
Note:Tom Hiddleston與他的文章


我都不知道Tom Hiddleston是會寫文章的文青。(你沒研究人家不知道也是正常的)
他的最新作品是BBC的Henry V,我噗上幾乎清一色LOKI粉,這篇是和朋友合作譯的。


以下合譯:江米小棗 // 乳溝翻譯機

Henry V, As Shakespeare wrote him, performed one of the most radical personal transformations in the history of the British monarchy. In his adolescence Hal scorned the austere company of his father, Henry IV, who was plagued by threat of civil unrest and racked by self-doubt, guilt and the insecurity of his position on the throne. Hal chose instead to spend time in a tavern - the Boar's Head in East Cheap - revelling in the company of whores, partying hard, making mischief and behaving badly.

Henry V,亨利五世,誕生於莎士比亞筆下,是莎翁的英國君主體制歷史戲劇中,人格變化最大的一位君王。青春期的Hal輕視父親亨利四世,兩人的相處既淡漠又嚴肅;亨利四世當時正面臨國內動盪不安的困擾,陷入自我質疑、沉浸在罪惡感中,並時時刻刻擔心他的王位可能不保。Hal的對應做法就是把自己泡在酒館裡--East Cheap的the Boar’s Head--飲酒狂歡,與妓女為伍,夜夜笙歌,放浪形骸,並且胡作非為。

Chief among his partners in crime, a merry band of jesters and fools, was the jolliest fat man in English literature:old Jack Falstaff, a man of great girth (肚帶) and even greater humour. They drank each other under the table, long and late into the night, pulling prank and picking pockets - all behaviour unbecoming of a future king.

這群由弄臣和傻子所組成的混混集團,領頭是英國文學史上最快樂的胖子Old Jack Falstaff,他有大大的肚圍和更大的幽默感。他們在桌子底下灌倒彼此,夜復一夜,惡作劇和當扒手,沒有一個舉止像是未來的國王。

Hal was reprimanded and publicly shamed by his enraged father, who became frustrated by his son's appalling reputation, in a kingdom riven by political insecurity, at the time when civil war was imminent. Northern nobles, led by Northumberland and his son Harry Percy ("Hotspur") wanted Henry IV deposed and replaced. Henry IV needed Hal's support.

Hal不久被震怒的父親公開斥責,對兒子的聲名狼籍失望透頂的亨利四世,當眾狠狠羞辱了Hal一頓。國內情勢動蕩不安,政局極端不穩,內戰危機一觸即發。北方的貴族們,以Northumberland和其子Harry Percy(“Hotspur”)為首,做出希望亨利四世退位的要求。因此,亨利四世極需兒子的支持。

*Riven:to tear apart

This Civil Strife came to a head in 1403 at the Battle of Shrewsbury where to the surprise of all around him. Prince Hal showed his true colours and emerged as an exemplary warrior. He fought like a man possessed. He defeated and killed the rebel Hotspur. These domestic military exploits were intimations of the man he was to become.

內戰的爆發,始於西元1403年的Shrewsbury之戰,人們對Prince Hal在這場戰爭中的改變感到驚訝,他展現出一位優秀戰士的真本領,進行了一場殊死決戰。他擊倒並奪走叛軍Hotspur的性命。國內軍事上的成功,暗示著他未來的人生。

Hal was never the same after Shrewsbury. He returned to the Boar's Head, but the old life suddenly seemed reckless and empty, and Falstaff, whose irresponsibility had once seemed so appealing, seemed like a sad, lonely old man. Hal was changing, and his father was dying.

他回到以前打混的酒館Boar’s Head,但那些他習慣的生活模式突然看起來變得愚蠢可笑,並且空虛。


Upon the death of Henry IV, Prince Hal became his father's son. At his coronation, he rejected his former associates and publicly expressed his shame at his own wayward youth.

One of his first acts as King Henry V cemented his reputation for ever. Firm in his inheritance of the English Crown (where his father had been a usurper), he contested the throne of France, to which he laid claim by birthright and ancestry. The military campaign was long and arduous, depicted by Shakespeare in two set-pieces: the siege of Harfleur and the Battle of Agincourt.


Henry V's victory at Agincourt is one of the most famous in English military history: the odds were against him; French outnumbered English by thousands, and Henry's men were dying of starvation and dysentery. Henry's  victory was a feat of extraordinary individual bravery and impeccable and daring strategy.


What distinguished him, above all, were his qualities as a leader: his courage, his rhetoric, his authenticity, his self-sacrifice. "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers."


That I have been allowed to utter these immortal words on film is a source of great pride.


Prince Hal/Henry V is one of Shakespeare's most fascinating characters, simply because the journey and arc of the character are so extreme and intense. I loved working with Jeremy Irons, playing out the intermittently fractious and intimate dynamic between a father and his son. I also loved working with Simon Russell Beale (Falstaff) and Julie Walters (Mistress Quickly) in the tavern scenes, some of the most enjoyable and spirited in all of Shakespeare's work.

Hal王子/亨利五世,莎士比亞筆下的諸多迷人角色之一;迷人的原因很簡單:這個角色的人生經歷與其展現的多面性擁有極大的差別,緊張刺激並且豐富。我非常高興能和Jeremy Irons合作,詮釋出這個角色的任性放蕩時期,與父子間緊密複雜的對立衝突。我也非常高興能和Simon Russell Beale(Falstaff)和Julie Walters(Mistress Quickly)合作演出酒館的場景,再現莎士比亞筆下的精髓,也是廣受觀眾喜愛的名場景之一。

The greatest challenge and thrill of performing these plays on film, for today, is the accessibility of the language and the truth of the action. The battle are as real as we could make them: horses, archers, swords, snow, mud and blood. These films are about power and politics, princes and warrior poets. Shakespeare was the most compassionate and intelligent dramatist of his day. That compassion and intelligence still resonate in ours.









啊,他也很喜歡眼睛的樣子w XD

When I fall in love with someone, then that doesn't "just" happen.. When I love  someone`s character, over time I'll see that personality, I love so much, shining through their eyes and fusing with their appearance, turning them in the most beautiful girl in the world.

It's not about appearances,it's about someone's beautiful, amazing, wonderful, fantastic personality, and you'll see every time you look at her. It's about the fact that when you look in her eyes, you just feel home... You forget all your problems, all your fears, you just feel safe, and you feel like you've finally found a place where you belong... A place you can spend an eternity, where you will spend an eternity, cause those enchanting, beautiful eyes will slow down time and make every second; looking in her beautiful eyes, right into her amazing personality, last more than a lifetime.



It's about the fact that the whole world, the whole universe just looks so much more beautiful! All of sudden everything looks different and your heart will just start smiling. That's what love is all about...the moment someone you only "liked" before, changes into the most aesthetical pleasing girl in the world. The moment you realize how blind you've been all those days, how you were living in a fake universe, never knowing that the only thing your life is all about, the only thing that keeps your smiling, was all the time right next to you.


Tom Hiddleston about Love



What was it like filming Henry IV Parts 1 & 2 and Henry V?

談談《Henry IV》第一部分,第二部分和《Henry V》的拍攝經驗?

"It’s so ambitious, what we’re trying to do. I did it Benjamin Button-style, in reverse order. So I started with the end of Henry V and slowly worked backwards.

「這是個野望,而我們努力試著完成它。我以Benjamin Button那樣的方式來演出,把它的程序反過來。所以我們一開始先拍Henry V的部分,再慢慢倒回去拍。」


"So before Christmas we shot the battle of Agincourt, and after Christmas we shot pre-Agincourt, and then I had a day off and went to the end of Henry IV, where Hal rejects Falstaff. And my last day on Henry IV is the opening scenes in the pub when he’s the most rebellious."

「所以我們在耶誕節前拍攝了Agincourt之戰,耶誕節過後我們拍攝『在Agincourt之戰之前』發現的事,然後我休假一天,再繼續拍攝《Henry IV》的結尾,Hal拒絕Falstaff的那幕。最後一天拍攝《Henry IV》的時候,拍的是酒吧的場景,他最叛逆的時候。」

*恩……我想想,長回去(?)浪子的時候?  這個想像起來還滿好玩的XDD

Sounds hard to get your head round…


"But I feel it’s kind of interesting, because, in character, I’m shedding responsibility as I go. So I started with the weight of war on my shoulders, the lessons that he learns about leadership and about war and kingship, and I end with the smiles and laughter of rebellion."



Do you see any parallels between Prince Hal and Loki?


"Well, it’s fathers and sons. Henry IV [Jeremy Irons] and Hal have a very testy relationship – it’s quite mutually fractious. It’s that classic thing of a powerful, commanding father at loggerheads with his eldest son, who’s the only person with his middle finger raised to his father’s authority.

「恩,依舊是父子間關係拉距。Henry IV(Jeremy Irons飾演)和Hal間的關係是非常緊張的,一不小心就很容易擦槍走火--事實上兩個人都很容易被對方激怒。這兩個人是典型的父子關係:權威的、習慣命令的父親,摃上全世界唯一敢對他比中指的人:他的長子。」

*我,喜,歡,這個middle finger的說法,哈哈哈。

"It’s that classical mythological trope of, in order for the son to become a man, he must first kill his father – not literally, but metaphorically – and that’s what Hal’s doing.


"You’ve got a dynastic family running a kingdom, with a very powerful father and a very rebellious son, so I’m really feeling the parallels between Odin and Loki and Henry IV and Hal. I’m flexing the same muscles."

「這部作品裡,你一樣也會看到統治的王室家族,看到絕對權威的父親,以及他極力反抗權威的叛逆兒子。我認為這是他們的相似之處:Odin和Loki,Henry IV和Hal。抓角色性格的方式是相同的。」





