
翻譯練習:Jeremy Renner // FilmInk Magazine 201208 封面故事《II》

2012 Film Ink 雜誌八月號,Cover Story;出處



The man dropping the hammer is the ruthless Ret. Colonel Ric Byer, played by Edward Norton. "He's essentially been behind the curtain quietly for the whole Bourne franchise,"Gilroy explains. "That's our meta-promotion, so The Bourne Ultimatum starts the events of The Bourne Legacy. There are other programmes that have evolved along the way, and that have been shopped out to different government departmaents." At the heart of one of those programmes--Operation Outcome, which is the successor to Operation Treadstone-- is operative, Aaron Cross, who, along with his fellow agents, is quickly marked for government-sanctioned extermination. "We will burn the whole programme to the ground," says Norton's Byer. But that won't be as easy as it seems. Aaron Cross is, in short, not to be trifled with. "Jason Bourne was just the tip of the iceberg,"says Byer ominously as this rogue agent starts assembling an arsenal of weaponry and flexing his finely honed killer's muscles.

在幕後下達格殺令的主使者:冷酷無情的Ric Byer上校,由Edward Norton飾演。
「事實上,之前的《Bourne》系列故事,一直都是他靜靜在幕後操控一切的。」Gilroy說明:「我們打算進階提升故事格局,所以《The Bourne Legacy》以《The Bourne Ultimatum》的片段做為開場。也有其他成員參與了這個計畫,一直以來都不只Jason Bourne一個人,不過這些計畫成員被分派到不同的政府機構去。」這系列計畫的核心--絆腳石計畫(Operation Treadstone)的延續:Outcome計畫--受到牽連影響,Aaron Cross,以及和他同參與計畫的其他成員,立即被政府列為審察清算的對象。「我們要徹底毀了這個計畫。」Norton飾演的Byer在預告片中表示。但這要實行起來可不簡單。Aaron Cross雖然孤立無援,但卻絕對不是省油的燈。「Jason Bourne只是冰山一角。」Byer以不祥的口吻預告他即將採取的行動,這名CIA特工中的狠角色將動員他手下最高的武力,送出最精良的殺手進行圍捕追殺。

  cdict.net ;Wiki
*倒是Drop the hammer滿好玩的,hammer據說是槍裡頭的那隻撞針。所以drop the hammer代表開火扣動扳機,也代表下格殺令的意思。我本來直觀理解是法官敲下去的那隻槌子,然後連結意象……還是下格殺令(欸?)。
*我實在很不會想名字,Outcome要叫什麼?XD||||| 學絆腳石那樣直翻的話……「結果計畫」(X);這個就留給電影吧。然後原來預告片裡那句「He's an Outcome Agent.」是這個意思啊…

To find the right man to play Aaron Cross, Tony Gilroy hit the ground running, and cast his net far and wide. "This turned into one of those casting crusades," the director says. "I got to meet and become familiar with almost every young actor that was out there. Jeremy wasn't available in the first couple of go rounds that we had, so he was on a restricted list. We looked at, screen tested, and met with lots of differents people, and finally Jeremy Renner's name came up, and the possibility of that was very exciting."

為了找到飾演Aaron Cross的合適人選,Tony Gilroy馬不停蹄的展開一連串試鏡選角,並盡可能擴大他的搜尋範圍。
「最後這變成另一場戰爭,選角戰役。」導演說:「我幾乎認識了所有可能參演的年輕演員,甚至跟他們混熟了。我們進行前幾場試鏡的時候,Jeremy還排不出空檔來,所以他一開始被分在『不可能』那一塊。我們找了很多不同的人,試鏡了很多不同的人,最後,Jeremy Renner的名字出現在我們的考慮清單上,而光是思考這個可能就非常令人期待。」

*Cast Crusade  XDDD  這個詞實在太妙了好想聖戰兩個字直接用上去(喂)

The Oscar nominated star of The Hurt Locker and The Town, and the man chosen to play superhero, Hawkeye, in The Avengers, however, was no easy mark for Aaron Cross. "It's very tricky, intuitive thing,"Gilroy says of the casting process. "There are a lot of people involved in making the decision. It's an institutional decision with a franchise of this size. It required a lot more input from a lot more people than most of the decisions that we make in a movie. But everbody got very excited about Jeremy Renner. You know from his other work that he's an absolutely platinum actor. Ther are no limitations on the emotional life, dynamics, availability or credibility of this character: all of a sudden you go. 'I don't have to cut any croners with his guy whatsoever. He can eat up any scene that I can give him' What I was unprepared for was his level of physical ability. It was such a gift to find out that he's a stunning athlete. It's been a very intense and long stretch, and we had to do so many things. We started in a great place, and we finished in a great place, so it was a really happy jump off the cliff all the way around. "

以《The Hurt Locker》和《The Town》獲兩次奧斯卡提名,最近被Marvel選進《The Avengers》的超級英雄小隊中飾演Hawkeye,Gilroy最後將Aaron Cross交給這名影星,這對他而言並不是個簡單的決定。「這是個很棘手的,只能憑直覺處理的決定。」Gilroy如此描述選角的過程:「要考慮很多人的意見,當這種規模的商業系列影片要選角的時候必定會碰上的慣例,比起一般我們遇上的情形,它需要得到更多人的認可。不過每個人都非常期待Jeremy Renner的表現。看過他的作品的人都能理解他是多麼厲害的一個演員,他絕對是白金等級的。他一上場,這個角色一瞬間就活起來了:角色的情感呈現、可能性、創造性似乎都被他無限延伸。『他的出場鏡頭沒有任何一幕需要我修剪的。不管我丟給他什麼樣的題目,他都能完全吃下來。』讓我意外的反而是他展現出的良好體能,發現他擁有非常棒的運動神經是上天給我的禮物。拍攝過程非常緊湊,時間也拉得很長,工作也非常繁重。我們有個非常好的開始,也有非常不錯的結束。所以我們賭這一把,從頭到尾都做得滿開心的。」

*no easy mark;標一下。三個字就讓我糾結半天(真正字面上的半天)

When FilmInk meets the man in question at Beverly Hill's Four Seasons Hotel, Jeremy Renner is not feeling his best. He's losing his voice, and his eggs benedict have arrived half an hour late to his room, stone cold after mistakenly sitting for thirty minutes in a suite occupied by John Clees at hte other end of the corridor. "It came to me in a very movie-like way...it was very Bourne-like," smiles Jeremy Renner of his introduction to the franchise. "Someone had to fly out to Germany where I was shooting [the still unreleased] Hansel And Gretel. They knocked on my door and handed me a script. They said to me, 'When you're done with it, call this number.' It was very spy-like. I read it, and loved it. I thought that I'd be an idiot not to do it, so I said yes."

當我們在比佛利山莊(Beverly Hill)的四季旅館(Four Seasons Hotel)和我們的訪問主角,Jeremy Renner見面時,他並沒處於他的最佳狀態。他的喉嚨不大舒服,他正失去他的聲音中,他點的班尼迪蛋(eggs benedict)被誤送到走廊另一頭John Clees的房間去,遲到了半個小時才送到他跟前,已經冷透了。

「這工作,以很"電影"的方式找上我……很Bourne的方式,」Jeremy Renner微笑,描述他對劇組的第一印象。「當時我在德國拍《Hansel And Gretel》(這部作品至今仍未公開),劇組的人得飛來德國找我。他們來敲我的門,遞給我一本劇本,說:『你讀完了以後,打上面那個電話。』就好像間碟行動一樣。我讀了劇本,之後喜歡上這個故事。我想如果放棄這個機會,我就是個笨蛋,於是我就答應他們了。」

*好像很喜歡吃班尼迪蛋的樣子w 第二次看到了?wwww
*這段好可愛w Bounre劇組真心很神祕啊你們XDDDD

If Renner sounds a tad defensive, then it's because he's taken considerable heat for stepping into the still warm shoes once occupied by Matt Damon. But with The Bourne Legacy's trailers now in mass circulation--clearly showing Renner as new character, Aaron Cross-- he confesses that he's mightily relieved. "I would never, every play Jason Bourne," the actor says emphatically. "I don't want to take over someone else's role. You could throw me whatever amount of money, and it's a 'Fuck no!' It's not going to happen. I'm a fan of the Bourne series, and I feel like I, as and actor, fit into the wheelhouse of what that is."

如果你覺得Renner聽起來帶著那麼點防衛心,那是因為他還在適應接過Matt Damon位置面臨的種種,Matt Damon依舊是Bourne的第一代表。不過在《The Bourne Legacy》正式預告片釋出後--現在相關宣傳片段被大家傳翻全世界,很明顯的標幟出Aaron Cross是個全新的角色,Renner坦承他稍稍鬆了口氣。「我永遠不會,也絕對不會演出Jason Bourne,」這名演員特別強調:「我一點也不想接手別人的角色。你丟再多錢在我跟前,我的答案還是『Fuck NO!』,這件事永遠不可能發生。我是《Bourne》系列電影的影迷,而我覺得,自己是以一個演員的身份,融入這系列電影的幕後工作團隊裡的。」

Wearing wooden prayer beads wrapped around his wrist, Renner is admittedly a pretty spiritual guy for someone who has made his name playing short-tempered, brooding character. "I haven't been in a fight since second grade," the actor laughs. "I want to keep it that way! There's no point to fighting." Ten years ago, when he was just another jobbing actor making independent movie, Renner starred as notorious serial Jeffery Dahmer in Dahmer, delivering a performance that intrigued director Kathryn Bigelow enough to cast him as the unforgettable army bomb disposal sergeant in The Hurt Locker, thereby changing the course of his carrer forever. "It's great, man." Renner says. "I feel like the luckiest guy around. It's nice to work, and it's even nicer when people see your work. Then when it turns out well and dose well at the box office, it's even better. It means that you'll even get another job after that. It's a wonderful feeling."



十年前,當他還只是個在各項獨立製片間擺蕩的演員時,他參演了一部叫《Dahmer》的作品,演出著名的殺人魔Jeffery Dahmer,他做出了足夠引起導演Kathryn Bigelow注意的出色表現,為他帶來參演《The Hurt Locker》的機會,他詮釋出的拆彈部隊上士不但令人印象深刻,也是他演藝事業的關鍵轉捩點。「告訴你,這棒透了!」Renner說:「我覺得我是這裡最幸運的人。能夠參與這個工作,很棒--而更棒的是把你的成品秀出來給大家看,如果反應不錯,票房也不錯,那麼就棒透了。你甚至可以確定之後,它會幫你帶來下一份工作,這非常令人開心。」

*這是第一次看到有人正式提起他的珠子手鍊XD 不過竟然是這樣的解釋嗎?prayer beads....我不覺得那是佛珠之類的東西(默) 事實上我無法連結Renner和Pray這個意象。XD

On top of establishing that he is not playing Jason Bourne, Renner is also playing a wholly different type of character. There's no amnesia this time, and Aaron Cross is on an entirely different emotional journey. "At the base of it, he's a guy that wanted to belong," Renner offers. "He wants to fit in and be a part of something. He's completely the opposite of where Bourne was. He was just trying to find out who the hell he was, but this guy knows exactly who he is. He knows what he wants to do-- he wants to be part of this team. And then it just doesn't work out for him. We all want to be understood, and be part of something; we all want a reason to exist."

除了「不飾演Jason Bourne」的首要前提外,Renner的角色也是完全不同於Jason Bourne的全新類型。這次沒有失憶梗了,Aaron Cross要經歷的是截然不同的心路歷程。

*我覺得角色都被他說得很萌XD 好像迷路的孩子啊啊啊(何?)

Much of Renner's existence in The Bourne Legacy involves running, punching, kicking, jumping and dispensing death blow to an army of relentless pursuers. This wasn't helped, however, by the actor hitting forty-years-of-age last year. "Things don't come as easy physically, but that doesn't change anything." Renner sighs. "When I get injured, it takes a little longer to heal." After playing action man, Hawkeye, in The Avengers, however, the actor was in tip-top shape. "They're tied together as one ride after another," Renner says of the superhero blockbuster and The Bounre Legacy. "I was probably in better shape for Aaron Cross because I had more time. This was much more about physical training. I had to do things that we couldn't fake, like the fighting, so I had to really work on my fighting skills. You can't fake those."

Renner在《The Bourne Legacy》中的存在方式,包括:奔跑、扁人、踢人、跳上屋頂和調配炸藥炸翻一批身後兇狠的追兵。對這名去年剛滿40歲的演員而言,這些動作場面不是什麼簡單的任務,年紀加重他的負擔。

不過,演出《The Avengers》的動作英雄Hawkeye之後,這名演員已經把他的體能狀況調整到最佳狀態。「這些工作一個緊接著一個來,」Renner如此描述他參演的超級英雄鉅作和《The Bourne Legacy》,「我想我演出Aaron Cross的時候,體能狀況大概好一些。因為我得到比較充裕的準備時間。這個工作比較著重體能訓練的部分,我得實際做出那些我們沒辦法假裝拍攝出的效果,比如打鬥的場景,所以我得認真的訓練自己的打鬥技巧。這些場景你沒辦法假裝的。」

*你也有感嘆的時候嗎XDDDD(喂) sigh這個詞出來我愣了一下;不過我的感覺還是…這就是一慣的實際風格。看詞句的感覺。
*請問從小學二年級(是小學嗎?)就沒再打架過這是真的還假的XDDDD 然後現在認真學打架?


Cover Story的Bonus;但同樣我還是很痛苦。看得懂,但是覺得找不出正確的中文意思。



Though he created the character of Jason Bourne-- and the whole universe which continues in The Bourne Legacy-- bestselling thriller author, Rober Ludlum, has been persona non grata when it comes to the movies nominally based on his popular novels. BY ERIN FREE

雖然他創造了Jason Bourne這個角色--以及提供《The Bourne Legacy》能接續下去的整體背景--暢銷驚悚小說作家Rober Ludlum,但當他的暢銷作品被搬上大銀幕,改編為電影時,他卻成為大家不歡迎的對象。 by ERIN FREE

"I've never read a book by Rober Ludlum," says The Bourne Legacy co-writer/director, Tony Gilroy. In the history of big screen adaptations of bestselling novels, the Bourne films have rolled out like no other. While fans of Harry Potter and  The Hunger Games dissect the differences, the aivd readers of Rober Ludlum's Jason Bounre series have largely been given short shrift...though it hardly seems to have bothered anyone.

「我從來沒看過Rober Ludlum的小說。」《The Bourne Legacy》導演兼共同編劇Tony Gilroy說。在暢銷小說改編為大銀幕的紀錄上,《Bourne》系列可說是獨一無二的特別例子。當《Harry Potter》和《The Hunger Games》的書迷開始一一對照剖析小說和電影的差別,Rober Ludlum的Jason Bourne系列的死忠書迷似乎被大大冷落了……但電影似乎也沒讓任何人不滿意。

While they share titles with Ludlum's books, The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum, and now The Bourne Legacy, have nothing to do with the novels penned by the late author. "Thirsteen years ago, I came in on a script based on The Bourne Identity," Tony Gilroy tells FilmInk. "I basically just used the first fifteen minutes of that as a point of departure to do somthing completely different. After the first fifteen minutes of The Bourne Identity, there's really nothing from Robert Ludlum. It's a completely different mythologh."

Bourne系列電影和Ludlum的小說共用標題:《The Bourne Identity》、《The Bourne Supremacy》、《The Bourne Ultimatum》前三部曲,以及現在的《The Bourne Legacy》,最新的系列續作也採用這個標題,不過電影和小說一點關係也沒有。「13年前我加入劇組,面對的是以《The Bourne Identity》為背景的改編劇本,」Tony Gilroy告訴我們:「基本上,我只在前十五分鐘用上小說情節,當做一個開場,好延伸出一個完全不同走向的故事。《The Bourne Identity》小說的前十五分鐘過後,這系列作品就和Robert Ludlum完全沒關係了。這系列擁有完全不同走向的謎題。」

While writer, Eric Van Lustbader, has penned seven more Jason Bourne novels since Rober Ludlum's passing in 2001, the various filmmakers have continued to ignore just about everything on Jason Bounre in novel form. When unlikely Bourne film originator, Doug Liman, set up The Bourne Identity himself after making his mark with the popular indies, Swingers and Go, he was clear from the start that he wasn't interested in a straight adaptation of Ludlum's novels. "The studio just wanted to tell a conventional spy story," Liman told UGO in 2008. "They figured that they'd be able to control me even though it was my project; I never backed down from day one to the very end." On the DVD audio commentary for The Bourne Identity, Liman openly says that he threw Rober Ludlum's source novel[which had previously been adapted for TV in 1988 with Richard Chamberlain in the Jason Bourne role] out the window, and instead worked in his own interests and themes, many of them drawn from the experiences of his father, who was actually one of the prosecutors in the infamous Iran-Contra Affair.

2001年,Rober Ludlum辭世後,作家Eric Van Lustbader執筆接續Jason Bourne的故事,共出了七本續集。而電影,僅管換過了不同的製作人,但處理方式相同:繼續忽視小說的存在。
當Bourne的第一部電影製作者,Doug Liman,繼他的廣受好評的獨立製片作品《Swingers》和《Go》之後,將《The Bourne Identity》搬上大銀幕時,他打從一開始就明確表示他不打算照本宣科跟著Ludlum的小說走。「製作公司想做出來的,只是一個遵循公式的間碟故事,」2008年,Liman在UGO的訪問中如此說:「他們認為就算這是我的計畫,他們也能讓我聽他們的;而我從頭到尾都沒有退讓過。」在《The Bourne Identity》的DVD導演講評裡,Liman更公開表示他完全拋棄Rober Ludlum的原著小說框架(這故事在1988年已被改編為電視劇,由Richard Chamberlain飾演Jason Bourne),以他自己的偏好發展故事主題,其中不少元素取材自他曾擔任著名的Iran-Contra緋聞事件的檢察官的父親。

*iran-contra affair  某個年代久遠的東西。

Though it started with Rober Ludlum, and then got reappropriated by Doug Liman, Tony Gilroy has been there as a writer on every Bourne film. "I'm very proud of everything that we've done, and I do certainly feel ownership in a complete way of what we're doing now,"he says of The Bourne Legacy. Gilroy's leading man, Jeremy Renner, shares something with his director. he hasn't read any of Robert Ludlum's novels either. "No, I haven't," he tells FilmInk. "I have very limited time at this moment. It's such a leisure activity to sit down and read for pleasure. I usually read to be educated. The last time that I read for pleasure was probably twentty years ago."

最初提出點子的是Rober Ludlum,重新排列搬上大銀幕的是Doug Liman,而Tony Gilroy則是參與了每一部Bourne電影的編劇成員。「我對我們完成的工作非常驕傲,對目前能走到這一步也非常自豪,當然我完全認為這是屬於我的作品。」他如此敘述《The Bourne Legacy》,Gilroy的影片主角,Jeremy Renner,和他的導演在這點上情況相同:他也沒看過Rober Ludlum的原著小說。


*所以他是不看小說也不看漫畫的人?XD 二十年前也太久XDD 所以一直好忙…

Though writer, Eric Van Lustbader--the man now responsible for keeping Jason Bourne alive in print -- has been slightly critical of the Bourne films' complete lack of adherence to Ludlum's books ("That's Hollywood for you," he says on his website. "Don't expect rational decisions from a profoundly irrational industry"), he apparently know a good movie when he sees one. "I'm expecting great things." he says of The Bourne Legacy, "and so should you."

雖然作家Eric Van Lustbader--現在負責在小說世界裡讓Jason Bourne繼續存活的人--曾小小抱怨過對《Bourne》電影完全忽視Ludlum原著小說的不滿。(「好萊塢就是這麼回事。」他在他的網站上表示:「不要期待這個完全不存在邏輯的產業會做出什麼理智的選擇。」)不過當一部好電影擺在他跟前,他顯然也懂得分辨鑑賞。「我期待卓越的表現。」他對《The Bourne Legacy》發表這樣的意見:「而你們也應該期待。」



but,其實老實說這題材本身沒有非常吸引我。它不像fight club那樣是影片本身就讓我深愛的那種,也不像POI或是TDK系列,所以我也沒研究的很認真。

今天要是The Bourne Legacy主演掛的不是Jeremy Renner的名字,我懷疑我會不會這麼認真的去爬。要是演員名單沒有再加一個Edward Norton,我懷疑我會不會這麼毅然決然的把它列入去電影院看的清單裡。電影院其實是很奢侈的。









4 則留言:

  1. 老實講我其實有偷偷的跑去摸大腿XDDDDDDDDDDD


    1. 我本來習慣不是去國賓就是去IMAX....


    2. 西門町也有IMAX (因為拍照的地方就是西門町的電影街

      另一個友人說其實Matt damon跟JR
      他覺得JR長相也比較討喜wwww 唉唷 聽了真爽

    3. 跟同樣喜歡JR的人一起去看我覺得很幸福


      我看IMAX被美麗華的超大螢幕震撼到XDDD 後來就堅持雖然它貴得要死一定要去超大螢幕(欸
