
翻譯練習:Jeremy Renner // Venice雜誌 2003

Vanice 雜誌 2003年,8月號,硬是想放大圖



比單純的Good Looking還要再多一點東西,眼神中總是有殺意


Jeremy Renner


*S.W.A.T.中飾演的角色,Brian Gamble

文字記者:by steve baltin
圖像攝影:photography robert zuckerman

其他造型/後製:grooming shiyena/exclusive artists mgmt/redken

"It's a standout role," Jeremy Renner says of what attracted him to the part of Officer Brian Gamble in Sony Pictures' August release, S.W.A.T.

「這是個很出色的角色。」Jeremy Renner如此描述他在S.W.A.T中的角色,警官Brian Gamlbe,本片由Sony影視製片,八月上映。

"I think there was a lot of color to be had with the character, with his being on S.W.A.T. and then feeling like he was dicked over, the loss of the friendship, or even his family and then going on to the dark side."


what ever colors and dimensions existed in Gamble on the printed page, Renner, who earned an IFP Spirit Award nomination earlier this year for Best Actor for his breakout performance in the title role in Dahmer, had a lot to do with fleshing that out on the screen.

而不論劇本給Gamble這角色什麼樣的色彩和層次,今年稍早才以在Dahmer中出色的表現獲得IFP Spirit Award(獨立精神獎)最佳男主角提名的Renner,為了充實而完整的把這個角色在螢幕上呈現出來,下了很大的工夫。

Acting alongside such heavyweights and rising stars as  Samuel L. Jackson, Collin Farrel ,and Michelle Rodriguez, Renner infuses Gamble with a combination of humor and anger that seethes under the surface in his every scene.

本片的演員陣容豪華,在這些重量級演員及超級新星如Samuel L. Jackson,Collin Farrel,Michelle Rodriguez等人的角色間,Renner在鏡頭前呈現出的Gamble,是個綜合了諷嘲和憤怒,有著強烈情緒的角色。

Gamble isn't like most summer blockbuster villains; if he were, Renner would've never taken the part. A lot of actors say that, but anyone who takes on the challenge of turning the monstrous Jeffrey Dahmer into a three-dimensional character isn't afraid to take chances or worried soley about image.

Gamble並不同於大多夏季檔動作大片的反派角色,如果他也落入了傳統壞人的公式,那麼Renner就不會接演這個角色。很多演員會為之卻步,但像Renner這樣挑戰過在大銀幕上再現變態殺手Jeffery Dahmer的演員,從不會害怕做出新的嘗試,也不用擔心無法展現出角色的層次。

From his debut in National Lampoon's Senior Trip in 1995, Renner has come a long way in a short time, evolving into that rare actor who can lose himself in a part and take the audience with him.

繼1995年首部作品,National Lampoon的Senior Trip之後,Renner在短時間內迅速崛起,成長為少數能全心為角色投注靈魂,吸引觀眾入戲的優秀演員。

Venice: Music was actually your first love, wasn't it?


Jeremy Renner: Yeah. I play often, but I only do it because I love it. I did it before I started acting. I played drums until I was 20. then I switched to guitar so I can start song-writing and sequencing and that sort of thing.


So where did the acting come in?


I fell into it. I was taking like 26 units at college each semester, I just wanted to get out of school and I really didn't want to go. I started off in computer science and went to criminology and took an elective and that ended up being an acting class. It ended up being a fantastic playground for me of being like 19 years of emotional pressure, to play and experience all these other emotions I really was feeling that I didn't know I had. And then it became much more about the artistry of it.

它沒來找我,我掉入它的世界中。大學的時候我大概一個學期會修個26學分左右,我只想快點畢業,也對上學沒什麼興趣。一開始我修的是電腦科技(Computer Science),接著轉向犯罪學(Criminology),然後修了一門戲劇的選修課。在壓抑情感差不多19年後,發現戲劇就條發現美好的遊樂場,可以盡情玩樂、探索我的內心世界,那些我其實感受到,但沒意識到自己那麼感受的情緒。之後,再往比較專業的、藝術的方向發展。


Do you use music as part of your preparation for movie ?


Absolutely. Every character I put together a CD different songs; after breaking down a script I'll figure out what kind of emotions are there, what makes me feel like that character. it's more of a feeling, an instinctual thing. So I'll compile like 18 songs that put me in a certain state. Music really affects me; it can put me in a certain zone or mood.


What's on the Brian Gamble sound-track ?

Brian Gamble的角色專輯裡,有哪些歌?

I think I have Nine Inch Nails, a Radiohead song, stuff I would really train to as well, stuff that was really kind of uplifting and driving; alpha-male testosterone stuff.

我想有Nine Inch Nails,一首Radiohead,那些能讓我進入角色的東西,能振奮人心,帶來動力的東西;能展現威猛男子氣概的東西。

*alpha-male testosterone;前者「純攻」「絕對領導者」,後者是「雄性激素」,對應意象……就那樣(喂) 我覺得排出來會比較明確。

What first attracted you to the part of Gamble?


It was a standout role. I didn't have to carry the movie, just pop in and out of really good scenes. I think there were more acting scenes with this character than a lot of actual S.W.A.T. characters. This guy was a more interesting character to play.


Gamble seems like he would have been a fun character to play because you really got to go off with him. Plus, It must have been a big change from Dahmer.


Yeah, that was pretty important to me. I didn't want to get locked into that sort of role, even though it's a great sort of character and I love playing bad guys, interesting characters, and taking risks. I think I really wanted to do something lighter. I still kind of jones for that a little bit.


You mentioned not having to carry a movie. what freedom dose being part of the ensemble grant you?


To learn more. I learned a lot more because there were so many other people to learn from, versus like say Dahmer, where i was in every thing; I didn't have time to think about anything I was doing. But in this I really got to learn from a lot of different people.


Let's start with Collin since you had the most scenes with him. What did you learn from him?


I learned how to deal with press, how to have fun, even more so than I already did. I learned the value of friendship; I learned how people work, and when you work the same how much easier things are than if you work very differently.


What about Sam?


I learned about being a generous, generous man; how to be kind, and just cool as fuck.(laughs) Sam is more technical and just genius at it; every take he did was exactly the same. I try to balance the freedom of playing around with things and also doing technically the same work.

他的慷慷與無私,他的親和力,以及他真的天殺的酷斃了。(大笑) Sam的演技非常到位,他就像個天才,他能做到讓每一次的動作都完全一模一樣。我試著在「抱著好玩的心態自由發揮」和「讓每個動作都精確到位」之間取得平衡。

S.W.A.T. is a big movie in the truest sense of the world blockbuster, but it also has  three-dimensional characters.


I think so. That's what we were going for. We really wanted people to care for each character. In an ensemble you can't spend a whole lo of time getting to know everybody that well, but I think we got some of it across, where you at least care about the character. If you don't care about the character ,who cares?


That's an interesting thing to say from someone who's made a living of late playing such unlikable characters.


It's a great way to take risks. S.W.A.T., to me, America will love it, but like Dahmer and Neo-Ned, these aren't big American blockbuster movies. So, it's a playground. I get a chance to go and take risks and have fun and do something specifically for me.


Like S.W.A.T. is a lot of fun, and I'd do something else like that, sure, but that's also more of a business move, not so much an artistic move. If I could balance studio and independents I'd die smiling ear to ear. That's really what I'd like to do, take a lot of chances with a lot of roles.


august 2003 Venice

* die smiling ear to ear,請想像從這個耳朵牽到那個耳朵那邊,那麼大的微笑,然你那樣笑著死去。我翻做死而無憾,不過這個形容我覺得很有趣。


這男人很早以前就把拍商業娛樂大片(譯這麼久終於找到比較正確的詞)當成:it's just fun。玩開心的。大家看開心,他也演開心的。XDDD (這樣說有點詭異但我沒有任何負面意思…欸,我們為了追求娛樂,他也為了追求娛樂。

kind of cool。




這篇我呆呆的有些字……恩,看原文比較好XDDD|||  請就把我當中介吧謝謝。




