Jul 2010 – MENSWEAR
maybe some day will take it serious, sth like that.
Toast of the Town
向《The Town》舉杯致敬
Jeremy renner won acclaim as a reckless bomb-disposal expert in the hurt locker, and his upcoming in ben affleck's the town promises to be equally edgy. so why won't he quit his day job? by Vanessa Lawrence
前一部作品《The Hurt Locker》中飾演的暴衝拆彈專家,為Jeremy Renner贏得不少肯定掌聲,而他在最近的作品,Ben Affleck即將上映的《The Town》中,據說同樣也會是個暴衝的亮眼角色。既然已有這樣的成就,為何他還繼續當個兼職演員?
文字記者;Vanessa Lawrence
圖像攝影;photos by Matthias Vriens-Mcgrath
造型:styled by Alex Badia
Don't let his laid-back, down-home, "I'am just a dude," 'tude fool you.
Though Jeremy Renner arrives at a recent photo shoot in Los Angeles wearing worn-in gray jeans, a Led Zepplin T-shirt and a playful, boyish grin to match, put the man in a Dior Homme suit("fits like a glove off the rack") and the 39-year-old transforms into your childhood best friend who, oh, just happens to be an Oscar-nominated movie star. This dude like his Guinness with a side of Armani.
我們剛結束在洛杉磯的照片拍攝,Jeremy Renner以磨損嚴重的灰色牛仔褲,齊柏林飛船(Led Zepplin)樂團T恤來到攝影棚,配上調皮的,孩子氣的微笑,就像個大男孩。但如果為他換上Dior Homme西裝("就像量身訂作一樣合身"),這名39歲的男人會轉變為你印象中,最要好的童年玩伴,喔,而且還剛好是個獲奧斯卡提名的電影明星。這男人喜歡的格調:部分的Armani風格,配他的愛爾蘭啤酒(Guinness)。
"Oh, that's it?" he says, the disappointment evident in his voice, when the photographer snaps his last shot.
That's not to say Renner has gone completely fancy since the Academy Awards, where he was nominated in the best actor category for his leading role in the hurt locker. His daily uniform still consists of beat-up boots (an old pair form Amsterdam), a T-shirt and jeans, these days usually by Paige.
在因《The Hurt Locker》獲奧斯卡最佳男主角提名而走紅後,Renner的穿著風格並沒有完全轉向名牌。他的日常穿著依舊是磨損嚴重的舊長靴(很久以前在阿姆斯特丹買的),T恤,牛仔褲,最近的偏好是Paige牌的。
"Style to me is something that represents your personality. if you look at any of the photos (from awards season), I have an H&M shirt on with, like, a Louis [Vuitton] jacket and I probably have some shoes from Aldo,"
says the actor, "when it comes to fashion, I don't like things where it looks like you really tried." the same could be said of his on-screen appeal. Whatever considerable effort lie behind the characters he has tackled-- from serial killer Jeffery Dahmer to the villiainous Bobby Sharp in North Country--the end result is always seamlessly realized and recognizably human. Though often something of a loose cannon.
His latest role, in the Ben Affleck--directed The Town, is no exception. Base on the novel Prince of Thieves, the film, which opens in September and also stars Jon Hamm, Rebecca Hall and Blake Lively, focuses on group of professional bank robbers from Charlestown, Mass. (Though fictional, the story has a basis in fact ,as many bank robberies in Boston each year originate in Charlestown.) Affleck is Doug, a criminal with a sensitive side, while Renner is his best frined and foil, Jem, who's working through some anger and violence issues.
「穿著打扮對我來說就是表現個性的一種方式。你可以從照片裡(奧斯卡時期)看到我的穿著,H&M襯衫,配上,恩, Louis [Vuitton]的夾克,然後我想我搭配了幾雙Aldo的鞋子。」這名演員說:「我對流行的看法是,我不喜歡任何看起來像是你勉強自己去適應的東西。」
而他的螢幕演出也給人類似的感覺。他下工夫詮釋過的那些角色--從連環殺手Jeffery Dahmer到North Country中的惡棍BobbySharp--總是完美無缺的呈現出人性。雖然常常以暴衝的方式表現出來。他最近的一個角色也不例外,九月將上映,由Ben Affleck執導的《The Town》,由小說《Prince of Thieves》 改編,和Jon Hamm, Rebecca Hall,和Blake Lively共同演出,描述一群大多生長在查爾斯鎮的職業銀行搶匪的故事。(雖然情節虛構,但故事設定是有事實根據的,每年發生在波士頓的銀行搶案裡,的確有不少搶匪來自查爾斯鎮。)Alffeck飾演Doug,有一顆敏感的心的罪犯,Renner飾演他最好的朋友兼最大的敵人,Jem,一個脾氣差,總是暴衝的角色。
"There's something I've always been attracted to in wild card characters, and Jem definitely fits the bill for that,"he explains. "You just don't know what's going to happen when you see this guy on the screen, and I think that's a really exciting kind of character to play."
To prepare, Renner met with some real Charlestown vagrants--most in prison--to help him key into Jem's refusal to go straight.
"I don't think he has the capabilities or really the will to find the way out. He's not really an expansive mind kind of guy.He's just nose to the grind, does what he dose and does it well,"says Renner, whose Modesto, Calif, upbringing also helped his understanding of the part."My small town of Modesto, most people stayed there and made babies. There's not a lot of great jobs out there. So you're resigned to the small-town, raising-a-family life, which is fantastic, Myself, I left and went to a big city and pursued a big dream of being an actor. And I didn't look back."
The eldest of five children, Renner didn't always have movie-star ambitions. His parents worked at the local Mchenry bowling alley until he was eight, when they divorced and his mom moved just across the street and became a bookkeeper for Foster Farms Dairy. He descibes his hometown as "a great kind of Middle America-feeling small town", where he spent his high school years earning good grades, playing soccer and baseball and running track and jamming out with friends in a band fisrt on drums and then moveing on to songwriting, which he still does.(I think eventually I'll probably start to get really serious about recording, he says.)
身為五名兄弟姊妹中的長子,Renner並不是一開始就立下想當電影明星的目標。八歲之前,他的父母在當地的Mchenry保齡球館工作,八歲時他父母離婚,他的母親搬到對街的房子裡,並改在 Foster Farms Dairy(福斯特農場乳品)擔任會計。他以「擁有最棒的美國中部格調的小鎮」來形容他的家鄉,他在那裡讀完了高中,成績優異;踢足球、打棒球,操場上的青春,和朋友組樂團,一開始擔任鼓手,之後轉向歌曲創作,現在他依舊繼續寫歌。(我想,或許,總有一天我會認真考慮出唱片,他說。)
"[I always had]the drive to do,"recalls Renner, who, as a kid, consistently had a job, from operating a paper route to washing cars. "I just kind of had that drive to work to do things I wanted to do, I've always had a will to be curious."This extended to his time at junior college, where he studied, variously, computer science and criminology, ending up with a double major in theater and psychology. And it was there he discovered acting.
"I took this elective and it was an acting class, and then it was all over from there. And it wasn't even a question," says Renner. "In reflection, it was being able to hide in a character and explore all these feelings that I was personally having at the time that I wasn't able to explore comfortably in myself...It became a really kind of lovely playground for me, the stage. And then it became about the artistry of it, once I started purging all these feelings."
「一直都,有個聲音趨使我去做。」Renner回憶,他從孩童時期就開始打工,從送報員到洗車工都做過。「就像有個聲音叫我去打工,去做我想做的事情,我一直都喜歡多方嘗試。」這點在他的大學(Junior College)生涯也能明顯看出,他一開始主修的科目--能看出廣泛的興趣--電腦科學和犯罪學,最後變成雙主修戲劇和心理學。他對演戲的興趣也從那個時候開始。
But artistry doesn't always pay the bills, a fact that explains the seemingly limitless vocational skills that have kept Renner comfortable over the years. To earn extra cash, he's worked in fancy resorts in Maui and even as a makeup artist, a stint that strated at a Modesto mall Lancome counter and carried over to his early time in Los Angeles. He says he took the job because he enjoys painting. ("a great way to hit on chicks")
*Stint,這比較像是,恩,時薪,兼差,PT, A fixed amount or share of work allotted。(詞窮XD)
*其實我有點難想像這男人為別人化妝的樣子XDD ,但想像起來很有趣ww 而且還在Modesto時期代表應該是很年輕的時候…大學?
Even now ,after his breakout role in The Hurt Locker, he runs a house-flipping business with one of his best friends, fellow actor Kristoffer Ryan Winters, that, over the past 10 years, has had them buying, moveing into, renovating and then selling 15 homes in the Hollywood Hills area.
就連現在,在以《The Hurt Locker》獲得掌聲和知名度後,他依舊持續他的副業:和死忠好友,演員Kristoffer Ryan Winters共同合作的老屋翻修事業。他們在好萊塢郊區(Hollywood Hills area)進行這個生意有十年了,購買老屋,住進裡頭,翻修重新裝潢後再賣出去。十年來賣出了15棟房子。
*Hollywood Hills:就那個你看到山坡上列幾個大大白字:HOLLYWOOD的山坡…XD (對實際的好萊塢地理沒概念…||| 我想就是郊區的地方吧?
"This acting thing doesn't pay. We make money in real estate. And that affords me, as an actor, to not have to take things becuause I need money," explians Renner. He currently is living in a 7000-square-foot house that once belonged to Preston Sturges. "I call it fxxk-you money, "No, I don't need your goddamned moive; fxxk you, I'll go build another house with my brother" I love saying f--k you, too."
「演戲賺不了幾個錢。我們主要的經濟收入是老屋翻修工作。而這讓我可以,身為演員,可以拒絕我不想要的工作,因為我不需要擔心收入。」Renner解釋。他最近的居所是Preston Sturges的舊宅,有7000平方英呎大。「我說這是能讓我說"FUCK YOU"的收入:不,我不想拍這部他媽的電影,FUCK YOU。我大可以回去和我兄弟繼續蓋房子。我也很享受能那樣說"FUCK YOU"的感覺。」
*fuck-you money,我覺得很帥氣,但還找不到更殺的詞。原本他的話感覺最好了請看原文XD
Aside from keeping him in the green, Renner's real estate endeavors also have kept him grounded. During awards seaon earlier this year, his midconstruction digs threw a comical wrench into his routine.
"I was brushing my teeth in Starbucks because we didn't have any plumbing," he says, "I remember sleeping under painter's plastice because it was so dusty. I had to creat this tent, like Bubble Boy, around my bed. I had to put holes in it so I could breathe. It's kind of pathetic."
「我們沒有水壓,沒有水,所以我跑去星巴克刷牙。」他說:「我印象很深刻,睡在油漆工的塑膠布下頭,因為太多灰塵了。我得像電影《泡泡男孩》(Bubble Boy)那樣在我床邊搭一個帳篷,然後得在上頭鑽洞,好讓空氣進來我才能呼吸。講起來頗悲慘的。」
*Bubble Boy的劇照來一張,因為覺得很好玩(喂)↓
Or as real as it gets. Though the "I'm not changed by fame" refrain can sound pretty lame coming from other actors, in Renner's delivery, it sounds belivable.
"The fight is still the fight. The struggle is still the struggle. Two of the movies that I really wanted to do fell through and are not going to happen, " he says. "So now I'm sitting here, unemployed, smoking a cigaretter with a cup of coffee in a dusty house."
that is, until he plays his next wild card.
Though the "I'm not changed by fame" refrain can sound pretty lame coming from other actors, in Renner's delivery, it sounds believable.
結尾好帥氣www 那個點菸的動作剪影。(雖然是失業狀態但就覺得很帥(喂)
and I love that word: FUCK-YOU Money.