
翻譯練習:Benedict Cumberbatch/Top 10 tunes

via   Two Paddocks



Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch, Actor
Today, not just one of the world’s finest actors, but hands down the actor with not only the mostdifficult name, but simultaneously  the mostdistinguished name ... Mr Benedict Cumberbatch! (And here we hasten to add that Benedict is absolutely not to be confused with those somewhat lesser actors Burnybun Crumblybatch, Binder-twine Cummerbund or Bendydick Lumbercrutch.) No, it’s Benedict himself ... we are delighted he’s here as our Special Guest DJ, not only because he is an avid music fan, but also because (and this is a first we believe for Dayglo DJs), he can actually dance!  Gather round, yokels and other denizens of the Deep South, and see how it’s done – all the way from the dives of Soho and the South Bank, here he is to show us the latest dance craze from the North (and here thanks to The Hobbit and Peter Jackson) ... Mr Betterfit Clumsypants!

Benedict Cumberbatch, 演員

今天我們不但請到世界等級的好演員,也請到擁有最難念--同時也最醒目的名字的演員:Benedict Cumberbatch先生!(我想我們得特別提醒你不要把他的名字和其他二線演員像Burnybun Crumblybatch, Binder-twine Cummerbund 還是Bendydick Lumbercrutch弄混。) 是的,這就是貨真價實的Benedict!……我們很高興能請他到場擔任我們的特別DJ,請他的原因:他不但熱愛音樂,也(我想他是這次的Dayglo DJ中唯一一個)真的會跳舞!來吧,Deep South的大家,一起來看看--我們一路從Soho沿著海岸線穿過South Bank,遠道而來的訪客!請看這裡,他將對我們展現北方最新的舞蹈風潮!(同時也感謝《The Hobbit》和Peter Jackson為我們帶來見到他的機會)……歡迎『那條邋遢褲子,希望它最好合身』先生(Mr. Betterfit Clumsypants!)!


As for his acting ... well you know him best for ... well, just about everything ... because he’s in just about everything! We’ve just been watching him in the wonderful Sherlock -- big ups, bro -- next thing you know he’s in JJ Abrams new Star Trek,  Spielburg’s War HorseTinker Tailor, having been great in AtonementCreation, and  Amazing Grace,and so on.

至於他的演藝事業……恩,我想他最為人熟知的是……唉呀,所有他演過的大家都很熟悉了!因為大家熟悉的每一部他都有參演!《Sherlock》--精彩大作啊,各位--JJ Abrams的新版《Star Trek》,Spielburg的《War Horse》,《 Tinker Tailor》 以及其他作品《Atonement》,《Creation,》《Amazing Grace》的精彩表現。等等。

We got to know him in South Africa on To the Ends of the Earth (BBC), just after he’d astonished us all as Stephen Hawking  in Hawking ...but look, he doesn’t need any more spruiking from us here in the Dayglo, his career has more momentum than a runaway train. And he, like us, is here to do the boogie-woogie. Here he is, the best of fellows, a miraculous actor, and an excellent friend...applause to the max please for the great...Mr BENEFIT BLUNDERBUS!

我們知道他在《Hawking》裡飾演Stephen Hawking一角,表現非常精采,接著他在BBC的《To the Ends of the Earth》(地球盡頭?)裡去了南非,我想不用我們Dayglo多做介紹,他的演藝人氣一路扶搖直上,勢頭比快速進行的火車還猛。他也和我們一樣,入境隨俗參與藍調音樂Boogie-woogie。為大家介紹我們最好的兄弟,演技出神入化的演員,非常棒的理想朋友……以熱烈掌聲歡迎偉大的……
BENEFIT BLUNDERBUS(『+10祝福高級獵槍』?)先生!

*什麼+10祝福的我……想不出來怎麼翻了,神兵利器?大砲?orz 要表我隨便。(揍)


This list changes depending on the weather, my tummy, the company I'm keeping, the time of day... But it has been a pleasure to do the soul searching and memory lane trips. So here goes the ten from Ben, an over privileged white kid!



  1. Sweet Thing - Van Morrison, From the Astral Weeks album
  2. Though Liam Neeson I agree anyone of the tracks of this album deserve inclusion, they all swing have soul and the poetics of the Jazztastic vocal stylings of the man when he could and can and did. But the landscape of sound and lyrics of Sweet Thingand the bitter sweet story of a man unable to give up his love of a woman...
    It's perfection. As a teenager discovering it I yearned for the life experiences that could inspire such music and as a thirty-something I have to hold back the tears as old wounds are made raw again. But what a self indulgent and heavily perfumed way to grieve. Beautiful. For all who have loved and lost.

    我想把這整張Liam Neeson的專輯都收進清單裡,它們都是傑出的精心作品,節奏中呈現出爵士嗓音特有的靈魂與詩意。而這些傑作中的傑作--不論是旋律還是歌詞,就是這首Sweet Thing,描述一名無法放棄他心愛女子的男人,苦中帶甜的故事。


  3. I Am the Resurrection and Fools Gold - Stone Roses
  4. Yes I know, but they stand side by side on the album and are inseparably brilliant. I went to Manchester university partly on an insane surge of nostalgia from when I discovered these mischievous mancs and their Madchester ways! God bless the Happy Mondays and Joy Divison and all the other Tony Wilson 'Factory' recorded bands.

    我知道,選兩首犯規,不過它們剛好在專輯裡就排在一起,而且要合在一起聽才能感受它們的美好。我之所以會去Manchester(曼徹斯特)念大學的原因之一,就是因為遇上了這個活潑淘氣的團和他們的瘋狂曼徹斯特格調,讓我那一陣子對懷舊感的喜歡瘋狂飆升。上帝保祐所有Tony Wilson出品的樂團:Happy Mondays, Joy Divison,其他所有人!


  5. You Can't Always Get What You Want - Rolling Stones
  6. First heard this in my over privileged youth at Harrow. And as posh boarding schools go you can pretty much do or get anything you want out of an experience like that. However adolescence and being  without girls or the freedoms of living outside of your school meant  that this inspiring hymn to patience didn't fall on deaf ears. It's just a stunning daring funky soulful uplifting one off from choral beginning to end. Anyway I don't need to tell you any of this just that it inspired my brief filtration with being a front man.



  7. Young Americans - David Bowie
  8. How to choose one! Sorrow is my karaoke failsafe but the groove of this one and the dystopian patchwork of fractured images in the lyrics the sax solo, the drums it's just brilliant.



  9. Clair de Lune -- Claude Debussey
  10. James Rhodes' version on the Bullets and Lullabies album is best, but not available on YouTube. This is the one piano piece I would dearly like to learn in this lifetime.  But if it's in the next I will be quite content to listen to my inspiring friend Mr James Rhodes playing it. PS--though nowadays a tea totaller he is pure rock and roll and you should have his playlist soon. He's more than a little inspiring.

    在Bullet and Lullabies這張專輯裡,James Rhodes演唱的版本是最棒的,不過在水管上它不支援點播。這是我一輩子中非常想學起來的鋼琴旋律。而如果是Jame Rhodes的版本,我光聽他彈就很滿足了,他的旋律深入人心。ps:雖然現在他戒了酒,走向單純的rock and roll,他的音樂依舊還是比深入人心再更多打動你一些,強烈建議你欣賞他的作品!

  11. How to Disappear Completely - Radiohead
  12. The only reason for honing onto this track as opposed to any other in a back catalogue whose range defies belief is a personal one. It signifies how the best of times and the worst of times really do sidle up to one another.  I first met your dear proprietor when filming a mini-series called To the Ends of The Earth for dear old Auntie (BBC) in South Africa which and I'd had the most amazing time on the job and a weekend learning to scuba dive with two other cast members -- the best of times. Then the front right tyre blew on our car, we pulled in and were surrounded by men who came out of the bush and we were carjacked -- the worst of times.  A long (2.5 hours of ordeal) story but the intrinsic part for the song choice is that it was playing just before the tyre blew when I had lit a spiff and was contemplating how ridiculously blissfully happy I was. The next time I heard it was bundled against the windscreen of the car on the front passengers' knees with my back and head hitting the windscreen as we were driven off road. My bum hit the car stereo and for a few surreal minutes Tom Yorke was sound tracking me to my death. I turned round as we bounced over the sand track, the headlights showing the passing sugar cane and kept thinking of the shallow graves they dug for themselves in the movie Casino as the master of introspection and modern ennui Mr T Yorke sang 'I'm not here... This isn't happening' ... We all lived.

    從眾多選擇當中挑這首出來,是因為個人原因。它呈現標誌性的意象:最好的時刻與最壞的時刻是一體兩面的。第一次我見到你們親愛的老板時,是在南非,為親愛的老Auntie拍攝BBC迷你劇To the End of The Earth的時候,我體驗過最棒的工作時光,和另兩位演員一同花一週的時間學深海潛水(帶著氧氣筒潛水)--最好的時刻;接著我們的車右前胎爆胎,我們卡住了,被一群從灌木叢裡衝出的男人包圍,劫車要脅--最壞的時刻。很長(2個小時半的考驗)的曲子,但之所以一定把它放上清單裡的原因是它就是在爆胎前之前放的歌,我嚐到了工作帶來的甜頭,正在想著我因此多麼幸福快樂,又會笑得多蠢。下一秒,車子前進的同時,前座乘客的膝蓋,我的背,我的頭全擠在一起,狠狠撞上車前窗玻璃。我的屁股撞上車後的音響,而那幾分鐘,音響中Tom Yorke的聲音就像引導我走向我的死亡。車身在沙地上反彈的同時我轉過身子,視野中最醒目的是窗外的甘蔗,腦袋裡不斷重播電影Casino裡,角色在陰影為自己挖墳墓的場景;關於自己的一切種種畫面掃過眼前,耳邊是現代主義式的慵懶歌聲,T. Yorke先生的聲音唱著:「我不在這裡……其實什麼都沒發生……」……最後我們都活下來了。


  13. Prelude to Tristan and Isolde - Richard Wagner.
  14. Yes,  it's widely acknowledged as one of the peaks of the operatic repertory, notable for Wagner's advanced use of chromaticism, tonality, orchestral colour and harmonic suspension... But it just makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Reminds me of the best of Beethoven and Mozart and the best of what's to come in Strauss and Rachmaninov. So a milestone as well as a gut wrencher. The recording of this one that I'm currently wearing out is the BBC orchestra's.

    是的,接下來是這首很有名的歌劇曲目,雖然沒有展現華格納式的精湛,音階、曲調,多彩多姿的管弦樂和恰到好處的停頓……但它是首讓我聽了頸後汗毛直立的曲子。讓我想到貝多芬和莫札特的絕世名曲,繼他們之後的大師史特勞斯和Rachmaninov. 鐵定名列當代音樂的里程碑。我介紹的這個版本是BBC的管弦樂團演奏的。

    *gut-wrencher ;大膽的,扳手…板上釘釘……之類的意象吧?記一下,還在想。

  15. Hyperballad - Bjork
  16. But what about Mitchell, Joplin, Ella, Tina, Oh god I need another list. It's all very white and male.... ! Damn.Beautiful song though. And a nod to a lot of dance music that hasn't made it to this top ten.

    恩,Mithcell, Joplin, Ella, Tina這些人你覺得怎樣?喔不對我得另外重列一次,這些都太白人太陽剛了……!該死。不過還是首美麗的歌。然後跟其他上不了這前十名的舞曲音樂們點個頭打個招呼。嘿。


  17. Superstition - Stevie Wonder
  18. For all those whose weddings I have danced at and have yet to dance at! What a great groove from a master at the height of his powers. Thanks to Martin Freeman for properly introducing me to the full brilliance of SW.

    給所有我參與過的和即將參與的婚禮舞會。多優美的旋律,大師級的高水準創作。感謝Martin Freeman的介紹,讓我好好了解SW迷人的才華,真是個正確的選擇!

  19. We Grew Up At Midnight - The Maccabees
  20. A current album I'm giving a lot of play is The Maccabees Into the Wild. It's hard to pick one but listening to We Grew Up At Midnight while typing and feeling pretty uplifted. And that's what great music does beyond all other art forms isn't it?  This has been a joy. Can I do it again tomorrow?

    我最近常聽的The Maccabees專輯是Into the Wild. 很難從中選擇,不過一邊打字一邊感受We Grew Up At Midnight帶來的激昂,心情大好。這樣的感覺就是音樂之所以超越其他所有藝術形式的強項吧?這樣非常令人開心,我明天可以再做一次嗎?

If you have never seen Blenderdax on stage, do yourself a favour, save the shekels, and make the trip to the National or wherever he’s treading the boards. Always a privilege.



And anytime he’s on the telly – same thing.


But here in the Dayglo, fans and fanettes, give it up please, a roar of approval ... for the great MR Betterfit CABBAGEPATCH!!








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