湯不熱戰利品。 via:http://needledesign.bigcartel.com/product/bourne-legacy
2012 Film Ink 雜誌八月號,Cover Story;出處
Though director, Tony Gilroy, has written for many action films over the years (including the Jamie Foxx vehicle, Bait, and the underrated Russell Crowe starrer, Proof Of Life), The Bourne Legacy certainly sees the filmmaker upping the stunt quotient after his previous directorial efforts-- the legal drama, Michael Clayton, and the comic thriller, Duplicity. "Directing action, you ask yourself,'Do we have the money? Do we have the people that can deliver it? Am I organised, and do I have a point of view about how to do it?'Then it comes down to taste, and if you have the money and the resources, you'll be okay. I also like to write action specifically into the locations, which I've done on all three Bourne films--those films were written to location. I would go to the places as I was writing them. I did that on The Bourne Legacy too. We threw the money at it, and we threw the time at it. You can't buy it by the yard, but you have to have enough time and effort, and taste. Directing action is a gas."
導演Tony Gilroy擁有多年的動作電影編劇經驗(參與作品包括Jamie Foxx的賽車影片《Bait》以及被大家小看的《Proof of Life》,Russel Crowe是主演之一),而繼他前兩部執導的電影:以法律為主題的劇情片《Michael Clayton》,漫畫改編的驚悚片《Duplicity》之後,《The Bourne Legacy》明顯帶給他的是更多需要處理的動作場景。
「執導動作影片,你得問自己這樣的問題:『我們有錢能拍嗎?我們有適合的演員能拍嗎?我把一切都計畫好了嗎?我有打算好怎麼拍了嗎?』再來才是風格品味的問題,如果你有足夠的金錢和資源,一切都沒問題的。我也喜歡配合當地地理環境設計動作場景,前三部《Bourne》我就是這樣做的--配合拍攝的地點實地設計打鬥場面。設計這些場景時,我會到實地考察,《The Bourne Legacy》我也做了實地考察。我們投入了金錢,也投入了時間。這不是你隨便在自家後院就能得到的東西,而且你得投入足夠的時間,付出足夠的心力,還得擁有足夠的品味。執導動作影片就像處理會爆炸的天然氣一樣。」
*Directing action is a gas. 不確定,大概覺得是會爆炸的東西但找不到詞。
One of the most oft-discussed contributions of directior, Paul Greengrass, to The Bounre Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum was his use of handheld cameras and documentary-style realism, and the raw, ragged, wholly origianl sense of immediacy that it brouught to his espionage actioners. Did Gilroy feel a need to include elements of that in The Bourne Legacy? Or did he feel that he could jump off and od his own thing stylistically?
"A great deal of thought went into that question," the directior replies. "The cool thing is that, as much as [cinematographer] Robert Elswit and I worried about it, we had a really legitimate point of departure visually that we were permitted to do, because we're saying that the other three films that you thought were a complete experience, are actually just one room in a very large house. By expanding the narrative and perspective, this film has an additional point of view. The previous films always had the point of view of either Jason Bourne, or the people who were chasing him. The Bourne Legacy has a wider point of view, and the scope and scale are much larger. That automatically gave us a philosophical point of departure to have a different visual vocabulary. There's something incredibly exciting about that doco style, but there's also something claustrophobic about it. It keeps you right in the middle of the thing. Two weeks before we started shooting, Robert and I watched all three Bourne films again, but when you finally start shotting, you're making your movie. The echoes of the other films are with you, but you've got to make your own movie. The story itself gave us permission to be a little more of who we were sometimes."
《The Bourne Supremacy》與《The Bourne Ultimatum》中,導演Paul Greengrass使用的手執鏡頭拍攝手法;紀錄片拍攝方式帶來的寫實感;原始、刻意不加工的粗糙畫面、強烈的原創性帶來的臨場感,是《Bourne》系列電影最常被提到的一點。Gilroy會在《The Bourne Legacy》裡維持這樣的風格嗎?或他認為他可以脫離前作的色彩,以他自己的風格接續新的一集?
「我們多方認真考慮過這個問題。」Gilroy回答:「有意思的事情是,我和Robert Elswit(攝影師)擔心這件事越多,考慮得越多,越覺得我們擁有充分的理由發展自己的新風格,我們也通過了審核,他們準許我們用新的風格拍攝,因為我們都認為前三部曲已經自成一個完整的作品,它們就像一整棟大房子裡頭的其中一個房間。我們在新作品中拓展故事的視野和格局,這個故事也多了新的視角。前三部曲當中,你看到的視角不是Jason Bourne的,就是在後頭追著他的人的視角。《The Bourne Legacy》的視角更寬廣,架構更龐大,這自然而然就給了我們理論上的立足點脫離前三作,發展新的視覺風格。紀錄片的拍攝手法的確非常酷,但它也有它的侷限性。它一直讓我們陷入兩難的困境。在我們正式開拍兩週前,我和Robert把前三部曲再複習了一次,不過當開始拍攝之後,你還是就依照自己的方式走了。前三部會影響你,但你還是得做出自己的東西來。而某些時候,這個故事接續的方式本身讓我們可以有比較多空間,維持自己的風格。」
As it becoming par for the course with top-flight action films these days, Gilroy was hell bent on the film's central hinge being its cast. Along with Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton, and Jeremy Renner, fellow revered thesps, Joan Allen, Alber Finney, Scott Glenn and Daivd Strathairn, returned from the original three films. "There's no amount of effort that I won't put into making sure that we have the best actor in every single part," Gilroy says. "I've watched this from the sidelines for many years, and you learn that there's no substitute for having the absolute best actor. To have Edward Norton come in and basically work for a month at the start of the show just got us off away from the docks so extraordinarily."
投注在這部作品上的製作資金和其他重金打造的一流動作電影不相上下,而最讓Gilroy費心的部分,同時也是呈現這個故事最核心的關鍵:演員選角。新加入的三位主演:Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton和Jeremy Renner外,另有參演過前三部作品的舊班底:Joan Allen, Alber Finney, Scott Glenn和David Strathairn.
「我不計一切代價,就是要為每一個場景找到最好的詮釋演員。」Gilroy說:「我在劇組工作這麼多年,一直從旁觀看著這系列影片的製作,我學到的心得是:一個絕佳的演員是無可取代的。我們請到像Edward Norton這樣的演員加入,他在劇組工作一個月,拍攝剛開始的影片片段,而這些拍攝成品,非常不可思議的,我們幾乎一刀都不用修剪。」
Gilroy's lead, Jeremy Renner, has already parlayed his role in The Bourne Legacy into a personal creative leg-up by kick-starting his own prodution company. "It's a great way for me to be creative in a whole other way," The actor explains. "Instead of just being the painter, and painting the house, now I'm the guy contracting the house. That's what producing a movie is like-- having a little bit more say. It's kind of that way anyway, as I tend to take on more work than necessary. I'm not just an actor who comes in. I consider everything. I really like movies, so I've got to aggregate some people who I'm crazy about and that I think are really talented. Then they can make movie that the studio won't make. There's a great pipeline for amazing cinema, like The Hurt Locker or The Town. Even if it's harder to get made, I'm willing to put in the legwork. Ideally though, I'd like any film that I produce to have commercial viability. We want them to do well, and we ant people to see them. We don't want to make arthouse movies, by means."
Gilroy的主演演員:Jeremy Renner,不久前剛成立了自己的製片公司,將他在《The Bourne Legacy》得到的成果轉化為對創意藝術的支持,和投資。
「對我來說,這是個很棒的方式,換個完全不同的角度來展現創意,進行創作。」Renner說明:「不再只是當個油漆房子,為房子上色的人,現在我是那個架構出這棟房子的人了。製作出影片就像這樣一回事--說得誇張一點就是這樣。總之類似這樣的情形,我得承擔更多,比一般做得更多。我不再只是一個加入劇組的演員而已,我什麼都得考慮進去。我是個非常喜歡電影的人,而透過這個公司,我可以聚集起圈內我非常欣賞的、非常有才華的人們,他們的作品商業公司不願意資助,而我現在有能力可以支持他們放手去做他們想做的作品。電影圈其實有個很棒的發展路線,能做出很迷人的作品,像《The Hurt Locker》或是《The Town》這樣的作品。而就算要拍出這樣的作品不是什麼簡單的事,我也很願意支持他們。我的理想是,我希望我製作出來的每一部影片作品都有一定程度的市場取向。我們希望它能有深刻的內涵,出色的展現理想,但也希望它能夠擁有觀眾群。從各方面來說,我們都沒有製作純藝術電影的打算。」
*Leg up 滿有趣的說法就記一下。
*這樣看起來還是....Support的角度嘛?不會特別參與去製作什麼,而是我可以放心去支持某些我欣賞的人,讓他們展現他們的藝術。不是商業片但也不是文藝到沒人看懂的境界…嗎?XD 倒是很讓人期待會端出什麼樣的菜,我也很喜歡這樣的中庸路線XD
*就是有種……He's in charge, wow。這樣的感覺。然後……然後我又會想起Moonrise Kingdom..
Does a sequel to The Bourne Legacy factor into those future plans? "If the movie dose well, we'd love ot do another one," Renner replies. When FilmInk puts the same question to Tony Gilroy, the director also answers in the affirmative. "This idea gave us a real opportunity to organise the mythology of the whole thing," the director says. "We really pull the shades back on a whole new horizon that's waiting outside this. The possiblilties going forward are really multiple. The key thing about this series, unlike a lot of other very sucessful and enjoyable franchises, is that there is no cynicism at all. There was never anything cynical about Bourne. It dosen't have the wink of James Bond, or the incredible suspension of disbelief that the Marvel movies have. We need to be entirely plausible, and highly emotional and resonant. You could never have a cynical sequel grab with the Bourne films. There are a lot of really cool, soulful, legitimate ways to go forward depending on who's available, and what feel right at the time."
《The Bourne Legacy》的續集,會是他未來的計畫排程之一嗎?
「如果電影很成功,我們很樂意再合作新的作品。」Renner回答。而當我們問Tony Gilroy這個問題時,他也表現出樂觀的態度。「這部作品提供的想法和角度,讓我們有很好的機會可以架構出那些一直在幕後運作的祕密系統。」Gilroy說:「我們揭開了布幕,讓背後的祕密呈現在觀眾跟前,展現出一個新的世界。未來的發展,可以有很多可能性。這系列的主軸核心,和其他成功並且高娛樂性的系列電影不同的是,它沒有任何諷刺或玩世不恭的成份。Bourne從來不走那樣的路線,他不像James Bond會來個意味深長的眨眼,或像Marvel的電影那樣將二次元英雄帶到現實來,連同他們不可思議的超能力一起化為真實。我們得盡可能做到完全貼近現實,放入膨湃的情感並設法引起觀眾共鳴。這樣的前提下,Bourne系列是不可能走玩世不恭的娛樂路線的。關於未來,我們有很多很酷的,撼動人心的,並且合情合理的接續想法,不過會怎麼選擇,視演員們的檔期還有當下的感覺對不對而定。」
Could The Bourne Legacy's Aaron Cross even come face to face with Matt Damon's Jason Bourne at some point in the future? "We have nothing specific happening at all," Gilroy replies. "My primary point of departure was an aversion to any concept that was about replacing Matt. With The Bourne Legacy, the whole thing was to say, 'Hey, Jason Bourne is out there. He caused this movie, Let's put a candle in the window and make a world where, if and when...who knows?' We've been so focused on doing this film, but the possibilites are wide open for what could happen in the future..."
《The Bourne Legacy》的主角Aaron Cross可能和Matt Damon飾演的Jason Bourne未來共同演出嗎?「目前我們沒有確定任何計畫走向。」Gilroy回答:「但我不希望Matt被換掉,不管是什麼層面什麼樣意義上的被置換。接續故事第一個首要注意的點就是不把他換掉。《The Bourne Legacy》的故事告訴我們:『嘿,Jason Bourne逃出去了。他的行動造就了這個故事的誕生,開了一扇新的窗,讓我們點上蠟燭,告訴觀眾窗外的世界是什麼樣子吧?在什麼地方,發了什麼事,在什麼時候……誰知道呢?』目前我們全副的心力都放在製作這部作品上,不過未來的發展,我們還是保留很大的可能性……」
Chasing' Jason
What stopped Matt Damon from returing for a fourth Bourne film? Was it a pay dispute with Universal? Were there too many budget constrictions? Or had Damon and director, Paul Greengrass, had enough? BY MARK PILKINGTON & PHILIP BERK
是什麼讓Matt Damon不繼續演出《Bourne》第四部續集?和環球公司的片酬談不攏?預算被砍了太多?或是Damon和導演Paul Greengrass,認為他們拍夠了?
"After The Bourne Ultimatum, Universal asked if I wanted to make another Bourne film," Paul Greengrass told FilmInk in 2010, "I didn't really have any great desire to do one at that moment. Maybe I would one day, but not at that moment. So then they asked me to help them develop one. Maybe in the process of helping them to develop a new film, I'd get a taste for it myself and would want to make it. We did some development, but I basically never got keen. It wasn't that I didn't like the franchise, because I do, and it wasn't beacuse I don't love the people at the studio, because I do. It's not true that there was any disagreement. After a couple of months, my heart just wasn't in it. In a way, I had moved on, and I was thinking about other films that I wanted to make. I really wanted to do different things, and change direction and find new characters. I was very honest with them. I told them that I just didn't have the fire in my belly to spend two years working on the project. I wish them all the best though. I shall always be grateful to the franchise. The best that I can say is that I might make one in the future, but that's not right for them as they need to get on and make them. The films are very successful, and I can understand their need to make more. We parted company as friends."
「《The Bourne Ultimatum》完成後,環球公司問我是不是願意再拍續集,」2010年,Paul Grenngrass接受我們的採訪時說:「當時,我並沒有非常大的熱情想繼續下去。或許有一天我會續拍,但不是在那個時候。然後,他們請我幫忙策劃續集,建立故事架構,我想,或許在這個策劃的過程中,我可以試下水溫,也許能找到自己想拍續集的熱情。我們建立起了一些東西,但基本上它一直沒讓我非常熱衷。並不是我不愛這個系列作品,我愛它,也不是因為我不愛製作公司的人,我愛他們,那些關於我們間的爭執的說法都不是真的。而工作了幾個月後,我還是沒辦法找回自己的熱情。我想做不一樣的電影,往不同的方向發展,找尋新的角色。我很誠實的把這些告訴他們,我跟他們說我真的沒有熱忱再繼續花個兩年在這部作品上,我獻上我最誠摰的祝福。對參與這系列作品的製作,我永遠心存感激。現在我只能說未來我可能會再續拍一部,但我不覺得他們現在的做法是對的,他們打算強制接續故事下去。這是非常成功的系列作品,我能理解他們為什麼想繼續拍下去。我們像好朋友一樣和平的分道揚鑣。」
According to Matt Damon, however, the series had come to its natural end. "The only story that we had left to tell, in Bounre's pursuit of his identity was, 'How did I become who I am? Was I a born killer, or did they make me a killer?'" the actor told FilmInk in 2007. "Once we agreed that that was the dramatic thrust of the movie, it became the focus of the film. We could do another movie, but the quest for his identity is over. Sure, they could bonk me on the head again and have me lose my memory, but I don't think anyone would want to interview me if we did that! Maybe ten years down the line--if Paul wanted to do it-- I'd be open to it. Paul Greengrass would have to direct it though, so all the pressure's on him!"
Matt Damon則表示這系列故事已經走到它理所當然的盡頭。「我們剩下來唯一能說的故事,在Bourne追尋他的身份這個前提下,就是『我是怎麼成為現在的我的?我是生下來就是這樣的殺手,還是他們讓我變成這樣的殺手?』」2007年,Matt在接受我們的訪問時說:「當我們確定了推動故事進行的主要原因之後,它就會成為這整部片的焦點。我們可以再拍續集,但是他的身份追尋之旅已經結束了。當然,他們可以讓我再撞頭一次,然後我再失憶一次……不過我想如果他們真的這樣做了,大概就沒人想訪問我了吧!或許把故事線延伸到十年後-- 如果Paul想再續拍的話--我也很願意接受這個可能。當然,導演得是Paul Greengrass才行,這樣那個出面擔下所有壓力的人就是他啦!」
唉呀其實再失憶然後遇上從來沒謀面的同事(?)也很萌你知道嗎?XDDD (喂)
這隻是簽名 難得我覺得沒有殺意,可能是拍攝角度的關係。然後身邊有人跟著護衛和控制秩序,感覺就好多了。然後笑容笑得太閃亮了,所以一直在看笑容笑容笑容,他果然容易被特別的事物吸引(欸)
這隻是現場訪問 其實首映會很吵,拍照的時候也很吵,十幾個人同時喊的名字,無數個訪談同時周遭進行……(呆) 但這場首映會完全符合我心中的期待,除去很吵這點,服裝、場地、氣質、態度…哇喔,都覺得很符合理想(什麼理想?)
Matt肯定被海扁的啊!!! ㄎㄎㄎ