翻譯練習:Jeremy Renner / 2003 allbusiness.com
What’s Up With Jeremy Renner (allbusiness.com)
關於Jeremy Renner的二三事
By Mark Weathers June 19 2003
How you know him: His biggest credits to date are the well-reviewed indie Dahmer and Season Two of The It Factor. His role in the upcoming S.W.A.T. should boost his profile. He’s about to shoot the lead role in an independent film called Neo Ned, in which he plays a white supremacist who falls in love with a black woman, played by Gabrielle Union, while they’re both patients in a psychiatric ward.
目前為止,最受好評的作品是獲得高評價的獨立製片Dahmer,和實境節目The It Factor第二季。他即將上映的S.W.A.T.角色將會大大提升他的知名度。他即將在獨立製片作品Neo Ned中擔任主角,演出一名愛上黑人女孩(Gabrielle Union飾)的白人至上主義者,而他們同為精神科病人,是同一間病房的室友。
*The It Factor,維基,IMDB,總之是個綜藝節目那樣的東西,他在裡頭演他自己XD…第一季是紐約的明星們,第二季是洛杉磯的明星們。
*Neo Ned是部有趣的片…的感覺。
His first gig: It wasn’t your average acting job. “The police academy needed actors to train cadets,” Renner recalled. “I was studying criminology at the time and I figured it would be pretty cool for $50 bucks. It was a lot like Cops. They came into a house for a domestic violence call, and I was just told to fight back, so I spit at the cadets, cussed, and I even kicked one of them in the balls.” Renner continued the cadet training and theatre in San Francisco for a while before he decided it was time to move to L.A. He came with three goals: “One, to be in a film; two, to be in a film large enough to play in my hometown of Modesto; three, to get a good part where people could recognize me.” When he arrived in L.A., Renner sent out 20 headshots from a test shoot his friend had done. Four agencies responded, and after meeting with them, Renner chose Progressive Artists, even though he didn’t know anything about Hollywood at the time. “I just went with my instincts,” he said. It took Renner a year and half to accomplish his original goals?with a supporting role in National Lampoon’s Senior Trip?but recently, after nine years with Prog, he moved to the William Morris Agency. “My career is growing, and I needed to go somewhere that could create more opportunities for me,” Renner said. “There is no bad blood.”
和你能想像的一般上台表演都不一樣。「警察學院需要演員幫忙訓練學員,」Renner回憶:「我當時在警察學院學犯罪學,而我想想覺得薪水$50美金滿不錯的。和警察的訓練很像。他們接到通知家暴的電話,進到房子裡來,而我被告知負責的任務就是還手打回去。於是我對那些學員們吐口水、開口咒罵,甚至踹了某人的下體。」就這樣,他繼續一邊學習戲劇,一邊訓練學員,直到離開舊金山搬來洛杉磯。他帶著三個目標來到這裡:「一、參演一部電影;二,參演一部大到會在我的家鄉Modesto播放的電影;三、搶到一個讓人們能認識我的好角色。」剛來到洛杉磯的時候,他拿著朋友試拍的大頭照投了大約二十間經紀公司,其中有四間公司回應他,見過負責的經紀人後,Renner選擇了Progressive Artists這間公司,雖然當時他對好萊塢的認知幾乎是零。「我就,憑著直覺走。」他說。他花了一年半的時間,得到了在National Lampoon的Senior Trip中的配角演出機會,這完成他的目標了嗎?不過最近,在和Pro經紀公司合作九年後,他轉換到William Morris經紀公司。「我的事業正在成長中,我想換到能帶給我更多機會的地方。」Renner說:「本來的經紀公司並沒有任何問題。」
Holding his interest: Before making a living as an actor, Renner paid bills as a makeup artist on sets three days a week; he spent the rest of his time auditioning and taking acting classes. “I had a lot of auditions and callbacks,” he said. “I even turned down some auditions if I didn’t like the part. I never settled, because then I would feel like a whore selling my soul. I didn’t care if it was a student project or whatever, as long as I felt passionate about the part I would audition. I would ask myself, Can I learn something from the character? Is it valuable? Do I want to tell this story? I’m in acting because I want to affect somebody, mentally or emotionally, from the time they come in to when they leave.” And even though Renner had an agent, he still submitted to casting opportunities in Back Stage West. “I was a ball-breaker,” he said. “I tried to get anything I was interested in.” He paid a price for his passion: “At one point my power went out, so I was reading scripts by candlelight. I bounced my rent checks, and I was crashing on my friend’s couch.”
在當職業演員之前,Renner以當劇組化妝師賺來的錢維生,一週上三天班;其他時間則花在試鏡和上戲劇課上。「我去試鏡過很多次,也接到很多的通知電話。」他說:「我甚至拒絕掉一些試鏡機會,因為我不喜歡給那個角色的安排。我從沒妥協過,我覺得如果我妥協了,自己就和出賣靈魂的妓女差不了多少。我不在乎製作人是誰,有多少錢,是不是只是學生的獨立製片什麼的,只要那個角色讓我感興趣,我就會去試鏡。我會這樣問自己:我能從這個角色中學到什麼嗎?這值得我去做嗎?我想詮釋這個故事嗎?我演戲,是因為我希望自己能帶給觀眾感動,從頭到尾的感動--他們進入電影院坐下來,到他們離開電影院。不管是心靈上的還是情感上的。」而即使他已經有了自己的經紀人,他還是另外對西Back Stage投了履歷。「我專給自己找麻煩。」他說:「我試著參與所有我感興趣的事。」他為這份過頭的熱情付出了代價:「我的房子被斷電了,我只好點蠟燭讀劇本。我付不出租金,最後只好睡在朋友家,在他家的沙發上崩潰大哭。」
*Back Stage,娛樂業大公司,也經營雜誌等等。
Attitude adjustment: Renner said it took him almost a year until he could go into auditions with confidence. “It was so different to go from theatre to film. I had to learn intimacy, subtlety?and when I learned those I finally grew up. At first I was nervous and I would be fumbling around and shaking. But, at every audition I went into, I would find a nugget of confidence and grow from that.” He impressed one casting director so much that she kept calling him back in to help her read. “I learned a lot from doing that. Mainly I learned there are many reasons why you might not get a part. I mean, I was fired from a set once because the director didn’t want a blond, he wanted a dark-haired guy.”
Renner also kept performing in plays. “I didn’t wait on a phone call. I’ve done a lot of theatre ensembles, leads, musicals, everything?so I went back to something I have confidence in. That was huge.” A run of Search and Destroy?which filmmaker Barry Levinson liked so much he gave money to keep it running?attracted a manager, Beth Holden Garland. “I signed with her because she could provide me with more opportunities for film, which was great, because my agency dealt mostly with television,” said Renner. He believes managers are useful “only if it presents more opportunities, like mine did.” Renner also studied his craft: “I took one auditioning class because I didn’t know shit when I came out?I didn’t even know what sides were. Then I stumbled into this class taught by Julie Ariel, and I have been taking that off and on for five years. That is when I started to grow. I fell on my face at first, but I learned you have to take risks. You have to believe in what you are doing.”
Renner依舊參與舞台劇的演出。「我並不會等他們打電話給我。我參演過很多舞台劇,從配角、合作演出、主演、到音樂劇,幾乎全部了?所以我回去接我有把握的角色。那是部大戲。」演出一輪Search and Destory,那部影片製作人Barry Levinson因為太喜歡,而不斷投資支持的作品。這吸引了經理Beth Holden Garland的興趣。「我和她簽約是因為她能為我帶來更多參演電影的機會,這正是我需要的,因為我的經紀人大多處理的是電視劇方面的合約。」Renner說,他認為和經理簽約是很實用的。「當然只在它能帶來更多機會的情況下,就像我遇到的這個。」他也在這裡學習他的演員技能:「我試聽了一堂課,因為當時我啥鬼都不知道,我甚至不知道當我上台的時候要從哪一側上台。然後我這樣誤打誤撞的進了Julie Ariel的班級,之後五年來斷斷續續去上課。這是我成長的起點。一開始我跌得很慘,但之後我慢慢學會承擔失敗的風險。你得相信自己,相信你演出的角色。」
Killer role: When the chance to play serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer rolled around, Renner rose to the challenge. “For the audition I didn’t even work on the lines?they gave me 23 pages, so there was no point in even working on them. I just worked on the physical and emotional aspect of the character, like the voice, face, inflections. I jerked off to twisted shit so I could get that sick mentality. Then I went into the audition with my face buried in the lines, but I was the character so it didn’t matter. That’s a lot different than a comedy character, where you have to hit the lines and beats.”
Renner抓住機會,挑戰詮釋連續殺人犯Jeffery Dahmer。
Clearly, Renner has reached this level on his own terms, and though he’s still in his 20s, he said he’s accomplished enough that he could “die at any moment with a smile on my face,” which, he said, is success. “I had opportunities to do things that would be very successful. I could have been in a boy band, I’m not going to say which one, but you know who they are, and I passed on it. It’s harder not to sell out, but it pays off more in the end.”
*你說的是真的嗎?先生XDDDDD 咦咦咦咦咦咦!!!!!
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