Low Life釋出第一版本劇照。
First Images Of Joaquin Phoenix, Jeremy Renner & Marion Cotillard In James Gray's 'Low Life'
James Gray的Low Life第一劇照釋出,主演:Joaquin Phoenix, Jeremy Renner, Marion Cotillard
記者:KEVIN JAGERNAUTH | 四月 25, 2012
The French adore James Gray. And we don't blame them one bit. With only four films to his name, he has already inspired a book dedicated his works, published by the France-based Synecdoche Books (limited to 1000 copies, but it's bilingual and features interviews with Gray and the various actors he's worked with over the years). So we're not entirely surprised that the first look for his upcoming "Low Life" (a working title) arrives not on a website, or in an American trade publication, but instead courtesy of French language newspaper Liberation, who also have the first profile of the film (and thanks to Jerome for the scans).
Starring Joaquin Phoenix, Jeremy Renner and Marion Cotillard, the project marks the first period piece for the director, but it's another New York City tale, chronicling the journey of a Polish immigrant (Cotillard) who becomes caught between a cabaret owner/pimp (Phoenix) and a magician who wants to save her (Renner). Richard Brody at The New Yorker managed to parse the paywalled article, and once again, the deeply thoughtful and intelligent Gray is touching upon a variety of fascinating influences both aesthetically and thematically for the film.
法國人深愛James Gray,對於這點我們沒有半點怨言。目前為止他只有四部電影作,但已經激發他們寫了一本書專門介紹他的作品,系列書之一,基本上以法國背景為主(書本介紹頁link)(限量一千本,英法雙語,注目重點是訪談Gray和他歷年合作的演員。)
我們對於Gray即將上映的"Low Life"(暫定名)的第一手劇照,不是在網站上釋出、也不是在美國相關媒體平台釋出,反而是刊在法語報紙 Liberation(自由報?)上並不真的非常驚訝。它們也順帶提供了第一手的影片簡介。(感謝Jerome為我們掃描圖片)
本片由Joaquin Phoenix, Jeremy Renner和 Marion Cotillard主演,它是導演第一階段的代表作,不過講述的也是紐約大城市故事,一名波蘭移民(Cotillard飾),遇上夜總會老板兼鴇母(Phoenix飾),以及試圖拯救她離開紅燈區的魔術師(Renner飾)的人生旅程。The New Yorker的Richard Brody將會在付費專欄寫詳細的講評解析。而這位思慮縝密又聰明過人的導演Gray,再一次的透過這部影片的藝術表現和主題呈現,多層次而廣泛的探討社會的巨大轉變。
Cinematographer Darius Khondji notes that the photographs by the Italian architect Carlo Mollino along with the tenor of Robert Bresson’s “Diary of a Country Priest" are serving as the template for “the perfect texture for filming the grain of the skin, and the kind of lighting which would give the ensemble a sort of religious aspect.” Paintings by Everett Shinn and George Bellows are also reference points for the look of the film. But while his previous efforts are indebted to Italian neo-realist films, the author of the Liberation article notes that this time around, Gray is visually attempting "to distance himself from the formal realism of his previous films in order to seek out the element of myth."
攝影師Darius Khondji表示他們在影片中取景義大利建築師 Carlo Mollino的作品,
配樂取自男高音Robert Bresson的"Diary of a Country Priest"(鄉村牧師的日記)
以這樣的基調呈現「完美的肌膚質感,打上能襯托出宗教氛圍的燈光」。劇中的畫師Everett Shinn和George Bellows也是本片的相關注目焦點。
When we spoke with Gray last month, he indicated that his own family history played a part in shaping the story and it's something he elaborates on here. His great-grandfather ran a bar during the 1920s, when the film is set, with Gray saying, “The bar was supposedly frequented by a whole bunch of gangsters, bohemians, and eccentrics, and my great-aunt often spoke to me about a certain Max Hochsten, who was the local pimp.”
他的曾祖父在1920年代時也開了間酒吧,當影片開拍時,Gray說:「酒吧的常客大多是幫派份子、流浪的波西米亞人、特立獨行的怪咖們,而我的曾祖阿姨最常告訴我那個核心掌權者(certian Max Hochsten),一個當地皮條客,的故事。」
*max Hochsten,猜可能是「最高勢力」還是什麼核心掌權者的東西?
All told, this is easily one of our most anticipated films of the year. Gray himself told us just before he started editing, "I think it's going to be my best work. What I shot was not just my best work, but the actors doing their best and I'm very excited about it for that reason." He's currently in the midst of a 15-week editing schedule, and a Venice or TIFF premiere is looking likely. Until then, check out these images of what he's got brewing.
我一直在想Low Life這個片名能找到什麼對應字詞。