
翻譯練習:Jeremy Renner // FilmInk Magazine 201208 封面故事《I》


2012 Film Ink 雜誌八月號,Cover Story;出處


撰稿人是編輯群。標題是From The Editor's Desk,但是我覺得那張桌子圖配得很謎(是被什麼炸過嗎?) 下頭有個紅色的「編輯推薦」,在裡頭看到了喬治克隆尼的名字XD,推他2002年的作品《Confession of a Dangerous Mind》↓↓

其實圖我還滿喜歡的,比如這張↓↓↓ 沒空再掉tumblr的坑看有沒有更好的版本,直接從圖裡頭切下來這樣XD  恩下頭手裡拿的那本封面是Harry Potter?是廣告嗎?

"It's great," Jeremy Renner tells FilmInk. "I feel like the luckiest guy around. It's nice to be able to work -- and it's even nicer when people see your work, and then when it turns out well and does well at the box office, it's even better. It makes sure that you'll even get another job after that. It's a wonderful feeling."

「這棒透了!」Jeremy Renner告訴我們。「我覺得我是這裡最幸運的人。能夠參與這個工作,很棒--而更棒的是把你的成品秀出來給大家看,如果反應不錯,票房也不錯,那麼就棒透了。你甚至可以確定之後,它會幫你帶來下一份工作,這非常令人開心。」

*我覺得就這樣短短一段把「創作的成就感」簡單的涵蓋了。而且很實際:可以找到下一份工作XD  能參與它,把它做出來,本身就很開心了;成品秀給大家看,進階的開心,如果反應不錯,哇,棒透了。(再重複一遍怎麼有種小孩的感覺…)

This might sound like false modesty and humility from the guy who played master assassin, Hawkeye, in the super hero team up epic, The Avengers -- now sitting pretty as one of the most successful films of all time-- but there's an important thing to remember here. Jeremy Renner didn't burst onto the scene in Marvel's mighty comic book movie. He didn't evene burst onto the scene with his Oscar nominated performance in Kathryn Bigelow's brilliant 2009 military drama, The Hurt Locker. No, Renner has been kicking around since the mid-nineties, when he made his inauspicious debut as Mark "Dags" D'Agastino in National Lampoon's Senior Trip. Since then, he's done the hard yards on episodic TV (in everything from Angel to CSI). in supporting roles (in films such as S.W.A.T., North Country, 28 Weeks Later, and The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford), and in lead roles in less high profile films (eeew, Dahmer).

這句話聽起來可能有點過份謙遜,甚至有點虛偽;這可是在史詩等級的超級英雄電影作品--它獲得了空前的巨大成功--《The Avengers》的小隊中,飾演刺殺大師Hawkeye的演員。不過記住這個重點:這對Jeremy Renner而言並不是憑空出現的:參與這部Marvel的重量級鉅作的機會,甚至,他獲奧斯卡提名的作品,2009年Kathryn Bigelow傑出軍事影片《The Hurt Locker》,參演機會也不是憑空冒出來到他跟前的。不,事情沒你想的那麼簡單:打從他在第一部作品《National Lampoon's Senior Trip》演出Mark "Dags" D'Agastino後,他的演藝路線就一直不甚順遂,整個九十年代中期他都在跑龍套四處晃蕩,被工作踢來踢去。他客串過幾集電視劇(從《Angel》一路到《CSI》),表現非常努力,在幾部電影裡擔任配角(《S.W.A.T》、《North Country》、《28 Weeks Later》以及《The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford》),以及在不走商業路線的影片中擔任主角(欸恩……《Dahmer》)。

*burst onto the scene
*hard yards
*Jesse James超有誠意的列了全名……但我打得超痛苦

With his unforgettable performance as a man right on the edge of everything in The Hurt Locker, Renner established himself as a potentially great movie actor, and he's been building on that ever since. He was brilliant as a hardened criminal in Ben Affleck's The Town, and brought a little roughness and credibility as part of the ensemble in the blockbuster, Mission: Impossible--Ghost Protocol. With the espionage actioner, The Bourne Legacy, however, Jeremy Renner is now out there on his own. Just prior to the film's release, he's standing on a precipice: Renner could soar and become a major star, or he could nosedive, dependent on how audiences respond to him in his first big studio movie leading role. As The Bourne Legacy's Aaron Cross, a new character in the universe previously established in Matt Damon's trio of Jason Bourne films ("I would never, ever play Jason Bourne." Renner says. "I don't want to take over someone else's role. You could thorw me whatever amount of money and it's still not going to happen"). Jeremy Renner is litreallly at a turning point in his career, and that's something truly exciting to witness. And if you're expecting this established character to take the easy road, think again. "I'm not just an actor who comes in," Renner tells FilmInk. "I consider everything."

Erin Free-- Editor

他在《The Hurt Locker》中賦予了角色靈魂,銀幕上那個從各方面來說都走上極端,在邊緣徘徊的主角令人印象深刻,他展現了他的演技實力,告昭世人他是名出色的電影演員;之後,更進一步發光發熱:在Ben Affleck的《The Town》中飾演一名暴衝兇狠的罪犯,同樣表現亮眼。去年他為商業鉅片《Mission: Impossible--Ghost Protocol》的特務小隊帶來可靠又能幹的探員,而現在,即將上映的間碟特務動作片《The Bourne Legacy》,Jeremy Renner得到了他的主演舞台。這是他的關鍵時刻,他的首次商業大片主演--影片正式釋出之前,他就像站在懸崖邊:跳下去之後,他可能展翅高飛,獲得盛大的成功,從此穩定他的一線主演影星地位;或者他也可能一頭栽落,全看觀眾怎麼反應。《Bourne》系列前三部曲由環球製片出品,Matt Damon主演代表人物Jason Bourne,他在《The Bourne Legacy》中的角色:Aaron Cross,是《Bourne》系列的新角色。(「我永遠不會,也絕對不會演出Jason Bourne。」Renner表示:「我一點也不想接手別人的角色,你丟再多錢在我跟前,我都不會去做。」) 綜合各方面來看,現在Jeremy Renner正面臨他事業上的關鍵轉折,而結果如何,非常令人期待。

編輯 / Erin Free

但是因為他太強了我都找不到精確的詞(喂)    原文推薦的意思XD



With The Bourne Legacy, writer/director, Tony Gilroy, faces down initial scepticism, and resuscitates a beloved movie franchise in a dynamic and original way, with invaluable help from blue ribbon leading players, JEREMY RENNER and RACHEL WEISZ.


《The Bourne Legacy》帶給編劇兼導演Tony Gilroy的挑戰: 面對一開始的懷疑聲浪,重現原作的精髓之外,還得找出新的爆點,賦予新的生命,再度將這系列深受觀眾喜愛的作品搬上銀幕,他們請來最優質(blue ribbon)的演員擔綱主演,難得的黃金組合:JEREMY RENNER和RACHEL WEISZ。


"We've got to make a movie that has balls," says The Bourne Legacy co-writer/ director, Tony Gilroy, from deep within the bowels of a sound mixing facility in Los Angeles. "It has to flat out kick ass, and it has to be really fucking cool. We know what it has to do: when we have to drop gear. The bar's been set extremely high. We don't want to disappoint on any level, and there's a competitive aspect to it -- we want to fucking kick ass."

「我們得做出一部能拿點什麼東西出來的電影。」《The Bourne Legacy》導演兼共同編劇Tony Gilroy說,我們正在洛杉磯的某間混音室裡。「我們得拿出真材實料,能讓人驚豔,又他媽酷到不行的東西。我們知道它應該要做到些什麼:這是我們揭開底牌亮絕招的時候了。我們設下了非常高的標準,我們不希望讓任何人在任何一個層面上失望,同時我們也有競爭心理--我們希望自己能他媽的拿出亮眼的表現。」

*drop gear 唔唔唔恩上帝的力量什麼的我覺得還滿好玩的(喂) 

Those, to put it mildly, are fighting words. Tony Gilroy is putting the final touches on The Bourne Legacy ("We've been very nicely tucked away for the past couple of months, so we're right on target"), and it's bang-obvious from the confident, surprisingly calm tone in his voice that this New York-born filmmaker know that he's onto something good. When screenwriter Gilroy (who'd previously penned Armageddon and The Devil's Advocate) was brought onto producer/director Dough Liman's 2002 adaptation of Robert Ludlum's bestselling action espionage novel, The Bourne Identity, he hardly knew that he'd be kicking off a ten-years-plus odyssey. Starring Matt Damon as a battered, gun-shot amnesiac who slowly starts to realise that he is, infact, Jason Bourne-- a highly trained, utterly lethal government operative -- The Bourne Identity was a surprise smash hit. Though Doug Liman would be replaced by British director, Paul Greengrass, for the film's two sequels--2004's The Bourne Supremacy and 2007's The Bourne Ultimatum-- Tony Gilroy was still in place on screenwriting duties. With deft dialogue and labyrinthine but never incoherent plotting, the scribe further deepened this story of a soulful killing machine on a journey to unlock the fragmented puzzle pieces of his very existence.

這些話,恩讓我們從比較輕鬆一點的角度來看:是個挑戰宣言。Tony Girloy的剪輯已經進入最後階段,《The Bourne Legacy》即將完成。(「過去幾個月來我們一直躲離鎂光燈躲得很好,現在我們站出來亮相了。」) 充滿自信,但聲音聽上去出乎意料的平靜,這名紐約出生的影片製作人顯然非常滿意他的成品。2002年,當製作人兼導演的Dough Liman將Robert Ludlum的暢銷間碟小說《The Bounre Identity》改編搬上大銀幕,並找來Gilroy(之前的編劇作品有《Armageddon》和《The Devil's Advocate》)加入編劇團隊時,他根本沒想到他加入的是一場十年以上的奧德賽(odyssey)旅程。由Matt Damon擔任主角,飾演受槍擊,重傷,失憶的主角Jason Bourne,隨著劇情推進而慢慢意識到自己的真實身份--受過嚴格訓練的政府殺手--《The Bourne Identity》出乎意料的造成盛大迴響。之後的兩部續作:2004年的《The Bourne Supremacy》和2007年的《The Bourne Ultimatum》,雖然不再由Doug Liman掌鏡,改由英籍的Paul Greengrass擔任導演,但Tony Gilroy依舊參與編劇工作。《Bourne》續作以簡潔俐落的對話,精心安排的情節--複雜,但不令人昏頭轉向;繼續講述這名政府訓練的殺手,如何身為殺人機器但又同時擁有自己的靈魂,如何一點一點拼回自己的身分,解開他的存在之謎。

*奧德賽飄流這比喻讓我笑了XDDDDDDDDD (喂)

When backing studio, Universal, came to a stalemate with Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon over the possibility of making a fourth Bourne movie, it was Gilroy who once again became the constant factor of this by-now groundbreaking film franchise. Universal wanted another Bourne movie, and he knew how to give it to them. Initially, however, there was fizzing conjecture in the press and on the web about Matt Damon potentially being replaced in the role of Jason Bourne. Even before the cameras had rolled, the film was weathering a storm of negativity. "The irony of all of this," sighs Gilroy. "is that we knew from the very inception of this particular idea that the people that would be complaining the most in the very beginning would be the people who, if they knew what we were doing, would be the most enthusiastic. It was just a matter of successfully getting there. The people who were most proprietary about the franchise and most concerned about it were the people that we were actually most interested in satisfying. We knew that, so it was never an issue for us."

而當這一系列作品的幕後推手:環球製片公司,與Paul Greengrass和Matt Damon在討論續拍第四部作品的議題上陷入僵局時,Gilroy再次成為製作團隊中的核心靈魂人物,他一手促成現在這部即將上映的轟動大作的誕生。
最初,媒體和網路各方謠傳Matt Damon可能會被換掉,由別人來演出Jason Bourne。在還沒開拍之前,這部作品就不被大家看好,負面聲浪不斷。

With Matt Damon officially out of the picture, Gilroy-- now in place as the fourth film's director as well as screenwriter-- had the answer on how to keep the Bourne ball rolling: it was time to expand the universe. "It was an opportunity to take a lot of cool, enigmatic things that were breadcrumbs from the other movies, and ideas that were fumes and smoke, and then tie it into this larger mythology," Gilroy says. "I'm really proud of where we've ended up."

Matt Damon正式宣布退出後,Gilroy--現在他擔任第四部作品的導演,也身兼共同編劇--得想個辦法讓Bourne的故事繼續下去:是擴大故事背景的時候了。「這是把埋在其他部作品中的梗連接起來的機會,讓那些酷炫的、神祕的元素能夠進一步發展。把在迷霧中的那些點連接起來,組成一個更大的祕密計畫。」Gilroy說:「我對我們最後的成果非常驕傲。」

Where Gilroy ended up was at the climax of The Bourne Ultimatum, where Matt Damon's Jason Bourne finally exposes those behind Blackbriar and Operation Treadstone, the secret military programmes that turned him from a simple soldier into a black-handed dealer of death. This is where Gilroy starts The Bourne Legacy, as the CIA's faceless puppeteers start pulling hard on the strings in an effort to cover their tracks. "It's radical storytelling, but it also seems inevitable," Gilroy says. "As people enter this new age of dynastic filmmaking--with these gigantic films -- everything has become sort of episodic in a really interesting way. There are all these new storytelling techniques, and what we've done here is an interesting way to do it, but I don't think that it will be the last time that it's done. The Bourne Legacy is the continuation and expansion of this whole thing--it's the aftermath of what's come before. The events of The Bourne Ultimatum, where it goes public at the end, expose this much bigger conspiracy beyond the original franchise. The bourne Ultimatum actually plays in the background in the beginning of The Bourne Legacy, and the danger posed by Jason Bourne's public exposure is the brushfire that threatens a bunch of other programmes. "

Gilroy的成品,將會以《The Bourne Ultimatum》最緊張刺激的一段為開端:Matt Damon飾演的Jason Bourne將黑石楠計畫(Blackbriar)和絆腳石計畫(Operation Treadstone)公諸於世,就是這兩項祕密軍事計畫將他從一個普通的士兵,改造為政府的影子殺手。Gilroy就從這裡開始《The Bourne Legacy》的故事,當CIA掌控的影子殺人木偶開始反過來拉扯控制他們行動的線,CIA的首要目標變成掩飾他們的所做所為。「我們讓故事的節奏非常緊湊,但也似乎不得不這樣處理。」Gilroy說:「現在呈現在觀眾跟前的是影片的新世紀--看看這些浩大的影片作品--似乎每部影片最後都走向單元化,很有意思的走向。科技提供我們新的拍攝方式,而在這部作品中,我們採用了很有趣的方式來處理它,我想,有機會或許我們還會再試試看這樣的方式。《The Bourne Legacy》是整個故事的延續和再進一步延伸--之前幾集種下的因會在這部作品中開花結果。《The Bourne Ultimatum》發生的事件:最後計畫被公諸於世,揭露出背後更大的計畫,這個系列故事真正的幕後陰謀。《The Bourne Ultimatum》的故事帶出了《The Bourne Legacy》,在影片開端你會看到我們以前作的故事情節做為背景,Jason Bourne將計畫公開的行動,就像在草原上放了把火,一路延燒而威脅到所有其他參與計畫的成員。」


總覺得我在哪裡看過這段話(失憶) 而且不只一次? XD|||||||



5 則留言:

  1. 孝敬一段專訪...應該是新的吧

    1. 一個穿白的一個穿黑的...Norton好帥...XDDD

    2. 謝謝你的分享www

    3. 不會啦...暑假期間工作的事情肯定忙多了

    4. 不不不我的強迫症不是強迫廚。XDDDD
