照片很好看,是之後要上映的THE BOURNE LEGACY的劇照。
總而言之,everything about love。
cover stars
Jeremy Renner終於能一展身手
這些元素組成這個人:平凡的建築工作,培育迷你羊,神經質的把自己逼上極限,低調的兩次奧斯卡獎(Academy Award)提名。二十年來的堅持努力,這名演員現在為自己在動作大片中掙得一席之地(不可能的任務--詭影行動MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE—GHOST PROTOCOL,復仇者聯盟 THE AVENGERS,神鬼認証4THE BOURNE LEGACY)。
記者:Adam Sachs, 攝影:Norman Jean Roy
"Puppy woke me up at the crack of ass," says Jeremy Renner, apologizing for his midday grogginess. It's a gray, wet Saturday in New York City, and we're looking for coffee. He and his dog are holed up at a downtown hotel as he shoots The Bourne Legacy, the rogue-agent tetralogy's latest (and notably Matt Damon-less) installment. "Judo throws," he answers when I ask about his raw, busted-up fingers, which look like melted wax. He's been training hard to get his 40-year-old body ready for the action sequences. This is his first day off in weeks, and despite the combat fatigue and apparent hangover, he's eager to get going. "What else would I be doing?" he says, grinning. "Sleeping, probably."
「我剛被狗從一團糟中吵醒。」Jeremy Renner一邊說,一邊為他還沒完全從午睡中清醒而道歉。這是紐約灰色濕冷的星期六,而我們正在尋找咖啡。他正在拍攝The Bourne Legacy,狠角色特工Bourne系列的最後一集(而代表演員Matt Damon並未參演),除了工作就是他的狗和城市旅館房間。
「柔道訓練。」當我問到他手指的擦傷時,他這麼回答。傷口皮開肉綻,看起來像融化的蠟。40歲的年紀,為了能演好本片的動作場景,他正在接受嚴格的訓練,今天是幾週以來他的第一個假日,而僅管明顯能看出因為訓練疲憊不堪,他依舊熱心參與訪談,催促我們盡快開始。「不然我還能幹麻? 」他笑笑:「睡覺吧,大概。」
Renner grew up with a pygmy goat named Sugar. He's the oldest kid, with four siblings who range in age from 37 years to 4 months. He and his best friend (the actor Kristoffer Winters, whom he also confusingly refers to as "my brother") run a successful side business renovating houses. Sometimes he lives in the houses during construction, often without such bourgie comforts as electricity and indoor plumbing. Disciplines he's studied include but are not limited to: world religion, sociology, criminology, Filipino stick fighting, and Muay Thai martial arts. Previous professions: ski instructor, professional makeup artist. He has taught himself to be unafraid of sharks. He has dined with Colin Powell and has regularly basked in the praise of such luminaries as Sean Penn—but about the only time he's found himself starstruck was when he met Cesar Millan, TV's Dog Whisperer. He is, by turns, cut-the-bullshit intense and just-fucking-with-you funny. He's religiously unsentimental ("I don't give a shit about the past") and unabashedly devoted to his cream-colored miniature French bulldog, Franklin.
Renner和名字叫糖果(Sugar)的侏儒羊一起長大。家中長子,四名兄弟姊妹,最大的37歲,最小的4個月。他和最好的朋友(演員Krisoffer Winters,偶爾他會暱稱"我的兄弟",而我會搞混)合伙老屋翻新建築事業,成績不錯。偶爾他會住在建築工地裡,離開文明世界的舒適,沒水沒電。他鑽研過的學科廣泛跨界:世界宗教,社會學,犯罪學,菲律賓棍棒博擊術(Filipino Stick Fighting),泰拳(Muay Thai martial arts)。領過証照的有:滑雪教練,職業化妝師。他要求自己絕不對惡勢力低頭。和四星上將Colin Powell共進晚餐過,受到Sean Penn等名流的賞識--但唯一一個讓他崇拜的是Cesar Millan,電視上懂狗語的培訓員。訪談中,他的反應就兩種態度:"廢話少說"的直白尖銳,和"只是想惡搞"的調皮。神經大條是他的信仰(「我根本不鳥那些過去」),並且光明正大展現出對他的奶白色法國迷你牛頭梗Franklin的熱愛。
These are some of the facts that you may collect in your net while standing in the riptide current that is a casual conversation with Jeremy Renner. There are many others that swim by too quickly to catch (what was that about playing with C-4 explosives?).
I'm not saying the dude is weird. I'm saying he contains multitudes. I'm saying he is interesting. Complex. Resolutely present when he talks. Willing to go wherever the conversation takes him. Fearless and frank. When he gets going on the psychology of pygmy goats ("They're all of 12 pounds, but they believe they're a 2,000-pound bull—they'll head-butt you and stare you down like, 'What's up, motherfucker?!'"), you are roped in and down for going halfsies on a herd of the nubbly runts.
There's something compellingly unusual about a guy who's been a working actor for two decades—working but struggling—and then rather suddenly finds himself a leading man with his pick of major franchises. Here he is jumping off buildings opposite Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible—Ghost Protocol. Next he's leathered up as the arrow-slinging Hawkeye in the Joss Whedon–helmed superhero supergroup The Avengers, alongside Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), and Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury). Then he's out for vengeance in the just-wrapped action comedy Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters. "That was a blast," Renner says. "It's 15 years later and they're pissed off. They're bounty hunters killing witches for a living!"
對一個在演員這行打滾掙扎,風風雨雨二十年的人來說,突然竄紅進入一線圈子裡,是非常不簡單的事。先在Mission: Impossible—Ghost Protocol(不可能任務4--詭影行動)裡看Tom Cruise跳下屋頂,接著穿上皮衣,彎弓搭箭在Joss Whedon掌鏡的超級英雄聯盟Avengers(復仇者)裡出演鷹眼,合作的演員有Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), 以及Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury),接著他在才拍板定案的動作喜劇Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters 裡再步上復仇的道路。
As we settle into a dark booth at Pete's Tavern, an agreeably ancient and grotty bar near Union Square, some girls at the bar shout at Renner: "Hey, you, I like your stuff!" Really, that's what they say. Renner gives a friendly wave.
He has been nominated for Academy Awards twice—earlier this year as the murderous mad-dog townie Jem in 2010's The Town and last year for his breakout role as Sergeant First Class William James of the Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit in The Hurt Locker. And before that . . . well, before that he was on an ABC detective show called The Unusuals. It lasted half a season. And even if you'd admired his portrayal of the tortured, torturing killer in 2002's Dahmer, you wouldn't have predicted this for him. You wouldn't have predicted that at 40 years old his dance card would suddenly fill up. You wouldn't have predicted that he'd be playing the lead in the next incarnation of the Jason Bourne films even though his name isn't Matt Damon and a couple of years ago nobody would have recognized his name at all.
他獲奧斯卡提名兩次--今年稍早以The Town中的殺人瘋狗城鎮居民Jem,去年是The Hurt Lokcer裡讓人驚豔的拆彈部隊上士William James。再之前…恩,再之前他參演了ABC電視台警探劇只活了半季的The Unusuals。而即使他在2002的Dahmer演的那個神經病殺人狂就相當出色令人讚嘆,也無法想像他會走到今天這步。無法想像他會在40歲的時候爆紅行程約滿。無法想像他會主演Jason Bourne系列的最後一集,即使他的名字不是Matt Damon,而再早個幾年,根本沒有人知道他的名字。
It's not supposed to happen this way.
"It is not normal," he says, chewing on each word, an actor fine-tuning a line. "It's not normal," he says again, trying to find the right cadence. "It is . . . not normal."
With that sorted, he orders eggs Benedict and a third coffee. Last night he'd been on stage with the Black Eyed Peas, speaking to a 60,000-strong Central Park audience on behalf of the Robin Hood Foundation. Afterward, he'd run into former heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis ("A monster of a man! That was pretty cool"), then stayed up into the morning at the hotel bar. The "Hey, you" girls shuffle up to the booth and ask if Renner will pose for a picture. He will. They went to Boston College and are, they drunkenly explain, plotting a new kind of social-networking website that's going to change the world. They ask Renner if he's on Facebook. He is not.
他在二杯咖啡之後點了班尼迪克蛋(長得很好吃的樣子)和第三杯咖啡。昨晚他參與了Robin Hood基金舉辦的黑眼豆豆(Black Eyed Peas)演唱會,在中央公園,對著60000名以上的觀眾。之後他遇到前任重量級拳擊冠軍Lennox Lewis(「拳擊手中的怪物!酷斃了!」),兩人在旅館吧台聊到天亮。剛剛說「嘿!」的女孩們晃過來包廂這裡,問Renner是否願意拍照。他答應了。她們帶著酒意自介是波士頓大學(Boston College)的學生,正在研發新的社交網站,希望改變世界。她們問Renner是否有Facebook,他回答沒有。
"It's pretty interesting," he says of the whole serendipitous and charmed new non-normalcy of being Jeremy Renner. In the old days a Renner birthday party wouldn't have had the star power (and tabloid attention) that his 40th did. Scarlett Johansson was there at his rambling Hollywood Hills house, as was Leonardo DiCaprio, seen getting close with Blake Lively, and Christina Aguilera, who may or may not have fallen asleep drunk in Renner's bed. (The gossips said she did; he told Jimmy Kimmel she was just "hanging out . . . eating cookies and milk.")
「其實非常有意思。」他對這樣意外的走紅發表感想。之前他的生日宴會並不會受到名人(或狗仔隊)的關注,而他的四十歲生日趴就不一樣了。Scarlett Johansson在他的好萊塢房子小道上漫步,李奧納多狄卡皮歐( Leonardo DiCaprio)也在場,看上去和Blake Lively感情變好了。還有Christina Aguilera,可能,也可能沒有醉倒在他床上的人。(八卦說她醉倒在他床上,而Renner在上Jimmy Kimmel脫口秀的時候說她只是「來晃晃……吃了些餅乾,喝了杯牛奶」)
"I feel blessed to be working these past 20 years in this business," Renner says. "But when The Hurt Locker came around, it became another thing. And all it was is opportunity. I've been waiting for a role like that for a long time." One of the reasons to cheer for a guy like Renner is his determination to wait it out, keep his head down, and do the work. Waiting for roles that would challenge and matter to him (while paying the bills by fixing houses and doing the odd TV spot for 7-Eleven ham-and-cheese Bakery Stix). Waiting even when there wasn't any reason to hope it might pay off. "I wasn't getting any sign that said, 'This is gonna turn out amazing for you,'" he says. "I wasn't super-happy being so poor. Eating on $10 a month—probably not very good for you. But I loved what I was doing. Not every actor gives their life to do this job. Some just do it as a job. Well, it's my life."
「過去二十年的每一項工作機會都是給我的恩賜。」Renner說:「但The Hurt Locker是截然不同的一回事。它是個機會。是我長久以來一直等待的角色。」Renner自我激勵的一項方式,是默默堅持下去,埋首工作,等待時機。等待那個帶來挑戰和意義的角色(一邊用幫人家蓋房子和為7-11火腿起士麵包棒拍奇怪的電視廣告維持生活)。就算看上去全無希望也毫無回報的可能,還是繼續等。「當時根本看不出"有一天生活會變得美好無比"」他說:「我一窮二白的生活並不是過得很快樂,一個月,十塊美金的餐費。或許聽起來不甚理想。但我愛我選擇的生活。並不是每個演員都會選擇把他們的人生全部投入演藝事業裡,有些人只是把它單純當工作看待。但對我來說,這是我的人生。我的生活。」
*7-11火腿起士麵包棒是個很爛的翻法但我也想不出來其他什麼翻法了= =+
The hands-on physicality of rebuilding those houses always served as a hedge against the uncertainty of a career in the fickle movie business. "Me and my brother"—meaning Winters—"would tinker around, and then someone would pay us twice what we put into it. So when I walked into an audition, I could just think about: 'Can I contribute to this movie? If not, fuck it, I'll go build a house,'" he says. "Building a house is like producing a movie. There's no right way to do it but a lot of wrong ways. You have to be flexible and creative. You have to move fast, be prepared—or it quickly becomes costly. These sound like life lessons. It's certainly affected how I approach my life."
Since The Hurt Locker, he hasn't had much time for renovations. Life, he said, has splintered into five-minute chunks, with people lined up, each wanting a little bit of his time. "It's a wonderfully high-class problem to have," he says. "All these people want you to be in their movie. Or work with you. Or maybe they want to kick you in the balls. Half the time I don't know. But it's better than wondering if I have to write a play and direct it myself just to get that next job."
在The Hurt Locker讓他走紅之後,他就沒有什麼時間在建築工作上了。他說,他的生活以五分鐘為單位,被切割成片段,每個人排隊想分走其中之一。「這是美好的,高級的,麻煩。」他說:「每個人都希望把你拉進他們的電影,或和你合作,或他們想要擺你一道。大多時候我不確定他們想幹麻。不過這的確比想著我是不是得自編自導一部劇來當自己的下一個工作還要好。」
Now he's got work lined up into next year. Armchair casting directors are eager to place him in future Mission: Impossible films, hoping that his character, Brandt, rises from Cruise sidekick to inherit the franchise. Renner's not so sure. "Other people can think ahead all they want," he says. "I just focus on the task at hand and try to move on." Despite the physical fun (and hefty paydays) that comes with big action series, he wants to keep doing the smaller, more personal films he's always enjoyed. "I'm blessed to have cool roles in these big movies. Because nothing against Transformers, but thank God I don't have to do a monologue to a robot. I don't know how Shia, God bless him, does that."
Some life turns demand specialized advice: "I had to ask Charlize Theron, a very good friend, about going through an Academy Award campaign. She told me to take it moment by moment. Don't fucking freak out, just have fun."
而當需要專業的意見參考時,「我會求助於 Charlize Theron,非常好的朋友,在競爭奧斯卡獎的時候,她告訴我一步一步慢慢來,不要他媽被嚇倒。放鬆享受它就好了。」
From his pal Colin Farrell, he learned to look everyone in the eye, treat everyone as an equal, and try not to let the whole nuttiness overwhelm him. "Colin had an interesting trajectory," he says. "Not too dissimilar to what's been happening to me, but he was much younger. He had five movies come out in one year. He exploded, then sort of imploded. One night I was talking with him—mind you, with some drinks in us—and he said, 'I look at it this way: I could fucking always go back to Ireland and drink my fucking Guinness anytime.' I hold on to that."
而他從他的好伙伴Colin Farrell那裡學到的是,把每個人當做和自己平起平坐來看待,並且試著不要讓這個瘋狂的世界吃掉他。「Colin的經歷很有意思,」他說:「和我現在碰上的很相似,只是他發生的比我早得多。他在一年內拍了五部電影。幾乎是爆炸了,之後某種程度來說有點崩潰。某天晚上我和他聊天--當然,喝了點酒--他說,『我這樣看:我可以隨時他媽的丟下這一切,回去愛爾蘭喝他媽的Guinness啤酒。』那也是我想堅持的態度。」
What's fun for Renner, what's sustaining, are the gigs themselves: "This is the vacation. Work is trying to get a damned job. I skip to set every day."
While he is nimble and strong, it is pretty much impossible to imagine Renner skipping anywhere. There is a tenacious (non-miniature) bulldog quality about the man. His are not standard-issue movie-star looks. Instead he seems sturdily constructed out of familiar but disparate sources of American masculinity: There is the Eminem pout; a meaty, De Niro–esque bull-nostriled proboscis; the hooded, watery, fuck-or-fight eyes of Robert Mitchum. It's the veiled sparkle of the eyes that accounts for the disquieting directness. It can put you at ease or make you uncomfortable. Renner knows his unpredictability keeps audiences on their toes: "'Do I hate him? Do I like him? Do I want to fuck him or kill him? What the fuck is this guy?'" That essential uneasiness is, he says, a conscious part of his own brand, the key element he looks for in a character. The role of Jem, in The Town, was, he says, a perfect example: a bad guy who's all the more interesting for being disconcertingly likable.
幾乎無法想像這樣一個強壯又靈敏的人單腳跳的樣子。這男人的氣質有點類似鬥犬(不是小型品種的)。他的長相並不符合電影明星的標準,相對的,他擁有你熟悉的美國男人的陽剛,但和傳統的那種粗獷截然不同:Eminem式緊抿的唇;肉感的,De Niro式的鼻子;Robert Mitchum式的半瞇的迷濛眼睛,和像隨時能幹一場架的眼神。總能從他直接銳利的眼神隱約讀到殺氣。那樣的坦率讓你覺得輕鬆,但也帶來壓迫感。Renner深深了解他以黑馬的姿態殺出會帶來觀眾的高度關注:「我討厭這傢伙嗎?我喜歡這傢伙嗎?我想幹掉他還是殺了他?這傢伙他媽的是誰啊?」這些帶來不安的基本元素,他說,是他腦袋裡讓自己維持清醒的聲音,也是他用來探索角色的關鍵。在The Town裡的角色Jem就是個很好的例子:一個複雜的,同時是壞人但也同時讓人喜愛的傢伙。
*說得很正確啊當我看到Bourne Legacy 的評論的時候…
Renner grew up in Modesto, California. His parents split when he was 8, both remarrying twice, the family growing every few years. He changed schools every year but says there was a lot of love, if not stability, in his home life. "I was a pretty happy kid," he says. "Fairly shy and happy, but underneath there were some other things going on." At 18, he took an acting class at Modesto Junior College and knew he'd found his outlet. "It became this very therapeutic thing because I got to express feelings I couldn't have otherwise. I got into the artistry of it, then studied psychology and human behavior. I really dug being an observer."
When he moved to Los Angeles in 1993 and got his first break in movies (Senior Trip), he fell in love with the closeness of the medium, telling stories through controlled gestures. "The smallest little thing or the fucking stillest nothing can reveal a whole lot. For whatever reason, I have a scary resting face," he admits with a pursed grin. "Stillness can be pretty interesting."
1993年他來到洛杉磯,拍了第一隻電影(Senior Trip),深深愛上片場給他的感覺,接近拍攝器材,安排設計好動作,拼成一個故事。「任何一個小細節,甚至一個他媽的靜止不動的畫面,也能透露很多故事。我沒有表情的時候看起來很兇,我也說不上為什麼。」他微笑承認這一點,「靜止不動的時候可以看出很多有意思的東西。」
Tom Cruise is unrestrained in his praise for the interestingness of the latest addition to the Mission: Impossible team: "Here he is, he's a musician, he's interested in design, he's got a curiosity about life, and he's just, in every way, an incredible dramatic actor." For good measure, Cruise adds, Renner is "dynamic and an amazing athlete and very graceful with his action."
Tom Cruise對他為MI團隊帶來的最新樂趣讚不絕口:「他是個音樂家,他對設計著迷,對生活充滿好奇,而從各方面來說,他都是個好到不可思議的戲劇演員。」他加上對武打戲的正面評價:「Renner是個活力充沛的,讓人驚豔的武打演員,武打動作非常好看。」
Still, it's hard to picture him skipping. "A funny thing happened when we were shooting in Dubai," Cruise says. He discovered that Renner has a little jig he does when he gets nervous, a spazzy little dance to loosen himself up. "I can't even describe the Renner Stretch. He's got a copyright on the Renner Stretch. I laughed so hard when he did it for me. I said this has gotta go in this movie. I said you gotta show [director Brad] Bird. You gotta show Bird! It's gotta go in right before this tunnel sequence we do. So it's in the movie. I don't think I could do the Renner Stretch justice, but he's an actor who's not afraid to do that and go there."
「我們在杜拜拍攝的時候,好玩的事情發生了。」Cruise說,他注意到Renner只要緊張就會做出小小的單腳跳動作,跳笨笨的搞笑舞蹈來讓自己放鬆。「Renner式的伸展操,其實我不能隨便提的,他有專利的。當他跳給我看的時候我笑到不行。我說這一定得用在電影裡。我說你應該讓Bird(導演Brad Bird)看看這個,你真的該給他看看!現在就把它排進我們的拍攝行程裡。我很難對Renner伸展操下評語,但他真的是個沒有任何極限也樂意挑戰任何極限的演員。」
「我們在杜拜拍攝的時候,好玩的事情發生了。」Cruise說,他注意到Renner只要緊張就會做出小小的單腳跳動作,跳笨笨的搞笑舞蹈來讓自己放鬆。「Renner式的伸展操,其實我不能隨便提的,他有專利的。當他跳給我看的時候我笑到不行。我說這一定得用在電影裡。我說你應該讓Bird(導演Brad Bird)看看這個,你真的該給他看看!現在就把它排進我們的拍攝行程裡。我很難對Renner伸展操下評語,但他真的是個沒有任何極限也樂意挑戰任何極限的演員。」
When Renner says he's given up his life for his job, this is what he means: "I never dated, because I couldn't afford to date. I didn't even have electricity. You try to put a positive spin on it, like, 'Hey, this is so sexy—look at all these candles!' But I loved what I was doing. The sacrifices I made in personal relationships had the biggest effect on my life. Even now, any woman would take a No. 2 seat to my job."
His longest relationship lasted five and a half years. That was in his twenties. Marriage was off the table because he couldn't see himself as a solid provider. Or, as he puts it, "'What the hell are you doing next week, motherfucker, let alone 40 years from now? And are you willing to wipe my ass when we get old?'"
We've moved from coffees to Guinness and Bloody Marys and from Pete's Tavern to the bar at Renner's hotel, where he checks on Franklin.
我們離開Pete's酒館,來到Renner的旅館酒吧,點了Guinness啤酒和血腥瑪麗(Bloody Mary),他則看看愛犬Franklin好不好。
我們離開Pete's酒館,來到Renner的旅館酒吧,點了Guinness啤酒和血腥瑪麗(Bloody Mary),他則看看愛犬Franklin好不好。
He's not seeing anyone now: "There've been a handful of girls over the last years. But it's been very difficult. How does it go any further?
"I have a wonderful life, but it means nothing if it cannot be shared. That's all I'm missing right now. It's a little unbalanced for me. Right now the only thing consistent in my life is that little dog. That's why I got it. I was getting really lonely. I needed somebody or something to be there with me through the whole journey."
It's not surprising that in Renner's dating vacuum, the worst bottom-feeding websites have suggested there's something more to his relationship with his pal and sometime housemate Winters. The unwanted attention nauseates him, even as he understands its causes. "I don't pay attention to that horseshit. Build 'em up to bring 'em down?" he says of celebrity culture. "I'm not going on that train, my son. I'm not going on that train. I'll walk. I'll take a bike." He lets out a laugh that sounds like a lawn mower starting up. "I'd rather just not be popular."
The Renner Frankness is like the Renner Stretch: He's not afraid to go there, do that. One reason is he's spent two decades outside the glare of public attention, shining an unforgiving light on himself: Every year he draws a Life Awareness Chart. An actual, written annual reckoning of how he's spent his time (work, family, friends, singing in bars, skin-diving with tiger sharks, whatever), annotated with notes about what needs to be cut out or improved. "I love it, and it's fucking hard," he says of his brutally honest self-evaluation. "Being conscious in life is hard. It's easy to be unconscious, to be drunk and a lot of things. I want to be those things! But I've been cursed with the desire to get aware . . . Goddammit!"
Kathryn Bigelow, who won Best Director and Best Picture Oscars for The Hurt Locker, told me she's always impressed by the choices Renner makes: "It says a lot about what drives him as an actor. He's taken some extremely challenging roles and confronted them head-on. That takes a kind of fearlessness that translates on screen, and the results are astonishing."
Kathryn Bigelow,The Hurt Locker導演,也因本片得到奧斯卡最佳導演和最佳攝影獎。告訴我Renner總能做出讓她印象深刻的選擇:「那表現出讓他當演員的動力。他總是接下最有挑戰性的角色,面對它們,推動它們。這需要某種程度的勇氣才能成功詮釋這些角色,而他的表現總是讓人驚豔。」
Brad Bird, the Mission: Impossible director (and Oscar-winning writer and director of the animated blockbusters Ratatouille and The Incredibles), tells a story about the tension during shooting: "There's a scene where several team members are in each other's faces. It was exhausting. Jeremy was getting really pissed off because it was hard to stay at that pitch. He screwed a line up and went, 'Yearrggggghhhhh!' and let out a bunch of expletives and just said, 'Let's go, let's just go!' And he was fantastic because all of his frustration came through. I said, 'I know you hate me right now, but that's probably going to wind up in the film.' And it did."
Brad Bird,MI的導演(得過奧斯卡獎的劇作家,知名動畫作品Ratatouille料理鼠王和 The Incredibles驚奇四超人的導演),告訴我們在拍攝期間發生的緊張小插曲。「拍某一幕的時候,劇組的成員分別持不同的意見,那就像個折磨,能明顯看出Jeremy已經被惹毛了,因為要達到標準非常困難。他講錯了台詞,然後『呀啊啊啊啊啊!』大叫,咒罵幾句,然後再轉回來說『來吧我們繼續,就繼續!』他後來度過了這一關,並且表現得非常漂亮。我告訴他:『我知道你現在恨我,但當影片拍出來你就不會了。』而果真如此。」
Harnessing the tension, pushing through the setbacks, keeping things interesting to keep himself engaged—this is the Jeremy Renner Story. It was what he did before his mid-career ascension to the major leagues. And you get the feeling it's what he'll do long after the star-making machine has anointed someone new.
調適好緊張的心情,排除障礙,保持把工作看成有趣的事的視界,讓他自己能持續全心投入其中--這是Jeremy Renner的故事。他在被提升到一線演員前,就是這樣的態度。而他讓你覺得他在走紅之後,還是會一直這樣保持下去。
"The thing I feel very, very blessed about is that what makes me feel good about my job is also what audiences and directors seem to like. I'll do things that people don't like and that's fine. I just want to continue to work and, if I get the opportunity, swing for the fences." He pokes me in the arm. "I'm not gonna go for a single. I'm not gonna go for a layup," says Renner, cocking a smile, looking like he's going to either hug me or slug me. "I'm gonna slam-dunk that motherfucker—that is the intent."