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頭髮長度微妙XDDD 但服裝我覺得還滿帥的w
11/17 補Rebecca提供的短篇新聞訪談。>w< 以很快的速度大概翻譯。
Jeremy Renner says he's following Jon Hamm's footsteps to host 'SNL'
跟隨Jon Hamm的腳步,Jeremy Renner擔任本週SNL主持人
報導: Mandi Bierly
Jeremy Renner won’t say whether any of his famous costars will assemble in New York for cameos when he hosts Saturday Night Live for the first time this weekend, but he will say that one has long encouraged him to do the show.
Jeremy Renner本週末將會主持熱門娛樂節目《Saturday Night Live》(週六夜現場),他不肯透露和他會不會邀請合作過的影星擔任特別來賓,但他告訴我們是誰一直鼓勵他上這個節目的。
“I remember Jon Hamm [who starred opposite Renner in The Town] mentioned it to me after he did it. He said it’s something that I might really, really like doing, and that was some years ago,” Renner told EW on Thursday, after shooting a round of promos with musical guest Maroon 5 and Fred Armisen.
「我記得,幾年前,Jon Hamm(和Renner在《The Town》中合作過,飾演對立方的演員)在上節目之後就對我提議了,他說這是那種我會非常、非常喜歡參與的節目。」週四他和音樂來賓Maroon 5以及Fred Armisen拍攝節目預告短片,我們(EW)在拍攝後訪問Renner,他這麼告訴我們。
*Jon Hamm:IMDB
“I finally had the moment where they wanted me [and my schedule worked], and I was really, really happy about it, I suppose. It’s terrifying, I guess,” he admits, with a laugh. “It’s a great honor. It’s just one of those things where for me, as an actor, I feel like I’ve hit really interesting milestones in life, from just working and doing a movie that people see, to then getting nominated for an Academy Award. And then you do the cover of a magazine, and that’s always kind of an interesting, weird thing. And then you host SNL, and it’s a whole ‘nother interesting plateau. It’s a beautiful thing. I’m glad to be a part of it.”
*拍雜誌是always kind of an interesting, weird thing是什麼形容XDDDD
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: As you’ve mentioned, you have friends who’ve hosted before. Who did you ask for advice, and what was the best tip you’ve received?
JEREMY RENNER: I talked to Jon Hamm about it. He didn’t really go into too much advice. He was just saying, like, “Dude, you gotta do it. Just go have fun and be a jackass. You’ll be great.” I’m like, “Okay, that sounds great.” And then I worked with Adam McKay [a producer on Renner's next film, Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters, due Jan. 25], who was a writer during the Will Ferrell years. We talked, and he gave me a little bit more advice. And then when I got here, everybody’s been so generous with their time, and thoughts, and feelings, just saying like, “Don’t worry about it. This is what’s gonna happen…” The whole cast has been really wonderful.
Renner:我和Jon Hamm討論過。他沒給什麼建議,就只是像這樣說,「兄弟,你得好好做這件事。就上台去,放手去玩,耍耍白痴搞笑。你會表現得很精彩的。」我說:「喔好啊,聽起來滿不錯的。」
然後我和Adam Mckay(Renner的下一部電影作品《Hansel & Gretel》的製作人)討論了一下,他在Will Ferrell的喜劇當紅時代曾經擔任編劇。和他的對談裡我得到多一點建議。再來,我來到攝影棚,劇組的大家都很樂意把他們的時間分給我,和我分享想法還有他們的感覺,他們說:「別擔心,告訴你接下來會是這樣這樣……」這裡,我有非常棒的合作卡司。
*Jon Hamm你那個說法是,只要把Renner推上台去然後一切就大功告成了嗎XDDD (其實我也覺得他本色演出就夠了,Renner哪隻訪談不好笑的XDDD?
*順道提一下Will Ferrell有演這部,The Campaign《官賤對決》
You’ve said you’re a huge fan of the show, but you didn’t come in with any requests or specific ideas in mind.
I think in hindsight, after this is all said and done, I probably would have come in with more specific things, but I don’t know what those are. That’s just not where my head’s been sitting, in sketch world. Maybe if you give me four drinks, I’d have those characters, whatever those little bits are. But it’s not my job. It’s not what I think about. If this were to ever happen again, I’d probably think about those things — like, oh wait, this might be something fun to do. Let’s explore this sort of character. But I’m just wide open to it. See what happens. Let the pros do what they do, and I’ll just follow their lead. During some of the read-throughs Wednesday, I was reading [sketches] for the first time, and I had to stop, like, what are you guys smoking? It’s tremendous. [Laughs] Where do they come up with this stuff? They’re geniuses.
*What are you guys smoking→特效藥那句原句是這樣,問說你們抽什麼樣的菸。我意譯了(揍)是說抽菸真的可以幫助思考嗎XDDD|||||| Renner你XDDD
I know you won’t tease any sketches, but is there anything you’ve discovered you’ve taken well to this week comedy-wise? It’s not a side of you most people have seen before.
I have no idea what I do well. With anything in life. [Laughs] I’m a pretty good sleeper.
So you’ll consider this experience a success if…
If I don’t die. If I come out of it feeling that I was able to help them have a good show. If I felt like I did my part. I feel like we’re all a team here on this thing, you know. You want to feel good at the end of it. I mean, I expect to screw up. I expect other people to screw up. I’m not worried about that. I’m kind of excited for that. But to get through the chaos of it all, and still come out like, we did it, we got through it, we got to the end and the finish line.
在我生活中的這一面,我不知道我擅長什麼。(笑) 喔,我很擅長隨時睡著!
*If I don't Die!!!喂!!!!!XDDD
* I want to be a pretty good sleeper, too, Mr. Renner....XDD
Modesto native Renner to host 'Saturday Night Live'
記者 Ken Carlson ;2012/11/1 週四報導
He's a comic-book character, he's an action figure and now Jeremy Renner will be "Live from New York."
Modesto native Renner, who has appeared recently in "The Bourne Legacy" and "The Avengers," will host NBC's long-running "Saturday Night Live" on Nov. 17.
他在大螢幕上飾演漫畫人氣角色,他是炙手可熱的最新動作英雄,而現在,你即將在紐約電視台的直播節目看到Jeremy Renner啦!Modesto土生土長,最近參演熱門電影《The Bourne Legayc》和《The Avengers》的Renner,本月17號會主持NBC電視台長紅的直播節目「週六夜現場」(Saturday Night Live)。
According to a blog on the show's Web site, Renner was a popular pick from an online feature in which SNL fans post or Tweet host suggestions. The film star will make his SNL hosting debut along with four-time musical guest Maroon 5.
該節目的官網接受網友留言或以推特推薦主持人人選,而Renner是熱門被提名人之一。Renner主持的這次音樂特別來賓是魔力紅(Maroon 5),這是魔力紅第四次上節目。
*Maroon 5主唱Adam Levine;大,帥,哥。雙手刺青帥,輪廓深,很man,身材又好。
"I know he is excited about it," said Valerie Cearley, his mother. "I'm excited because it is something we have always wanted him to do. … It is great exposure."
「我知道他對於參加這個節目很興奮,」他的母親Valerie Cearley這麼說:「我也很興奮,因為這是我們一直希望他能做這樣的表演……能登上那個大舞台。」
NBC's announcement Wednesday filled out the November lineup of SNL hosts in the wake of Hurricane Sandy's destruction across the Northeast. Anne Hathaway will host the Nov. 10 show, which will feature musical guest Rihanna. Comedian Louis CK is the host this week.
東北地區這幾天正逐漸從Hurricane Sandy颶風造成的災情中復甦;NBC在週三釋出十一月份「週六夜現場」的主持人和來賓名單。11/10主持人是Anne Hathaway,音樂來賓是歌手Rihanna。本週主持人是喜劇演員 Louis CK。
New York-based shows such as "The Late Show with David Letterman" struggled to stay in production during Hurricane Sandy, with Letterman playing to empty seats in the Ed Sullivan Theater.
Hurricane Sandy颶風對紐約的節目拍攝片場帶來嚴重影響,少數不停播的如David Letterman的深夜脫口秀(The Late Show with David Letterman),則是主持人David Letterman獨自對著拍攝場景Ed Sullivan影院空無一人的觀眾席進行節目。
Fans pushed for Renner's upcoming appearance on Facebook sites such as "Help Jeremy Renner to Host SNL." People also can suggest hosts they would like to see by posting comments on SNL's Web pages.
"My birthday is on the 17th," one commenter said Wednesday. "Having Jeremy Renner host my favorite show will make my birthday even better."
粉絲們熱情而積極的推舉Renner當主持人,在臉書上成立「讓Renner主持SNL!」的粉絲專頁。SNL官網也接受網友留言推舉主持人人選,而在週三有則留言是這樣的:「17號是我的生日,如果能在生日看到Jeremy Renner主持我最愛的節目,會讓它成為更棒的回憶!」
Renner wasn't available to comment on this latest career milestone. Family members said he was working on a house in a location without cell service.
*我真好奇你人在哪XDDDDD 去尋寶的感覺XDD
For an actor who once portrayed serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer and who received his second Academy Award nomination for playing disturbed bank robber Jem Coughlin in "The Town," comedy may seem like new territory for Renner.
對一個曾飾演過連環殺手Jeffrey Dahmer,又以飾演《The Town》中的銀行搶匪Jem Coughlin獲得第二個奧斯卡提名的演員來說,Renner走喜劇搞笑路線,看來會是個新鮮的經驗。
Cearley assured that viewers will see her son's lighter side when he appears on "Saturday Night Live." "I know he is good at it. He makes me laugh," she said.
*另外,另外那個懷疑他沒有歡樂和搞笑的能力…記者大概跟他不大熟XDD AVG的NG惡搞畫面沒看過嗎?XD 你以為大家為什麼會那麼熱情的想推他上SNL,哈哈哈。
Starting Sunday, Modesto's State Theatre will show the independent film "Ingenious," which features Renner in one of his lighter roles. He filmed the movie several years ago, before he scored his first Oscar nomination for his role in the Iraq war movie "The Hurt Locker."
本週日開始,鎮上的公立電影院會放映Renner的獨立製片作品《Ingenious》,這也是他比較歡樂的一個角色。這是他在第一個奧斯卡提名作品,以伊拉克戰爭為主題的《The Hurt Locker》之前參演的獨立製片。
"Ingenious" is a tale about two friends who work to sell a nutty invention — a talking beer opener. Dallas Roberts plays Matt, a small-time inventor who keeps coming up with clever but impractical products. Renner plays his friend and business partner, Sam.
《Ingenious》是兩個好朋友試著販賣他們的瘋狂發明的故事,這個發明是個會講話的啤酒開罐器。主演為Dallas Roberts和Renner。Roberts的角色Matt,利用零碎時間從事發明的小發明家,總是時不時發明一些似乎很聰明但又不切實際的發明。Renner的角色Sam是他的好朋友兼生意伙伴。
Cearley said she has never seen the film but recalled the original title was "Light Bulb."
Cearley表示她還沒看過這部作品,但她記得這部片本來的名字叫《Light Bulb》
"Ingenious" will show at the State Theatre at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, 4 p.m. Monday and 7 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday. Tickets are $10.
昨天看到超興奮的 立馬衝來留言分享XD
回覆刪除結果發現湯不熱一樣的留言大暴衝 (′∀`=)
Joe兩次上SNL我都覺得滿不錯的耶XDD 另外也有些SNL出來的表演者,也讓人覺得就是印象深刻:)
刪除但SNL本身就是……很神奇的一個節目就是了。看Daniel Craig上SNL也嚇到我了……
Adam說過支持Free download的言論,我覺得他真的很帥。很有個性。
p.s我也不知道我在瞎忙什麼....簡而言之...就是不得閒= ="
刪除Adam so sexy !!
刪除第一節是裝酷。(Renner示範,耍酷很簡單啊……然後旁邊那個黑人學一次,問他覺得怎麼樣,好笑的是他的評價,舉個手so so做表情)
尖叫那邊前提也是說他很酷,處變不驚(對應特工角色啦啦)……接下來隨便嚇他一下他就尖叫了XD 還強自鎮定
刪除原來後面的內容是這樣XD (我可憐的聽力....)
才一開場就唱過 我死過一次了 (●′ω`●)
刪除小的錯了 (′へ`、 ) (剛剛瘋狂刷湯不熱看截圖