翻譯練習:First Look at Edward Norton as Jeremy Renner's Enemy in 'Bourne Legacy'
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First Look at Edward Norton as Jeremy Renner's Enemy in 'Bourne Legacy'
April 18, 2012 04:10:24 GMT
Portraying an antagonist named Byer, the 'Incredible Hulk' actor is pictured standing face-to-face with Renner's Aaron Cross.
Bourne Legacy劇照:Edward Norton以Jeremy Renner的敵人身份首次亮相
"Incredible Hulk"的主角演員在照片中以對手身分Byer和Renner飾演的Aaron Cross相對峙。
A freshly released still from "The Bourne Legacy" has unveiled a first look at Edward Norton's Byer, who is the film's primary antagonist. Being unleashed via MTV News, the image shows Byer and Jeremy Renner's lead character Aaron Cross staring at each other in hatred.
"The Bourne Legacy"最新劇照出爐,由Edward Norton飾演的本片頭號敵人Byer首度亮相。劇照由MTV News釋出,照片中可見Byer和Jeremy Renner飾演的主角Aaron Cross相互瞪視對峙。
Official plot for this fourth "Bourne" movie is still kept under tight wraps. Though so, it has been revealed that Renner will be introduced as a new hero, Cross, whose life-or-death stakes have been triggered by the events of the first three films. This upcoming movie, however, won't see Matt Damon returning as Jason Bourne.
作為Bourne系列第四集,官方目前依舊對劇情細節守口如瓶。不過我們已經知道Renner會以新的主角Cross身份出場,因前三部劇情的主線陰謀而陷入生死交關的困境裡。而由Matt Damon飾演的Jason Bourne並不會出現在這部即將上映的電影裡。
During an interview with MTV, director Tony Gilroy explained the corelation between "Bourne Legacy" and its predecessors. "Everything that happened before was not a dream. Everything that happened was completely real, but you thought you knew what was going on," he said. "You thought you were seeing the world, and this movie is telling you that there's a much larger world, a much larger conspiracy beyond this."
導演Tony Gilroy在MTV的訪問裡闡述"Bourne Legacy"和前三部作品間的關聯。「之前發生的事並不是夢境,它們的確真正發生過,而你以為你了解一切,」他說:「你認為眼前所見就是真實世界,但其實你所見到的只是部分,一個更大的世界,更大的騙局的一小部分。」
"The events of the other three films are incredibly present, but they're not really in this very much. What happens in 'Ultimatum' is really the spark that's blowing open the door to this movie because the Jason Bourne story is exploding out into the public," he added. "Being impossible to conceal any further is causing problems for this much larger conspiracy. 'Ultimatum' plays in the background of the very beginning of this film."
「前三部建立了非常棒的事件架構,但不會在這部裡用到太多。"Ultimatum"(前一部,第三集)裡的事件成為觸發本作事件的導火線,Jason Bourne的存在和經歷被公諸於世。」他加上:「真正的幕後陰謀勢力再也無法粉飾太平,這問題成為燙手山芋。Ultimatum的事件會在本片一開始做為背景。」
Gilroy also discussed the difference between Jason Bourne and Renner's new character. He explained, "The great thing about Jason Bourne was that he was claustrophobically stuck down and trying to figure out this moral question. The whole second film is about an apology. It's really about this guy trying to morally come to grips with the conflict between who he thinks he is and what he's done."
Gilroy同時也談論到前三作主角Jason Bourne和Renner飾演的新主角間的差別。他解釋:「Jason Bourne作品迷人的地方就是他得在完全封閉,孤立無援的情況下思考自己身份的道德立場。第二部中心主旨完全就是展現歉意。這故事其實是關於主角如何面臨良心的維持,與他找出的身份、他做過的事情之間的對立衝突。」
"This character in this film has no moral conflict whatsoever. Jeremy Renner's character has the reverse of amnesia. He knows exactly where he's come from. He knows exactly what the stakes are if he doesn't achieve his journey. It's a very different tone, yet it will be very rewarding to people," the director continued.
「但這樣的良心衝突並不會在本作中出現。正好相反,Jeremy Renner的角色沒有失去記憶的問題。他對自己的身分非常了解,他知道如果不達成目標會得承擔什麼樣的風險。這是截然不同的表現手法,也會帶給觀眾全新的視覺享受。」導演表示。
In addition to Renner and Norton, "Bourne Legacy" stars Rachel Weisz, Oscar Isaac, Joan Allen and Albert Finney. Universal Pictures will release the action movie in the U.S. theaters on August 3.
Renner和Norton以外,參演"Bourne Legacy"的還有Rachel Wiesz, Osacr Isaac, Joan Allen和Alber Finney。環球會在8/3,於美國正式上映這部動作電影。
© AceShowbiz.com
Bourne Legacy,
Edward Norton,
Jeremy Renner
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