#廚筆記:Jeremy Renner // 備份,Contigo雜誌2012年9月號訪談
巴西雜誌Contigo 2012年九月號,訪談。
我是個很懶得去問別人要授權的人。(老實說,我也不知道怎麼要…||||| how to contact Maria?)
所以純放圖。XDDD 我不公開做翻譯。
via http://www.jeremyleerenner.com/
translated by Maria
Did you feel any pressure in taking the main role in a Jason Bourne movie without Jason Bourne?
J.R.: We knew we had a good script in our hands. And the biggest challenge was: how do we make a Jason Bourne movie without Jason Bourne? Before reading the script I didn’t want to be a part of it. But once I did, I thought it was a pretty clever idea.
Did you learn something about yourself while shooting the movie?
J.R.: Yeah, yeah. Every day there’s something to learn. In the end of it all, there’s no big life lesson, you know? After doing four movies in a row that took me to every corner of the planet and took me away from home for two years, I realized that I miss my family and friends. I’m blessed but I realized I didn’t have much of a life style.
What was the most frightening thing that you had to do for The Bourne Legacy?
J.R.: The only thing that concerned me a little was the motorcycle scene. I didn’t know what was being expected out of me in a motorcycle, especially with Rachel in the back. I know my limits, but there was someone else involved, a person that I care about, so I had to take that into account.
Is there anything you really fear?
J.R.: There are a few things, for sure. But I’m probably more afraid of being complacent. I don’t want that.
Before your breakthrough, you went through very though times. How do you see those days now that you’re famous and successful?
J.R.: Those were times wonderfully tragic. Back then, when I had all those experiences, I knew they were wonderful. Even if I was just trying to keep positive….you don’t feel much of a man when you can’t afford going on a date or even paying the bills. Genetically, men are hunters, providers and I couldn’t provide for anyone. But beautiful things happened. You see beauty in the simplest things, in music or in a dog. Remembering that makes success taste sweeter.
What made you stay so positive so you wouldn’t give up?
J.R.: When I was 19, I found something that I’d like to do for the rest of my life. And I was able to do it for the rest of my life because I was stubborn and persistent. I was basically fighting myself not to lose, not to give up. It’s like in sports, when you compete with yourself. That’s the way I see things whether as an actor or as a man.
You play and write music, right?
J.R.: Yeah, yeah. Music is something really personal to me. I don’t know if I’d like so much if it were a career. I write whenever I fell like it. When I didn’t have electricity at home, at least I had my guitar. I didn’t need an agent, a script, work. I could simply play and be fulfilled as an artist.
Do you still go to karaoke bars?
J.R.: It’s a little though now… one of the disadvantages of the reality I’m living in now. I used to love it because you don’t need much money and you can still have a great time. I started to do that because I wanted to overcome the fear of singing in front of people.
*上台會緊張嗎會緊張嗎會緊張嗎XDDDD 對於「第一次上台唱歌」突然覺得好有畫面。
*其實很難想像他在卡拉ok吧唱歌的樣子。XDD 但又覺得想像得出來?
想想這人的娛樂其實滿平價(喂),或著說平實吧XDD 簡簡單單的滿足;現在說到卡拉ok吧我都會想到500 days of Summer。
But now that you do have money, what do you like to do?
J.R.: The same things. Last night I was home, playing the piano and writing some songs. I like flipping houses too; I’m the middle of one right now, actually. And I’m also trying to reconnect with the people I lost contact in the last two years because of my work. After making so many movies, it’s nice doing nothing, just being with my dogs, my family and friends.
If it is hard being with your family, it must be even harder dating…
J.R.: It’s practically impossible. You need time. Maybe if I already was in a stable relationship, it could’ve survived my absence during the last two years. But my focus was on my job. I wouldn’t have been much of a boyfriend, husband or father. So these challenges exist. After dedicating years to my job, I think I can finally balance things in my life.
*好啦知道不可能XD 之前某個雜誌還是網站舉辦100名性感男星大選,寫他的介紹還特別標明:他單身,但是別想跟他約會。
*well never say never. :P
Would you like to be a dad?
J.R.: I don’t know. It takes two people, obviously. If I ever find someone I love, that would be great. If I don’t, that’s okay too. I come from a big family, you know? My dad just had a baby. I’m 41 and my younger brother is only 1. And he’s trying to have another one, for god’s sake! I’m already surrounded by children.
*Renner爸爸到底是什麼樣的爸爸啦XDDDD 感覺很像小說裡才會出現的人物……||||||
然後我現在才認真注意到鬍子XDDD 好癢的感覺(什麼)
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