
翻譯練習:Jeremy Renner// JANE雜誌 2003

JANE  June/July 2003年,六月~七月份的雜誌。
跟貓咪對望的樣子,圖片下配的小字是:No, that's not Milo。He's still missing.





Dinner was on Me  讓我為你準備晚餐:D


Ever since I played serial killer Jeffery Dahmer in last summer's film Dahmer, I just have to laugh about all the bizarre fans I've encountered(except for the old man who kinapped my poor cat, Milo, 'cause I wouldn't have drinks with him--not funny at all.)


One of the weirdest encounters happened one night when I was tossin' back a few cocktails with some friends at a pub. I noticed this group of girls checking us out and thought, "Hey now, this could be fun," So, one girl came over and we began chatting. But all she wanted to do was talk about Jeffery Dahmer and how creepy he was. Well, yeah, that was fun for about five minutes, but after a half hour passed by, the conversation came to a lull. So, I got back ot talking with my friends. She started tapping me on the shoulder so she could probe me for more Dahmer secrets (as if I'm the expert?). 

其中最詭異的一次經驗是,某天晚上我和幾個朋友在酒吧喝雞尾酒。我注意到幾個女孩往我們這裡看,我想:「嘿,好玩的來了。」其中一個女孩過來,我們開始聊天。但她唯一關注的話題就是Jeffery Dahmer和這名連環殺手有多兇殘可怕。恩哼,這個話題在前五分鐘還滿有意思的,但三十分鐘過後,這樣的鬼打牆迴圈就有點無聊了。於是我打算回去找我的朋友。而她開始輕輕拍打我的肩膀,好讓她可以繼續從我這裡挖出多一點Dahmer的祕密(她當我是研究他的專家?)

Tap, tap, tap..."Hang on, I'll be right there," I said with a smile. This went on for a few minutes until I suddenly screamed, "Mother-f*cker, goddamn, shit!" because this crazy chick had bitten me like a rabid dog on my friggin' shoulder! "Did that get your attention?" she asked, nose to nose in my face. In a perverse way, it was kind of sexy. Now I'm thinking, "Do I run or do I perhaps...bite back?" I decided to take a smoke break instead when I noticed blood on my hand, which was dripping down from my shoulder. Wonderful--a tetanus shot was in order. So, I quickly rallied the troops and got in the car, all the while thinking, "Damn, too bad she's nuts, 'cause she was pretty cute!"--Jeremy Renner

她重覆拍我肩膀的動作,拍著,拍著,拍著……「等等,讓我過去那裡一下。」我微笑著對她說。我們這樣僵持了幾分鐘,直到我猛然尖叫,爆出一串咒罵:「Mother-f*cker, goddamn, shit!」這瘋女人竟然像隻中了邪的狗一樣他媽的狠狠咬了我的肩膀!「這引起你的興趣了嗎?」她問,一面靠近我,臉貼上我的臉。從某個詭異的角度來看,你可以說這還滿性感的。然後我想:「我要逃跑還是……咬回去?」我決定停下來抽根菸,但在那之前我先感覺到血滴在我的手上,從肩膀一路流下去。幹得好--這下我得挨一針破傷風了。於是我飛快回到朋友那裡,開車離開。而在車上我一直不斷的想:「去他的,她是個瘋子真是太可惜了--因為她真的很可愛!」--Jeremy Renner






