續前,Jim Caviezel和Misha Collins。
Jim Caviezel
某年的生日跟了教會團去看了他的受難記《The Passion》;留下了驚悚疼痛無比的生日記憶,經過這部片的洗禮之後我對鮮血的忍耐度又再進階了一步(
後來我跌了他的大坑是《Person Of Interest》(這部真心神作),也是在這部的介紹裡知道原來他有多動症(據說會想撲人),和注意力不集中閱讀困難(類似這個名詞);於是要他適應Person of Interest的台詞是很艱鉅的任務。
我覺得就是發呆(恩。) 或是看起來很累的樣子。(有人跟我抗議過這一點,我沒有任何貶義,但就會覺得他好像呆呆的,鈍鈍的,而如果以注意力不集中這個角度來解釋就突然明白過來:喔,原來!XD
我看過他最閃亮活潑的樣子是一個pay back的節目,他在節目裡親自組了一台車,送給跟了他十多年,像媽媽一樣照顧他拉拔他的經紀人。他在裡頭費盡心思變身、換裝(金色西裝和貓王頭XD)、展現出來孩子一樣的真誠和真摰的想讓媽媽開心。讓我很感動。
Jim is keeping it real。 應該是那篇報導下的標題吧。大概給我是這樣的感覺。
他有一部和Ian Mckellen合作的電視劇叫《The Prisoner》,裡頭有一句台詞,女主角說:「你擁有全世界最美麗的眼睛。」我當時看到這句的時候只想對寫出這句台詞的編劇致敬!!!
想體認他的美貌,《The Prisoner》是部很不錯的作品。百合花旁的瀕死配上Ian Mckellen唱的低低的安魂曲……劇情本身沒讓我印象深刻,但是這幾幕我印象深刻一輩子。
James Patrick Caviezel was born on September 26, 1968 in Mount Vernon, Washington. He was one of five children born to Jim and Maggie Caviezel. The Caviezels are an closely-knit Catholic family.
全名James Patrick Caviezel,中間名是Patrick,生日1968年9月26日。出生地華盛頓Mount Vernon。父親Jim,母親Maggie,家中共五個小孩,是虔誠的天主教家庭。
As a youngster, Jim was described as being "very intense." His two main interests growing up were sports and religion. He was athletically gifted on the basketball court and dreamed of someday playing in the NBA. He also learned the importance of Christianity at a very young age, attending Church regularly with his family.
In 1984, he went to Mount Vernon High School but transferred to O'Dea High School after two years. The following spring, he transferred again to Burien Kennedy High School in Burien, Washington where he was a star on the basketball team and graduated in 1987. While at O'Dea and Kennedy, he stayed with family friends.
1984年就讀Mount Vernon高中,但兩年後轉校到O'Dea高中,再次年春天又轉校到華盛頓Burien的Burien Kennedy高中,成為該校籃球隊上的明星,1987年畢業。高中期間都和家人朋友關係親密。
Following high school, Jim enrolled at Bellevue Community College where he again played on the basketball team. A foot injury in his sophomore season put an end to Jim's basketball career and his dreams of playing in the NBA. Shortly after his, he turned his focus toward acting.
高中畢業之後,就讀Bellevue Community College(也是社區大學?),一樣也加入籃球校隊。但大二的時候比賽受傷,於是他的籃球夢碎,也跟NBA無緣了。挫折過後,他轉向戲劇發展。
In 1990, he auditioned for a part in the independent film My Own Private Idaho (1991). He won a very small role as a foreign airline clerk after he told casting agents that was a recent Italian immigrant.
1990年試鏡獨立製片《My Own Private Idaho》,得到一個很小很小的角色:外籍航空地勤,他告訴試鏡的人他剛從義大利移民過來,於是得到了這個角色。
The following year, Jim moved to Los Angeles where he worked as a waiter between auditions. He landed small roles in Diggstown (1992) and Wyatt Earp (1994) and guest starring roles on "The Wonder Years" (1988) and "Murder, She Wrote" (1984).
1991年搬去洛杉磯,開始演藝圈的闖蕩。試鏡,等電話,試鏡,迴圈。在Diggstwon和Wyatt Earp客串小角色,在The Wonder Years和Murder, She Wrote裡演出配角。
He continued to go relatively unnoticed in small roles and even thought about quitting acting until 1998 when he received critical recognition for his role as idealist Private Witt in The Thin Red Line (1998). The following year, he gained further recognition with roles in Ride with the Devil (1999/I) and Frequency (2000). In 2001, his role as Jennifer Lopez's love interest in Angel Eyes (2001) helped to establish him as a versatile actor and leading man.
一連串的跑龍套客串之後,1998年的《The Thin Red Line》讓他嶄露頭角,次年的《Ride with the Devil》和《Frequency》為他獲得更多知名度,2001年在《Angel Eyes》飾演Jennifer Lopez的情人,樹立他多才多藝的形象,和擔綱主角的氣場。
*對Angels Eyes有點興趣…好像有贏一個獎?
It wasn't until 2002 that Jim made his strong religious beliefs known. While filming High Crimes (2002), he refused to do any love scenes with on-screen wife Ashley Judd because it conflicted with his strong Catholic faith. It was also around this time when he was chosen by Mel Gibson to star as Jesus Christ in the upcoming, controversial film The Passion of the Christ (2004). The film went on to become one of the highest grossing movies of all-time and made Jim a household name.
2002年,他展現出他對宗教的虔誠與熱誠。拍攝《High Crimes》時,他因為信仰理由拒絕和劇中的妻子(Ashley Judd飾)拍攝任何一幕Love scene。同年,也接下Mel Gibson的耶穌受難記工作。《The Passion of the Christ》票房大賣,他的名聲也從此建立。
Off screen, Jim lives with his wife, Kerri, a school teacher whom he met on a blind date in 1993 and married in 1997 and their adopted Chinese son, Bo.
私人生活方面,妻子Kerri,是學校老師。1993年相親(blind date)認識的,1997年結婚,收養了一個中國小孩,名字叫Bo。(鮑?)
Kerri Lyn Elizabeth Browitt (20 July 1996 - present) 3 children
配偶全名:Kerri Lyn Elizabeth Browitt(真長),1996年7月20號結婚,目前有三個小孩?(好像小孩都是收養的……樣子XD) 不大在乎這種事所以就這樣過去吧。
Trivia 來看看雜事有什麼好玩的。
Grew up in a tight-knit Catholic family. His father is Jim and his mother is Maggie. He has three sisters, Ann, Amy and Erin, and one brother, Tim.
His surname is Swiss Romansch (Rhaeto-Romanic).
Met his wife, Kerri, on a blind date in 1993 orchestrated by Caviezel's sister Amy. They have adopted 3 Chinese children, Bo, Lyn and David.
Drove the pace car in the Indy 500 Race in May of 2002
玩賽車,2002年參加Indy 500 Race。
Dislocated his shoulder during the filming of The Passion of the Christ (2004).
Received an honorary degree from King's College in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, USA at their commencement on 18 May 2003. Gave a fire-and-brimstone speech based on his interpretation of Catholicism.
Pennsylvania的King's College給了他榮譽學位,因為他的天主教虔誠信仰,也有請他去演講。
Was struck by lightning during the filming of Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ (2004). Assistant director Jan Michelini was also hit (for the second time during the shoot). A crew member said "I'm about a hundred feet away from them when I glance over and see smoke coming out of Caviezel's ears."
在拍攝受難記時被閃電擊中,同被擊中的還有導演助理Jan Michelini(在拍第二次的時候)。
His co-star Elizabeth Mitchell who played his mother in Frequency (2000) said about him, "Jim is the perfect son, if I had a son like him I would be a very proud mother."
黑洞頻率裡扮演他的母親的演員Elizabeth Mitchell說:「Jim是個非常完美的兒子,如果我有個像他一樣的兒子,我會以他為榮。」
Was hand-picked by Jennifer Lopez to play the role of Catch in Angel Eyes (2001).
Jennifer Lopez指名他共同合作Angel Eyes。
Shortly after accepting the role of Jesus Christ in the Mel Gibson film, The Passion of the Christ (2004), he realized his initials were the same as that of Jesus (J.C.) and that he was the same age most historians and religious scholars claim Jesus was when he was killed (33).
Surname pronounced ka-VEE-zel.
姓氏發音:ka-VEE-zel (要拉長音的意思?)
Nearly gave up acting after struggling for so long, before he got a phone call from director Terrence Malick who directed him in The Thin Red Line (1998).
接到The Thin Red Line的導演電影之前,差點就放棄演藝之路了。
Was a waiter and did some modeling for The Gap early in his career.
早期曾當過侍者和The Gap的模特兒。
Once on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" (1992) said when asked by fans if he was Jesus Christ, he responds by saying no, but that he is the Count of Monte Cristo.
1992年上節目 "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno"時被問到是不是耶穌,他說不是,但他是基度山伯爵。XD
Was initially cast as Cyclops in X-Men (2000), but turned it down to appear in Frequency (2000).
Was seriously considered for the lead role in Superman Returns (2006). The part went to Brandon Routh.
2006的《超人》(Superman Returns)他曾經認真考慮演出主角,後來劇組找了Brandon Routh
He is a member of the Sigma Chi Fraternity.
Sigma Chi Fraternity的成員。
維基 微妙的……在北美活動,以希臘字母命名的祕密組織?
Spokesman for "Redeem the Vote," the conservative and Christian counterpart of "Rock the Vote."
Redeem the Vote(應該是宗教團體之類的)發言人。
Adopted a 5-year-old Chinese boy named Bo a girl named Lyn Elizabeth (Lele) from the Ghangzhou region and a baby boy from China named David Patrick who overcame a high stage sarcoma .
收養Bo的時候他五歲。收養最小的兒子的時候,還是小嬰兒的David Patrick生過一場重病。
Expressed great interest in the role of Superman/Clark Kent in Superman Returns (2006) but director Bryan Singer refused to cast him, insisting that Caviezel was "too famous" after The Passion of the Christ (2004).
After the success of The Passion of the Christ (2004) he was asked to be a spokesman for the Heavenly clothing line but he refused because he felt it would be an insult to people who felt that the film had something meaningful to offer.
Chosen as People Magazine's one of the Sexiest Man Alive [2004] and was stated as "The Sexiest Savior.".
2004年,在People Magazine的票選活動中被選為「Sexiest Man Alive」(最性感的男人);註解:「最性感的救世主」。
Jim's brother-in-law, Scott Linehan, is the former head coach of the NFL's St. Louis Rams (2006-2008); Jim's wife (Kerri) and Scott's wife (Kristen) are sisters.
……我不知道怎麼說這關係,妻子的姊妹的丈夫,是NFL(國家橄欖球隊聯盟) St. Louis Rams的前任首席教練。(2006~2008)。
Father Jim is a chiropractor.
While filming the whipping scene in The Passion of the Christ (2004), one of the whips missed the steel board on Jim's back and cut a 13-inch gash into his back.
Portrayed Jesus Christ a second time in the Word of Promise audio bible.
在Word of Promise的有聲聖經中為耶穌配音。
Friend of John Schneider.
John Schneider的好友。
Son Bo James Caviezel adopted from China born December 12,1999.
Daughter Lyn Elizabeth (LeLe) Caviezel adopted from China born September 25, 2001.
Son David Patrick Caviezel adopted from China born March 2010.
Has 14 nieces and nephews.
Jim Caviezel總之對我而言就是賞心悅目的存在。這樣靜靜的感覺也很好看(咦)
所以我也滿喜歡刷他的圖的,刷下來通常一串John Reese,啊,我真心非常喜愛這個角色。再怎麼狗血都沒關係真的萌點全中wwww 聲音,耍狠的方式,時不時嘴角牽起的那個微笑。偶爾露出賭氣的孩子表情。(某一集當中真的很想跟他說:好啦給你糖吃不要再嘟嘴了XDD!)
Personal Quotes
My mom's 100% Irish, and in my family we've always called acting 'blarney'.
另一個意思大概接近:巧言令色。 link
On getting thumped for being too cocky at basket ball in Junior School, he says: 'It hurt, but I said to myself I'm never going to be like that again. I was blessed to learn that early in life.'
To prepare for this role, I went into my backyard swimming pool and practiced walking on water. - Talking about The Passion of the Christ (2004) on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" (1992) (2004).
為了準備這個角色,我在我家後院的泳池練習怎麼在水上行走。--在"The Tonight Show with Jay Leno"中談到受難記時說。
這好可愛,我想到POI發表會的那個:it's OK.My wife knows I can walk on water。
默默的其實很幽默。 wwww
有多一點時間我可能會多翻一點POI的報導也不一定,但最快的方法應該是直接整套DVD收下來XDDDDD 我想看後製啊啊啊ww
這!!!!!@@ 以前有一度也好喜歡好喜歡好喜歡他,在奇摩還有家族的時代.
回覆刪除那好像是很久遠的時代啊?XDDD|||||| 對我來說想到奇摩還是家族是才剛學會用網路的時候的事情了XD
事實的確是版主的年紀比我小很多很多XDDD 我在等DVD
POI的DVD嗎?我也在等呢XDDDDD 要是台灣可以買得到的話一定會收啊!!!>w<