at a birthday party. That was about it."
發表會上Renner也表示他「聯絡Matt Damon」,談論這部作品的說法是個誤解。「不,我們完全沒有和彼此聯絡,也從來沒從創作的角度來談論它。我只是不經意遇上他而已--我認識他好幾年了--我遇上他是在影片拍攝之前的事,在某人的生日宴會上,我們玩得很開心。這就是全部了。」
Of course, this doesn't rule out future team-ups of Aaron Cross and Jason Bourne, but it seems that the next film will at least start with Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz's characters. For his part, Renner's just excited to see what comes next. "As for the future," he said, "I'm excited that the architects and creators behind this sort of thing have cleverly left it wide open for fans like myself wondering what the heck's going to go on next." "The Bourne Legacy" opens in theaters on August 10th; for more on the film, check out our extensive and exclusive interview with Tony Gilroy. -- reporting by Ryan Gowland
當然,這並沒有排除未來Aaron Cross和Jason Bourne合作的可能,不過看來至少,我們會在下一部作品中確定看到Jeremy Renner和Rahcel Wiesz。Renner表示非常期待對他的角色的未來發展。「未來的走向,」他說:「架構這個故事的工作小組非常聰明,他們留下了很大的發展空間,這讓我很期待,會讓像我這樣的系列作影迷非常想知道接下來他們打算做些什麼。」
------ 然後延伸閱讀又繼續點下去,就變成這個↓
Matt Damon Open To 'Bourne 5,' But If 'Legacy' Is A Hit, He Expects The Franchise To Move On Without Him
Matt Damon歡迎參演Bourne 5的發展可能,但如果《Legacy》的表現優越,他希望這系列可以在「沒有他參與的前提下」繼續發展下去。
Poor Matt Damon's got to be somewhat sick of answering questions about the Jason Bourne series, a franchise he's ostensibly not in any more. Or at least, not for now. In case you're living under a rock, Damon and Paul Greengrass walked away from a "Bourne 4" in late 2009 for several reasons, but one of them being a chief creative one: Jason Bourne had discovered who he was, no longer had full amnesia and his story arc had been completed.
可憐的Matt Damon,一定快被Jason Bourne系列作的問題煩死了,尤其在他顯然沒打算再參演這系列的情況下……或者說,至少現在不打算。幫那些沒追上消息的人做補充資訊:Damon和Paul Greengrass在2009年年底離開《Bourne 4》的製作小組,原因很多,但最主要的是這個創作上的死路:Jason Bourne已經知道自己的身份了,他不再擁有失憶症,這條故事線也算結束了。
No one seemed to know where to take the story next and after commissioning two different screenplays, that neither the actor nor director liked, the duo said thanks, but no thanks. So fast forward to present day. Tony Gilroy, the screenwriter who masterminded the entire trilogy, stepped up, conceived of a new idea without Jason Bourne, created "The Bourne Legacy," and found a new star in Jeremy Renner ('Legacy' deals with the ramifications of "The Bourne Ultimatum" and how it affects other Treadstone-like Black Ops programs and its assassins). While Jason Bourne, the charater is still alive and referenced in "The Bourne Legacy," outside of mug-shot photos, he's not in it, presumably gone into hiding somewhere. Gilroy and Universal have left the door open for Damon to return.
似乎沒有人知道要怎麼把這樣的故事接下去,官方提供了兩種不同版本的發展路線,但不論導演還是這名主演演員都不滿意,他們的回應都是「非常感謝,但是,不接受。」然後時間快轉到現在,Tony Gilroy,完全了解前三部曲的大手編劇,站出來說服官方採用全新的點子:「在沒有Jason Bourne的前提下」繼續發展出新作續集《The Bourne Legacy》,起用新的主演演員Jeremy Renner(《Legacy》的故事主要講述《The Bourne Ultimatum》發生的事件造成的後續影響,對其他類似絆腳石以及黑楠石這樣的計畫,以及其他計畫訓練出來的殺手。) 《The Bourne Legacy》中,Jason Bourne這角色依舊存活著,依舊造成影響,但除了電視上秀出的資料照片外,他本人完全沒出場,設定他處於遠走高飛去某個地方藏起來的狀態。Gilroy和環球製片公司留下這樣一個梗,讓Damon的角色有再回歸的可能。
And as he's always said, Damon is open to returning to the franchise, if, and that big if, is if there's a good script. “Look, I’ve been interested in doing another one for five years,” Damon said during the "Elysium" panel at Comic-Con, sounding somewhat annoyed at Crave for suggesting he'd suddenly changed his mind. “We just can’t figure out the script. I’m up for it, but again it’s all about the script, It’s got to be a good one."
In a separate interview with ComingSoon, Damon reiterated the same sentiment, and again, stressed the story has to justify its existence and there cannot simply be a sequel for sequel's sake. "I really want to do another one and I think Paul Greengrass does too," he said, "But I think it's the same question we've had after each one. If we really feel we can do it and that it will deserve to live with the other three that we did. If we can make one where we go into it feeling it can be even better than those, and it ends up being in that same ballpark, then we should do it. But If we can't, then we really should leave it alone."
在接受ComingSoon的訪問時,Damon也維持同樣的態度和說詞,並再次強調接續的故事必需要有擁有它自己靈魂,而不只是為了接續而接續,看這整個系列作的份上。「我真心希望能再拍另一部Bourne電影,我想Paul Greengrass也是這麼希望的。」他說:「但我想我們碰到的問題和之前每一部碰上的問題是相同的,如果我們覺得我們真的能拍續集,做出有資格和前三部並列的作品。或是甚至我們能拍出更好的作品,結果也如我們預期,那麼我們就應該再拍續集。但如果我們做不到,那真的,我們還是見好就收吧。」
OK, so check, two interviews of what Damon has said all along since he and Greengrass walked away from the series. But in a separate interview with E!Online in San Diego, Damon suggested that if "The Bourne Legacy" breaks out in its own right, Gilroy and Renner could ostensibly move on without him.
OK,讓我們來看一下,在Damon和導演Greengrass退出Bourne系列後的這兩隻訪談裡,他表明願意再續拍的立場。但在另一隻San Diego的由E!Online進行的訪談中,他表示如果《The Bourne Legacy》表現良好,樹立了自己的招牌,Gilroy和Renner大可在沒有他的前提下繼續進行。
"I think the movie will be really good," Damon said of this new 'Bourne' iteration. "Tony [Gilroy] is really smart, he's a really good writer and a really good director and I'm sure he made a good movie. The question will be if they can franchise that movie, because if they can, then they'll be done with me. They'll just keep making those."
*They'll just keep making those. 為什麼我覺得……隱隱約約還是有諷刺的意味?幻覺吧囧。
And franchising the new series is definitely the plan, something that Gilroy confirmed to us in an interview last month that will roll out closer to August 10th when "The Bourne Legacy" hits theaters. But perhaps Damon is just being modest. If "The Bourne Legacy" is a huge hit, he's probably correct that the series can move on without him. But surely throngs of fans of the series would love to see Jason Bourne return one day. Like longtime 'Bourne' series producer Frank Marshall said, his "dream" is to have a Bourne film that stars both Renner and Damon.
接續系列作的精神這件事絕對在Gilroy的計畫裡,上個月他接受我們的訪問時確定的表示出這一點,《The Bourne Legacy》上映之後就會見分曉。但這可能也只是Damon謙虛的說法,如果《The Bourne Legacy》表現亮眼,他的「這系列可以在沒有我的情況下繼續下去」說法也可能成真。不過,當然,死忠的影迷會希望再見到Jason Bourne的回歸。像長久以來的死忠影迷,製作人Frank Marshall就說,他的「夢想」就是希望看到Renner和Damon共同合作演出Bourne。
That may be easier said than done considering the past friction between Damon and Gilroy, not to mention the fact Damon's gone on record several times saying he'll only make another 'Bourne' film with director Paul Greengrass. But if 'Legacy' is a hit, and Gilroy then owns the keys to the franchise, how does Damon step back in? And why would Gilroy step aside, take momentum away from his own new trilogy, just so Damon and Greengrass can tell their own story? Complicated stuff to say the least. One thing's for sure, if 'Legacy' is a hit and Damon wants to return (something Universal would be over the moon about), there's going to have to be a serious come to Jesus moment by a lot of parties involved.
考慮到Damon和Gilroy之間的糾葛恩怨,這說法可能只能停留在空談,更別說Damon在離開時再三聲明他只和Paul Greengrass合作拍Bourne電影。但如果《Legacy》表現亮眼,Gilroy就會是這系列的主控者了,Damon又要怎麼再回歸?Gilroy又怎麼可能會在氣勢正盛的時候,把他一手拉起來的成功拱手讓人,於是Damon和Greengrass可以「講他們版本的故事」?非常難說的情況。能確定的一件事是,如果《Legacy》表現不錯,而Damon想回歸(環球製片求之不得的結果),可能會延伸出很多需要向上帝祈禱的情況。
Tony Gilroy Responds To Matt Damon's 'Ultimatum' Diss & More From Empire's Feature On 'The Bourne Legacy'
Tony Gilroy對Matt Damon的《Ultimatum》評論的回應
Tony Gilroy was surprised and puzzled by Matt Damon's quotes about his "Bourne Ultimatum" script.
There was a bit of a storm last year when the usually mild-mannered Matt Damon went off on Tony Gilroy, the co-writer of all three original 'Bourne' films, and director of the fourth. Gilroy allegedly agreed to pen the first draft of "The Bourne Ultimatum" under the condition that he wouldn't have to deal with director Paul Greengrass, and Damon told the magazine "I don't blame Tony for taking a boatload of money and handing in what he handed in. It's just that it was unreadable. This is a career-ender. I mean, I could put this thing up on eBay and it would be game over for that dude. It's terrible. It's really embarrassing. He was having a go, basically, and he took his money and left." Damon later sort-of-apologized, saying "This is between me and him. So saying anything publicly is fucking stupid and unprofessional and just kind of douchey of me," but Gilroy has remained silent throughout. Until now, that is. Though Gilroy doesn't throw fuel on the fire, telling Empire, "I don't understand that at all. I don't know where it came from. I think Matt is one of the greatest actors of his generation." Pals again?
Matt Damon對他的《Bourne Ultimatum》劇本的批評,Tony Gilroy表示驚訝和困惑。
一向溫和有禮的Matt Damon對Tony Gilroy的發作是去年的大新聞,Tony Gilroy是Bourne系列前三部曲的共同編劇,也是第四部作品的導演。
據說,Gilroy答應為《The Bourne Ultimatum》寫劇本初稿的前提是,拒絕應付導演Paul Greengrass。而Damon在接受雜誌訪談時表示:「我不會責怪Tony拿了那麼多錢然後交出那樣的劇本。我的重點只是他交出來的東西『連讀的價值都沒有』,這就像是要結束我的職業生涯一樣。我的意思是,我可以把他的劇本放到eBay上去拍賣,他老兄的編劇生涯也就玩完了。這真是慘不忍睹,非常丟臉的表現。基本上,他得到的結果是被趕出去,於是他拿了他的錢,然後走人。」
Early in the fourth film's development, there was talk of recasting Bourne himself, or making the film a prequel.
在第四部作品剛開始籌備的時候,有「再找一個人演Jason Bourne」或是「以平行世界處理」這樣的說法。
In the midst of a tough few years, Universal were clearly keen to have one of their few franchises continue, but there was one major problem; 'Ultimatum' had essentially wrapped up the protagonist's story. As producer Frank Marshall says, "Jason Bourne knew what his name was and where he came from and he didn't really want to be an agent anymore. So that didn't really leave us a wide source of story material." A fourth script was commissioned, first from George C. Nolfi, then Josh Zetumer, but neither won much favor, and things were complicated further when Paul Greengrass walked off, essentially taking the loyal Matt Damon with him. As such, according to Empire, a number of other options were considered, including making the film a prequel, recasting, Bond-style (although Marshall says, "You've still got the same story problem: what are you going to do?"), or passing on the mantle to a different agent. Ultimately, Tony Gilroy came in, and came up with the take in "The Bourne Legacy."
在那幾年艱難的製作過程中,環球當然非常希望能接續他們為數不多的系列作,但最棘手的問題是:《Ultimatum》基本上已經說完了主角的故事。製作人Frank Marshall說:「Jason Boune知道了自己的真正姓名,知道他從哪裡來,他也不想要再成為計畫中的一員。這讓我們沒有多少可以接續故事的空間。」第四部作品的初稿先後由George C. Nolfi、Josh Zetumer完成,但兩個版本都不受青睞,而當導演Paul Greengrass離開時,情況又更複雜了,Matt Damon因為對導演的忠誠也跟著離開。Empire的訪談中提到,因為如此,製作小組考慮了很多可能,包括平行世界、Jason Bourne重新選角,走Bond(龐德,007)的風格(雖然Marshall說:「重新選角還是會碰到一樣的故事問題:接下來你要幹麻?」),或者讓另一名特工繼承他的精神。最後,Tony Gilroy出來接手,提出《The Bourne Legacy》的想法。
The new film opens up the world much further, with the possibility that even more Treadstone-type programs could pop up in future films.
Gilroy's approach turned out to delve further into the machinations of the CIA and their secret Treadstone and Blackbriar programs, coming up with parallel schemes, one of which -- Operation Outcome -- is the focus of "The Bourne Legacy." As Gilroy says, "If you think of the first three Bourne films as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, then we're showing you Elsinore. So you thought you were seeing something that you weren't. What if there were a larger story? What if Treadstone weren't the only black-ops programme? I think that's a really promising idea." And Outcome isn't the only one introduced in the new film; others come up too, which may figure further into later sequels. Frank Marshall says "You see there are several different programmes in the movie with different skill sets. All possibilities are open."
Gilroy的故事版本,更進一步專注在CIA的陰謀、他們一系列的祕密計畫:絆腳石計畫和黑石楠計畫之外,還有其他類似的計畫同時進行,《The Bourne Legacy》中的Outcome計畫便是其中之一。Gilroy說:「如果你把前三部曲當做Rosencrantz和Guildenstern,那麼我們這個故事就是Elsinore。你認為你看到的就是全部,但如果不是呢?如果背後有更大的格局呢?如果絆腳石計畫不是黑石楠計畫中的唯一項目呢?我覺得這是非常有發展性的想法。」而影片中提及的相關計畫也不只Outcome一項,或許在之後的續集會揭露它們的真面目。Frank Marshall說:「電影裡你會看到其他各項計畫的存在,每一項計畫都有不同的專長項目,我們開放一切的可能性。」
Don't call Edward Norton's character the villain.
Edward Norton的角色不是壞人。
One of the things that have set the original films apart is the complexity of the quote-unquote bad guys: almost all of the antagonists, from Chris Cooper in the original to Edgar Ramirez in the third, have their moments of sympathy -- they're not simply maniacs, but are fighting for a cause or following orders. And while Edward Norton's character, Ret. Colonel Ric Byer, described as "a puppet master," and the man tasked with tying up the loose ends of the secret ops, was said to be "a villain" in early trade reports, expect him to have more texture than that. Norton (in a rare blockbuster excursion) tells the magazine, "Tony hated it when people started publishing that I was the villain. Tony works in shades of grey and moral fog. It's too reductive to say 'villain.' I think he works in a more sophisticated way than that." Indeed, Gilroy sees a character as another manifestation of a theme that's run throughout the series. "One of the things that's always been fun about the Bourne series is that it's always been an expression of the fact that even when you think you're on the inside you can still be just a cog in a machine," he explained. "Then people start to realize that they've been co-opted and they begin to push back."
前三部曲中的壞人呈現出的複雜多面是讓它之所以特別的一個原因,幾乎所有的反派角色:從第一部的Chris Cooper到第三部的Edgar Ramirez,都有展現出人性的一面的時刻--他們不單純是行事偏激的瘋子,背後都有他們的理由,或是不得不聽命行事。而Edward Norton在本片中的角色,Ret. Colonel Ric Byer,官方說法是:操偶大師。是那個下令收拾失控的局面,毀滅証據的人,初期的報導以「壞人」來描述,而他們認為這角色要來得更複雜一些。Norton(在他的短程旅行中,少見的為了商業鉅片而宣傳)在接受雜誌訪問時說:「Tony非常不喜歡報導將我的角色描述為壞人。他將這個角色定位在灰色地帶,模糊道德上的焦點。我覺得以『壞人』這個詞來描述太片面了,他創造出的角色個性要更多元、更複雜一些。」事實上,Gilroy的角色是他呈現這系列故事靈魂的方式之一。「Bourne系列一直以來很有趣的一點是,它一直都在訴說這樣的現實:就算你身處後台掌握了操控權,你依舊只是整個運作體系的一個小齒輪而已。」他解釋:「於是他們開始意識到自己被整個體系推著走,之後決定反抗回去。」
*所以這個Ret是官方給的,後來我發現了但我還是不知道它是啥鬼啊哈哈||||||| 大概是政府高官之類的東西,或是某個頭銜,但是到底縮寫什麼名詞對應什麼大概等電影告訴我吧XD
*set apart 特別被分出來的東西,因為「特別」所以被分出來。
Jeremy Renner isn't worried about being in too many franchises.
參演太多系列電影作?Jeremy Renner並不擔心這一點。
After the success of "The Hurt Locker," Jeremy Renner suddenly became one of Hollywood's most in-demand leading men, signing on to several potential franchises in quick succession: "The Avengers," "Mission: Impossible -- Ghost Protocol" and "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters." Indeed, he was so busy that he initially wasn't thought to be a possibility for Bourne, with Joel Edgerton, Luke Evans, Anthony Mackie, Garrett Hedlund and Oscar Isaac among those who tested for the part. But as Gilroy says, "Jeremy wasn't on any of those 'available' lists until we got to the third wave. All of a sudden his name popped up, so Frank Marshall and I popped over to Berlin, where he was making 'Hansel & Gretel,' and we had dinner with him and showed him the script." Renner signed on, a little wary of carrying the series on his shoulders, but now he doesn't seem to be concerned about franchise-fatigue and clearly is just trying to enjoy the ride. "I stumbled across some really great pieces of cinema. I got really lucky," he said. "If we get to do another one of these, right on. If Tom wants me for another 'Mission,' I'm happy to do it... If 'Avengers 2' happens, awesome. If it doesn't, awesome. I'm not going to worry about what comes next. I'll just worry about talking to you right now. I could be dead by the time 'Avengers 2' comes around. Who knows? I don't want to be, but you know what I'm saying."
繼《The Hurt Locker》的成功之後,現在Jeremy Renner瞬間成為好萊塢最搶手的主角演員之一,迅速竄紅後,他簽下的系列作都有可能再拍續集,如《The Avengers》、《Mission:Impossible--Ghost Protocol》和《Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters》。事實上,一開始他因為檔期太滿,而不在《Bourne》劇組的考慮名單上,劇組先後找過Joel Edgerton, Luke Evans, Anthony Mackie, Garrett Hedlumd和Oscar Isaac為這個角色試鏡。不過最後像Gilroy說的:「在第三次選角之前,Jeremy的名字都沒出現在『有空檔』的考慮名單上,然後突然他的時間可以配合了,我和Frank Marshall飛去柏林找他,當時他在柏林拍《Hansel & Gretel》,我們一起吃了晚餐,把劇本給他看。」Renner簽下了合約,一開始對接下這系列作的擔子顯得有點謹慎,現在他似乎不在意這工作有多辛苦,專注於享受過程帶給他的樂趣。
「能遇上這些電影界中數一數二的佳作,遇上這些工作機會,我真的覺得自己很幸運。所以,如果我們要再拍一集續集,好啊,拍吧。如果Tom想要我再參演下一集Mission,我非常樂意……如果Avengers 2真的開拍了,很好;如果沒有續集,也很好。不管前頭有什麼在等我,我並不打算花力氣去擔心。我擔心的反而是,現在我好好活著在你面前跟你聊天,但等到Avengers 2開拍的時候我可能已經死了。誰知道呢?世事難料,當然我不希望它發生,不過……你懂我的意思的。」
Matt Damon的用詞給我的感覺是:很精明。罵人的方式也很精明。
結果是他保持沉默XD 所以是加分。